优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. W:Jack,(51)    
              M:Yeah.It has been three months since we met last time.
              M:I joined a health club last month and just started to work out.
              W:Really?(53)    .I want to lose weight.
              M:Er.I lost five pounds in the past two weeks.
              W:(54)     I used to work out on a running machine at home.
              M:Exercising at home is very hard.(55)    
              W:Great.Shall we go there this Saturday morning?
              M:All right.See you then.

              A.I won’t take exercise at home any more.
              B.What a surprise to see you here!
              C.A health club is good for our bodies.
              D.Why not try my health club?
              E.I think I should take some exercise,too.
              F.What have you been doing these days?
            • 2. 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上.选项中有两项多余选项.
              Brian:Hello,Brian speaking.
              Mary:Hi,Brian!It’s Mary here.Hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.
              Brian:(51)    I was just watching TV.
              Mary:Good.I’m calling because it’s my birthday this Saturday.I was wondering if you would come.
              Brian:(52)    What time?
              Mary:Is seven o’clock OK?David won’t finish work until 6:30.
              Brian:(53)    Is 7:30 all right?
              Mary:Oh,no,thanks.I’ll get the food and everything.Just come and help me celebrate!
              Brian:Well,in that case,I’ll invite you to the piano concert next Friday.
              Brian:OK.I’ll get the tickets.

              A.Shall I bring something,like a cake or some drinks?
              B.Oh,I’m afraid I can’t make it.
              C.What food should I bring?
              D.That would be great.
              E.That’s correct.
              F.No problem.
            • 3. Lucy:Hi,Kate.What are you doing tonight?
              Kate:(51)    Any suggestions?
              Lucy:(52)    I’m planning it for days.
              Kate:A 3D film?What stars?
              Lucy:Suraj Sharma,a handsome young actor.
              Lucy:An Indian boy’s unusual experience with a tiger at sea.
              Kate:(54)    What time is it on?
              Lucy:Half past six.(55)    
              Kate:Sure.When and where shall we meet?
              Lucy:Let’s meet around six at the gate of Oscar Cinema.
              Kate:Great.See you then.
            • 4. A:Hello,this is Halo Travel Agency.May I help you?
              B:Yes.I'll have a short holiday,and I'm thinking about travelling abroad with my parents.(51)    
              A:Of course.May I ask how long your holiday will be?
              B:About a week.
              B:I'd love to go to Europe.
              A:(53)    we have a special offer for European tours.B:Great!(54)    
              A:Sure.For family tours,we have five European cities on the list,and we'll see the Big Ben in London,the Eiffel Tower in Paris and some other places of interest.
              B:(55)     I'll talk about this with my parents and call you back.Thank you!

              A.Can you give me some advice?
              B.You are welcome.
              C.I hope you'll have a good time there.
              D.You are very lucky.
              E.What do you have in mind?
              F.Can I have some extra information?
              G.That's just what I am thinking of.
            • 5. A:Hello,Dave.How’s your day?
              B:Good.How about you?
              B:Anything wrong?
              A:I was backing my car into the parking lot this morning when a fellow bumped his car into mine and made a big scratch on it.
              A:Yes,you know it’s brand-new.I bought it only last month.
              B:(53)     By the way,did you read about the train crash today?Thirty people injured.
              A:(54)     They shouldn’t let things like that happen.
              A:Thank goodness,no one was actually killed.
            • 6. 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.选项中有两项为多余选项.
              Mary:Hello. This is Mary. (51)     
              Mike:Oh,Mary. This is Amy. (52)    I've got hold of you at last.
              Mary:Nice to hear from you again after all these years'. What have you been doing?
              Mike:Well,I've tried many things since school. I'm now working for a food processing company in charge of sales. So I travel a lot.
              Mary:(53)      You must really enjoy it.
              Mike:Oh,I do. Yeah,it's interesting,but it's quite tiring.  (54)    
              Mary:I work in a law firm,practicing in business law.
              Mary:Yeah,but I like my job.

              A.My goodness!
              B.What a shame!
              C.Oh,that's great!
              D.Who is it,please?
              E.How can I help you?
              F.Oh,that's challenging.
              G.What about you,Mary?
            • 7. ----Hello!May I speak to Jack please?
              ----This is Jack speaking.(51)    
              ----This is Sam.I called you last night,but there was no reply.
              ----(52)      I bought something for my trip to Guangzhou.
              ----Guangzhou?That’s where the 16th Asian Games was held.How lucky you are!
              ----(53)    What did you call me for?
              ----I’ll have a birthday party next Thursday.Would you like to come?
              ----I’d love to,but I’m afraid I can’t come!(54)    
              ----What a pity that you can’t come!(55)    
              ----Thank you very much.Bye!

              A.Have a good time!
              B.My plane will take off next Tuesday.
              C.Thank you.
              D.I was shopping at that time.
              E.Who is that?
              F.Who are you?
              G.So I am.
            • 8. Interviewer:Please sit down.Let’s see…you’re Mr.Smith?
              Mr.Smith:Yes.John Smith.
              Mr.Smith:A little bit.Actually,I’ve helped out at my father’s office,and in a recording studio before.
              Interviewer:That’s good.(52)    
              Mr.Smith:Yes,I can work any day of the week.Oh,no except Thursday.I work at a nursing home that day.
              Mr.Smith:Next Monday.
              Interviewer:Ok.We’ve got two stores for your choice:a busy one downtown,and one near the airport with few customers.
              Interviewer:Good.Everyone else hates it.There are few customers,so you’ll most likely be doing jobs such as carrying big boxes and cleaning.
              Mr.Smith:No problem.
              Interviewer:(55)    .See you next Monday.

              A.I prefer the latter.
              B.Oh,you are lucky.
              C.Great!That’s settled.
              D.Then when can you start?
              E.Can you work every day?
              F.Do you have any job experience?
              G.How often would you like to work?
            • 9. 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
              A:You hit my car!
              B:I’m not responsible!(51)      
              A:I didn’t stop too suddenly!(52)    
              B:If you hadn’t hit the brake so hard,none of this would have happened.
              A:A small child ran in front of my car!(53)    
              B:So what?
                A:The law states that if you hit a car from behind,you are responsible,no matter how quickly the car in front stops.
                A:We’ll see about that when the police get here.
                B:The police?No!If I get one more ticket,I’ll lose my driver’s license!

              A.You were following me too closely!
              B.I had to stop suddenly.
              C.You stopped too suddenly!
              D.I stopped too suddenly!
              E.I’m not paying for any damage.
              F.You don't have to pay for the damage.
              G.Well,maybe this will teach you not to follow so closely.
