优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 警察到了曾是个旧教堂的地方,这儿曾发生过火灾。

              The police got to_________ was once an old church where a fire _________ _________.

            • 2. _____________________is________(更为重要的是)as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.
            • 3. There is a ___________expression on his face because of the __________problem (困惑)
            • 4. Look, He             (wash) his clothes.
            • 5. He regretted having been fooled by the thieves

                 He regretted he __________ __________fooled by the thieves.

            • 6. I insist that you take immediate action to put this right.

                 I insist __________ __________ __________ immediate action to put this right.

            • 7. If you follow the suggestions above, you will feel and look better in no time at all.

              __________ the suggestions above, __________ you will feel and look better in no time at all.

            • 8.


                                 , many young people                         communicating with their friends with Wechat.

            • 9. 但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。因此三分之二的人在地震中死去或受伤。

                 But the one million people of the city, who thought ______ of these events, were asleep as ______that night. So ______of them died or were injured during the earthquake.

            • 10. 那是他第一次经历地震,所以他觉得世界似乎到了末日 。

              That was the first time that he _______  _______ through an earthquake , so he felt as if the world was at an end .

