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            • 1. Which can be the best title for the text? ______
              A. A wedding ring was recovered.B. A wallet changed a teen's life.
              C. Anyone can make a difference.D. A kind woman saved a teen.
              A.A wedding ring was recovered.
              B.A wallet changed a teen's life.
              C.Anyone can make a difference.
              D.A kind woman saved a teen.
            • 2.

                  I had the pleasure and honor of serving as Newport Beach ocean lifeguard (救生员) for five years. One day, I was working at Tower 15, Two   (1)   to my right was another guard named Mike, who was working at Tower 17. He called me over the phone and said, "I have noticed a couple of kids. I am going to give them a   (2)  . Keep an eye on us."

                  I said. "Sure." And he   (3)  .

                  Anytime you got out of your tower, you were   (4)   to let somebody else know, so as to avoid accidents. And   (5)   enough, as soon as he hung up the phone, a rip current (离岸流) snapped up under these two kids, and they were getting sucked down into the water. Mike saw it and he ran at full   (6)   to the ocean.

                  I called for backup and said, "Two children   (7)   in water. Call for backup. 17 was   (8)  . I"m going."

                  By then, the mother of the two kids had   (9)   what was happening. She screamed. I started rushing coward the ocean, but   (10)   I was even halfway there, Mike had   (11)   the kids — a boy and a girl. Mike told me later that he got to the boy first, and when he turned to the girl, he had to   (12)   into the water and catch her by the hair to   (13)   her out.

                  When I reached the mother, Mike was   (14)   in waist-deep water. The kids were so   (15)   that they couldn"t walk, so Mike got one kid under each of his   (16)   and brought them onto the beach.

                  I   (17)   the mother and said, "Hey, it"s going to be OK. They"re   (18)   now." I saw that the   (19)   started to disappear from her.

                  What a frightening experience! What a   (20)   Mike is!

            • 3. Which might be the main idea of the passage?
              A. A boy fell into a septic tank.
              B. A mother requested her daughter to save a boy.
              C. A neighbor helped a girl out of trouble.
              D. A girl rescued a little boy from a septic tank.
              A.A boy fell into a septic tank.
              B.A mother requested her daughter to save a boy.
              C.A neighbor helped a girl out of trouble.
              D.A girl rescued a little boy from a septic tank.
            • 4.

                  It was the day before my daughter"s birthday. I"d just collected her from preschool when she cautioned me to   (1)   the elderly person walking across the car park. I was struck by her   (2)   and had no idea how much she really   (3)   it.

                  The following day—her birthday—we decided to buy cupcakes for her. After we   (4)   the cupcakes, Norah was busy standing up in the trolley(手推车),  (5)   waving and happily declaring,"Hi, old person! It"s my birthday today!"    (6)    I could stop her calling him an old person, the stone-faced man   (7)   to her. His expression softened as he replied, "Well, hello, little lady!And how old are you today?" They   (8)   for a few minutes, he wished her a happy birthday, and we went our   (9)   ways. A few minutes later, Norah asked me if she could take a   (10)   with the old man. I agreed. We found the man a couple of shelves over, and I approached him. When I told him Norah"s   (11)   ,his expression changed from   (12)   to shocked finally to delighted. He took a step back, steadied himself on his shopping trolley, and   (13)   his free hand on his chest. " A photo? With me?" he asked. "Yes, Sir, for my birthday! "Norah begged. And so he did. I    (14)    my iPhone, and they posed together. Norah placed her soft hand on top of his hand. He wordlessly stared at her with   (15)   eyes as she kept his hand in hers. I asked his name, and he told us to call him Dan. We were   (16)   other shoppers, but they didn"t care. There was   (17)   happening in the supermarket that day, and we could all sense it.

                  That afternoon I   (18)   the story and a photo of the two of them on the Facebook. Later that night, I received a private   (19)   from a local reader who recognized Mr.Dan. He told me Dan"s wife had passed away six months earlier and he wanted to let me know mat he was certain Dan"s heart was touched by my little girl and Dan would never forget that   (20)   with my daughter.
