优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. The earth was just a cloud of energetic dust after the "Big Bang".Then the dust (1) into a solid globe moving around the sun.-The earth (2) loudly with fire and rock,to be (3) to produce many things,which made the earth"s atmosphere. Water stayed on the earth and people think it is important for the beginning of life. It allowed the earth to dissolve (4) gases. Then life began to develop.
              Plants were the start of changes. They (5) and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. This encouraged the (6) of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects,reptiles and dinosaurs and so on appeared after the first green plants appeared. Small clever animals (7) all over the earth. But they are not (8) the earth very well. Too much carbon dioxide is put into the atmosphere,which (9) heat from escaping from the earth into space. Whether life will continue (10) whether this problem can be solved.
            • 2. This is a most incredible tale. In the summer of 1903,an American businessman named Henry had some bad luck. He was (1) to sea by a strong wind and was (2) by a ship before giving up. Then he landed in Britain (3) . He earned his (4) by working as an unpaid hand,which (5) his appearance. He was lost in London and had no money on him. Nobody knew who he was.
              Then unexpectedly he was (6) to a large and beautiful house by two rich brothers,Roderick and Oliver. Henry told his experience to them. He asked if they could (7) him some kind of work there. To his surprise,they gave him a letter with money in it. He couldn"t open it until two o"clock. Henry thought this was (8) .In fact,Henry didn"t want (9) but an honest job. He was puzzled at what they did and (10) to open it until two o"clock.
            • 3. One day my partner and I went out to help one customer, and time passed so quickly. We realized that we needed to eat something (1) we finished our work. We stopped at a local hamburger shop and (2) some hamburgers and cokes for lunch. It was Sunday, late (3) , so there were only a few people. We watched around and found a(an) empty table easily. After we ordered some food, we were seated and waited. A few minutes later, (4) of us noticed a woman who was in her 80"s, come in and order some food.
              She was dressed in (5) was probably her best clothes that looked clean and neat. The woman set everything up around her and you could tell that this meal was a real treat for her. My (6) often had dinner in the shop and he was (7) with the people who worked there. He was curious about the (8) and went and talked with the working people,asking them about the woman. They said she came in every weekend, ordered the same meal and always was alone. They thought she lived (9) and that this meal was a special (10) she did for herself at least once a week.
            • 4. A
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              People may wonder (1) different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can clarify this question (2) you study British history.
              First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to "Great Britain". Happily this (3) without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However, the southern part of Ireland was (4) and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag (5) the Union Jack.
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              In a study, those (6) ate more organic food had fewer cancers. The study that followed 70,000 (7) ,most of them women, for five years has reported that the most frequent consumers of organic food had 25 percent fewer cancers than the people who never ate organic. The women who ate the most organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and other foods had a (8) big drop in breast cancers. People who buy organic food (9) that it"s better for their health,and they"re willing to pay dearly for it.
              However, some scientists noted the study did not prove an organic diet would cause a reduction in cancers and called for more long-term government-funded studies to confirm the results. They hold the view (10) evidence of the benefits of eating organic has been lacking, and it is more important for people to simply eat more fruits and vegetables, whether the produce is organic or not,if they want to prevent cancer.
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              When people talk about the future, we like to think that we will be able to drive out of our garages and take to the skies in our own personal flying car. The advantages are obvious. Some people predict this technology (11) complete freedom of movement. We could fly at 480 kilometers per hour, (12) traffic lights, busy roads and speeding tickets. However, some people point to the disadvantages of flying cars. They say that there are certain to be problems with traffic control. Another big problem is engine (13) What will happen if the car goes wrong? Also, if they become popular, there is (14) to be another big problem: air traffic jam. So we may find flying cars (15) with more than a few problems if they are to get off the ground!
            • 5. A trip on "The True North" Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. (1) than take the aeroplane all the way, they took the train from west to east (2) Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole (3) was exciting.
              Canada is the second biggest country in the world. People say Vancouver is Canada"s most beautiful city (4) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. On the coast north of Vancouver, it is so wet there that the trees are (5) tall.
              That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins (6) in their seats. They know cowboys from all over the world compete in the Stampede. Many cowboys have a (7) for riding wild horses. They also learned that most Canadians live (8) a few hundred kilometres of the USA (9) and the population is only (10) over thirty million.
            • 6. You have a bad relationship with your boss or co-workers.
              People at work don't respect or value you. Your boss takes advantage of you. Your relationships have gotten so bad that you're affecting the quality of your work. Maybe the only
              s(7) ______ is to find new people to work with.
              Remember: The exit door can sometimes open up a world of new o(8) ______ .
            • 7. How to get a job becomes the main concern to the college (1)g______ with fewer posts available at (2)p______. To this problem, in my mind, there are three (3)a______.
                  First of all, the main way is to take part in grand recruiting fairs in big cities. The student (4)s______  in his resume and waits for an interview, during which he should (5)d______ smartly,  look  the  (6)i______ in  the  eye  and
                  (7)m______ his own behavior. Secondly, the student can go over the (8)a______ on newspapers or surf the Internet to (9)l______ a satisfactory job. Of course he should also wait for the reply after sending in an application. Finally,  going directly to an (10)i______  company is a  brave behavior, which sounds pretty rare among the job hunters.
            • 8. In many Asian cultures, (1) shows respect. It is done when talking with anyone (2) or with anyone older.
              Habits like this can (3) when people do not understand them. (4) . an Asian might close his eyes (5) or look down while listening to a speaker. A Western speaker might think the man is not interested.
            • 9. I had been (1) ( 极想要 ) a washing machine, and last Saturday my friend (2) (陪我去)the shop to buy one. I hoped to (3) (测试;检测)the function of the machine. When I put the last (4) (一堆)clothes into the machine,I found it couldn"t start. I (5) (打电话)the technician for help. He came and said,"The machine you bought is a little (6) (低级的).Besides,the clothes you put into the machine are (7) (超重的).Why do you have so many to wash?" His words made me quite embarrassed. However, (8) (令我满意的是),he solved the problem very soon and told me not to (9) (让它 持续工作)too long. He also taught me something about how to make a (10) (数字 的)machine work smoothly.
            • 10. So why has English changed over time? (1) all languages change and develop when cultures meet and (2) with each other. At first the English spoken in England between AD 450 and
              1150 was based more on German than the English we speak at (3)
              Later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.Some of the (4) workers and doctors were (5) under the ruins. More buildings fell down. Water, food, and (6) were hard to get. People began to wonder how long the (7) would last.
              The sound of planes could be heard (8) the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings (9) and burst. But the one million people of the city, who thought (10) of these events, were asleep as usual.
