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            • 1. Cycling in Asia: Opening new roads to sustainability    Asia's rising middle class may be driving the increase in car ownership, leading to traffic congestion and air pollution in the region's cities, but this status symbol may be slowly giving way to an old love-cycling.
                  More Asians are jumping on a bicycle for fresh air and to lead a more environmentally-friendly and active lifestyle in recent years as staying sedentary inside a car for hours on end could take a toll on one's health, and be hard on the wallet because of the high cost of fuel and maintenance.
                  In a new study of vehicle ownership in 44 countries by Pew Research Center, households around the world own bicycles more than motorcycles and cars. Japan and Thailand rank second and third in terms of bike ownership globally, although these two countries also rank high in car ownership, with 81 percent and 51 percent of their populations owning at least one vehicle.
                  China is also leading the world in the number of bike-sharing schemes, with about 170 bike-sharing systems operating in the country.
                  Singapore, known for its efficient public transport system but has no established culture of cycling as a transport option, is one of the countries now keen to change that. It is spending $43 million on bike lanes and cycling facilities as part of a national cycling plan.
                  ADB (Asian Development Bank) is looking at including bicycles as part of a public transport network in some cities in Southeast Asia through bike-sharing schemes. Many cities around the world including Amsterdam and Copenhagen have shown the successful integration of bike-sharing programmes in public transport systems.
                  In another form of bike-sharing, cycling has also become a solution to help poor students in rural communities access bicycles as a form of sustainable transport. Non-profit group Bike for the Philippines are lending bicycles for free to help poor students in the country who still need to walk three kilometres to school because of lack of access to public transport or who have no ability to pay for its high costs.
                  United Kingdom-based Bamboo Travel says their clients are increasingly interested in cycling tours when they plan their trips to Asia.
                  "In the last few years we have seen demand for cycling excursions grow quickly. And we find a lot of our clients now request some time cycling in places that before they used to do sightseeing by car. Clients of all ages have become healthier and more environmentally conscious in recent years and cycling has grown as a result," Ewen Moore, sales director at Bamboo Travel, tells Eco-Business.
                  "They're very attractive-a fun and healthy way to do some sightseeing," said Moore.

              Cycling in Asia: Opening new roads to sustainability
              Introduction Cycling as a new (1) ______  of middle class is coming out.
              Cycling is beneficial to one's (2) ______  and wallet as well as to our environment.
              (3) ______ of bike ownership or bike-sharing systems Pew study shows that more bicycles (4) ______  families than automobiles in 44 countries.
              ●People in Japan and Thailand (5) ______ higher ownerships of cars and bikes.
              ●The number of bike-sharing schemes in China (6) ______ the world.
              ●National cycling plan in Singapore is (7) ______ its established culture.
              New ways of cycling Public Transport Network
              Amsterdam and Copenhagen are leading the world in (8) ______  bike-sharing programmes to public transport systems.
              Helping Poor Students
              Lending bicycles for free benefits poor students who could not access or (9) ______ the public transport.
              Cycling for Tourisim
              ●Cycling tours are (10) ______ fast in Asia and are replacing car sightseeing in some places.
              ●Cycling tours are economic, healthy and environment- friendly.
            • 2. Living in a foreign country is fun, but it isn't always easy. There are many differences between cultures and although some of these differences are unimportant, they can cause a lot of embarrassment. I spoke to a few foreign friends about how they experienced culture shock in China.
                  Aubin arrived two months ago from Europe to take part in a language programme in Shanghai. Before he left, he was actually taught the differences between European and Chinese cultures, including everything from table manners to classroom behavior. However, some things have still taken him by surprise. For example, he couldn't understand why waiters did not want to accept the tips he gave them after meals in restaurants. I had to explain to him that people don't usually tip in China and that this comes from the Confucian idea that one must avoid accepting any undue income.
                  Another friend, Julia, came to Guangzhou from London to teach at a language school. After a month, she told me that she was really let down by her students. I asked her why and she told me that they were so quiet that she was the only person talking in class and it felt like the children were punishing her by making her talk to the walls! I explained to her that the children were simply respectful, but she said that it would be more respectful if they answered her questions.
                  And it is not only the West and the East that have cultural differences. Even Korea and China, two countries that are very close to each other, have differences too. "I thought Chinese and Korean people were similar in some ways," said my friend Ji-Hyun in perfect Chinese, "but I was wrong. In ancient times the Chinese used to take their shoes off before entering a house. They don't do that anymore, but Korean people still do! I keep getting that wrong even though I've been here for five years!"
                  Luckily, whether we take our shoes off or not, or leave unnecessary tips, the world still runs perfectly. In my opinion, cultural differences should simply be seen as a way of making life interesting. Imagine how boring it would be if we all did everything in exactly the same way! Learning to understand and respect differences is, after all, what life is all about.
              Living with differences
              Theme People will meet a (1) ______  culture while living in a foreign country, which can make them feel (2) ______ .
              (3) ______  of foreign friends in China Aubin couldn't understand why waiters (4) ______  to accept the tips he gave them after meals in restaurants.
              Julia felt really (5) ______  because no one talked in class except herself and thought that if the students (6) ______  her, they should answer her questions.
              Ji-Hyun believed there were some (7) ______  between Chinese and Korean people and thought it was wrong that people (8) ______  their shoes when they entered a house.
              Conclusion We should (9) ______  cultural differences as a way to make life interesting.
              We would be (10) ______  with life if we did everything in the same way.
            • 3. When young children are learning to ride a bicycle,they require that their parents hold on to the back of the bike so that they gain confidence and won"t fall off.
              Whether children leave to go to college,or get married,there is a time when parents must accept that their children are riding off into their own future.At this time,parents can"t stand back a few yards:they are left,instead,with an empty nest(空巢).How can parents get through this period of life?
              The first thing you should do is nothing at all.You should actually take some time to rest since your child was born.Just relax and reward(奖励) yourself for the work you put into your child.
              Taking some time for yourself will allow you to adjust(适应) to the change and figure out how you really feel about your child"s departure(离开).You shouldn"t compare how you feel with how other people feel,as everyone"s experience of an empty nest is different.
              Exercise is a great mood lifter.A physical fitness program may have been one of the first sacrifices(牺牲)you made when your child came along; now,with fewer duties,you"ll have time to hit the gym regularly.If you have a friend who also has become an empty nester recently,you may have found a new companion.Not only will you get the chance to share dealing with tips,you"ll also create social opportunities for yourself,which will get you out of that empty house if you need to.
              Follow your dream
              We all have those things that we say we"ll do or learn"someday".If you"re an empty nester,the"someday"might just be now.
              If you"re not sure exactly what to do in all your spare time,take your time and think about it.It will,however,probably be easier to figure out your dream when you"re out.Try exploring a nearby museum or attraction you"ve never visited.
              Set a schedule for communication
              Many parents may fear an empty nest because they worry that their little birds have flown away forever.Try setting up a regular phone date with your child.A once-a-week call,however,may make you feel satisfied when you know that your child is healthy and happy,and at the same time it may give your child freedom to some degree.
              Phenomenon •Small children (1) on their parents to gain confidence in their life.
              •Children will leave home after growing up and parents are left with an empty nest.
              Empty nest adjusting tips Just (2) yourself.
              •The work you put into your child should be (3)
              •It takes (4) to adjust to the change and figure out your real feeling.
              Do exercise.
              •Fewer duties allow you to do some exercise (5)
              •You can make new (6) and create social opportunities and share the coping tips.
              Follow your dream.
              •In the past you can"t put your dream into (7) and here comes the opportunity.
              •Figuring out your dream in your (8) time will be easier.
              Set a schedule for communication.
              •It may give you the (9) of knowing your child is in good condition.
              •Your child will feel (10) to some degree.
