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            • 1.

              The time may soon come when we say goodbye to most of the world’s languages. Today humans

              express themselves in over 6,000 different languages. But that is quickly changing. Many scientists say that over half of these languages will disappear within the next 50 years. After 100 years, the languages

              used in the world will not be more than 20.

                   Why? It is because people from different cultures live and work together much more often than before. This brings changes. The languages of the world’s main cultures are replacing the languages of the smaller cultures. Most international trade takes place in world languages such as English. People respect their own cultures and traditions, but when it comes to getting a job, knowing a world language is often necessary. It may mean the difference between success and failure.

                  People in different cultures think it good for them to share a popular language. They can quickly share ideas and work together. Knowing the same language means easier communication and is a basis for trust.

                   Is the death of a small local language such a terrible thing? The answer is maybe. Many cultures may have words for many useful things we know nothing about. If their languages die, their valuable wisdom may be lost forever. The future of the world’s language depends on our actions now. Will we protect endangered languages or allow them to quietly disappear?  

              Time will have the last word.

              (1) Scientists say that within 50 years, perhaps, there will be only _______languages in the world.
              A. 6,000             B. over 3,000        
              C. around 3,000        D. less than 20
              (2) In “the languages of the world’s main cultures are replacing the languages of the smaller cultures.” the underlined word “replace” means “_______”.
              A. to put something back into a correct place      
              B. to take the place of something
              C. to find the good place for something           
              D. to decide how important something is
              (3) The passage says that if all the people in the world knew a popular world language, _______.
              A. people would respect their own culture more
              B. people would have no trouble in learning language
              C. lessons at schools would be taught in the language
              D. it would be easier for them to share their ideas
              (4) According to the passage, if nobody spoke the languages of smaller cultures, _______.
              A. there would be no smaller cultures   
              B. knowledge would come from the mouths of the elders
              C. people would have difficulty in working together
              D. many of the words for things we do not know would be lost
            • 2.

              Most of us don’ t know the reasons anymore but people today follow them because they are good fun.

              Today the bride (新娘) carries flowers but long ago she carried strong-smelling grass. This was to frighten away the evil spirits and to cover the smell of people who do not wash often. People also used to believe that the bride brought good luck, so they would try to get something from her. Today, the bride will offer the guests some good luck by throwing the flowers to them after the wedding. It is said that if you catch the flowers, you will be the next one to get married. Of course, many of the single girls at a wedding try to catch the flowers.

              In early times, the bridesmaids (伴娘) and the bride all wore similar dresses. This was to confuse the evil spirits. Now bridesmaids still wear similar dresses but the bride wears a different dress that is often white. Many brides wear veils (面纱) over their faces. This comes from a time when the young couple was not allowed to see each other before the wedding. The families were afraid that the bridegroom might not like the bride. So he was only allowed to lift her veil just before the wedding. By this time it was too late to refuse to marry her.

              Brides often wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”. In earlier times, if the bride did’t do this, she felt she would be in danger from the evil spirits. Wearing “something old” represents the journey between being single and being married. “Something new” represents the change from being a child to being an adult. “Something borrowed” means if you borrow something from a happily married couple, it will bring you good luck. And “something blue” comes from a time when the edge of the bride’ s dress was blue which represented purity.

              (1) The passage mainly tells us _____.

              A. today’ s wedding customs           
              B. the history of wedding customs

              C. why brides wear veils               
              D. what brides wear at weddings

              (2) Why did the bride carry strong-smelling grass in the past?

              A. To keep the evil spirits and unpleasant smell of some people away.

              B. To cover the unpleasant smell of her and keep the evil spirits away.

              C. To bring good luck to the bridesmaids.

              D. To throw it exactly to the bridesmaids.

              (3) What do we know about the wedding customs in the past from the third paragraph?

              A. The bridesmaids wore completely different dresses from the brides.

              B. The bridesmaids also needed to wear veils over their faces.

              C. The groom could refuse to marry his bride if he didn’tˈ t like her.

              D. The groom and the bride didn’t see each other until the wedding

              (4) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

              A. In order to avoid evil spirits, the bride had to wear her veil.

              B. In wedding customs, blue is the symbol of purity.

              C. Single girls are very happy to catch the brideˈ s flowers.

              D. The bride and her bridesmaids dressed similarly.

              (5) All of the following are mentioned in this passage EXCEPT ______.

              A. brides’ flowers                           
              B. brides’ clothes              

              C. grooms’ clothes                      
              D. brides’ veils

            • 3.

              Author Norman Mailer published an essay in which he declared the graffiti(涂鸦) of the New York subway to be "The Great Art of the 70s". But what happened to the artists and why is there no subway graffiti anymore?

              "It started with someone just writing their name - someone saw that, and added on to it," recalls New York graffiti artist Nicer, born Hector Nazario."Letters going in front of letters, coming back through a letter, behind a letter, going across a letter... the subways became our playground," adds Riff170.

              New York in 1974 was a city in crisis. The Mayor, Abe Beame, slashed the city's budget in a bid to stave off bankruptcy(破产), which meant laying off school teachers, police officers and subway staff.

              "They were taking the money from the schools, there was a lot of corruption here, in this community, and so they took the after-school programmes away, and there was no outlets for this. So the outlet became our city," says Bronx-born designer Eric Orr.

              "It was like an explosion. The graffiti explosion. All of a sudden it took over the whole city. I don't know what happened, but overnight in the early 70s it was from no graffiti to all graffiti," says another former artist, Flint Gennari.

              Eric Felisbret, author and former graffiti artist, says graffiti culture was in a way a product of the civil rights movement. "It was never political," he says, "but many people were brought up with that, and to express yourself by breaking the law became a natural process for them."

              The graffiti pioneers came from all races, however. "There were writers that were African American, Latino - Puerto Rico, Dominican, Cuban - Jewish, Asian, and it became one unit - one family," says another graffiti pioneer, Roberto Gualtieri.

              Prof Gregory Snyder, sociologist and author of Graffiti Lives, says: "For lots of people, graffiti is ugly, vandalistic, and I'm not denying that. It's vandalism... now, oftentimes it's very clever vandalism. It can be written on a dumpster, like a garbage bin, and if someone's attempting to make a garbage bin look a little prettier maybe that's not the worst thing in the world."Although Mailer was not alone in welcoming the flowering of creativity, the authorities hated it, as did many passengers.

              So when Mayor Ed Koch took office, he was determined to clean up the city and set about targeting graffiti.

              "I remember in 1982 he brought everyone out to a train yard and there was a single train painted white," says former New York Daily News reporter Salvatore Arena. Trains were taken out of service and cleaned as soon as graffiti was spotted. Carriages were protected at night and the city agreed to ban the sale of spray cans.

              If in 1984 80% of subway carriages contained graffiti by May 1989 the network was graffiti-free. “Graffiti has gone through an evolution, and it will continue to evolve. It’s now socially accepted in places where 20-30 years ago that would have been impossible. It’s now showcased(展示)in certain museums –and let’s say in another 30 years from now it may be hanging in the White House,” says Nicer.

              Nowadays painted graffiti is largely gone from the New York subway trains themselves and is seen instead on the walls and tunnels of the city. It has been replaced by scratchiti(刮擦艺术) created onto carriage windows using keys, knives. Unlike the vivid images of 40 years ago, these ghostly patterns are somehow easy to ignore. After all, graffiti has faded quietly into the background.

              (1) What caused the graffiti’s sudden appearance in New York in the 1970s?

              A. It is a product of the civil rights movement..

              B. The worse economy in New York then

              C. The support and encouragement of the Mayor.

              D. Publishment of Norman Mailer’s essay on graffiti.

              (2) In the 1970s, New York’s graffiti artists ________.

              A. could only do graffiti on trains

              B. organized a political movement

              C. realized they were actually against the laws

              D. often left their own names on their works

              (3) The main reason why Mayor Ed Koch took measures to stop graffiti may be that_______.

              A. all passengers were against graffiti

              B. it wasn’t the art that Ed Koch was fond of

              C. it didn’t benefit most subway passengers

              D. it became out of date because of scratchiti

            • 4.
              In its early history,Chicago had floods frequently,especially in the spring,making the streets so muddy that people,horses,and carts got stuck.An old joke that was popular at the time went something like this:A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street.Asked if he needs help,he replies,"No,thanks.I've got a good horse under me."
              The city planner decided to build an underground drainage (排水) system,but there simply wasn't enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level.The only two options were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city.
              An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt.This raised the level of the city's streets by as much as 12feet.
              This of course created a new problem:dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago.Building owners were faced with a choice:either change the first floors of their buildings into basements,and the second stories into main floors,or hoist the entire buildings to meet the new street level.Small wood-frame buildings could be lifted fairly easily.But what about large,heavy structures like Tremont Hotel,which was a six-story brick building?
              That's where George Pullman came in.He had developed some house-moving skills successfully.To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel,Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews (螺旋千斤顶) beneath the building's foundation.One man was assigned to operate each section of roughly 10jackscrews.At Pullman's signal each man tured his jackscrew the same amount at the same time,thereby raising the building slowly and evenly.Astonishingly,the Tremont Hotel stay open during the entire operation,and many of its guests didn't even notice anything was happening.
              Some people like to say that every problem has a solution.But in Chicago's early history,every engineering solution seemed to create a new problem.Now that Chicago's waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River,the city's next step was to clean the polluted river.

              (1) The author mentions the joke to show ______ .
              A. horses were fairly useful in Chicago
              B. Chicago's streets were extremely muddy
              C. Chicago was very dangerous in the spring
              D. the Chicago people were particularly humorous
              (2) The city planners were convinced by Ellis Chesbrough to ______ .
              A. build the pipes above ground
              B. lower the Chicago River
              C. fight against heavy floods
              D. get rid of the street dirt
              (3) The underlined word"hoist"in Paragraph 4 means" ______ ".
              A. change B. lift C. repair D. decorate
              (4) The passage is mainly about the early Chicago's ______ .
              A. popular life styles and their influences
              B. environmental disasters and their causes
              C. engineering problems and their solutions
              D. successful businessmen and their achievements.
            • 5.
              The Great Wall of China,one of the greatest wonders of the world,was enlisted in the World Heritage by the UNESCO in 1987.Just like a gigantic dragon,the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts,grasslands and mountains,stretching about 6,700 kilometers from east to west of China.With a history of more than 2,000 years,some parts of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared.However,it is still one of the most appealing attractions around the world.
              No one can tell for sure when the building of the Great Wall was started,but it is popularly believed that it originated as a military fortification(要塞) against intrusion by tribes on the borders during the earlier Zhou Dynasty.Late in the Spring and Autumn Period,some states extended the defence work to prevent the attacks from other states.
              It was not until the Qin Dynasty that the separate walls were connected to form a defensive system by Emperor Qin Shi Huang.After the emperor unified the country in 214 BC,he ordered the construction of the wall.It took about ten years to finish and the wall stretched from Gansu Province to Jilin Province.The wall not only served as a defence in the north but also symbolized the power of the emperor.
              Further construction also experienced several dynasties.The present Great Wall in Beijing is mainly remains from the Ming Dynasty.Today,the Great Wall has become a must-see for every visitor to China.Few can help saying"Wow"when they stand on top of a beacon tower and look at this giant dragon.It has become a national pride of Chinese people.

              (1) The underlined word"appealing"probably means" ______ ".
              A. huge B. attractive C. ordinary D. moving
              (2) In the Qin Dynasty, ______ .
              A. the construction of the Great Wall was finished in 204BC
              B. the emperor wanted to invade other minor states
              C. the defensive system of the Great Wall was separated
              D. the Great Wall began its way from Jilin Province
              (3) According to the passage,the Great Wall ______ .
              A. is from the west to the east
              B. is as long as 6,700 miles
              C. was built in several dynasties
              D. was begun in the Qin Dynasties
              (4) The best title for the passage probably is ______ .
              A. History of the Great Wall
              B. Culture of the Great Wall
              C. Construction of the Great Wall
              D. Projection of the Great Wall.
            • 6.
              Cyril was a small town.The houses there were all made of wood;almost everything in the houses were made of wood,too.And all the houses faced south.The town was never peaceful.Fire broke out once a week on summer afternoons.People were puzzled who was the real firebug(纵火犯).
              One day a big fire broke out.It was said that a Negro(黑人)had jumped out of the house on fire,so the police arrested all the Negroes in the street.However,there were fires breaking out when the Negroes were in prison.
              Mauson,a physics teacher,didn't believe that the Negroes were the firebugs,and decided to find out who the real firebug was.One day,he was invited to drink in a pub and happened to notice that many bottles and plastic plates were baked by the hot sunrays.Suddenly he realized what the actual fact was.He dashed out of the pub to his friend's house nearby,which also faced south.He made an experiment there to prove his idea.
              The next Saturday afternoon,Mauson asked some policemen to come to the house.They were told that the real firebug would be shown there.At that time,the sun was shining full into the house and it became hotter and hotter inside the room."Now,"said Mauson,"this house will soon catch fire."People looked at each other in surprise.Mauson asked them to look at the bottles and focus on the table cloth.After a while the cloth gave off a burning smell and began to catch fire!
              The mystery of fire was discovered,but the police wouldn't believe him and insisted that Negroes had been the firebugs.Instead they arrested Mauson and put him into prison.But Mauson said he would never turn against science.

              (1) The town was never peaceful,for fire broke out ______ .
              A. on Sundays B. on summer afternoons
              C. at any time D. on winter mornings
              (2) Why did the police arrest all the Negroes? ______
              A. Because one of them had been seen to set on a fire.
              B. Because they were suspected to be the firebugs.
              C. Because the police hated the Negroes.
              D. Because the Negroes knew something about the fires.
              (3) Drinking in a pub,Mauson realized ______
              A. he needed to leave the pub
              B. he needed to back the bottles
              C. it was too hot in the pub
              D. who was the real fire bug
              (4) By making an experiment,it was proved that the real firebug was ______ .
              A. the Negroes B. bottles C. sunrays D. plastic plates
              (5) What happened at the end of the story? ______
              A. The Negroes were set free.
              B. The police arrested the real firebugs.
              C. Mauson was arrested too.
              D. Mauson made friends with the Negroes.
            • 7.
              Pioneering front-row White House journalist Helen Thomas died at ge 92 after a long illness.Thomas covere 10presidents over nearly half a century,and became a legend in the industry.
              She was always at White House news conferences-sitting front and center-where she frequently annoyed government spokesmen with her pointed questions.
              Thomas began covering the White House for United Press International when John F.Kennedy became president in 1961 and was a fixture there until her retirement in 2010.
              In a written statement,Obama called Thomas a"true pioneer"and said she kept the presidents she covered-including himself-on their toes.
              Thomas,the daughter of Lebanese immigrants,was born in Winchester,Kentucky on August 4,1920.She was one of nine children.Thomas was raised in Detroit,where she attended Wayne State University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1942.
              In describing her job,Thomas once said,"I've never covered the president in any way other than that he is ultimately responsible."
              Thomas embraced the freedoms of a columnist with vigor(活力).No question seemed off-limits for her.Colleagues remember her as a genuinely fearless woman who asked the toughest questions of presidents,no matter their party.
              In January 2009,as President George Bush was preparing to leave office,Thomas aimed her editorial guns at him and his administration.In a commentary,she slammed (抨击) Bush for what she considered his failings,including leading the country"into a senseless war against Iraqi a calamity still under way as he leaves office almost six years after the invasion."She considered him"the worst president ever".

              (1) According to the text,Helen Thomas was ______ .
              A a wise politician
              B a writing pioneer
              C a legendary journalist
              D a White House adviser
              (2) The underlined word"fixture"in Paragraph 3 probably means ______ .
              A an object firmly fixed in place
              B a person regarded fixed in the same position
              C someone to fix tricky problems
              D a device to secure something somewhere
              (3) What canwe learn about Helen Thomas from the text? ______
              A. She covered 10 presidents over a period of 49 years.
              B. She often raised unreasonable questions.
              C. She was born and brought up in Lebanon.
              D. She was criticized by President Obama.
              (4) How did Thomas comment on George Bush? ______
              A. He should be kept on his toes.
              B. He was forced to be responsible.
              C. He didn't deserve to be president.
              D. He shouldn't have started the Iraq War.
            • 8.
              March 16th is World Sleep Day.This year's slogan (标语) is"Breathe Easily,Sleep Well".Its aim is to celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep.
              Sleep is like food for the brain.Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop.According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US,adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night.For students aged 10 to 17,a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night.
              But many students don't get enough sleep because of early school start time and heavy homework.About 80 percent of middle school students don't get enough sleep,the China Youth and Children Research Center reported.For some students,they want to sleep early,but they keep worrying about their schoolwork and can't fall asleep quickly.For others,they may even have insomnia which might keep them awake (醒着的)all night.
              These sleeping problems greatly affect people's lives.Experts have shown that lack of sleep for teenagers leads to poor grades.Students without enough sleep cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports.Also,the lack of sleep may make them depressed (沮丧的).
              Luckily,with good sleeping habits,it is easier to fall asleep.Some of these good habits include avoiding drinks that make people excited late in the day,going to sleep at the same time each night,and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark,quiet,and neither too warm nor too cold.

              (1) If Li Hong is 15 years old,how much sleep does she need every night? ______
              A. 10-12 hours.
              B. 8-9 hours.
              C. 7 hours.
              D. Less than 7 hours.
              (2) What might happen if teenagers don't get enough sleep? ______
              A. They might do well in sports.
              B. Their bodies and brains might grow better.
              C. They might feel depressed.
              D. They might not be able to finish their schoolwork.
              (3) The underlined word"insomnia"means" ______ "in Chinese.
              A. 健忘症
              B. 肥胖症
              C. 多动症
              D. 失眠症
              (4) Which of the following are good sleeping habits? ______
              a.Sleeping in a bright place.
              b.Going to bed at the same time.
              c.Sleeping in a dark and quiet place.
              d.Drinking something that makes you excited.
              A. a-b
              B. a-c
              C. b-c
              D. b-d.
            • 9.
              Until late in the 20th century,most Americans spent time with people of generations.Now mid-aged Americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old themselves.That's because we group people by age.We put our three-year-olds together in day-care center,our 13-year-olds in school and sports activities,and our 80-year-olds in senior-citizen homes.Why?
              We live away from the old for many reasons:young people sometimes avoid the old to get rid of fears for aging and dying.It is much harder to watch someone we love disappear before our eyes.Sometimes it's so hard that we stay away from the people who need us most.
              Fortunately,some of us have found our way to the old.And we have discovered that they often save the young.
              A reporter moved her family onto a block(街区)filled with old people.At first her children were disappointed.But the reporter baked banana bread for the neighbours and had her children deliver(递送)it and visit.Soon the cildren had many new frends,with whom they shared food,stories and projects."My children have never been less lonely,"the reporter said.
              The young,in turn,save the old.Once I was in a rest home when a visitor showed up with a baby.She was immediately surrounded.People who hadn't gotten out of bed in a week suddenly were ringing for a wheelchair.Even those who had seemed asleep wake up to watch the child.Babies have a surprising power to comfort and cure(治愈).
              Grandparents are a special case.They give grandchildren a feeling of security(安全) and continuity(持续性(.As my husband put it,"my grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end."
              Grandchildren speak of attention they don't get from worried parents."My parents were always telling me to hurry up,and my grandparents told me to slow down,"one friend said.A teacher told me she can tell which pupils have relationships with grandparents:they are quieter,calmer,more trusting.

              (1) The reason why old people are left alone may be that ______ .
              A. the old don't like to live in a big family
              B. the youg can't get enough money to support the old
              C. different generations have different lifestyles
              D. the old are too weak to live with the young
              (2) The fact that the reporter told us shows that ______ .
              A. old people are easy to get along with
              B. old people in America enjoy banana bread
              C. she had no time to take care of her children
              D. old people in America lead a hard life
              (3) Seeing a baby,the old people get excited because ______ .
              A. they had never seen a baby before
              B. the baby was clever and beautiful
              C. the baby brought them the image of life
              D. the baby's mother would take care of them
              (4) Why do children not get attention from their parents? ______
              A. Because they often make trouble and maketheir parents disappointed.
              B. Because their parents are too busy to take care of them.
              C. Because their parents have to take care of their grandparents.
              D. Because their parents have been out of work for a long time.
            • 10.

              Deliberately making a road icy sounds like a method for disaster,but in 16th-century China it helped things run smoothly.Repairs to the Forbidden City in Beijing in 1557 called for huge stones from a quarry(采石场)more than 70 km away.The biggest was the 300-ton“Large Stone Carving.”Such stones were too heavy for any cart,and too fragile for rollers.The builders adopted a wise alternative approach to carry the heavy stone.

              They dug a series of wells,spaced a few hundred metres apart,along the route to the quarry.Then,in the depth of winter,when temperatures reached around -4℃,buckets of water were poured on to the dirt track,transforming it into an ice road.

              The stone blocks were pushed along the road on wooden sledges(雪橇).Modern engineers have calculated that it would take 1,500 workers to drag a sledge on the dirt road,but only 300 on ice.Ancient texts suggested the ice was made slippery with more water;this reduced the friction further and just 50 men could pull a sledge.This technique only works when the temperature is close to zero,otherwise the film of water freezes too quickly.

              The researchers at Princeton University estimated that the blocks could be moved at six metres a minute,and the journey could be completed in 28 days.This would be well before the spring when the ice would melt.

              It was once suggested that similar ice-sledges transported Stonehenge stones,but the ground that had a lot of holes and comparatively mild conditions probably rule this out.

              (1) Why did people dig some wells along the road to the quarry?
              A. They wanted to build frozen roads.
              B. They wanted to break up large stones.
              C. They wanted to make the dirty track clean.
              D. They wanted to get a lot of holes on the road.
              (2) What did people do to reduce the friction?
              A. They made stone blocks much smaller.
              B. They poured more water on the ice road.
              C. They waited until the temperature was very low.
              D. They asked more than l,500 workers to clean the dirty road.
              (3) How did the researchers at Princeton University think of Stonehenge stones?
              A. They were not likely to be carried on the icy road.
              B. They had a longer history than stones in Beijing.
              C. They were carried for over twenty-eight days.
              D. They were broken up in the depth of winter.   
              (4) What does the author intend to tell us in the text?
              A. Making a road slippery on purpose may be a bad idea.
              B. The mild weather helped to carry Stonehenge stones.
              C. Stonehenge stones were too heavy to carry.
              D. Ancient Chinese transported huge stones wisely.
