优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                  I felt   (1)  (luck) to have won a place to go on a cultural tour to sites of lost civilizations.We visited Pompeii in Italy and Loulan in China.Pompei   (2)  (found) in the 8th century BC,then taken  (3)  by the Romans in 89 BC.Later,Pompei was destroyed by a volcano.It erupted and covered Pompei with ash.  (4)  (fortunate),many people were buried alive.The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a stone with writing on it was discovered by a farmer.People started to dig in the area  (5)   treasure and caused much damage.Thus,in 1860,the area was governed by the government so   (6)  could be preserved and studied.

              Differently,Loulan disappeared under the sand.There were just a few   (7)  (ruin) left.There was  (8)   ancient water system   (9)  (run) through the middle of the city.The desert was once a green with huge trees,but they were cut down,  (10)   resulted in the city being buried by sand.

              They were both important commercial cities about 2,000years ago.It was a pity that they disappeared for ever.

              (1)  ​             

              (2)  ​             

              (3)  ​             

              (4)  ​             

              (5)  ​             

              (6)  ​             

              (7)  ​             

              (8)  ​             

              (9)  ​             

            • 2.


              Jin Hanmiao, a first grader from China, received a reply letter from Buckingham Palace    (1)(recent) after writing to introduce the China-Britain express railway service.

              The letter is based     (2)the 19-day journey of the first China-Britain freight (货运) train.    (3)(see) the news of its return to Yiwu, Jin’s mother encouraged him to write about it and then send the letter to Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.

              In his letter, Jin introduced    (4)(he) and Yiwu, as well as his hope    (5)    the Queen would appreciate    (6)(tradition) Chinese culture. He also expressed his interest in the U.K., after mentioning some British famous people and places, including Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and the British Museum. He then sent his letter to the Queen.

              Jin’s mother helped translate the letter into English, and sent both the original letter and the translation to London on May 8. Two months      (7)(late), a reply from Buckingham Palace    (8)(receive). The letter talked about the living and working conditions of the Queen at    (9)early age, and included a detailed    (10)(introduce) of the palace.











            • 3.

              Last weekend, I was traveling home from business. It was too late, so I ___  (1)  ____ (think) I should find a place for a rest. I decided to go to ___  (2)  ___ hotel near the bus stop.

                  In front of the hotel, I met a man __  (3)  ___ was disabled, and I made up my mind to offer him some help. He spoke to me __  (4)  __ a low voice and explained his past life when he was   (5)  __ (health). He had worked in a factory for five years. Then an accident left him disabled. Now his family are being taken care of by _  (6)  __(he) sister.

                  While _  (7)  __ (listen) to his story I realized that he had experienced a lot in his life. I told him that although he was ___  (8)  _(physical) disabled, his heart was strong, and he could always depend on it. His eyes filled with tears. I offered him some money _  (9)  _ (buy) food and drinks and then he went home.

                  I have learnt that if you say a few good words and offer a little help to others, it will not only bring ___  (10)  __ (happy) to you, but it will also be in peopleˈs hearts forever.











            • 4.

              I   (1)  (walk) with a friend yesterday when I found an iPhone 5s in a pile of snow. I picked it   (2)   and it still worked! I started looking through the name list and dialing numbers to see whether I could figure out whose phone it was.   (3)  (luck), only one person answered and she didn’t recognize the number.
                  Since that lady didn’t know whose phone it was, my friend suggested that we go back to __(4)___house that we found the iPhone 5s in front of. I knocked on the door and two college-age persons answered. They hadn’t lost their phones,   (4)   as I told them the story and mentioned some   (5)   on the name list, the young man said that he also had those names and it   (7)__    be the phone of their friends. I really didn’t have anything to say, because in my mind I was just doing the right thing. I immediately tried   (6)  (find) the owner, because that is exactly  __(9)_ I would want someone to do if either I or any of my family members lost phones. The purpose of helping others is not for return.   (7)   (help) others is more than enough for me and it is the most endless joy of life.





















            • 5.

              Today, many families love their pets and consider their pets to be members of their own families. Whether you choose a cat, a dog, a horse, or a rabbit, the __(1)___(beneficial) to raising children in a home with pets are great.

              Pets give unconditional love. They are non-judgmental, and, __(2)___(especial)for only children, lonely children, or children who have sibling rivalry (同胞争宠)or __(3)___(emotion) distress, a pet gives them someone to talk to. A pet can comfort, give support, and listen to a childˈs troubles without __(4)___(judge) or consequence. 

              A pet can teach empathy. __(5)___(care) for a pet that is so dependent on you __(6)___ (teach) empathy. Your child learns to read your petˈs needs: is he__(7)___(hunger)? Does he need to go outside? Maybe the pet is scared of the wind, rain or snow and needs __(8)____(comfort). Moreover, empathy is the one skill __(9)___ can be taught and a skill that bullies often lack.

              Pets can be very therapeutic(治疗的) for children. Studies have shown how pets can help lower blood pressure, speed up recovery time, and reduce stress and __(10)___(anxious). We see this with troubled children and Autistic children, and with children who experience PTSD: when they are with animals they can immediately relate because they sense the animals are unconditional in their love and affection.


            • 6.

              An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plan   (1)  (leave) the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his extended family. He would miss the paycheck each week,   (2)   he wanted to retire. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked   (3)  he could build just one more house as a personal   (4)  (favorite). The carpenter said yes, but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. It was an   (5)   (fortune) way to end a career. When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to inspect the house. Then he handed   (6)  front-door key to the carpenter and said, "This is your house, my gift to you." The carpenter was   (7)   (shock)! What a shame! If he   (8)   (know) he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. So it is   (9)  us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often   (10)   (put) less than our best into the building. Then, with a shock; we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.

              (1) _________________

              (2) _________________

              (3) _________________

              (4) _________________

              (5) _________________

              (6) _________________

              (7) _________________

              (8) _________________

              (9) _________________

              (10) _________________

            • 7.

              Your class starts in 10 minutes, but you find yourself ___  (1)  ______(stick)in traffic. Don’t panic. With just a press of a button, your car will lift off the ground and fly to school. What’s your __  (2)  _______ (impress)?

              It seems like science fiction, but it isn’t. Engineers have taken_____  (3)  ____ the research of flying cars, and they have already found ___  (4)  ______(solve) to many of the big challenges. They predict that we’ll all be using these ___  (5)  ____ (amaze) vehicles one day. According to Car Trends Magazine, one model, ____  (6)  _______ is part car and part plane, is going to be on the market in the not-so-distant future. It will look like a regular car when it’s on the road, but its wings will unfold when the driver ____  (7)  ____(decide) to take to the sky. And __  (8)  _______(operate) by a computer, all controls will be automatic. Imagine this: You’ll be doing your homework while your car is getting you to school ____  (9)  ______(safe). And what does this future dream car cost? Well, at first it will be about a million dollars, but after a few years, you’ll be able to buy ____  (10)  ___ for “only”$60,000. Don’t throw away your old driver’s license just yet!

              (1) _________
              (2) _________
              (3) __________
              (4) __________

              (5) __________

              (6) ________
              (7) __________
              (8) __________
              (9) __________

              (10) __________

            • 8.

              Ten Chinese engineers were driving down a road to a National Forest Park. They were __(1)__ (sudden) amazed by what they saw. Three tall animals, __(2)__ (cover) with long black hair, were crossing the road. On _(3)__ (see) the animals, the engineers immediately stopped and ran after them. However, when they saw (4)_ move through the forest with great speed and strength, they did not dare to follow any _(5)__ (far).

              The men did not take any photographs but scientists were delighted by the __(6)_ (discover), because the engineers are all well-educated people and scientists feel they can rely on what they __(7)_ (describe).

              Scientists returned to the forest, collected some hair and measured footprints, __(8)__ are about 20 inches. They appear to be the animalsˈ feet! Chinese scientists have now set up a special group to exchange information and made a study of the forest. But in the meantime, some people refuse to believe that this half-man, half-monkey __(9)__ (exist). They will not believe it __(10)_ one of the animals have been caught.





















            • 9.

              Giving hongbao,or red packets,during the Spring Festival or other important occasions is a long Chinese tradition.A red packet,usually a red envelope with money in it,is traditionally  (1)  (give) out to children by parents,grandparents,or relatives and friends as a way of wishing them good luck or good fortune.

              According to the Internet,  (2)  (compare) with the fat hongbao children got in previous years,red envelopes during this Spring Festival became fewer and  (3)  (thin).For those children who had got a lot of money from their red envelopes in the past,the slim red packets they  (4)  (receive) this year might lead to their complaints  (5)  make them less happy during the festival.

              However,fewer red packets stand for a positive social trend,  (6)  should be encouraged.  (7)  (hand) out red packets is a kind of expression of love to children, regardless of how much money  (8)  contain.With a large amount of lucky money during the Spring Festival,some children become moneybags over one night. Too much money won't be beneficial for children to make a wise choice  (9)   saving and spending.In this reason,it is necessary  (10)  (change) the way to express our feelings.


            • 10.


              We want everyone to respect us. Do we respect everyone around us? The answer is a big NO! We don’t   (1)  we think is better than us, we don’t respect poor and old people, and we don’t respect who we feel is less better  (2) us.  So how can we win respect? The easiest way  (3)  (gain) respect is by giving respect.

               Winning respect might be difficult but not impossible. Don’t use bad language. Being  (4)  (help) and listening to someone are a sign of giving respect and  (5)  (win) respect as well. With patience and practice, you can get any kind of virtue.

              Flowers are the main  (6) (attract) of any type of decoration and in the same way respect is the beauty of life. Life is terrible  (7) respect. Just think whenever you go to a party, everyone there is not treated equally. Do you know why? Because of  (8)  (they) manners.

               Why are we not treated sometimes as  (9) (expect)? Because we do the same to others who have expectations from us. Relationship can be healthy if we never cross the walls of respect.

              Without respect, you can’t live. You need respect everywhere, in life, in work, in society or in family. A respected person  (10)  (speak) politely.

