优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A wise man was visiting the Ganges,a river which flows through northern India,to take a bath.He found a group of family members on the (1) ,shouting angrily at each other.He (2) his disciples(弟子),smiled and asked,"Why do people shout in (3) at each other?"The disciples (4) for a while and one of them said,"Because we (5) our calm,we shout.""But,why should you shout (6) the other person is just-next to you?You can as well tell him what you have to say in a(n) (7) manner."asked the wise man.Some disciples gave some other answers,but none (8) the other disciples.Finally the wise man explained,"When two people are angry at each other,there is a distance between their (9) .To cover that distance they must shout to be able to (10) each other.The angrier they are,the louder they will have to shout to (11) that great distance.What (12) when two people fall in love?They don't shout at each other but talk softly,because their hearts are very (13) .The distance between them is either nonexistent(不存在的)or very small."
              The wise man (14) ,"When they love each other even more,they do not (15) ,but only whisper and they get even closer to each other.Finally they (16) need not whisper.They only look at each other and that's (17) .That is how close two people are when they love each other."
              He looked at his disciples and said,"So when you (18) do not let your hearts get distant.Do not say words that distance each other more. (19) there will come a day when the distance is so great that you'll not find the path to (20) .You may end up becoming enemies,for instance."
              (1) A. roof B. platform C. bank D. street
              (2) A. referred to B. attended to C. shouted to D. turned to
              (3) A. anger B. excitement C. disappointment D. surprise
              (4) A. thought B. relaxed C. listened D. waited
              (5) A. control B. disturb C. lose D. enjoy
              (6) A. as long as B. in case C. when D. unless
              (7) A. soft B. impressive C. weak D. responsible
              (8) A. encouraged B. satisfied C. entertained D. bothered
              (9) A. directions B. bodies C. goals D. hearts
              (10) A. hurt B. attack C. understand D. hear
              (11) A. keep B. measure C. cover D. shorten
              (12) A. matters B. happens C. works D. succeeds
              (13) A. close B. huge C. special D. open
              (14) A. doubted B. continued C. replied D. promised
              (15) A. pass B. cry C. care D. speak
              (16) A. sometimes B. still C. even D. ever
              (17) A. nothing B. all C. one D. something
              (18) A. argue B. apologize C. criticize D. explain
              (19) A. Worse still B. Therefore C. Or else D. Besides
              (20) A. beat B. follow C. walk D. return
            • 2.
              Different things usually stand for different feelings.Red,for example,is the color of fire,heat,blood and life.People say red is an exciting and active color.They associate (使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like (1) .Red is used for signs of (2) ,such as STOP signs and fire engines.Orange is the bright,warm color of (3) in autumn.People say orange is a (4) color.They associate orange with happiness.Yellow is the color of (5) .People say it is a cheerful color.They associate yellow too,with happiness.Green is the cool color of grass in (6) .People say it is a refreshing color.In general,people (7) two groups of colors:warm colors and cool colors.The warm colors are red,orange and (8) .Where there are warm colors and a lot of light,people usually want to be (9) .Those who like to be with others like red.The cool colors are (10) and blue.Where there are these (11) ,people are usually worried.Some scientists say that time seems to (12) by more slowly in a room with warm colors.They suggest that a warm color is a good (13) for a living room or a (14) .People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. (15) colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.
              (1) A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile
              (2) A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places
              (3) A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains
              (4) A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening
              (5) A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. sta rs
              (6) A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter
              (7) A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell
              (8) A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray
              (9) A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful
              (10) A. black B. red C. golden D. yellow
              (11) A. colors B. people C. groups D. feelings
              (12) A. walk B. go C. run D. move
              (13) A. one B. way C. fact D. matter
              (14) A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital
              (15) A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. Same
            • 3.
              The friendship between us never fades.Mary Allen was my best friend-like a sister I never (1) .We did everything together:piano lessons,movies,swimming,horseback riding,and so on.
              When I was 13,my family moved.Mary and I (2) in touch through letters,and we saw each other on special (3) -like my wedding and Mary's.Soon we were (4) with children and moving to new homes,and we wrote (5) .One day a card that I sent came back (6) "Address Unknown."I had no idea how to (7) Mary.
              Over the years,I thought of Mary often.I wanted to (8) stories of my children and then grandchildren.I need to share my (9) when my brother and then my mother died.There was a(n) (10) place in my heart that only a friend like Mary could (11)
              One day I was reading a newspaper when I (12) a picture of a young woman who looked a lot like Mary and whose (13) name was Wagman-Mary's married name."There (14) be thousands of Wagmans,"I thought, (15) I wrote to her anyway.
              She (16) as soon as she got my letter."Mrs.Tobin!"she said excitedly,"Mary Allen Wagman is my (17) ."Minutes later I heard a voice that I (18) at once,even after 40years.We laughed and cried and asked about each other's (19)
              Now the empty place in my heart is filled,and there is one thing that Mary and I know (20) :We won't lose each other again!

              (1) A. had B. love C. left D. met
              (2) A. got B. kept C. lost D. fell
              (3) A. places B. occasions C. festivals D. things
              (4) A. comfortable B. careful C. easy D. busy
              (5) A. more B. much C. less D. least
              (6) A. said B. fastened C. read D. stamped
              (7) A. know B. stop C. find D. help
              (8) A. share B. tell C. write D. remember
              (9) A. news B. sorrow C. stories D. failure
              (10) A. big B. small C. wild D. empty
              (11) A. stay B. hide C. fill D. live
              (12) A. took B. noticed C. drew D. picked
              (13) A. last B. first C. nick D. given
              (14) A. should B. need C. can't D. must
              (15) A. and B. since C. but D. so
              (16) A. called B. laughed C. cried D. shouted
              (17) A. friend B. mother C. sister D. daughter
              (18) A. realized B. received C. contacted D. recognized
              (19) A. future B. progress C. lives D. weddings
              (20) A. for sure B. at all C. in all D. as well
            • 4.
              Five and a half years ago my father was suddenly rushed to the hospital for an operation.At the time,we had no idea that he was (1) ill.The operation did not go well and he remained (2) .Due to the laws of our state,we were (3) to keep him on a ventilator(呼吸机)for 72hours against his wish of stopping medical treatment if he was too ill.
              At the end of day two,I was (4) in the waiting room and watching others walk their fathers around who had had (5) .Typically,I am very happy for others that are (6) ,but that evening,I guess I was a little (7) because I finally realized I would (8) be able to hold my father's hand and walk down the hall again.
              I had to jump up and run down the hall to (9) everyone.This was not in my nature but I just had to be (10) .After running for what seemed like a long time,I went into a rest room.I sat in a stall(小隔间)and (11) for at least five minutes.
              When I came out of the stall there was a (12) by the sink.I went to (13) on the water to wash my face and she came to hug me though I didn't know her.She held onto me (14) I finally stopped crying.Then she grabbed a paper towel,wet it and (15) it to me.She looked at me and smiled and then left.She never spoke one word but she touched my (16)
              She (17) me that you do not need to be a conversationalist to help (18) the hurt in others.Never (19) to hug someone who may need it today.You can make a (20) in someone's life without even speaking one word.

              (1) A. slightly    B. seriously    C. probably    D. simply
              (2) A. uncomfortable B. uneasy  
              C. unfortunate  D. unconscious
              (3) A. inspired    B. trained    C. forced    D. forbidden
              (4) A. sitting    B. playing    C. chatting    D. reading
              (5) A. dinners    B. doubts    C. ideas    D. operations
              (6) A. changing    B. recovering    C. returning    D. leaving
              (7) A. angry    B. pleased   C. curious    D. foolish
              (8) A. even    B. still    C. never    D. always
              (9) A. catch up with   B. adapt to  
              C. play jokes on   D. get away from
              (10) A. single    B. alone    C. negative    D. impolite
              (11) A. cried   B. shouted    C. laughed    D. complained
              (12) A. doctor    B. manager   C. stranger   D. nurse
              (13) A. turn      B. put      C. take      D. try
              (14) A. but      B. since      C. when      D. until
              (15) A. said     B. handed      C. lent     D. sold
              (16) A. face     B. hair     C. heart     D. leg
              (17) A. taught    B. promised    C. reminded    D. introduced
              (18) A. see    B. remember    C. describe    D. heal
              (19) A. learn    B. hesitate    C. continue    D. dream
              (20) A. choice    B. mistake   C. difference    D. decision
            • 5.
              Jack Baines is a self-made millionaire,but his beginnings were very lowly.He was the youngest of eight children.His father had a (1) in a cotton mill (纱厂),but he was often (2) to work because of poor health.The family couldn't (3) to pay the rent or bills,and the children often went (4) .After leaving school at the age of 14,Jack was (5) what to do when Mr.Walker,his old teacher,offered to lend him£100to start his own (6)
              It was just after the war.Raw materials were not enough,and Jack saw a (7) in scrap metal(废弃金属).He bought bits of metal and stored it in an old garage.When he had built up a large amount,he sold it and (8) plenty of money.
              Jack (9) working hard.After one year he succeeded in (10) the£100.
              By the time Jack was 30years old he had (11) his first million,and he wanted to (12) this achievement by doing something" (13) ".With all his money it was (14) to build a beautiful home for himself and his parents.In 1959,"Baines Castle"was built in the (15) of the Lancashire countryside.It was one of the finest buildings in the country.
              Jack has recently sold"Baines Castle"for£500million, (16) Jack still can't get used to (17) the good life.He can (18) be found drinking with the locals at the local pub(酒吧).
              "I remember being very (19) as a child,but never (20) as a child,"says Jack,"and I will never forget where I came from and who I am."
              (1) A. house B. work C. company D. job
              (2) A. able B. unable C. glad D. eager
              (3) A. offer B. like C. afford D. expect
              (4) A. hungry B. wrong C. ill D. bad
              (5) A. wondering B. seeing C. doubting D. preparing
              (6) A. school B. business C. farm D. store
              (7) A. problem B. purpose C. principle D. future
              (8) A. spent B. earned C. wasted D. borrowed
              (9) A. preferred B. enjoyed C. promised D. hated
              (10) A. repaying B. saving C. developing D. paying
              (11) A. given B. taken C. made D. lost
              (12) A. remember B. honor C. recognize D. celebrate
              (13) A. grand B. simple C. interesting D. common
              (14) A. impossible B. obvious C. possible D. basic
              (15) A. ground B. heart C. spot D. front
              (16) A. so B. and C. but D. or
              (17) A. using B. sparing C. living D. keeping
              (18) A. seldom B. never C. sometimes D. often
              (19) A. rich B. poor C. healthy D. well
              (20) A. proud B. satisfied C. unhappy D. happy
            • 6.
              Making friends is a skill.Like most skills,it improves with practice.If you want to meet people and make friends, (1) must be willing to take actions.You must first go to the place (2) are people.You won't make friends (3) home alone. (4) a club or group,for talking with those who like the same things as you do is (5) .Or join someone in some activity.Many people are nervous when talking to people.After all,meeting strangers means facing (6) .And it's human (7) to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.
              Most of our fears about dealing with new people (8) doubts about ourselves.We imagine other people are judging us, (9) us too tall or too short,too this or too that. (10) don't forget that they must be feeling (11) way as you.Try to accept yourself (12) you are,and try to put the other person at ease.You will (13) feel more comfortable.
              Try to act self-confident even if you don't feel that way. (14) you enter a room full of strangers,such as a new classroom,walk tall and straight,look (15) at other people and smile.If you see someone you'd like to (16) to,say something.Don't wait for the other person to (17) a conversation.
              Just meeting someone (18) doesn't mean that you will make friends with that person.Friendship is (19) on mutual (相互的) liking and"give and take".They take time and (20) to develop.And there are things that keep a new friendship from growing.

              (1) A. you B. they C. it D. I
              (2) A. when B. whether C. where D. however
              (3) A. arriving B. returning C. staying D. leaving
              (4) A. Recognize B. Accept C. Share D. Join
              (5) A. more difficult B. easier C. uncomfortable D. ordinary
              (6) A. a friend B. the enemies C. trouble D. the unknown
              (7) A. nature B. fault C. weakness D. manners
              (8) A. come from B. give up C. get over D. carry off
              (9) A. finding B. making C. stopping D. treating
              (10) A. And B. Therefore C. But D. So
              (11) A. in the B. a friendly C. different D. the same
              (12) A. what B. as C. how D. where
              (13) A. neither B. both C. hardly D. never
              (14) A. When B. As if C. So that D. In which
              (15) A. specially B. directly C. shyly D. strictly
              (16) A. refer B. write C. speak D. pay
              (17) A. start B. stop C. develop D. hold
              (18) A. strange B. new C. famous D. active
              (19) A. depended B. lied C. taken D. based
              (20) A. money B. resource C. effort D. trouble
            • 7.
              In our life,we have rarely expressed our gratitude to those who have lived with us these years.In fact,we do not have to (1) a special time to thank the ones (2) to us.If you have (3) anything about giving thanks,it should be this: (4) it now!Saying thanks is such a(n) (5) way to add happiness to the (6)
              Saying thanks not only brightens someone else's world,but also brightens yours.If you are feeling (7) or unloved,try reaching out to others.It may be just the medicine that you (8)
              Of course,sometimes you cannot express gratitude (9) .In that case,do not fall into (10) -speak up the first time you have a (11)
              Once a young man,whose name was Mark Brian,was sent to a (12) of India.The villagers,he had been told before,did not have a (13) for"thank you".But on arriving there,Mark Brian found that those villagers expressed their (14) in other ways.Instead of saying thanks,it is their custom to (15) every favor with a favor of their own,and every kindness with the (16) or more kindness.They did express their thanks.
              I (17) if we had no words in our (18) for"thank you",would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude?And would we be more responsive (回应的),more (19) and more caring?
              Thankfulness can be transferred (传递) among people all around us-including ourselves, (20) no one ever misunderstands a thankful heart.
              (1) A. cut down B. give up C. talk about D. wait for
              (2) A. rudest B. closest C. similar D. different
              (3) A. learned B. offered C. written D. doubted
              (4) A. carry B. change C. give D. accept
              (5) A. fair B. strange C. extra D. easy
              (6) A. room B. world C. school D. station
              (7) A. left out B. helped out C. called on D. shown in
              (8) A. discover B. need C. invent D. collect
              (9) A. carefully B. finally C. immediately D. slowly
              (10) A. illness B. anger C. pleasure D. silence
              (11) A. suggestion B. condition C. job D. chance
              (12) A. village B. hospital C. city D. ship
              (13) A. film B. play C. word D. song
              (14) A. skill B. gratitude C. culture D. attitude
              (15) A. return B. mix C. follow D. check
              (16) A. public B. same C. secret D. cheap
              (17) A. wonder B. forget C. promise D. order
              (18) A. text B. lesson C. vocabulary D. book
              (19) A. creative B. clever C. sensitive D. beautiful
              (20) A. though B. unless C. if D. because
            • 8.
              I was said to be the worst student.My parents thought it was (1) that I could graduate.I was (2) class VI and during the same time a new teacher,Miss Audrey, (3) our school.
              One day,Miss Audrey stayed after class (4) she wanted to check our papers.When she noticed that I was still there,she talked to me.It was just a normal conversation.After that day she gave particular (5) to me and it made me feel (6) .My grades started to improve and I also began to feel happier.
              A few months later,she (7) into a block.It's not far away from my home.We would walk home together after school.She always had something special to say and (8) me more than anyone else did.Her support (9) me,especially in my studies,as I knew she would check my grades not just in her (10) but overall.I finally entered class VII.
              However,she started to keep away from me.By the time I was in class IX,we hardly (11) but till then I had changed for the (12) .Then I entered the college and lost (13) with her.
              One fine day our paths (14) again.I met her at a wedding.Like a (15) I ran to her and hugged her excitedly.I began to tell her (16) I had done and how much I had (17) her in the past years.I could not help asking her,"Why did you (18) talking to me?"
              She held my hand and said,"I wanted you to be (19) .I wanted you to be a tree standing on your own (20) ,not relying on others."

              (1) A. unfair B. unlikely C. likely D. obvious
              (2) A. passing B. leaving C. repeating D. dropping
              (3) A. joined B. inspected C. visited D. defended
              (4) A. as B. before C. or D. till
              (5) A. observation B. admission C. question D. attention
              (6) A. relaxed B. special C. satisfied D. strange
              (7) A. walked B. changed C. moved D. looked
              (8) A. worried about B. turned to
              C. depended on D. believed in
              (9) A. helped B. saved C. worried D. reminded
              (10) A. research B. area C. field D. subject
              (11) A. wrote B. argued C. spoke D. laughed
              (12) A. harder B. better C. higher D. cleverer
              (13) A. touch B. belief C. patience D. memory
              (14) A. mixed B. crossed C. appeared D. separated
              (15) A. partner B. classmate C. child D. friend
              (16) A. how B. when C. what D. where
              (17) A. missed B. hated C. loved D. liked
              (18) A. forget B. stop C. begin D. regret
              (19) A. particular B. intelligent C. responsible D. independent
              (20) A. bases B. roots C. shades D. leaves
            • 9.
              Another person's enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved.That person was my stepmother.
              I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia.My father (11)______ me to her with these words:"I would like you to meet the fellow who is (12)______ for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no (13)______ than tomorrow morning."
              My stepmother walked over to me,(14)______ my head slightly upward,and looked me right in the eye.Then she looked at my father and replied,"You are (15)______.This is not the worst boy at all,(16)______ the smartest one who hasn't yet found an outlet(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm."
              That statement began a(n) (17)______ between us.No one had ever called me smart.My family and neighbors had built me up in my (18)______ as a bad boy.My stepmother changed all that.
              She changed many things.She (19)______ my father to go to a dental school,from which he graduated with honors.She moved our family into the county state,where my father's career could be more (20)______ and my brother and I could be better (21)______.
              When I turned fourteen,she bought me a secondhand (22)______ and told me that she believed that I could become a writer.I knew her enthusiasm,I (23)______ it had already improved our lives.I accepted her (24)______ and began to write for local newspapers.I was doing the same kind of(25)______ that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie and received the task which became my life's work later.I wasn't the (26)______ beneficiary(受益者).My father became the (27)______ man in town.My brother and stepbrothers became a physician,a dentist,a lawyer,and a college president.
              What power (28)______ has!When that power is released to support the certainty of one's purpose and is (29)______ strengthened by faith,it becomes an irresistible(不可抗拒的)force which poverty and temporary defeat can never (30)______.
              You can communicate that power to anyone who needs it.This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm.

              (1) A. rushed    B. sent    C. carried    D. introduced
              (2) A. distinguished B. favored C. mistaken D. rewarded
              (3) A. sooner    B. later   C. longer    D. earlier
              (4) A. dragged    B. shook    C. raised      D. bent
              (5) A. perfect    B. right    C. wrong    D. impolite
              (6) A. but    B. so     C. and    D. or
              (7) A. agreement   B. friendship    C. gap    D. relationship
              (8) A. opinion   B. image    C. expectation    D. mind
              (9) A. begged    B. persuaded   C. ordered   D. invited
              (10) A. successful    B. meaningful   C. helpful   D. useful
              (11) A. treated    B. entertained   
              C. educated    D. respected
              (12) A. camera    B. radio    C. bicycle   D. typewriter
              (13) A. considered    B. suspected  
              C. ignored    D. appreciated
              (14) A. belief    B. request    C. criticism    D. description
              (15) A. teaching    B. writing    C. studying    D. reading
              (16) A. next    B. same    C. only    D. real
              (17) A. cleverest    B. wealthiest   
              C. strongest   D. healthiest
              (18) A. enthusiasm    B. sympathy   
              C. fortune    D. confidence
              (19) A. deliberately    B. happily    
              C. traditionally    D. constantly
              (20) A. win    B. match    C. reach    D. doubt
            • 10.
              It was Molly's job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he went to work.One morning,besides his usual lunch bag,Molly (1) him a second paper bag.
              "Why this one?What is in it?"her father asked,rather (2) ,holding the second one."Some special things.But do not look at them until you have arrived at your office."Molly answered (3) somehow.And a big smile appeared on her face.Not wanting to (4) the matter,he kissed Molly and rushed off with both bags.
              At midday before lunch he opened Molly's bag to see what it (5) :two cartoon pictures,three small stones,a metal ring,a small doll…The busy father smiled,finished eating,and returned to work-he always had so much to do every day.Before work he (6) the desk and put the things he didn't need into the dustbin,Molly's bag included.
              That evening,Molly asked eagerly,"Where is my (7) ,Daddy?I forgot to put this note in it,"she added,"Daddy,the presents in the bag are the ones I really like-I thought you might like to play with them,too.You didn't lose the bag,did you,Daddy?"
              "Oh,no,"he said, (8) ."I just forgot to bring it home.I'll bring it tomorrow."
              When Molly kissed his face,he (9) the note that read,"I love you,Daddy."
              He was (10) in the deepest part of his heart."How dull I was!"
              Early the next day,he hurried to his office and from the dustbin he picked up his presents from Molly.
              Molly had given him her favorites-all that a 7-year-old girl ever had-love in a paper bag.Luckily,he didn't (11) it.
              Love from our (12) is often carried by the small things they share with us.It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.

              (1) A. handed B. bought C. lent D. showed
              (2) A. serious B. happy C. surprised D. careful
              (3) A. patiently B. excitedly C. shyly D. coldly
              (4) A. discover B. discuss C. solve D. affect
              (5) A. needed B. smelt C. felt D. contained
              (6) A. cleared B. washed C. prepared D. kept
              (7) A. ring B. stone C. doll D. bag
              (8) A. smiling B. lying C. moving D. standing
              (9) A. looked at B. threw away C. put away D. broke up
              (10) A. encouraged B. touched C. impressed D. defeated
              (11) A. waste B. regret C. refuse D. miss
              (12) A. life B. society C. family D. hearts
