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            • 1.

              As the ___  (1)  __ search continued for the Beoing 777 aircraft, which suddenly disappeared from radar on March 8 while carrying 239 people, including 154 Chinese, from Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡) to Beijing, no __  (2)  __ information has been found so far.

              Despite a week of futile ___  (3)  ___, China has vowed not to give up searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines ____  (4)  _____.

              ____  (5)  ___ there are nine Chinese vessels and five helicopters in the related areas, and ten satellites are now being used to provide information and technological support for the search. Chinese forces have ____  (6)  ___ 45,763 square kilometers after continuous searching for 100 hours, according to the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center.

              Several days ago, Chinese satellites found three floating objects in the South China Sea of the missing plane, which, however, was ___  (7)  ___ by Malaysian officials.

              Touching on the radar ___  (8)  ___, the Malaysian official said it is suggested there was a possibility that the aircraft had passed over the Straits of Malacca, adding that they had the duty to investigate any possibility.

              Last Thursday, a report suggested that the airplane kept flying for four hours after it vanished from radar and US authorities were concerned it could have been hijacked.

              Now, more that 80 ships and planes from at least 12 countries are combing the waters on both sides of the Malaysian peninsula(半岛) to ___  (9)  ____ the missing plane. 

