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            • 1.

              When I was in elementary school, I got into a major argument with a boy. I have forgotten what it was about, but I have never forgotten what I learned that day.

                  I   (1)  (think) that “I” was right and “he” was wrong, but he argued that “I” was wrong and “he” was right. The teacher decided   (2)  (teach)us a very important   (3)  . After she brought us up to the front of the class, she placed the boy on one side of her desk and     (4)     (I)on the other. In the middle of her desk, there   (5)  (be)a large and round object. I could clearly see that it was black. But the boy said it was white! Another argument started   (6)   us. The teacher told me to stand   (7)   the boy had been standing and told him to stand at my former place. We changed   (8)  (place), and now I could see the color was “white.”

                  It was an object with two differently   (9)  (color) sides. From his viewpoint it was white, but from my side it was black. Sometimes we need to look at a problem from the other person’s view in order to   (10)  (true) understand his or her view.

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                   Green is not always referring to the color. In some cases, it is the term used for environmentally   (1)   (friend). If you've been expecting to replace your furniture, consider    (2)   (go) green because green furniture offers many benefits. Here are a few tips to get you started on your hunt for the perfect eco-friendly furniture.

                  First, green furniture isn't harmful   (3)  your health. Also its making process doesn't cause damage to the environment in any way. Besides, by using eco-friendly  (4)   (product), you prevent global warming to some degree in your own way.

                   The materials  (5)   are used in furniture are what make them green. Materials can be good for the environment   (6)   because they are renewable resources or because they are all    (7)    (nature). A lack of chemicals in furniture also   (8)   (mean) it is a better choice for the environment. It may be hard to imagine that a sofa or a table could actually be    (9)   green product, but they really can be depending on what they    (10)   (make) of.

                   Therefore, when you want to hunt for the perfect green furniture, you should choose the green materials.

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