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            • 1.
              School failure is a process in which a student slips farther and farther behind his peers(同龄人)and gradually disconnects from the educational system.The end result of school failure is leaving school before graduation.Many cases of school failure happen among students who have the ability and intelligence to succeed but are not able or willing to apply these abilities in the school setting.
              People who fail in school may feel"stupid",but emotional or mental health problems and"hidden"learning disorders,not low intelligence,often are the root causes of their inability to meet the standards of a school.The following are some factors that can lead to school failure.
              Depression is one of the most common causes of school difficulties.It is a condition that makes people trapped in low spirits for long periods of time,have less energy,and lose interest in studies that normally give them pleasure.
              Anxiety is a feeling of excessive worry about a possible danger or an uncomfortable situation that is intense enough to interfere with(妨碍)a person's ability to concentrate and focus.
              Students also may bring their problems at home to school with them.If a student's family is experiencing violence,unemployment,or any other upsetting situation,it can be difficult for him to concentrate on schoolwork.Many students who are having family problems might have trouble controlling their anger and frustration at school,and they may end up in trouble because of their behavior.
              Learning disorders are conditions that interfere with gaining specific academic skills,such as reading or writing.Learning disorders can damage a person's ability to process or remember information.
              Students at risk of school failure need to be identified as early as possible in their school careers if they are to receive the help they need.This task usually falls to the teachers and parents.Parents can help by taking a genuine interest in their children's school life and attending school events.They should take seriously sudden changes in their children's behavior,sleeping,or eating.Besides,they should help their child identify what he or she is bad at or good at.
              On the other hand,there are a lot of things teachers can do to help those students who fail in school.For example,they can develop learning plans that support the students'strengths,carry out evaluations about their possible learning disabilities,support their learning by teaching them how to study,and encourage them to participate in school activities,such as sports,plays,or clubs,so that they feel they are a part of the school.
              School failure
              The concept of school failure School failure refers to a process where a student falls behind others and becomes gradually (71) ______ from the educational system.
              It can result in a student (72) ______ school early at last.
              The (73) ______ leading to school failure Some students feel depressed,thus becoming less(74) ______ and less interested in studies.
              Some students can't keep (75) ______ on studies due to their anxiety.
              Many students with family problems might have trouble at school.
              Learning disorders can make students unable to perform well (76) ______ .
              Tips for parents Show your (77) ______ about your child's school life.
              Don't (78) ______ sudden changes in the child's behavior,sleeping or eating.
              Help to identify the child's weaknesses and strengths.
              Tips for teachers Develop learning plans to support the students'strengths.(79) ______ the students'possible learning disabilities.
              Teach study skills to support the students'learning.
              Involve the students in school activities to make them have a sense of (80) ______ .
            • 2.
              Acting is the activity of performing in plays or films.It's about living an alternative reality.It lets you explore all kinds of possibilities of what you could be.Just being your own self can be boring sometimes,and acting gives you an opportunity to be someone else for a while.It is voluntarily entering the psyche (心灵) of another personality and thinking according to a different set of values and constraints (约束).It lets you explore many parts of you,which you thought never existed.It lets you deeply explore what it means to be a human being.
              One of the best ways to begin your own acting studies is to start reading some good plays.Choose your favorite role from one of your favorite plays and prepare to act it out in front of the audience.To learn to act,you must act.Here are some tips on how to become an actor with no experience:
              To play a role,you must understand the character that you are going to play with open arms.Understand the plot of the play,as well as the psyche of your character.Understand the conditions in which your character lives.Try to understand why your character behaves in that way.So you must learn the lines or dialogues thoroughly and explore the thought behind every sentence.This will help you picture the circumstances in which the character finds himself/herself.Some actors go as far as"living"as that person for a while,to understand him or her.The idea is to go as close as possible to being that person.More importantly,only through practice can you get close to actually being that person.So seize every chance and perform as frequently as you can.This will help you develop confidence and overcome stage fright.
              As a student of acting,you need to always be a sponge (海绵),ready to absorb,learn,and observe the performances of great actors,to learn the slight differences of the art.While you watch movies,plays and any other performance,study the differences of a role played by any actors,especially the masters.By just keeping your eyes open,you can pick up a lot of things.
              Why do you want to act?Is it for money,fame,or genuine love for the art?Would you do it if you were not paid for it?If the answer and your motivation is love for acting,you are sure to eventually succeed.

              About acting

              (71) ______
              of acting
              ●It allows you to explore various possibilities of what you could be.
              ●It helps remove your (72) ______ by enabling you to be someone else.
              ●It allows you to(73) ______ another psyche and life.
              ●It can enrich your life and let you explore the (74) ______ of being a human being.
              A good way
              for beginners
              Read good plays and choose a (75) ______ role to act.

              Tips on
              your character
              ●Understand the plot of the play and your character's psyche.
              ●Understand the (76) ______ where your character lives.
              ●Try various ways to get (77) ______ to your character's life.
              ●Never miss an (78) ______ to perform.
              (79) ______
              and learn.
              Watch movies and plays to learn from professional actors'performing skills.
              Have a love
              for acting.
              ●Try to figure out the (80) ______ for your desire to act.
              ●If you act out of love,you will keep motivated and finally succeed.
            • 3.
              If you are a Wet Blanket (a person who doesn't enjoy himself/herself and thus prevents others from enjoying themselves) when it comes to nature and your kid,you are most likely a caring,protective parent who wants to keep your child safe and sound.You may be so determined to protect your kid from dirt,sunburn,or scratches (划伤) that you try to avoid the outdoors.Or you may just find muddy clothes and sandy toes require too much time to wash.Perhaps you hate to get dirty yourself.The natural world may just make you nervous and you might worry those bugs (虫子) and bats will suck you dry.It may be that you just never got the chance to be outdoors when you were a kid and now know nothing about what to do with your kid.
              While it is every care-giver's job to protect their kid,your worries may cause your child to grow up as a Wet Blanket as well.If you prefer the indoors yourself,you may be keeping your kid from outdoor experiences without even realizing it.Your attitudes about nature have a huge influence on how comfortable your kid feels outside.You may need to go against your own nature and"open the door to get your kid outside!"
              You may already realize the value in helping kids spend time outside in nature and know that playing in nature settings helps children grow up mentally.Perhaps you already introduce your child to nature through books,museums,and zoos.Maybe you just need some ideas of what to do with kids outside.Try some simple nature activities with your kid,or sign up for nature programs to develop your skills.While it may be a challenge for you to overcome your own nervousness about nature,you can raise a child who is happy and confident in the natural world.
              One of the easiest ways you can get your kid outside is to become a Door Opener.Even if you don't enjoy playing on the mud,you can take breath and let loose!Undirected time to explore nature is an important part of raising a caring kid.This might be free time in the backyard,allowing him to wander ahead on a walk or simply providing him with materials for a project.Putting aside your own nervousness and providing"in-the-wings"support will enrich your child's journey as a nature lover!Belt out a song (引吭高歌),build a snowman,watch the clouds,or plant a seed with your child.Help your child connect his creative side with nature.
              To avoid (71) ______ a Wet Blanket
              Your reasons for preventing kids from (72) ______
              •To (73) ______ your kids away from dirt,sunburn and so on.
              •Not wanting to spend too much time (74) ______ muddy clothes and sandy toes.
              •Being(75) ______ about bugs and bats.
              •Not knowing what to do with your children outside since you yourself haven't such experiences before.
              A huge and bad (77) ______
              on kids
              Kids will grow up as Wet Blankets (77) ______ .
              Ways of raising a happy and confident child in the natural world •Realizing the (78) ______ of helping your kid enjoy nature.
              •Overcoming your own (79) ______ about nature.
              •Allowing him to wander ahead on a walk or simply providing him with materials for a project.
              •Letting your child outside to fed nature as much as possible.
              •Trying some simple nature(80) ______ outside with your child,such as belting out a song,building a snowman,watch the clouds etc.
