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            • 1. The Science of Risk-Seeking
              Sometimes We decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward,the risk seems worth tasking.(71)     Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us.Why?Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work.
              The reason why any of us take any risks at all might have to do with early humans.Risk-takers were better at hunting,fighting,or exploring.(72)    As the quality of Risk-taking was passed from on ration to the next,humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.
              So why aren’t we all jumping out of airplanes then?Well,even 200,000years ago,too much risk-taking could get one Killed.A few daring survived,though,along with a few stay-in-the-cave types.As a result,humans developed a range of character types that still exists today.So maybe you love car racing,or maybe you hate it. (73)    
              No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range,scientists say that your Willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years.(74)    To help you do that,your brain increases your hunger for new experiences.New experiences often mean taking some risks,so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well.
              Mean taking some risks,so your brain raisers your tolerance for risk as well.
              (75)     For the risk-seekers a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active,while for the rest of us,a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.
              As experts continue to study the science of risk-seeking,we’ll continue to hit the mountains,the waves or the shallow end of the pool.

              A.It all depends on your character.
              B.Those are the risks you should jump to take.
              C.Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.
              D.Thus,these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.
              E.This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world.
              F.However,we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards.
              G.New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation.
            • 2. (2013•朝阳区校级二模)Teletubbies
              Teletubbies is a very popular show featuring interesting and fun characters that keep children absorbed.(71)     Moreover,they are unique in their great contribution to preschoolers'formal school readiness.The program fits well into the style of broadcasting that airs on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service),which is non-profit TV promoting high quality,educational programs without commercial interruption.
              A company by the name of Ragdoll Productions in the United Kingdom developed the Teletubbies figures and their stories.Teletubbies'producers,Anne Wood and Andrew Davenport,conducted extensive research to guarantee the effectiveness of their production as a teaching tool.(72)     The conclusions they reached were put very well into words by Ms.Wood when she said,"I want children to smile.If they are smiling,they will be relaxed.If they are relaxed,they will be confident.If they are confident,they will dare to be curious.If they are curious,they will grow in understanding."(730     Young children over the world are privileged to enjoy the benefits,for since 1992the program has been sold to 92broadcasters in 70countries.
              What exactly,though,makes Teletubbies so visibly and emotionally inviting to young children?The answer is that they are completely designed from their point of view,being plump(fat and rounded in a pleasant way) and innocent-faced,as well as playful,warm,and funny. (74)     Imagine a land that is part technological and part nursery rhyme.Their home is Tubbytronic Superdome,and they eat Tubby Toast and Custard.A windmill blows in wonderful surprises among rolling hills,talking flowers,and a smiling sun.
              (75)     Teletubbies love each other very much; Teletubbies love to dance and sing; Teletubbies love their favorite things and interacting with their surroundings.These messages,conveyed in very basic,repetitive language,invite interaction with children,helping ages one through four expand the skills they need to watch and listen at the same time,which is key to the development of a child's thinking abilities.

              A.They live in a fascinating world that is brilliant and magical.
              B.They interviewed young children,linguists,and nursery school teachers.
              C.Lots of Teletubbies toys,books and DVDs are available to keep children entertained.
              D.Although the program aims at children aged one to four,it appeals to older generations.
              E.More importantly,the characters communicate very special,elementary ideas to the children.
              F.Like other cartoon creatures,Teletubbies are colorful both in physical appearance and personality.
              G.Much creative energy and innovation were channeled into each one of the 365shows that's been broadcast.
            • 3. Stay on the brighter side of life
              One very important component of optimism is gratitude or feeling grateful.In fact,there is a strong connection between a grateful attitude and a heightened sense of well-being.Appreciate all the positives in your life by starting a gratitude journal in order to remember what you're grateful for.(71)    
              Feeling down?Instead of feeling sorry for yourself waiting for the universe to throw you a bone,try acting like you're happy-even if you aren't.A sincere smile and a forced smile will cause the same chemical reactions in your brain,so you can actually fool your mind into feeling better by making it react chemically as if things were going well.(72)      Reassure yourself that everything is good-even if you don't feel it.
              "(73)     If you're stuck in traffic,then everything else must be going horribly too,"says Anne Parker,a wellness counselor.By blowing negative events out of proportion,you're setting yourself up for feeling down all day.Instead,acknowledge that you're stuck in traffic,but also bring to mind something good,like the beautiful scenery outside the window.That way,you'll get in the habit of forbidding negative circumstances from blanketing your whole day.
              Swearing to lose 20pounds or to run a marathon seems like goals leading to happiness,but they take time to achieve.(74)     You may even end up admitting that you have been defeated.However,if you focus on the small milestones that occur along the way,you will feel positive about your progress,which will give you the strength to keep going.
              (75)     Try making someone else's day better.A report by United Healthcare and Volunteer Match found that volunteers are 72% more likely to characterize themselves as optimistic compared with non-volunteers.Plus,89% of volunteers say that volunteering has improved their sense of well-being,and 92% say that it enriches their sense of purpose in life.

              A.Try to help someone in need.
              B.Want to give your attitude a lift?
              C.People tend to think in an either-or way.
              D.Act in an optimistic way-smile,laugh,tell a joke.
              E.You'll fail to appreciate more important things in your life.
              F.By focusing on not having accomplished them yet,you will start to feel down on yourself.
              G.By remembering the pleasant things in your life,you can actually turn a negative attitude around.
            • 4. (2013•昌平区二模)I'll do it tomorrow,I swear!
              Procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it.(71)    However,they only stare into space,eat snacks,surf the Internet,watch videos and look at their pretty peers sitting around them who,most likely,are doing nothing either.
              According to a recent report by the BBC,95percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20percent of the world's population are chronic procrastinators,complicating their lives with their constant delaying of tasks.
              The figures are discouraging.(72)     Just look at Hamlet,who is perhaps the world's most famous procrastinator.He is also a university student,and his indecision leads to tragedy(悲剧)in the biggest way.
              Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior,but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong.
              (73)     Pelling says this is nonsense,as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time.She says the behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel nervous and ashamed,inconveniences others,and annoys loved ones.
              Pelling also points out that procrastination feels particularly delinquent(不良倾向的) in a society that views swift action as praiseworthy,and,at times,even as morally good.
              (74)    Piers Steel,a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation,believes humankind is"designed"to procrastinate.Nevertheless,he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.(75)    Break the task down into small pieces and work your way through them methodically.The second is ingenious:Give a trusted friend a sum of money and tell them that if you don't complete the task you have undertaken by a specific time,they can keep it or donate it to a cause you hate.

              A.The first one is obvious.
              B.But this does nothing to break the spell.
              C.They could spend whole days in the library doing nothing useful.
              D.Procrastinators are less wealthy,less healthy and less happy than those who don't delay.
              E.Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure.
              F.Fortunately,social scientists have thrown their weight behind efforts to understand this behavioral weakness and offer strategies to control it.
              G.Paralyzed by their habit to procrastinate,they write micro blogs about their fears,asking their online friends if they sometimes have the same issue.
            • 5. Secret codes (密码)keep messages private.Banks,companies,and government agencies use secret codes in doing business,especially when information is sent by computer.
                 People have used secret codes for thousands of years.(36)    Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making.The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.
                 There are three main types of cryptography.(37)    For example,the first letters of“My elephant eats too many eels”Spell out the hidden message“Meet me.”
              (38)    You might represent each letter with a number,for example,Let’s number the letters of the alphabet,in order,from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter,the message“Meet me”would read“13 5 20 13 5.”
                 A code uses symbols to replace words,phrases,or sentences.To read the message of a real code,you must have a code book.(39)    For example,”bridge“might stand for“meet”and“out”might stand for“me.”The message“bridge out”would actually mean“Meet me.”(40)    However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.So codes must be changed frequently.

              A.It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
              B.In any language,some letters are used more than others.
              C.Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
              D.As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.
              E.You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
              F.With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.
              G.Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
