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            • 1. A Language Programme for Teenagers
              Welcome to Teenagers Abroad!We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning.
              Our Courses
              Regardless of your choice of course,you’ll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively.
              Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language,with focused teaching in all 4skill areas----speaking,listening,reading and writing.
              Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course,with 10additional lessons per week,guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning (see table below).
              Course TypeDaysNumber of Lesson Course Timetable
              Standard CourseMon-Fri20 lessons9:00-12:30
              Intensive CourseMon-Fri20 lessons9:00-12:30
              10 lessons13:00-14:30
              Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills.The majority of them take on online language test before starting their programme.However,if this is not available,students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course.
              Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course,and there will never be more than 15participants in each class.
              Arrivals and Transfer
              Our programme offers the full package-students are take good care of from the start through to the very end.They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort.We require the student’s full details at least 4 weeks in advance.
              Meals/Allergies(过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements
              Students are provided with breakfast,dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(which consists of a sandwich,a drink and a dessert).Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually.
              We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as well as information about any medicines you take.Depending on the type of allergies and/or dietary requirements,an extra charge may be made for providing special food.

              36.How does Intensive Course differ from Standard Course?    
              A.It is less effective.
              B.It focuses on speaking.
              C.It includes extra lessons.
              D.It give you confidence
              37.When can a student attend Standard Course?    
              38.Before starting their programme,students are expected to    
              A.take a language test
              B.have an online interview
              C.prepare learning materials
              D.report their language levels
              39.With the full package,the programme organizer is supposed to    
              A.inform students of their full flight details
              B.look after students throughout the programme
              C.offer students free sightseeing trips
              D.collect students’luggage in advance
              40.Which of the following may require an extra payment?    
              A.Cooked dinner.
              B.Mealtime dessert.
              C.Packed lunch.
              D.Special diet.
            • 2. For professional athletes,it's all about training,speed,strength,and endurance.It's no different for the homing pigeon (传信鸽)-the flying athletes,but they're not going for the gold with every race.They just want to go home.
              When you walk into Mike Beavers'pigeon loft (鸽棚) you'll hear the happy coo (咕咕叫) from his flock of homing pigeons.Beavers raises and races these birds near Kingsley,Iowa,USA.
              “Most people don't believe me,”says Beavers.“They ask,‘How do you do that?'Then once you start explaining it,it really kind of catches their interest and they say,‘Wow,that's pretty awesome.'”
              His love for the birds took off when he was a kid and he's spent the past 30years building his team of racing pigeons.It's a family hobby.“I got out of it for a few years and after I got married,my daughter came along and it was something that she and I could do together because I don't shop,”says Beavers.
              Beavers has about 150birds,but these aren't ordinary pigeons.They're born to race,conditioned to travel long distances,and they have the instinct (本能) to always return home no matter where they are.
              “They come back because this is home,”says Beavers.“This is where they were born and raised and it's just their instinct to go home.Nobody even really knows the reason.It's one of nature's secrets and nobody has found it yet.”
              These pigeons are kind of like a flying GPS.That's what makes them so special.If you take a wild pigeon you find under a bridge and take it out 100miles away,it is just going to find the closest bridge and that's going to be its new home.It is the instinct that is bred into these birds over centuries and centuries.

              31.What do most people think of Beavers'raising homing pigeons after his explanation?    
              A.Boring but acceptable.
              B.Interesting and acceptable.
              C.Surprising and unacceptable.
              D.Understandable but unacceptable.
              32.It can be inferred from the passage that Beavers    
              A.often goes shopping with his family
              B.has never stopped raising homing pigeons
              C.has raised homing pigeons for two decades
              D.shares this pigeon⁃raising hobby with his daughter
              33.In what way are homing pigeons different from ordinary pigeons?    
              A.They can locate their home.
              B.They are equipped with GPS.
              C.They like to live under a bridge.
              D.They can't travel long distances.
              34.The homing pigeons can fly back home because    
              A.they are well trained 
              B.they have the instinct
              C.they are equipped with GPS
              D.they don't travel long distance
              35.The main purpose of the passage is to    
              A.compare homing pigeons with other pigeons
              B.give advice on how to raise homing pigeons
              C.encourage people to find the secrets of homing pigeons
              D.introduce a man who raises and races homing pigeons.
            • 3. You may open your electronic mail and find information about how to buy medicine,cheap airline tickets,and books and,of course,computers and computer products.There may also be offers for investment deals,bank loans and special holidays.However,to many computer users,this use of electronic spam to sell products has become a major problem as it makes computer communication more difficult.
              Many companies who want to send a great deal of advertising might use the services of a“spammer.”A spammer is a person or company that uses computers to send out millions of copies of the same sales information.Spammers find e-mail addresses from websites,news groups and“chat rooms”where people send messages to each other.
              Most spam is sent by companies who are trying to get you to buy their products.Some of these are honest companies that offer good products or services for fair prices.These companies can offer their products for a cheaper price than you might find in a store.However,much of the spam on the Internet is sent by criminals who are trying to sell products that do not exist or offer services they will not provide.They are only interested in stealing your money.When you answer their spam,you find you are expected to send them money and receive a gift.If you just follow what they ask you to do without any consideration,it is likely that you will be cheated and lose some money.

              28.What does the word“spam”in the last sentence of the  first paragraph probably refer to?    
              A.Unwanted electronic information    
              B.serious computer viruses
              C.Advertisements sent by dishonest companies
              D.Companies sending out the same sales information.
              29.Why do some companies send spam?    
              A.to make friends on the Internet.
              B.to promote their producta on the Internet.
              C.to send some virses to your company.
              D.to make computer communication much easier
              30.According to the writer,how can we deal with spam?    
              A.Look out for any spam that reaches your computer.
              B.Don’t trust any information on the Internet.
              C.But the cheaper products advertised in the spam.
              D.Don’t buy anything advertised in the spams.
              31.The auther’s main purpose of writing this passage is to    
              A.explain what spam is     
              B.find out who send out spam
              C.warn readers of the possible dangers of spam
              D.show the advantages and disadvantages of spam.
            • 4. The writers of murder stories go to a great deal of trouble to keep us guessing right up to the end.In actual fact,people often behave more strangely in real life than they do in stories.
              The following advertisement once appeared in a local newspaper:“An opportunity to earn $250in a few minutes.A man willing to take chances is wanted for an out-of-the-ordinary job which can be performed only once.“A reader found this offer very generous and applied to the advertiser,but being a bit suspicious,he gave a false name.Soon afterwards,he received a reply.Enclosed in the envelope was a typed note instructing him to ring a certain number if he was still interested.He did so and learned on the telephone that the advertiser wanted him“to get rid of somebody“and would discuss it more fully with him the next day.But the man told the police and from then on acted under their instructions.
              The police saw the two men met and watched them as they drove away together.In the car the advertiser came to the point at once:he told the man he wanted him to shoot his wife.The reason he gave was that he was suffering from an incurable disease and wanted to live in a warmer country,but his wife objected to this.Giving the man some money,the advertiser told him to buy a gun and warned him to be careful of the dog which,though it would not bite,might attract attention.He also gave him a photograph of his wife so that he would be able to recognize her,After that,the advertiser suggested that the man should“do the job“next morning.Meanwhile,he would prepare his wife by telling her that a young man was going to call.After the murder,they would meet again outside a railway station and the money would be paid as arranged.The second meeting never took place,for the advertiser was arrested shortly afterwards and charged with attempting to persuade someone to murder his wife.

              26.What can we infer from paragraph one?    
              A.While reading murder stories,we have to guess at the end of the stories.
              B.While reading murder stories,we have to guess from the beginning to the end.
              C.People usually behave more strangely in murder stories than in real life.
              D.It is very easy for writers of murder stories to have readers guessing.
              27.The underlined word“suspicious”in paragraph two means    
              A.doubtful        B.sure        C.persuaded        D.unexpected
              28.Why did the man put an advertisement in a local newspaper?    
              A.To hire someone to kill himself because he was seriously ill.
              B.To ask someone to buy a gun for him and then he would kill his wife.
              C.To hire someone to kill his wife because he didn’t love her any more.
              D.To have his wife killed because he doubt whether she still loved him.
              29.According to the passage,what is NOT true about the advertiser?    
              A.He was suffering from a deadly disease.
              B.He raised a dog in his house.
              C.He would help the person hired to finish the task.
              D.He paid the man he hired beforehand.
              30.From the passage,we can learn that    
              A.The advertiser wrote a letter to the reader to ask him to call a number.
              B.The reader was in great need of money,so he wanted to get the job.
              C.The advertiser was caught by the police right after he met the reader.
              D.The dog in the advertiser’s house was very fierce.
            • 5. Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve physical fitness and sustain a healthy lifestyle.Group exercise is challenging,yet fun and empowering!Of course everyone knows that exercise is good for the body.However,studies have shown that when exercise is performed in groups,it's not only great for improving physical health but for psychological health.It's an opportunity to be social,release endorphins(内啡肽),and improve your strength.Additionally,group exercise creates a community feel and the shared common goal motivates participants to work hard.The instrumental support of taking on a fitness journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym alone.
              Another beneficial aspect of group exercise is the informational support participants receive from the instructor.Many people fear the gym because they feel lost and don't want to embarrass themselves.If you feel you can relate,then group training is an even better option for you.It's a great opportunity to learn more about fitness through the clear instruction and supervision (监管) of a fitness instructor.If you're tired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored,you can attend an upbeat group fitness class that’ll keep your workout on track.Don't letfitness frighten you!
              If you're serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle,it's extremely important to surround yourself with people who'll provide you with the proper emotional support.I wouldn't scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldn't expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health.Surround yourself with people who uplift,encourage and understand you!Make fitness even more fun by trying something new or any group fitness class,with a friend.Plan to go for a jog together.Then try a fun healthy restaurant or fresh juice bar!Fitness can be both fun and social!
              Surrounding yourself with people who'll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial while working towards reaching health and fitness goals.First,decide to do it for yourself and work towards staying positive.Then make sure the people you surround yourself with are supportive.Don't let negativity ruin your motivation.
              72.The first paragraph focuses on    
              A.the greatest challenge of group exercise
              B.the most effective way to improve physical fitness
              C.the contribution of group exercise to psychological health
              D.the shared common goal in performing exercise in groups
              73.The underlined word“upbeat“in the second paragraph probably means“    ”.
              74.When it comes to emotional support,the author thinks it necessary    
              A.to sustain a colorful lifestyle
              B.to party on weekends with positive people
              C.to try a fun healthy restaurant regularly
              D.to surround yourself with supportive people
              75.What would be the best title for the passage?    
              A.Seeking Support
              B.Supporting Health
              C.Improving Your Strength
              D.Building Up Fitness.
            • 6. I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.Now I am thirty-two.I can slightly remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is.It would be wonderful to see again,but a calamity(灾难)can do strange things to people.It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn’t been blind.I believe in life now.I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so deeply,otherwise.I don’t mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes.I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what I had left.
              Life,I believe,asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality.The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments,the more meaningful his own private world becomes.The adjustment is never easy.I was totally confused and afraid.But I was lucky.My parents and my teachers saw something in me-a potential to live,you might call it-which I didn’t see,and they made me want to fight it out with blindness.
              The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself.That was basic.If I hadn’t been able to do that,I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front porch for the rest of my life.When I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone.That is part of it.But I mean something bigger than that:an assurance that I am,despite imperfections,a real,positive person; that somewhere in the sweeping,intricate(错综复杂的) pattern of people there is a special place where I can make myself fit.
              It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance.It had to start with the simplest things.Once a man gave me an indoor baseball.I thought he was making fun of me and I was hurt.“I can’t use this.”I said.“Take it with you,”he urged me,“and roll it around.”The words stuck in my head.“Roll it around!”By rolling the ball I could hear where it went.This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible:playing baseball.At Philadelphia’s Overbrook School for the blind I invented a successful variation of baseball.We called it ground ball.
              All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them,one at a time.I had to learn my limitations.It was no good trying for something that I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure.I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.
              41.What can we learn from the first paragraph?    
              A.The author lost his sight because of a car crash.
              B.The author wouldn’t love life if the disaster hadn’t happened.
              C.The disaster made the author appreciate what he had.
              D.The disaster strengthened the author’s desire to see.
              42.What’s the author’s biggest difficulty?    
              A.How to adjust himself to reality.
              B.Building up assurance that he can fit in life.
              C.Learning to manage his life alone.
              D.How to invent a successful variation of baseball.
              43.The underlined words“a chair rocker on the front porch”in Paragraph 3 means that the author    
              A.would sit in a rocking chair and enjoy his life
              B.would be unable to move and stay in a rocking chair
              C.would lose his will to struggle against difficulties
              D.would sit in a chair and stay at home
              44.As can be seen from the passage,the baseball and encouragement offered by the man    
              A.hurt the author’s feeling
              B.gave the author a deep impression
              C.directly led to the invention of ground ball
              D.inspired the author
              45.Which can be the best title for the passage?    
              A.A Miserable Life                
              B.Struggle Against Difficulties
              C.A Disaster Makes a Strong Person
              D.An Unforgettable Experience.
            • 7. (2014•怀化二模)Like most Oregonians,Stephanie McRae was used to driving in bad weather.Although rain still beat the window of her car,the worst of the day’s storm seemed to have passed as she drove her 11-year-old daughter,Maggie,home from a church at 8:30p.m.Two little children sat into their car seats in back.
              When crossing over Fawcett Creek (小河),McRae found the road just ahead had been washed away.The storm had turned Fawcett Creek into a 100-feet-wide river.Water began to go into the car and the four of them had to climb onto the car’s roof.The car was floating about and was being swept toward the Tillamook River only a few miles ahead.Suddenly it stopped when hitting a logjam (浮木阻塞).The water swept over them,rising higher and higher.Stephanie screamed into the rainy night,almost crying.
              “Mom,I have to go and get help,”her 11-year-old daughter Maggie cried.
              Stephanie realized if she went by herself,Maggie couldn’t hold on to the other two babies.But Maggie was still recovering from foot surgery.How could she manage?Finally she shouted,“I’m proud of you.Be careful!”
              As Maggie McRae struggled to reach the shore,she was all wet.The sixth grader started running to the nearest house.Inside,the neighbors immediately called 911and were told that firefighters were making their way toward another trapped car.Maggie joined the neighbors,and helped the rescue team point out where her mother was.The firefighters saved McRae and her children by using a 35-foot-long ladder.
              When Stephanie reached land in safety,Maggie raced into her mother’s arms.“She hugged me for five minutes,”Maggie remembers.Maggie accepted an award for her heroism,but she’s happier to get back to her sports team and her family.

              61.What can we infer from the passage?    
              A.Without the logjam,McRae’s car would have been swept into the Tillamook River.
              B.The rain became heavier when McRae drove home.
              C.McRae’s car was the only vehicle that was blocked in the Fawcett Creek that night.
              D.Most of the time the weather in Oregon is quite good.
              62.Stephanie McRae’s screaming on the car’s roof suggested that she felt    
              A.surprised        B.helpless    C.disappointed        D.careless
              63.According to the passage,we can infer that Maggie    
              A.was strong enough to hold the two children in the water
              B.tried to swim to the bank in order to get help
              C.stopped her sports activities due to her foot injury
              D.rescued her family using a ladder
              64.Which of the following is in the correct order of events?    
              ①Firefighters rescued McRae and her children from the river.
              ②Firefighters were sent to the broken road.
              ③The neighbors Maggie found called 911.
              ④The rescue team had got informed of the trouble at Fawcett Creek.
              ⑤Another trapped car was found in the river by the firefighters.
              65.What is the passage mainly about?    
              A.A heavy storm that damaged a road and killed lots of drivers.
              B.A brave young girl who helped save her family from flood.
              C.Firefighters who rescued a family late at night from flood.
              D.Great neighbors who saved people swept away into a river.
            • 8. We’ve reached a strange-some would say unusual-point.While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance according to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO),more people now die from being overweight,or say,from being extremely fat,than from being underweight.It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days.
                Worse,nearly l8 million children under the age of five around the world are estimated to be overweight.What’s going on?
                We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems.The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by public-health campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through-up to a point.
                In the 1970s,Finland,for example,had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause.Not any more.A public-health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 per cent over the past three decades.
                Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005,and doctors even offer surgery of removing fat inside and change the shape of the body.That has become a sort of fashion.No wonder it ranks as the world’s most body-conscious country.
                We know what we should be doing to lose weight-but actually doing it is another matter.By far the most popular excuse is not taking enough exercise.More than half of us admit we lack willpower.
                Others blame good food.They say:it’s just too inviting and it makes them overeat.Still others lay the blame on the Americans,complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American-style fast food.
                Some also blame their parents-their genes.But unfortunately,the parents are wronged because they’re normal in shape,or rather slim.
                It’s a similar story around the world,although people are relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight.Parents are eager to see their kids shape up.Do as I say-not as I do.
              59.What is the“strange”point mentioned in the first sentence?    
              A.The good life is a greater risk than the bad life.
              B.Starvation is taking more people’s lives in the world.
              C.WHO report shows people’s unawareness of food safety.
              D.Overweight issue remains unresolved despite WHO’s efforts.
              60.Why does the author think that people have no excuse for being overweight?
              A.A lot of effective diet pills are available.
              B.Body image has nothing to do with good food.
              C.They have been made fully aware of its dangers.
              D.There are too many overweight people in the world.
              61.The example of Finland is used to illustrate    
              A.the cause of heart disease                               
              B.the fashion of body shaping
              C.the effectiveness of a campaign                       
              D.the history of a body-conscious country
              62.Which would be the best title for the passage?    
              A.Actions or Excuses?
              B.Overweight or Underweight?
              C.WHO in a Dilemma                                      
              D.No Longer Dying of Hunger.
            • 9. Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family,and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck.I’m not going to say luck,talent,and circumstances don’t come into play because they do.Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence,and that’s just the reality of how life is.
              However,to succeed in life,one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical.And,in addition to that,in order to get really good at something,one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing.To become great at certain things,it’ll require even more time,time that most people won’t put in.
              This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love.If you don’t enjoy what you do,it is going to feel like unbearable pain and will likely make you quit well before you ever become good at it.
              When you see people exhibiting some great skills or having achieved great success,you know that they have put in a huge part of their life to get there at a huge cost.It’s sometimes easy to think they got lucky or they were born with some rare talent,but thinking that way does you no good,and there’s a huge chance that you’re wrong anyway.
              Whatever you do,if you want to become great at it,you need to work day in and day out,almost to the point of addiction,and over a long period of time.If you’re not willing to put in the time and work,don’t expect to receive any rewards.Consistent,hard work won’t guarantee you the level of success you may want,but it will guarantee that you will become really good at whatever it is you put all that work into.
              31.Paragraph 1 mainly talks about    
              A.the reasons for success                                          
              B.the meaning of success
              C.the standards of success                                        
              D.the importance of success
              32.In Paragraph 2,the underlined word that refers to    
              A.being good at something                                      
              B.setting a practical goal
              C.putting in more time                                            
              D.succeeding in life
              33.Successful people suggest doing what one loves because    
              A.work makes one feel pain                                     
              B.one tends to enjoy his work
              C.one gives up his work easily                                  
              D.it takes a lot of time to succeed
              34.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?    
              A.Successful people like to show their great skills.
              B.People sometimes succeed without luck or talent.
              C.People need to achieve success at the cost of life.
              D.It helps to think that luck or talent leads to success.
              35.What is the main theme of the passage?    
              A.Having a goal is vital to success.
              B.Being good is different from being great.
              C.One cannot succeed without time and practice.
              D.Luck,talent and family help to achieve success.
            • 10. You’ve just come home,after living abroad for a few years.Since you’ve been away,has this country changed for the better-or for the worse?
              If you’ve just arrived back in the UK after a fortnight’s holiday,small changes have probably surprised you-anything from a local greengrocer suddenly being replaced by a mobile-phone shop to someone in your street moving house.
              So how have things changed to people coming back to Britain after seven,ten or even 15years living abroad?What changes in society can they see that the rest of us have hardly noticed-or now take for granted?To find out,we asked some people who recently returned.
              Debi:When we left,Cheltenham,my home town,was a town of white,middle-class families-all very conservative (保守的).The town is now home to many eastern Europeans and lots of Australians,who come here mainly to work in hotels and tourism.There are even several shops only for foreigners.
              Having been an immigrant (移民) myself,I admire people who go overseas to find a job.Maybe if I lived in an inner city where unemployment was high,I’d think differently,but I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because they’re more open-minded and often work harder than the natives.
              Christine:As we flew home over Britain,both of us remarked how green everything looked.But the differences between the place we’d left behind and the one we returned to were brought sharply into focus as soon as we landed.
              To see policemen with guns in the airport for the first time was frightening-in Cyprus,they’re very relaxed-and I got pulled over by customs officers just for taking a woolen sweater with some metal-made buttons out of my case in the arrivals hall.Everyone seemed to be on guard.Even the airport car-hire firm wanted a credit card rather than cash because they said their vehicles had been used by bank robbers.
              But anyway,this is still a green,beautiful country.I just wish more people would appreciate what they’ve got.

              51.After a short overseas holiday,people tend to    
              A.notice small changes      B.expect small changes
              C.welcome small changes     D.exaggerate small changes
              52.How does Debi look at the foreign settlers?    
              53.When arriving at the airport in Britain,Christine was shocked by    
              A.the relaxed policemen      B.the messy arrivals hall
              C.the tight security         D.the bank robbers
              54.Which might be the best title for the passage?    
              A.Life in Britain.     B.Back in Britain.
              C.Britain in Future.   D.Britain in Memory.
