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            • 1.
              What do you do in a situation like this?You're eating dinner with friends in a nice restaurant You're having a great time when a phone rings at the table next to you.A man takes out his phone and starts talking loudly about problems he's having with his girlfriend He talks for almost ten minutes!This happens all the time-on buses,in restaurants,everywhere!
              Many people find cell phones useful in their daily lives.But we,ve all sat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone.You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation,but let the management take care of noisy customers.You can only control your own behavior.Here are a few rules:
              *Off means off!Follow the rules of restaurants and other public places.If a sign says"turn off cell phones",don't use your phone.
              *Lights off,phone off!Never take calls in a theater or at the movies.
              Pay attention!Talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous.And watch where you re going when you're walking down the street and talking on the phone.
              As more people use cell phones,things are only going to get worse.So,the next time you're getting ready to.make a call,stop and consider the people around you.

              (1) What does the passage mainly talk about?(no more than 10 words)
              (2) What does the underlined word"loudmouth"in Paragraph 2 probably mean?(no more than 5 words)
              (3) Where could you see the sign"Light off,phone off!"according to the passage?(no more than 10 words)
              (4) What's the author's attitude towards someone talking too loudly on a cell phone in public?(1 word)
              (5) How do you like people who talk loudly on a phone in public?(no more than 10 words)
            • 2.
              Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he will read a book every two weeks,and he's invited people all around the world to join him.
              The"year of books"is Mark Zuckerberg's 2015 goal.The billionaire is famous for his quirky New Year's plans.Two years ago he challenged himself to meet a new person a day.Last year he attempted to write a"thank-you note"every day.He said,"Although I'm very busy,I always have many strange ideas and I still have time to achieve my goals.If you set a goal,you must try your best to make it come true."
              It will come as no surprise that he's already launched a Facebook page-entitled"A year of books"-to serve as the reading group's discussion center.Over 62,000 people from all around the world have liked the page in the first 24 hours.Many of them message of the page.
              "I hope all the people who participate in the discussion actually have read the books and have relevant points to add.The group will keep it continuously focused,"be stressed on bis Facebook page."With the development of technology,fewer people in the world read books.I do hope people read more books in their spare time rather than surf the Internet or play with their mobiles,"he added on his Facebook page.
              The plan is to select books about various topics and cultures."The Bible"and"Quran"(《可兰经》)have been popular suggestions among hundreds of other titles.The first book is"The End of Power"by Moisés Naím,a former Foreign Policy editor.It's a 300-page deep dive into the changing nature of leadership today that was published in March 2013.

              (1) What is Mark Zuckerberg's New Year's plan in 2015?(No more than 10words) ______
              (2) What does the underlined word"quirky"most probably mean in English?(1word) ______
              (3) Why did Mark Zuckerberg start 3page named"A year of books"?(No more than 10words) ______
              (4) What is the book"The End of Power"about?(No more than 10words) ______
              (5) What do you think of Mark Zuckerberg?Give your reasons.(No more than 25words) ______ .
            • 3.
              Yash Gupta has worn glasses for many years.When they broke one day and he was not able to wear them to school,he had a big problem.He could not see much of what was going on in the classroom.And at the end of the day,he realized that he had nearly learned nothing that day!
              Yash quickly got hit glasses fixed,but this experience changed his life.He realized that there probably many kids around the world who did not have proper eyeglasses to help them learn in school.So,he did some research.He found out that 13million children around the world don't have proper glasses to help them see in class.Instead of just shaking his head at this problem,he decided to do something about it.Yash started a small organization,Sight Learning.Its goal is to help find glasses for other kids and teens that need them.
              He created Sight Learning in 2011and since then he has influenced thousands of young students around the world!The organization has tried to provide eyeglasses to students who need them but cannot afford them.It has collected and given away over $1,000,000worth of eyeglasses.This has helped over 20,000young people in five countries to see better!
              As Dr.Secuss,a famous writer,once said,"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better.It's not."Yash is such a teenager.He has taken action to not only improve his own life,but those of others.

              (1) What experience changed Yash's life?(No more than 15words)
              (2) What does Sight Learning do?(No more than 15words)
              (3) How many young people did Sight Learning help?(No more than 5words)
              (4) What is the meaning of the underlined part in the last paragraph?(No more than 5words)
              (5) What do you think of Yash?What does his story mean to us and our society?(No more than 25words)
              ______ .
            • 4. What is the best title of this text? ______
              A. A Story of Blind Man
              B. Grow Flowers in the Heart
              C. How to Take Care of Flowers
              D. A Disabled Man like Beethoven
              (1)Which expression in Paragraph I can replace the underlined word "well-tended"? ______
              (2)Why did the painter feel shocked? ______
              (3)How many reasons did the old man give for growing flowers? ______
              (4)What does "they" refer to in Paragraph 3? ______
              (5)Which is the similarity between the old man Beethoven? ______
              A.A Story of Blind Man
              B.Grow Flowers in the Heart
              C.How to Take Care of Flowers
              D.A Disabled Man like Beethoven
              (1)Which expression in Paragraph I can replace the underlined word "well-tended"? ______
              (2)Why did the painter feel shocked? ______
              (3)How many reasons did the old man give for growing flowers? ______
              (4)What does "they" refer to in Paragraph 3? ______
              (5)Which is the similarity between the old man Beethoven? ______
            • 5. Walking is a popular form of exercises. It is an easy activity and offers a good way to improve physical fitness. Walking also gives many of the same benefits as other kinds of exercises.
              Regular, brisk(轻快地)walks helps a person’s body work better. Walking builds a stronger heart and lungs. The heart pumps blood through the body. It gets more rest between beats. Walking also seems to help protect the heart from heart diseases. Walking can help lose weight, too. What’s more, walking causes very few injuries, which is why there is a lower “dropout” rate among walkers than among runners. People are more likely to continue a walking program. This gives a better chance for success.
              Walking offers some mental benefits, too. It seems to make people feel better. Many walkers say they sleep better at night when they take regular walks. Others say they have a better attitude about life.
              Walking offers many of the same physical and mental benefits as other forms of exercise, but walking offers some special advantages, too.
              ★ Almost everyone can walk. There are no special lessons of coaching. To become a serious walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther and more often.
              ★ People can walk almost anywhere. There are no special playing fields or courts for walking. Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields and malls are excellent places for walking.
              ★ People can walk almost anytime. A person doesn’t need a team or a partner for walking. There is no “season” for walking. Most walkers walk in all kinds of weather.
              Walking offers a form of exercise within the reach of nearly everyone. With a little time and effort, people can rediscover a valuable form of exercise and improve their fitness.

              (1)What’s the best title of the passage?(within 10 words)

              (2) Please explain the underlined word “dropout” with proper words or phrases.(within 5 words)

              (3) Why is there a lower dropout rate among walkers than among runners? (within 10 words)

              (4) How can people become a more serious walker? (within 10 words)

              (5) Which do you prefer, walking or jogging? Why? (within 15 words)

