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            • 1.

              At one time it was the dream for many little girls to become a nurse.Today, however, America is facing its worst nurse shortage since World War I. Recently about 2, 000, 000 nurses are needed and 60 percent of all hospitals in the US have shortages large enough to threaten(= say that you will hurt somebody if they don't do what you want)the quality of care provided. The demand for nurses spreads widely throughout the nursing field.

                What has become of these women in white? The answer lies in not one but several causes. One possibility is the fact that woman have greater career options (职业选择). In the past, women who chose to work outside the home had two basic choices nursing or teaching. Today, more women than ever are in the work force, but their options have greatly increased. There are women doctors, lawyers, firefighters and police officers. In fact, women today are found in nearly every field of work. Nursing has been left behind, as women move on to jobs with higher pay and greater status(地位). A woman or man in the nursing field is often looked down upon as “merely a nurse”. Teachers may be also at fault. Many high school students are actually being steered(劝导)away from nursing, told by teachers that they are “too bright to be a nurse”.

                Americans are living longer than ever and requiring more medical attention. In fact, the number of elderly patients has almost doubled in the past twenty years. Obviously a larger population requires more nurses. AIDS and other diseases have caused more and more people to need nursing care. Usually fatal diseases mean long drawn - out hospital stay, that is to say, more nurses are needed to care for these patients. It is estimated that the demand for nurses will be doubled the supply in the coming ten years.

            • 2.

              Since last year, city streets around China have seen colorful shared bikes, which people can rent with a phone app and then park wherever they choose. To reduce traffic jams and air pollution, many cities have offered bike-sharing. But sometimes, dreams can be destroyed.
              As shared bikes become more popular, problems keep showing up. According to news reports, shared bikes are badly treated by users. When people are using the bike, some of them just throw it onto streets. Some bikes are stolen. Recently, a man in Shanghai was fined 1,000 yuan for stealing a shared bike.
              Besides, the damage to the QR codes on the bikes has brought huge losses to bike-sharing companies, like Mobike. If the QR code is damaged, the bike cannot be used any more. It can take several hundred yuan for the company workers to find a lost bike and get it repaired.
              Mobike has 100 credit (信用) scores for each user. Once the score drops to below 80, bike rental will go up to five yuan per 30 minutes.
              However, punishment may not be the best way to stop shared bikes from being stolen or damaged. Bike-sharing services will work well only if people follow the rules and show respect for the bikes and other users.

              (1) Why do many cities have offered bike-sharing?
              A. To provide convenience to travelers.
              B. To encourage more people to excise by riding.
              C. To make money for the company by renting.
              D. To reduce traffic jams and air pollution.
              (2) If Mr. Li’s credit scores is 75, he should pay _____ for his one hour’s riding shared Mobike.
              A. fifteen Yuan         B. ten Yuan                
              C. eight Yuan            D. five Yuan
              (3) Which of following is NOT true according to the passage?
              A. People can rent the shared bikes with a phone app.
              B. If someone steals a shared bike, he will be fined.
              C. Punishment is the best way to stop shared bikes from being damaged.        
              D. If the QR code is damaged, the shared bike can’t be used any more.
              (4) The author mainly wants to tell us _______ in this passage.
              A. bike-sharing companies are facing serious problem
              B. China’s bike-sharing dreams were destroyed  
              C. credit scores of Mobike are important for every user
              D. shared bikes are popular in the cities
            • 3.

              Since last year, city streets around China have seen colorful shared bikes, which people can rent with a phone app and then park wherever they choose. To reduce traffic jams and air pollution, many cities have offered bike-sharing. But sometimes, dreams can be destroyed.

              As shared bikes become more popular, problems keep showing up. According to news reports, shared bikes are badly treated by users. When people are using the bike, some of them just throw it onto streets. Some bikes are stolen. Recently, a man in Shanghai was fined 1,000 yuan for stealing a shared bike.

              Besides, the damage to the QR codes on the bikes has brought huge losses to bike-sharing companies, like Mobike. If the QR code is damaged, the bike cannot be used any more. It can take several hundred yuan for the company workers to find a lost bike and get it repaired.

              Mobike has 100 credit (信用) scores for each user. Once the score drops to below 80, bike rental will go up to five yuan per 30 minutes.

              However, punishment may not be the best way to stop shared bikes from being stolen or damaged. Bike-sharing services will work well only if people follow the rules and show respect for the bikes and other users.

              (1) Why do many cities have offered bike-sharing?

              A. To provide convenience to travelers.

              B. To encourage more people to exercise by riding.

              C. To make money for the company by renting.

              D. To reduce traffic jams and air pollution.

              (2) If Mr. Li’s credit scores is 75, he should pay _____ for his one hour’s riding shared Mobike.

              A. fifteen Yuan         B. ten Yuan                
              C. eight Yuan            D. five Yuan

              (3) Which of following is NOT true according to the passage?

              A. People can rent the shared bikes with a phone app.

              B. If someone steals a shared bike, he will be fined.

              C. Punishment is the best way to stop shared bikes from being damaged.        

              D. If the QR code is damaged, the shared bike can’t be used any more.

              (4) The author mainly wants to tell us _______ in this passage.

              A. bike-sharing companies are facing serious problem

              B. China’s bike-sharing dreams were destroyed  

              C. credit scores of Mobike are important for every user

              D. shared bikes are popular in the cities

            • 4.
              ​ A new study has looked into whether social media makes users feel lonelier or if lonely people tend to turn toward social media more.It asked the question: Is it social media or social isolation

               "The social media craze(狂热)has helped some people but hurt some others in my opinion," development psychologist(心理学家) Stephanie Marcy with Children's Hospital Los Angeles said.

              Marcy was not surprised to learn that the more time young people spend on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other apps, the more they feel lonely."Some people who are otherwise social beings are now relying too much on their screens and their iPads and their telephones and social media," Marcy explained.Experts said users can have thousands of followers, but that doesn't mean they have somebody to call when they need a friend."It's sort of a false representation of having social connection.There are many people that have thousands of virtual(虚拟的)friends but don't really have somebody to watch a movie with.That's really quite sad as a social media leading to fewer friends, actually." Marcy said.

              While the negative(负面的)influences of social media are often talked about, Marcy said it has helped some people, including those with anxiety, autism(自闭症)and physical limitations."There needs to be a balance no matter what it is and with social media that completely applies," Marcy said.

              The study doesn't show whether people who are isolated are more likely to go online or whether seeing the pages -of others makes people feel more disheartened.

              (1) What is Paragraph 3 mainly concerned with?
              A. Young people lack real friends.
              B. The bad effects of social media.
              C. Social media are everywhere nowadays.
              D. A new kind of connection among people.
              (2) What does Marcy say about social media?
              A. It is two-sided.
              B. It needs limiting.
              C. It does more harm than good.
              D. It is important to young people.
              (3) Which of the following shows the structure of the text?

              (①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph 2…)

              A.  B.  C.  D. 
            • 5.

              A serious problem for today’s society is who should be responsible for our elderly and how to improve their lives. It is not only a financial problem but also a question of the system we want for our society. I would like to suggest several possible solutions to this problem.

              First, employers should take the responsibility for their retired employees. To make this possible, a percentage of profits should be set aside for this purpose. But when a company must take life­long responsibility for its employees, it may suffer from a commercial disadvantage due to higher employee costs.

              Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual. This means each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement. This does not seem a very fair model since some people have enough trouble paying for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years. This means the government might have to step in to care for the poor.

              In addition, the government could take responsibility for the care of the elderly. This could be financed through government taxes to increase the level of pensions(养老金). Furthermore, some institutions should be created for senior citizens, which can help provide a comfortable life for them. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this is not a truly viable answer. The government can seldom afford to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.

              One further solution is that the government or social organizations establish some working places especially for the elderly where they are independent.

              To sum up, all these options have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that some combination of these options may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations.

              (1) What is the serious problem for today’s society?
              A. The financial problem faced by the old in society.
              B. How to improve the lives of the elderly.
              C. Who should be responsible for the elderly.
              D. The problem faced by the old in society.
              (2) Why is it hard for a company to pay for their retired employees?
              A. There are many employees.
              B. They have to pay much to the employees.
              C. The employees create little profits.
              D. They have many years to retire.
              (3) The underlined word “viable” most probably means________.
              A. practical B. impossible C. useful D. successful
              (4) How many ways are mentioned to solve the problem?
              A. Three. B. Two. C. Four. D. Five.
            • 6.

              We often hear people talking about a generation gap (代沟) . The name is new, but the idea is old. Young people and their parents don’t understand each other. The world has always kept changing. During the second century after Christ a wise man said,“Bury me on my face because in a little while everything will be turned upside down.”

              There has always been a gap between generations, but more people talk about it now. Old Mr.Ellis thinks he understands what has happened.

              “When I was a boy, I thought the world was a beautiful place. My life was very pleasant. But when I was older, I learned about people who were treated badly, people who didn’t have enough to eat. I wanted to help them, and I married a girl who wanted to help them, too. We went to meeting and talked a lot, but it didn’t seem to make much difference.”

              “Our children grew up in a world at war. They didn’t know when the fighting would stop. They wanted their children to have nice clothes and toys. They didn’t want to think about the future. They thought nothing could be done about it.”

              “Now I have grandchildren, and they have their own ideas. They are trying to make the world better. They are trying to help other people. They’re making people listen to them. I am proud of their generation.”

              (1) The wise man mentioned in the text told people to bury him on his face so that wheneverything is turned upside down he will ___. 
              A. lie on his back B. lie on his stomach
              C. stand quietly D. sit in peace
              (2) Which generation did NOT want to do anything to make the world a better one?
              A. Mr.Ellis’generation.
              B. His grandchildren’s generation.
              C. His children’sgeneration.
              D. None of the above.
              (3) Which generation is/was more efficient in making the world a better one?
              A. Mr.Ellis’generation.
              B. His children’s generation.
              C. His grandchildren’s generation.
              D. None of the above.
              (4) What is the writer’s attitude towards the generation gap?
              A. Unacceptable. B. Awful. C. Funny. D. Objective.
            • 7.

              It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics. In recent years, many writers have begun to speak the ‘decline of class’ and ‘classless society’ in Britain. And in modern day consumer society everyone is considered to be middle class. 

              But pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging society of public opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in particular class; 73 percent agreed that class was still a vital part of British society; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an important part of British society. Britain seems to have a love of stratification.

              One unchanging aspect of a British person’s class position is accent. The words a person speaks tell her or his class. A study of British accents during 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice, Most people said this accent sounded ‘educated’ and ‘soft’. The accents placed at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, were regional city accents. These accents were seen as ‘common’ and ‘ugly’. However, a similar study of British accents in the US turned these results upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.

              In recent years, however, young upper middle-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins. This is an indication of class becoming unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song ‘Common People’ puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may ‘want to live like common people’ they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.

              (1) The word stratification in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

              A. variety

              B. division

              C. authority

              D. qualification

              (2) British attitudes towards accent _________.

              A. have a long tradition

              B. are based on regional status

              C. are shared by the Americans

              D. have changed in recent years

              (3) The study in the US showed that BBC English was regarded as _________.

              A. regional                   B. educated                
              C. prejudiced            D. unattractive

              (4) What is the main idea of the passage?

              A. The middle class is expanding

              B. A person’s accent reflects his class

              C. Class is a key part of British society

              D. Each class has unique characteristics.

            • 8.

              What do you think of British people and American people? You might think that there are no differences between the people in the two countries. After all they speak the same language, don't they? But if you ask a British or an American person, the differences are quite great.

              What do British people think Americans are like? The British think Americans are very strange. They make a lot of noise and they laugh too loudly. They are rich, and they only think about money. But the British do say that Americans are kind, friendly people. They are happy to help you if you are in trouble.

              What do Americans think of the British? Well, they think the British are cold and very unfriendly. They are not interested in success or in making lots of money. They think Britain is the best country in the world. They look down upon other countries. But Americans say that the British are quite good workers. They are brave and honest. And in time of trouble they face difficulties happily.

              You can see that these ideas can cause misunderstanding between the British and Americans. But when American and British people become friends, they usually find things are not as bad as they expected.


              (1) What do you think of the differences between British and American people?
              A. Their differences are very small.
              B. The differences are very great.
              C. There are no differences between them.
              D. Some people think there are, but some people don’t think so.
              (2) What do the British think Americans are like?
              A. They are strange but friendly.
              B. They are poor.
              C. They are rich but unfriendly.
              D. They are happy in trouble.
              (3) The American and British people usually get along quite well ____.
              A. when misunderstanding is caused between them
              B. once they become friends
              C. after they fight
              D. when they help each other
