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            • 1. 假如你是李华。请根据写作要点用英语写一篇周记,记述你周末帮助家人做家务的一次经历。写作要点:

              1.做家务的理由     2.做家务的过程        3.你的感受


                  I am an 18-year-old middle school student.

            • 2.

              假定你是高中生李华,你曾在美国做交换生的学校校报给你写信约稿。“Foreign Culture” 栏目拟刊登介绍中国高中生学习生活及梦想的短文。请根据下列要点完成你的短文。

              1. 介绍中国高中生的学习生活如:学年,学科情况。

              2. 介绍中国高中生的假期,课外活动情况。

              3. 介绍你周围同学业余爱好和梦想。

              注意:1. 词数120字左右。

              2. 增加细节,以使行文连贯。

              3. 高考:CEE (College Entrance Examination)

            • 3.

              假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为 “Our Social Practice Activity” 的英文稿件。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班从准备参观首都博物馆到参观结束的完整过程。


              Last week, _____________________________________________________________________


            • 4.
              根据以下要点,写一篇介绍美国残疾女作家海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)的短文。
              参考词汇:the deaf-mute聋哑人
              7岁遇上女教师Miss Sullivan,在其帮助下学会了读、写、说
              24岁以优异成绩毕业于Radcliffe College
              著作 The Story of My Life, Let Us Have Faith
            • 5.

              某英文报社正在举办 “An Unforgettable Experience” 征文比赛。假设你是李华,你班参加全校歌咏比赛获得一等奖。请根据所给提示写一篇100词左右的英语短文,向报社投稿。

              写作内容应包括:      1. 准备工作:如 选歌; 展现形式; 服装等

                                                        2. 简述成功原因及个人感受

              注意:    1.短文开头语已给出,不计入总词数。2.短文中不要出现你的真实信息。

              An Unforgettable Experience

              I will never forget the day when our class won the first prize in the School Singing Competition._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            • 6.

              Many years ago, some friends and I were invited to attend a dinner party hosted by Mr. Monk. Everybody knew that Mrs. Monk was really good at cooking and she wrote many books teaching people how to cook delicious food in a very simple way. Thus, all of us had high expectations for the dinner, wondering what this great cook would cook to surprise us.

              Finally the day came. Everybody showed up at Monk’s house on time. After some tea and talk, the hostess served a meal with a very delicious mushroom sauce. The sauce smelt very good and tasted delicious. We all ate a lot, far more than what we would eat on usual days.

              After the meal, there was a small amount of food left over. The meal was so delicious that everybody thought it would be a pity to just throw the leftovers away. However, if they were put into the refrigerator and heated up again, they would

              lose their freshness. We were all at a loss as to how to deal with the leftovers properly.

              Finally, the hostess Mrs. Monk decided to allow her pregnant cat to enjoy the treat as well as the guests. The guests all felt it was a great idea as it would not only avoid food waste but also show the cat that it was a member of the family.

              The sauce was the highlight (最有意思的部分) of the evening’s topic of conversation, everyone commented on how delicious it was, and the hostess accepted all the praise happily. One of the guests, Mr. Black, who happened to be a botanical (植物的) expert, mentioned that toadstools (毒蕈) were much like mushrooms

              except that they were poisonous, and how funny it would be if such a delicious meal were made from that instead.





              Paragraph 1:

              Just after what Mr. Black said, the pet cat started crying, moving on the floor in pain, andscratching (抓挠) its stomach. _________________________________________


              Paragraph 2:

              As soon as we got back from the hospital, the cat gave birth to four baby cats.________________________________________________________


