优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Anyone______breaks the law shall be punished.
            • 2.
              Mary:Don't tell me you(11) ______ (study)for another exam!
              John:That's exactly what I am doing.
              Mary:What subject(12) ______ (be)it this time?
              John:Biology,and it(13) ______ (be) a hard one for me.
              Mary:(14) ______ you ______ (get)tired of studying all the time?
              John:Yes.Sometimes I(15) ______ (want)to throw all of them right out of the window.
              Mary:I don't know how you keep on with it.It's too hard to become an engineer.You (16) ______ (receive)2degrees.
              John:But at least it doesn't take too long.I will be out putting up tall buildings.
              Mary:I can never bear(忍受)it.
              John:I must learn more. You know,one of my classmates (17) ______ (build) a building last year and unfortunately it crashed(倒塌)at the beginning of this year.
              Mary:Yeah.I remember it.we(18) ______ (travel)in Hong Kong as we got the news on TV.
              John:At that time I(19) ______ (decide) I should learn more. By the way,can you help me with my study now?
              Mary:Yes,of course.
              John:(20) ______ you ______ (read)out all these words?And see if I know what they mean.
              Mary:I don't know how you remember them.
            • 3.
              Howard carter is one of the most famous (1) ______ the world has ever known.He was (2) ______ and (3) ______ about the world outside his hometown when he was very young.By the 1920s,he had become an explorer,(4) ______ for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.In 1922,Howard Carter made his most (5) ______ discovery of all,in the Valley of the Kings,in Egypt,where he found the tomb of King (6) ______ .However,not long after the tomb had been opened,people in Carter's team began to (7) ______ and die strangely.Within seven years,21 people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died.Some people say the deaths were just (8) ______ .Others believe that they were the result of the mummy's (9) ______ .However,still others believe that there is a (10) ______ explanation,because inside the tombs there are many viruses.
            • 4.
              The air we breathe is freely available,without (22) ______ we could not survive more than a few minutes.For the most part,air is available to everyone,and everyone needs it.Some people use the air to sustain them while (23) ______ (sit) around and feel sorry for themselves. (24) ______ breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make (25) ______ magnificent life.
              Opportunity is in the same way; it is everywhere.It is so freely available that we take it (26) ______ granted.Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success; it must (27) ______ (seize) and acted upon in order to have value.So many people are so (28) ______ (anxiety) to"get in"on a"ground floor opportunity",as if the opportunity will do all the work.That's (29) ______ (possible).Just as you need air to breathe,you need opportunity to succeed. (30) ______ ,it takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity.You must make use of it.That's not up to the opportunity; that's up to you.It doesn't matter what"floor"the opportunity is on,but (31) ______ matters is what you do with it.
            • 5.
              Once there was a boy who was very poor and could not afford(1) ______ (buy) books,so he often went to a library nearby to read books.One day,it was already dark (2) ______ he realized it but he hadn't finished his book yet.(3) ______ (consider) he must return it at once,he let(4) ______ a cry in the dark.The (5) ______ (library) was such a kind woman that she told him it was(6) ______ (appropriate) but he could help her in the day(7) ______ exchange for reading for free at night.Hearing this,the boy felt a heavy load (8) ______ (take) off his mind.He nodded heavily and gave her a big smile.From then on,he read a load of books and got a (9) ______ (scholar) at school and even won the championship in a reading(10) ______ (compete).What an encouraging story it is!We should all learn from him.
            • 6.
              Anne Frank is a Jewish girl (1) ______ lived in Netherlands during the World War II.Her family had to hide(2) ______ they would be caught by the (3) ______ (Germany) Nazis.During the time in the(4) ______ (hide)place,Anne set (5) ______ a series of facts in a diary.Anne made her diary her best friend(6) ______ she could tell everything to and in the diary she showed us what she(7) ______ (go)through during the war.
            • 7.
              China reported its (1) ______ (one)HIV/AIDS positive case in 1985.As of October 31,319,877HIV positive cases (2) ______ (record)in China,Health Minister Chen Zhu announced on November 24.
              But according to Chen,it is estimated that the actual number of HIV/AIDS positive people in China will be 740,000 (3) ______ the end of this year.The number in 2007 was 700,000.
              "The exact number of infections(感染)keeps rising…but at a lower speed (4) ______ (compare)with previous years,"said Chen.
              Almost 60million people worldwide have been infected by the HIV virus(5) ______ it was first recorded in 1981,according to (6) ______ UN AIDS report released(发布)on November 24.
              HIV/AIDS has killed 25 million people in the world (7) ______ new infections are slowing sharply due to (8) ______ (prevent)programs.
              HIV/AIDS can be transmitted(传播)through sexual contact,or by sharing needles with an HIVpositive drug user,or from an HIVpositive woman to (9) ______ child before or during birth or through breastfeeding(母乳喂养) (10) ______ birth.HIV also can be transmitted through receipt(接受)of infected blood.
            • 8.
              The story is mainly about a retired teacher in poor health (1) ______ received a thankyou letter from one of his successful students.What a (2) ______ (move) story!It reminds me of my favorite teacher,Jeffrey,who sets a wonderful example for his students to follow through the rest of their lives.And for me,Jeffrey is always a role model(3) ______ whom I can learn a lot.His energetic(4) ______ (devote) to work always earns him respect and praise from both his colleagues(5) ______ students.I feel lucky to have such(6) ______ excellent instructor who didn't give me up when I failed so many times in English test.Instead,he(7) ______ (patient) cultivated (培养) my interest in English,(8) ______ (give) me timely help with my study,and praised me for my small progress.Little by little,I felt increasingly confident in(8) ______ (me) and showed more and more enthusiasm in English learning.At last,I made up my mind (10) ______ (become) an English teacher like him.
            • 9.
              At the beginning of the new term,our new classmates,whose height varied (1) ______  1.5m to 1.8m,(2) ______  (decide) to run for the monitor,among them I was the most ordinary-looking as well as the (3) ______  (short) coming from a poor family in remote countryside,so I was (4) ______  a real panic when (5) ______  (make) my way to the front of our classroom to give my speech.In order to calm myself down,I first (6) ______  (glance) through the outline of my script.Then I took a deep breath and began my speech.Gradually,I was not anxious about making the speech,in which I (7) ______  (guarantee) that my love for both my classmates and work will be as deep and lasting (8) ______  the sea.Having finished my speech,I was amazed and excited to know of my (9) ______  (appoint) as monitor,indeed!My (10) ______  (anxious) relived and I have become more confident about myself ever since.
            • 10.
              California,(1) ______ official nickname is the Golden State,is one of the fastest growing states in the United States.The first people (2) ______ explored and settled in California were the Spaniards,(3) ______ gave Spanish names to its two great cities,Los Angeles and San Francisco.1849was the year (4) ______ Americans came and so was it the time(5) ______ gold was discovered.
              The reason (6) ______ the men(7) ______ made movies came to California was(8) ______ the weather here is fine.The sun allowed them to take pictures outdoors nearly every day in the year.Hollywood,(9) ______ lies in the northwestern part of the city of Los Angeles,became the movie capital of the world.When oil was discovered,people came to work in the oil field.World War II was the period(10) ______ many large airplane factories were built in California.
