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            • 1.
              Most people prefer too stay indoors during a snowstorm,but Kenneth Libbrecht is not most people.When snow starts falling down from the winter sky,the scientist's work begins.Taking a magnifying glass(放大镜),a paintbrush,and a camera with him,he heads out into the cold.
              Outside,Libbrecht waits for snowflakes(雪花)that are just right.Sometimes he waits for hours.Finally,he sees the snowflakes he's been waiting for.As the snowflakes fall,Libbrecht carefully catches them on his paintbrush.Then he points his camera and shoots.
              The scientist's shiny pictures recently earned him a prize,which is given to top science photographers around the world.
              Libbrecht takes pictures of snowflakes to learn more about their shapes.The snowflakes form when water steam(水蒸气)in a cloud freezes.Every snowflake grows into a hexagon.That is a sixsided shape.However,no two snowflakes look the same.Experts are not sure why.
              To find the answer,Libbrecht has traveled to snowy places around the world.He has taken pictures of snowflakes in Canada,Alaska,and Vermont.The work takes patience,Libbrecht explained."It doesn't snow all the time,and when it does,the snowflakes aren't always good,"he said.Once he's collected enough pictures,he returns to his science lab in California to do research.
              Since developing his interest in snowflakes,Libbrecht has collected nearly 10,000 snowflake pictures.He will spend most of this winter studying them.The scientist's outdoor work is far from over,though.Libbrecht plans to one day go to other snowy places to take more pictures.
              "I really enjoy watching the snow fall and trying to see what I can find."he said."There is a lot of fun."
              Kenneth Libbrecht also gave some good advice to kids who want to study snowflakes."You don't need a lot of things.With a simple magnifying glass on a snowy day,you can really see quite a bit if you just stop and look."

              (1) Kenneth Libbrecht is different from most people in that ______ .
              A. he likes to take pictures
              B. he likes to research snow
              C. he doesn't like warm weather
              D. he doesn't like life indoors
              (2) Paragraph 2 is mainly about ______ .
              A. how snow forms
              B. what snowflakes look like
              C. how Libbrecht takes pictures of snow
              D. what Libbrecht plans to do next
              (3) Why does Libbrecht take pictures of snowflakes? ______
              A. To study their shapes.
              B. To enjoy the snow.
              C. To find pleasure.
              D. To win a prize.
              (4) Libbrecht advised kids who want to study snowflakes to ______ .
              A. watch carefully
              B. buy a good camera
              C. be patient
              D. spend much time.
            • 2.
              Do you know Australia?Australia is the largest island in the world.It is a little smaller than China.It is in the south of the earth.Australia is big,but its population is not large.The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai.
              The government has made enough laws to fight pollution.The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution.The sky is blue and the water is clean.You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers.Plants grow very well.
              Last month we visited Perth,the biggest city in Western Australia,and went to a wild flowers'exhibition.There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before.We had a wonderful time.Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers.In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers'exhibition.After visiting Perth,we spent the day in the countryside.We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill.It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves.Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill.What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could.There were about three hundred sheep coming towards us down the path.
              Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos.After a short drive from any town,you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep.Sheep,sheep,everywhere are sheep.

              (1) Australia is ______ .
              A. the largest country in the world
              B. as large as Shanghai
              C. not as large as China
              D. the largest island in the north of the earth
              (2) The government has made ______ .
              A. few laws to fight pollution
              B. so many laws that can fight pollution
              C. enough laws that can hardly fight pollution
              D. enough laws because the pollution is very serious
              (3) Which of the following is NOT true? ______
              A. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers.
              B. Perth is bigger than any other city in Western Australia.
              C. Perth lies in the west of Australia.
              D. No other city is larger than Perth in Australia.
              (4) In Perth you may visit a wild flowers'show in ______ .
              A. December
              B. January
              C. May
              D. September
              (5) Which of the following is TRUE? ______
              A. Australia is famous for its sheep,kangaroos and wild flowers.
              B. We ran back to the car because we were in the middle of white sheep.
              C. Three hundred sheep came towards us because they saw us.
              D. If you go to the countryside in Australia,you will see a large number of white sheep.
            • 3.
              One of our biggest fears nowadays is that our kids might some day get lost in a"sea of technology"rather than experiencing the natural world.Fearproducing TV and computer games are leading to a serious disconnect between kids and the great outdoors,which will change the wild places of the world,its creatures and human health for the worse,unless adults get working on child's play.
              Each of us has a place in nature we go sometimes,even if it was torn down.We cannot be the last generation to have that place.At this rate,kids who miss the sense of wonder outdoors will not grow up to be protectors of natural landscapes."If the decline in parks use continues across North America,who will defend parks against encroachment (蚕食)?"asks Richard Louv,author of Last Child in the Woods.
              Without having a nature experience,kids can turn out just fine,but they are missing out a huge enrichment of their lives.That applies to everything from their physical health and mental health,to stress levels,creativity and cognitive (认知的) skills.Experts predict modern kids will have poorer health than their parents-and they say a lack of outside play is surely part of it; research suggests that kids do better academically in schools with a nature component and that play in nature fosters (培养) leadership by the smartest,not by the toughest.Even a tiny outdoor experience can create wonder in a child.The threeyearold turning over his first rock realizes he is not alone in the world.A clump of trees on the roadside can be the whole universe in his eyes.We really need to value that more.
              Kids are not to blame.They are overprotected and frightened.It is dangerous out there from time to time,but repetitive stress from computers is replacing breaking an arm as a childhood rite (仪式) of passage.
              Everyone,from developers to schools and outdoorsy citizens,should help regain for our kids some of the freedom and joy of exploring,taking friendship in fields and woods that cement (增强) love,respect and need for landscape.As parents,we should devote some of our energies to taking our kids into nature.This could yet be our greatest cause.

              (1) The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that ______ .
              A. kids are missing the sense of wonder outdoors
              B. parks are in danger of being gradually encroached
              C. Richard Louv is the author of Last Child in the Woods
              D. children are expected to develop into protectors of nature
              (2) According to the passage,children without experiencing nature will ______ .
              A. keep a high sense of wonder
              B. be overprotected by their parents
              C. be less healthy both physically and mentally
              D. change wild places and creatures for the better
              (3) According to the author,children's breaking an arm is ______ .
              A. the fault on the part of their parents
              B. the natural experience in their growing up
              C. the result of their own carelessness in play
              D. the effect of their repetitive stress from computers
              (4) What does"sea of technology"mean in the first paragraph? ______
              A. The technology of TV and computer games.
              B. The technology of food.
              C. The technology of sea food.
              D. The technology of catching animals in the sea.
              (5) In writing this passage,the author mainly intends to ______ .
              A. blame children for getting lost in computer games
              B. encourage children to protect parks from encroachment
              C. show his concern about children's lack of experience in nature
              D. inspire children to keep the sense of wonder about things around.
            • 4.
              Most maps of the world show lines that are not on the Earth's surface.One line is the equator(赤道).It is an imaginary line around the widest part of the Earth.There are similar lines both north and south of the equator.These circles become smaller and smaller toward the north pole and the south pole.These lines,or circles,are parallel(平行的)-meaning that they are equally distant from each other at any point around the world.These lines show what is called latitude(纬度).
              A navigator can know the latitude of his ship by observing the location of stars,where the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening,and what time of year it is.With this information he knows where his ship is in relation to the north or south pole and the equator.
              Still,there is one more important piece of information necessary for safely sailing the oceans.For many centuries,scientists,astronomers and inventors searched for a way to tell longitude(经度).The lines of longitude go the other way from latitude lines.They stretch from the north pole to the south pole,and back again in great circles of the same size.All of the lines of longitude meet at the top and bottom of the world.
              To learn longitude at any place requires knowledge about time.A navigator needs to know what time it is on his ship and also the time at another place of known longitude-at the very same moment.
              The Earth takes twentyfour hours to complete one full turn or revolution of 360degrees.One hour marks one twentyfourth of a turn,or fifteen degrees.So each hour's time difference between the ship and the starting point marks a ship's progress of fifteen degrees of longitude to the east or west.Those fifteen degrees of longitude mark a distance traveled.
              At the equator,where the Earth is widest,fifteen degrees stretch about one thousand six hundred kilometers.North or south of that line,however,the distance value of each degree decreases.One degree of longitude equals four minutes of time all around the world.But in measuring distance,one degree shrinks from about one hundred and nine kilometers at the equator to nothing at the north and south poles.

              (1) What's the main purpose of drawing lines on the map that are NOT on the Earth's surface? ______
              A. To explore the ocean.
              B. To observe the stars.
              C. To sail safely.
              D. To tell the time.
              (2) If a ship travels along the equator about eight thousand kilometers,it may pass ______ .
              A. about eighty degrees of latitude
              B. about seventyfive degrees of latitude
              C. about fifty degrees of longitude
              D. about seventyfive degrees of longitude
              (3) The underlined word"shrinks"in the last paragraph probably means ______ .
              A. decreases
              B. increases
              C. enlarges
              D. ranges
              (4) What does the first paragraph mainly talk about? ______
              A. How to read the map.
              B. The equator and the latitude.
              C. The Earth's surface.
              D. The imaginary lines or circles.
            • 5.
              Folk music is a kind of traditional melodies(旋律,主调),words,and songs of the (1) people that are often handed down from one generation to the next.
              (2) music deals with almost every kind of human (3) .Folk music often expresses the (4) of ethnic and social groups and sometimes a nation.It is the (5) of the people.A folk song can (6) political or religious beliefs,tell a (7) or describe history,or just provide (8)
              Folk music is usually learned by (9) rather than by reading the notes or words.The music is (10) from person to person,from place to place,and from generation to generation.Folk songs sometimes change either by accident or from a (11) change.Folk song melodies and words often (12) over time.Tunes are shortened or lengthened; pitches and rhythms are altered (改变);portions of one song may be (13) with part of another.Words of a song may also change over time.
              Folk songs can often be (14) into different types.The ballad,a song that tells a story often about (15) events,is one of the main types of folk songs.Ballads are in stanza(节) (16) ,where a melody is (17) for each of several verses,and may have a refrain(叠句) that is repeated several times.Another type of folk songs is those that deal with a (18) activity,occupation,or a set of circumstances.This group (19) work songs,prison songs,war songs,and the like.There are also spiritual songs,songs for children, (20) about life's stages,and many songs are just for celebration,dance,and enjoyment.

              (1) A. ancient B. common C. magical D. romantic
              (2) A. Classic B. Folk C. Popular D. Modern
              (3) A. response B. experience C. interest D. activity
              (4) A. nature B. quality C. character D. position
              (5) A. music B. imagination C. art D. history
              (6) A. express B. reform C. hold D. confirm
              (7) A. lie B. story C. secret D. difference
              (8) A. message B. communication C. amusement D. boredom
              (9) A. reading B. writing C. speaking D. listening
              (10) A. created B. extended C. distributed D. shared
              (11) A. purposeful B. meaningful C. dramatic D. significant
              (12) A. develop B. happen C. improve D. disappear
              (13) A. filled B. connected C. combined D. associated
              (14) A. organized B. arranged C. broken D. classified
              (15) A. real B. historical C. important D. special
              (16) A. style B. form C. type D. nature
              (17) A. competed B. performed C. repeated D. played
              (18) A. human B. cultural C. social D. particular
              (19) A. includes B. composes C. possesses D. divides
              (20) A. stories B. songs C. poems D. films
            • 6.
              Packaging is an important form of advertising.A package can sometimes motivate someone to a product For example,a small child might ask for a breakfast food that comes in a box with a picture of a TV character.The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food.Pictures printed on a package,or small gifts inside a box also motivate many children to buy products or to ask their parents for them.
              Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing.Food products sold in reusable containers are examples of this.Although a similar product in a plain container might cost less,people often prefer to the product in a reusable glass or dish,because they believe the container is free.However,the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product.
              The size of the package also motivates a buyer.Maybe the package has"Economy Size"or"Family Size"printed on it This suggests that the large size has the most product for the least money.But that is not always true.To find out,a buyer has to know how the product is sold and the price of the basic unit.
              The information on the package should provide some answers.But the important thing for any buyer to remember is that a package is often an advertisement.The words and pictures do not tell the whole story.Only the product inside can do that.

              (1) .The word"motivate"in the second sentence most probably means" ______ ".
              A. making one deep in thought
              B. supplying a thought or feeling that makes one act
              C. providing a story that makes one moved
              D. making one believe that what he does is just
              (2) "A buyer will get something for nothing"most probably means that" ______ ".
              A. a buyer will get something useful free of charge
              B. a buyer will get what he pays for
              C. a buyer will gain more than he losses
              D. a buyer will not get what he wants to
              (3) People are likely to buy the product sold in a glass or dish because ______ .
              A. the believe the cost of the container is included in the cost of the product
              B. the container is attractive
              C. they think they can get the container for free
              D. they have no other choice
              (4) Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? ______
              A. Package is often a successful advertisement.
              B. Children are often made to buy a product by its package with attractive pictures.
              C. A buyer is also attracted by the size of the container.
              D. On seeing a well-designed container,a buyer often neglects (忽略) what is inside it.
            • 7.
              Although the sun is about 96million miles away,its rays warm the earth.The areas that receive the sun's rays directly are naturally,warmer that those are?s that receive only slanting rays.Direct rays do not need to make so long a journey through the atmosphere before reaching the surface of the earth.Therefore less of their heat is lost in the air and more of their heat is saved to warm the earth.Besides,slanting rays are spread over a wider area than direct rays,so that less heat is got at a given point.

              (1) It is warmer at the equator because ______ .
              A. that part of the earth is closer to the sun
              B. that sun's rays there are brighter
              C. the sun's rays are direct there
              D. there are no mountains at the equator
              (2) The earth is wanned by the sun ______ .
              A. because the sun's rays are long
              B. because the sun is close to the earth
              C. though the sun is far from the earth
              D. though the earth is turning around the sun
              (3) These areas that receive only slanting rays ______
              A. are usually covered by clouds
              B. are very cold areas
              C. have no summer at all
              D. are colder than areas receiving the sun's direct rays
              (4) When the sun's rays travel to the earth ______ .
              A. they reach the surface of the earth directly
              B. they cannot pass the atmosphere
              C. they pass through the air
              D. they are stopped by the clouds.
            • 8.
              India is the home of tigers.Every year,many people are killed (1) tigers.The tiger, (2) ,does not always eat men.It likes wild animals (3) It is only (4) the tiger is old or wounded (5) it eats men.But once it has (6) the flesh of
              men,it goes on (7) men (8) food.When a man-eater such as this is discovered,people are much (9) and they have to stop (10) in the fields.
              There are many ways to put an end (11) such (12) animals.One way is that some men (13) long guns ride on elephants (14) other men drive the tiger towards them.
              Another way is for a hunter to sit in a tree (15) the place where a tiger has eaten somebody.If the tiger (16) for another meal,the hunter will kill it in the (17) place.A goat may be tied (18) the tree for the tiger to kill.
              The most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger (19) foot,but the man must be brave and can shoot well (20) he would be killed by the tiger.
              (1) A. through B. by C. with D. for
              (2) A. but B. yet C. however D. although
              (3) A. well B. badly C. better D. less
              (4) A. while B. when C. as D. the time
              (5) A. which B. who C. that D. when
              (6) A. felt B. touched C. had D. tasted
              (7) A. to kill B. killing C. with killing D. kill
              (8) A. for B. with C. as D. like
              (9) A. happy B. excited C. afraid D. sad
              (10) A. to work B. working C. to walk D. work
              (11) A. to B. at C. for D. of
              (12) A. danger B. dangerous C. in danger D. afraid
              (13) A. carry B. take C. had D. with
              (14) A. but B. and C. while D. when
              (15) A. near B. nearby C. besides D. about
              (16) A. goes B. comes C. returns D. gets
              (17) A. hide B. hid C. hidden D. hiding
              (18) A. to B. at C. on D. about
              (19) A. stand B. stood C. standing D. on
              (20) A. and B. but C. or D. unless
            • 9.
              "Equal pay for equal work"is a phrase used by the American women who feel that they are unfairly treated by society.They say it is not right for women to be paid less than men for the same work.
              People who are against the view (mainly men) have an answer to this.They say that men have more responsibilities (责任) than women:a married man is expected to earn money to support his family and to make important decisions,so it is right for men to be paid more.There are some people who hold even stronger views than this are against married women working at all When wives go out to work,they say,the home and children are given no attention to.If women are encouraged by equal pay to take fulltime jobs,they will be unable to do the things they are best at doing:making a comfortable home and bringing up children.They will have to give up their present position in society.
              This is exactly what the women want to give up.They want to escape from the limited place which society expects them to fill,and to have freedom to choose between a career and home life,or a mixture of the two.Women have the right not only to equal pay but also to equal chances.
              These women have expressed their view strongly by using the famous saying,"All men are created equal."They point out that the meaning of this sentence was"all human beings are created equal."

              (1) The women use the phrase"equal pay for equal work"to demand that ______ .
              A. men should be paid less than women
              B. women's work should be easier than men
              C. men and women should be paid the same amount of money for the same work
              D. people doing harder work should earn more
              (2) People who disagree with the women's view believe that ______ .
              A. women can't do what men can do
              B. men have to work much harder than women
              C. men can earn money more easily than women
              D. men have more responsibilities than women
              (3) Some people holding even stronger views say ______ .
              A. women should be kind to their husbands
              B. women are too weak to take full-time jobs
              C. home is the best place for women
              D. women should only take part-time jobs
              (4) What exactly do the women want to give up? ______
              A. Their home life.
              B. Their present position.
              C. Their career.
              D. Their right to equal pay.
            • 10.
              Imagine a boy from a small village in East Africa,who from a very early age has been looking after cattle.At twelve years old he knows more about cattle than most of us.However,he has never been to school.Has this boy ever had any education?
              Education is discovering about ourselves and about the people and things around us.All the people who care about us-our parents,brothers,sisters,friends-are our teachers.In fact,we learn something from everyone we meet.We start learning on the day we are born,not on the first day we go to school.Every day we have new experiences,like finding a bird's nest,discovering a new street in our neighbourhood,making friends with someone we didn't like before.New experiences are even more fun when we share them with other people.
              Encouragement from the people around us enables us to explore things as much as possible.As we grow up,we begin to find out what we are capable of doing.We may be good at cooking,singing or playing football.We find this out by doing these things.Just think about cooking doesn't tell us if we are good at it.
              We learn so much just living from day to day.So why is school important?Of course we can learn some things better at home than at school,like how to do the shopping,and how to help old or disabled people who can't do everything for themselves.At school,teachers help us to read and write.With their guidance,we begin to see things in different ways.

              (1) The writer takes the African boy as an example to show that ______ .
              A. African children are very poor
              B. some children are unlucky
              C. education takes many ways
              D. schools are of great importance
              (2) In the eyes of the writer ______ .
              A. we have to learn from the people around us
              B. school is not important at all
              C. only the people caring about us can teach us
              D. education takes place everywhere
              (3) One can find out what he is good at by ______ .
              A. the encouragement of people around
              B. the teachings of those he or she meets
              C. thinking of it when growing up
              D. trying and practicing it
              (4) The writer thinks that ______ .
              A. school is not so important as our living places
              B. school enables us to understand the world in other ways
              C. school teaches us something useless at home
              D. school cannot prepare us for our daily lives
