优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1) Statistics from travel agencies including UTour, Lvmama and Ctrip show Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei still _________the largest number of tourists who want to escape smog. (2) Father always _____________ good table manners and he never allows us to talk while eating. (3) Men and women must become _________responsible for bringing up their children. (4) ________ to the park by ferryboat adds appeal to the excursion. (5) There are always some complaints about young people’s immaturity and _____ judgement. (6) Powerful advertisements can ________ people to buy almost anything. (7) It will not harm the baby if the mother drinks coffee or tea _________. (8) People tend to _________their aims in life according to their inclinations. (9) He has long _________ the dream of returning to his motherland. (10) The teacher spent five years ________ the reading problems of young school children. (11) She gave a shuddering start(打了个冷颤) as she _________ someone standing right behind her. (12) The efforts you make now will put you ________the game in college.
            • 2.
              完成句子 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。(共20空; 每空1分,满分20分)
              (1) Much to my comfort, they finally succeeded ________ ________ _________(通过) perseverence and patience. (2) Only by _________ __________ _________ (与……合作) the government can we solve the traffic problems.
              (3) All in all, she thankfully ________ her breakthrough in the work ________ (归功于) the encouragement and support from her colleagues.
              (4) __________ __________ (不顾) exhaustion and starvation, they continued to search for the lost child.
              (5) It is said that her interest in literature can ________ _________ _________ (追溯到) a little thing in her childhood.
              (6) This is a company that offers timely help to those who are _________ _________ ________ (需要) financial support.
              (7) His family had a strong belief that the medical technology could surely ________ him ________ ________ ________ (复活) one day.
            • 3. 短语应用根据下面句子的意思,从方框中的选出适合的短语、句型并用其正确形式填空,使句子的意思完整。(其中有一个多余的)
              Be impressed with   belong to  care about  be related to  split up    play an important part in
              (1) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon _______a type of Chinese story called wuxia.
              (2) The group_______ shortly afterwards ,saying they could not carry on without support of their families.
              (3) Childhood experiences often___________ in shaping one's character.
              (4) Haydon met Mozart in 1781 and __________him.
              (5) Thirteen people died from illnesses _________smoking tobacco, such as cancer and heart disease.
            • 4. 第一节、 翻译填空(共15个空格;每个空格1分,满分15分)
              (1) 当你在街上闲逛的时候,你会看见数千面具----优雅或恐怖;悲伤或好笑;传统或现代。
              As you __________ through the street, you see thousands of masks--- elegant or _________, sad or amusing, traditional or modern.
              (2) 这个总统的作为对国家的发展起到了影响。
              What the president did has made a ________ to the development of the country.
              (3) 穿着新校服,孩子们看上去又整洁又性高采烈。
              __________ _________ the new school uniform, the kids look tidy and cheerful.
              (4) 在事故中严重受损的汽车还在修理中。
              The car ________ severe damage in the accident is _________ repair.
              (5) 我打算充分利用这一次圣诞旅行购买我所有需要的物品。
              I intend to ________ full advantage of this Christmas trip to do all the shopping I need.
              (6) 关于他的罪行,有大量可获取的证据。
              There have been large ________ of evidence ________ for the crime he committed.
              (7) 正是这种挫折感使他决定在新生活中取得成功。
              It was this _________ of ________ that made him ________ to succeed in his new life.
              (8) 与此同时,在披肩被销售的国家,警方对于商人的态度变得越来越强硬。
              Meanwhile, in those countries where the shawls are sold, police are getting ________ with the dealers.
              (9) 这个罪犯被当场击毙。
              The criminal was shot to death on the ________.
            • 5. 根据汉语意思,按句子结构要求完成句子。(每句1分,共10分)
              (1) 老师和学生都不满意此结果。
                       teachers          students are satisfied with the result .
              (2) 他们正在全神贯注看电影。( absorb)
              They are                                 seeing the film.
              (3) 他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。
              He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.
              (4) 他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。
              His careless driving _________   ____________the serious traffic accident.
              (5) 太阳镜能保护你的眼睛免遭太阳的强光照射。
              Sunglasses can____   ___   your eyes __________   the strong sunlight.
              (6) 一般来说,流行歌曲对年轻人有吸引力。
              Generally speaking, pop songs                            young people.
              (7) 学生很容易对电脑游戏着迷的
              It’s easy for students to                               to computer games.
              (8) 毫无疑问英语是当今世界第一国际语言。
              ______  ______  ______  ______that English is the first international language.
              (9) 许多收藏者对文艺复兴时期的欧洲油画特别偏爱。
              Many collectors have a                         the European oil paintings during the Renaissance.                                     
              (10) 虽然多少人同意这个观点,但是也有一些人反对它。
              Most people subscribed to the view, while some people were __________ ________it.
            • 6. 完成句子(满分5分,每小题0.5分)
              (1) Liz agreed to look after the baby ____ ________ ______ a free room.(作为回报)
              (2) The sofa had to _______ _______ a bed.(充当)
              (3) There must have been an angel who ______ ______ me that day.(看守/守护)
              (4) Stern put Travis ____ ______ _____ the research team.(负责)
              (5) When he was in France, he _________ _______ some French.(学会)
              (6) People ______ too much __________ _______ economic forecasts.(认为……重要)
              (7) I am sure that he will ______ __________ ______Beijing University.(录取)
              (8) The company holds ________ meetings with employees.(定期的)
              (9) They own a house in France ______ ______ ______ an apartment in Spain.(除……还有)
              (10) Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life ____ ________ ___________. (高质量的)
            • 7. 根据汉语意思完成下列各句  (7%)
              (1) 中国虽属于发展中国家,却为世界和平做出了重大贡献。
              Though _______________ ________________ the developing countries, China is making great contributions to world peace.
              (2) 我们公司和其它一些大公司将以新的生产线替换旧的。
              Our company as well as some other big ones ___________ to ____________ the present production lines __________ new ones.
              (3) 你知道宇宙是如何形成的吗?
              Do you know how the universe ________________  ________________  _________?
              (4) 他如此粗心,结果又考不及格了。
              He was so careless. ____________  __________  _____________, he failed the test again.
              (5) 听到这个可笑的玩笑,大家都大声笑了出来。
              Hearing the funny joke, everyone _______________  ___________  _______________.
            • 8. 完成下列句子。(共10题,每空0.5分,满分10分)
              (1) Can you telephone me __________ _________ __________(在你方便时)?
              (2) 新疆切糕受到很多人的欢迎,但是大家却不敢去买。
              Xinjiang nuts cakes ______ _______ many people, but they dare not buy them.
              (3) ________ _________ _________(令我们高兴的是), he passed the entrance examination.
              (4) 在离开办公室之前,应把所有物品摆放好。
              Before you leave the office, everything should be put _______ _________.
              (5) 他沉浸在这本小说中,忘记了周围的一切。
              He was so                 the novel that he forgot everything around him.
              (6) 外国人喜欢中国的诗歌,尤其是唐诗。
              Foreigners like Chinese poems, Tang poems ________ ________.
              (7) 拥有如此财富的人应该想着如何为穷人做得更多。
              A person _________ ________ ________ so much money should think about how to do more for the poor.
              (8) 我们已经忍受这个不可理喻的邻居够久的了。
              We have _______ _________ ________ the unbearable neighbor for such a long time.
            • 9. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(共20空,每空0.5分,满分10分)
              (1) He always ________ ___________ _________ (与…相处) his classmates very well.
              (2) It’s said that Mary and John________ _________ _________ with each other(相爱)at first sight.
              (3) The professor is strict and humorous ________ ________ (也, 又). We all love him.
              (4) After______________________ _____________(毕业) college, they went abroad travelling.
              (5) _________ ________ ______________ (老实说),I don’t think we have a chance of winning.
              (6) Have you ___________ ________ ________ _________(决定) where to go for your holiday?
              (7) Dinosaurs lived on earth long before humans ____________ ___________ __________.(产生)
            • 10. Directions: Complete the following sentences according to the requirement.
              (1) The sunshine reflects on the lakes, which makes them shine like diamonds. (改为含分词结构的句子,不改变原意)
              (2) His hard work wins him respect from others. (使用强调句型改写)
              (3) People who had discovered how to stay young forever lived in this perfect world. (改倒装句)
              (4) Don’t forget small things, such as waterproof matches. You may need them to make a fire.
              (5) People often say a friend in need is a friend indeed. (使用it句型改写)
