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            • 1.

              Are you feeling more of your true self when no one else is around than when someone else is around? Young children seem to get it right better than adults when it comes to being their true authentic self. They sing, laugh, dance and live with an abundance of energy and no worries of whether anyone else is watching them or what anyone else is thinking of them. However, adults are more on guard than children in social situations because conversations with others can lead them to feel mixed emotions with many shades of gray in between.

              In social situations, since you have a desire to be accepted by other people, you care too much about what you say and wonder whether it is agreeable. In addition, you study the other person’s body language to assess the authenticity of the person and focus on how the conversation is making you feel at that particular moment.

              There are certain types of people with a stronger personality, who tend to make others feel inferior by delivering more of an intense negative vibe. They simply can’t make others feel welcomed. Besides, some people who aren’t pleased with themselves sometimes have a way of characterizing other people in a negative light they themselves are hiding behind. Anyway, if someone that you’re talking to is miserable, then that can be contagious to you, making you miserable as well.

              There are some key factors that affect the way other people can make you feel. These factors include whether they are positive or negative about things, whether they’re delivering a sense of fear or love to you, whether their personality is intensive or not, whether they want to make you feel inferior or accepted and whether you can protect your emotions from another person’s negative vibe.

              You may not have the total control of how another person’s energy can make you feel at any given moment, but you can shield yourself by protecting your authenticity. If necessary, when you’re around certain people that you know can drain your energy, either physically or emotionally, put up an invisible protective shield around yourself to guard against other people’s negative input or vibe. Moreover, you have a choice of whether or not to accept the belief of what others think of you. Actually, what others think of you are simply their thoughts or feelings, but not facts. So it’s up to you to make the decision to dismiss it and don’t let it have any impact on you. More importantly, you’re perfect just the way you are!

              Feeling like Your Authentic Self in Social Situations

              A phenomenon

              Compared with children, adults are less likely to be their true authentic self in the  (1)   of others.

              Causes of your   (2)   of authenticity

              ·You desire other people’s acceptance while conversing, so you   (3)   watch what they say.

              ·During the conversation, you devote yourself to making   (4)   about the other person’s authenticity and focusing on your own feelings.

              ·You are not likely to feel as   (5)   as the other person due to his or her strong personality.

              ·You may be negatively influenced by someone who is miserable.

              Factors affecting your authenticity

              It can be influenced by some factors, including other people’s  (6)   towards things, the feelings they want to pass to you, the   (7)   of their personality intensity, their desire to control your feelings, and your   (8)   to protect your emotions.

              Tips on protecting your authenticity

              ·  (9)   to let others’ negativities affect you by erecting an invisible barrier against them.

              ·Don’t care too much about others’  (10)   of you.

              ·Keep in mind that you are original and incomparable.

            • 2.

              Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination, which means that they always delay doing something that must be done at once. Moreover, because they often put off their plans till “tomorrow”, they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally. As a result, we can say that procrastination is the enemy of a progressive lifestyle.

              Now that we know procrastination is something bad, why do some people not take immediate action? Well, there are some things that result in procrastination. Depending on someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things. Whenever you wait for something to happen before you act, you make it easier to delay your goals and dreams until “someday”. Another cause of procrastination is that people do not value each moment in their day. Actually, it’s surprising how much you can do if you just decide to do little things with the little time you have. Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once.If you are one of those who often delay, then it’s time for you to make a decision to act now because things happen only when we decide to act. Get down to doing something like losing weight, saving money or spending more time with family. Don’t let these things continue to be a desire for you to do “someday”, but make a decision to do it now.

              Once you have made your decision, write down the plan and take action immediately. Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do. After understanding how to do what you want to do, get doing with the plan. It doesn’t matter how small the move you make is as the little things you do accumulate(累积)over time and move you to be closer to your goals. So, don’t wait until tomorrow; instead, start now! Just make use of every moment you have to do something that is helpful in realizing your dreams and goals.

              Here is a challenge that will also move you to be closer to your dreams and goals if taken seriously. Make a list of ten things you have been putting off. It could be anything from getting a health examination, calling a friend or family member, to getting the car fixed and cleaning up the garbage, etc. And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately!

              Stay away from procrastination

              Paragraph outline

              Supporting details

              Problems with procrastination

              Procrastination can make one   (1)  _ to live life to the fullest.

              Procrastination can  __  (2)  _____ one from achieving his goals.

              Some people don’t make progress just because of procrastination.

               _  (3)  _____ why people procrastinate

              People who delay doing things are usually not  ___  (4)  ____because they always ask for help from others.

              People don’t realize that each  __  (5)  ____ in a day is very valuable.

              Procrastination also has something to do with making  __  (6)  _____ .

              Ways to stop procrastination

              Make a decision.

              If you want to do something, do it  _  (7)  ____ and never just desire it.

              Plan and act.

              By making a plan, you will  __  (8)  ___ how to do what you need to do.

              Spend your time doing those  __  (9)  ____things.

              Make a list.

              List ten things you like to delay.

              Make it a(n)  __  (10)  _____to finish them on time.

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 3.

              China’s Tianhe-1 has a computing speed of 2,507 trillion(万亿)calculations a second, making it the fastest computer in the world.It is also 40 percent faster than the world’s second fastest supercomputer, Cray XT5 Jaguar, in the US, kept at a national laboratory in Tennessee, according to the New York Times.Jack Dongarra, a University of Tennessee computer scientist, told NYT that the Chinese supercomputer is faster than the existing Number One machine.

              Building the fastest supercomputer has become a source of national pride, as these machines are valued for their ability to solve problems in areas like defense, energy and science.These problems are related to national interests.Supercomputing technology is also found in business.Oil and gas companies use supercomputers to find oil and gas.

              Obviously, research centers with large supercomputers attract top scientific talents.This adds extra importance to the machines—they’re more than just huge computers.

              China’s new supercomputer will be used to speed up greatly scientific calculations, such as hurricane and tsunami modeling, cancer research, car design and even studying stars.

              In 2008, two US scientists put together a step-by-step guide on how to build a supercomputer using PlayStation 3 video-game consoles(控制台).Modern supercomputers are built by combining thousands of small computer servers(服务器)and using software to turn them into one large computer.Really, any organization with enough material and technology can create a fast machine.

              The Chinese system follows that model by linking thousands upon thousands of computer servers.But the secret behind the system—and the technological achievement—is China’s own networking technology.“That technology was built by them,” Dongarra said.“They are taking supercomputing very seriously and using a lot of time and money.”

              “China is still a developing country,” said Sha Chaoqun, manager at Dawning Company which is the leading supercomputer maker in China.“Maybe one day, China’s total computing power can be greater than that of the US, but there is still a long way to go before we get there.”

              Paragraph outline

              Supporting details

              China has developed the world’s fastest supercomputer

              Tianhe-1 has a high computing speed, which   (1)  it the fastest computer in the world.

              Tianhe-1 is 40 percent faster than the   (2)  fastest supercomputer in the world.

                (3)  Jack Dongarra, we learn that the Chinese supercomputer is faster than existing Number One machine.

              Many countries see the fastest supercomputer as a source of national  (4)  and are making efforts to develop it.

              The high-speed computer is  (5)   to solve problems relaterd to national interests.

              Besides   (6)   of defense, energy and science, supercomputing technology can also be found in business, oil and gas companies.

              It’s obvious that top scientific talents are   (7)  to research centers with large supercomputers.

              The secret behind supercomputers is networking technology

              By using the technology built by Chinese people, taking it  (8)   and devoting lots of time and money, China has achieved a lot

              Mr.Sha showed a conservative(保守的)  (9)   toward the development of computing power.

                (10)   the greater computing power China may have in the future, there is still a long way to go.

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ________
              (5) ________
              (6) ________
              (7) ________
              (8) ________
              (9) ________
              (10) ________
            • 4.

              Teenagers today live in a very competitive world. It is more important than ever to succeed at school if you hope to have a chance in the job market afterwards. It’s no wonder that many young people worry about letting down their parents, their classmates and themselves. In trying to please everyone, they take on too many tasks until it becomes harder and harder to balance homework, parties, sports activities and friends. The result is that young people suffer from stress.

              There are different ways of dealing with stress. Everyone knows that caffeine, whether it is in the form of coffee or soft drinks, keeps you awake and active. But caffeine is a drug which can become addictive (上瘾). In the end, like other drugs, caffeine only leads to more stress. A better way to deal with stress is to exercise. Research has proved that physical exercise is a good release for stress, because it increases certain chemicals in the brain which calm you down. Making sure you get enough sleep is also an important way of avoiding stress and of staying healthy and full of energy. Another way to avoid stress is to manage your time effectively. It is better to do a few tasks really well than lots of tasks badly. Know your limits and try not to take on too much. Finally, if it all gets beyond your control, don’t panic or get hysterical (歇斯底里). Find the time to sit down quietly and breathe deeply for ten to twenty minutes. Do this regularly, and it will help you calm down.

              Title: Stressful teenagers

              The   (1)  of teenagers’ stress

              ★Living in a very competitive world, teenagers have to  (2)  in school hoping to find a good job afterwards.

              ★They also worry about disappointing their   (3)  , their classmates and themselves. So they’re occupied with a number of tasks.

                (4)  to deal with stress

                (5)  coffee or soft drinks

              Caffeine keeps you   (6)  and active. But it is addictive, thus causing more stress.

              Taking exercise

              Physical exercise   (7)  certain chemicals in the brain which calm you down.

              Getting enough sleep

              Enough sleep is an important way of  (8)  stress and of staying fit and energetic.

              Managing your time   (9)  

              It is better to do a few tasks really well than lots of tasks badly.

              Doing regular exercises of relaxation

              Find the time to sit down quietly and   (10)  deeply for 10 to 20 minutes.

              (1) _____
              (2) _____
              (3) _____
              (4) _____
              (5) _____
              (6) _____
              (7) _____
              (8) _____
              (9) _____
              (10) _____
            • 5.

              A library is a place where a large collection of books are lined. However, quite different from traditional ones, a new library which opened last month in San Antonio, Texas, US is very special in the thing —there is not a single book in it.

              In fact, the world’s first “bookless” library, known as BiblioTech, looks more like an Internet café—instead of bookshelves. It has iPads, laptops and desktop computers to use on site and 500 e-readers for members to borrow. Most importantly, there is no printed material, reported Time.

              “Our digital library is stored in the cloud, so you don’t have to come in to get a book,” Laura Cole, BiblioTech’s special projects coordinator, told CNN. The library at the moment has a collection of 10,000 e-books and is trying to add more.

              The idea of a bookless library no longer seems new since e-books have been around for quite some time. At the end of 2012, 23 percent of Americans aged 16 and older read e-books, up from 16 percent the year before. At the same time, the proportion(比例) of Americans who read a printed book fell from 72 percent to 67 percent.

              “Not all libraries are going to be like us,” Nelson Wolff, a local official told CNN. “But we surely do hope it’s going to drive them to do so. The world is changing, and libraries can’t stay the same —if they want to stay connected with the changing world.”

              Also, located in a low-income (低收入的) neighborhood where 40 percent of families don’t have a computer and half are not available(可获得的) to broadband Internet service, BiblioTech provides digital convenience to people who lack it.

              All in all, the newly-born library, though young, may be promising in the future soon to come.


              A  (1)  Library


              ●A new library came into  (2)  last month.

              ●It has no book in it at all.

              Features of the library

              ●Computers, iPads and laptops took the  (3)  of bookshelves.

                (4)  borrow e-readers to read.

              ●There is no printed material.

              ●Books are stored in the   (5)  .

              ●More e-books will be  (6)  

                (7)  for its bright future

              ●People are   (8)   with e-books for long.

              ●The changing world   (9)  people to do so.

              ●Such bookless libraries meet low-incomers’  (10)  


              The bookless library may be promising in the future.

              (1) _____
              (2) _____
              (3) _____
              (4) _____
              (5) _____
              (6) _____
              (7) _____
              (8) _____
              (9) _____
              (10) _____
            • 6.
              The family sphere(范围) used to be defined by its isolation from the public realm. There was the public male realm(领域)of "rational accomplishment" and cruel competition, and the private female and child-rearing sphere of home, intuition(直觉)and emotion. The private realm was supposed to be isolated from the realities of adult life. For both better and worse, television and other electronic media tend to break down the difference between those two worlds. The membrane around the family sphere is much more permeable(可渗透的). TV takes public events and transforms them into dramas that are played out in the privacy of our living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms.
              Parents used to be the channel through which children learned about the outside world. They could decide what to tell their children and when to tell it to them. Since children learn to read in stages, books provide a kind of natural screening process, where adults can decide what to tell and not tell children of different reading abilities. Television destroyed the system that separated adult from child knowledge and separated information into year-by-year slices for children of different ages. Instead, it presents the same information directly to children of all ages, without going through adult filters.
              So television presents a real challenge to adults. While a parent can read a newspaper without sharing it with children in the same room, television is accessible to everyone in that space. And unlike books, television doesnˈt allow us to flip(翻转)through it and see whatˈs coming up. We may think weˈre giving our children a lesson in science by having them watch the Challenger take off, and then suddenly they learn about death, disaster and adult mistakes.
              Books allow adults to discuss privately what to tell or not tell children. This also allows parents to keep adult material secret from children and keep their secret keeping secret. Take that same material and put it on The Today Show and you have 800,000 children hearing the very things the adults are trying to keep from them. "Television takes our kids across the globe before parents give them permission to cross the street."
              More importantly, children gradually learn that adults are worried and anxious about being parents. Actually, television has also places families under a lot of stress.
              How Television Changes Childhood?
              Main comparisons Contexts
              Distance between  (1)  and the outside. Homes used to be isolated from the   (2)  realm.
              Homes nowadays are  (3)  to the outside world.
              Media through which children can obtain information In the past, children might learn   (4)  about the outside world with the help of parents and   (5)  
              More information is got directly through TV and other electronic media, which breaks down the   (6)  between adult world and the child world.
                (7)  of the information children get Traditionally, kids could only knew what they should learn at their age, carefully  (8)  by their parents.
              Everything can possibly be known by children, including many aspects of  (9)  life.
              Effects  on family education
              Parental instruction Families are now under greater stress than before.   Adults are anxious about being parents and faced with   new   (10)  

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
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              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 7.

              Homework is an important part of education. However, what is it about homework? What makes it important?

              First, homework helps students learn. Homework produces higher learning ability by asking the student to read the same text many times.

              Most of the time, homework will ask students to read other books. So children have to read and understand it by themselves. Sometimes, parents must help children with this type of learning. Children hope to use what they have read to solve questions and problems in the homework.

              Good use of homework makes children know that learning can happen with or without the teacher.As homework is finished, students learn to work out their own problems. Most students need a little help now and then, but doing homework is a way that children can learn to take care of themselves. If the student can do his or her own work, it is likely the ability he gets will be good for their future life.

              Most homework gives room for additional(额外的) learning. Short answers, long answers and papers provide a way for students to learn things that interest them. Science can give the student a chance to go deeper into a field and have a better understanding. These things are almost impossible within the classroom education. If the project is done by a group, the students will also learn cooperation(合作).

              Good study skills students get from homework and test preparation can be used easily in most work places.

              Title: Importance of.   (1)  




              Make students repeat  (3)   .

              Develop thinking ability

              Make students read  (4)  .

              Help students to work out  (5)  .

              Be good for their  (6)  .

              Learn more

              Give room for  (7)  .

              Provide a way for students to learn   (8)  things

              Help go deeper into a field and understand better

              Help learn   (9)  by working with a group

              Get study skills

              Use the skills in their   (10)  when they left schools

              (1) ______
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              (5) ______
              (6) ______
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              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 8.
              Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination, which means that they always delay doing something that must be done at once. Moreover, because they often put off their plans till “tomorrow”, they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally. As a result, we can say that procrastination is the enemy of a progressive lifestyle.
              Now that we know procrastination is something bad, why do some people not take immediate action? Well, there are some things that result in procrastination. Depending on someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things. Whenever you wait for something to happen before you act, you make it easier to delay your goals and dreams until “someday”. Another cause of procrastination is that people do not value each moment in their day. Actually, it’s surprising how much you can do if you just decide to do little things with the little time you have. Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once.
              If you are one of those who often delay, then it’s time for you to make a decision to act now because things happen only when we decide to act. Get down to doing something like losing weight, saving money or spending more time with family. Don’t let these things continue to be a desire for you to do “someday”, but make a decision to do it now.
              Once you have made your decision, write down the plan and take action immediately. Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do. After understanding how to do what you want to do, get doing with the plan. It doesn’t matter how small the move you make is as the little things you do accumulate over time and move you to be closer to your goals. So, don’t wait until tomorrow; instead, start now! Just make use of every moment you have to do something that is helpful in realizing your dreams and goals.
              Here is a challenge that will also move you to be closer to your dreams and goals if taken seriously. Make a list of ten things you have been putting off. It could be anything from getting a health examination, calling a friend or family member, to getting the car fixed and cleaning up the garbage, etc. And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately!
              Stay away from procrastination
              Paragraph outline Supporting details
                (1)  with procrastination Procrastination can make one  (2)  to live life to the fullest.
              Procrastination can prevent one from achieving his goals.
              Some people don’t make progress just because of procrastination.
                (3)  why people procrastinate People who delay doing things are usually not73.
                (4)  because they always ask for help from others.
              People don’t realize that each  (5)  in a day is very valuable.
              Procrastination also has something to do with making   (6)   .
              Ways to stop procrastination Make a decision. If you want to do something, do it  (7)  and never just desire it.
              Plan and act. Make a plan and have it  (8)  out after understanding how to do what you need to do.
              Make the best of your time to do things that is helpful in turning your dream into a  (9)  .
              Make a list. List ten things you like to delay.
              Make it a  (10)  to finish them on time.
              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 9.

               Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how.

              1).Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

              2).Find a good place of to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

              3) Make good use of your time in class. Listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

              4). Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

              5). Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

              There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

              How to become a better student

              General methods

              How to


              Plan your time carefully

              Make a list

              Force you to realize  (1)  is happening to your time

              Make a   (2)  

              Find a good place to study

              Free of everything but

              Study  (3)  

              You can  (4)  on the subject

              Make good use of your

              time in class

              Listen to everything the

              teachers say

              Really listening in class means  (5)  work later.

              Taking   (6)  

              Study regularly

                (7)  your notes

              Help you  (8)  it better, remember it longer

              Read the new material

              Develop a good attitude

              about test

              Don’t   be   (9)  worried

              Remember your new  (10)  

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 10.

              Things adults should learn from kids

              Children can teach adults a lot. In other words, there are many things adults can learn from children. For example, kids tend to show love. Every action they do for parents, friends, pets, and people they like, is filled with love. They don’t think twice before loving, and they just love. So adults can learn this: the best way to receive love is to first give it. Unfortunately, most of us have developed the habit of questioning everything. We often try too hard with love, and connect it with weakness. Actually, the only way to experience love is to have the smallest expectations, and love your dear ones unconditionally(无条件地).

              Kids never hide feelings. They cry when they hurt themselves, and express displeasure when things don’t go their way. On the contrary, we adults always try to hide our feelings, and never express ourselves sincerely. We often feel happy for others with negative thoughts in our hearts. Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do. Never hold back tears or happiness. If you want to cry, cry your eyes out, and if you are happy or pleased about something, don’t be afraid to show or share it.

              Kids are curious (好奇的) little beings, who always try to understand their surroundings by completely involving themselves in every task they do. They have a huge appetite for knowledge, and ask lots of questions every day. This curious nature guides their life, and often leads them to simple yet wonderful discoveries. Are adults as curious as kids? Well, most of us aren’t. Also, they no longer have the thirst for knowledge, and don’t even ask questions if they don’t understand something. Adults often forget that it isn’t talent or skill but our curiosity and a huge appetite for knowledge that makes us worthy.

              Kids live in the present, and give 100% to any task they are doing. They never worry about the future, and since they are so busy enjoying their present, life is great today. However, with a job, money, and relationships, it does get hard for an adult to enjoy life. The best thing to do here is to change oneself, and if that isn’t possible, we can live like a child. Just don’t be worried about the future, because it isn’t in your control. The only thing you can control is your present, so work hard toward it.

              As kids treat everyone equally, they make friends soon and also play a lot with them. Through playing, they make a lot of astonishing discoveries about their friends and surroundings. They also learn a lot about life, because they are out in the open and are playing with all their hearts. So how long has it been since you played outdoors for fun as an adult? Not some serious sporting event or activity, just kicking a ball, running in the park, or any other silly game! Playing doesn’t mean that you have to achieve a purpose. Sometimes, it is healthy to just have some fun.

              Paragraph outlines

              Main points

              Show love.

              Adults should learn to give love first instead of   (1)   love.

              In order to experience love, adults should  (2)   less and love others unconditionally.

              Never hide emotions.

              Children aren’t afraid to display their emotions while adults always    (3)   to express themselves sincerely.

              It’s normal to express oneself, so try to show or share your emotions,  (4)  you are happy or sad.

              Be curious.

              Kids are curious and are  (5)  for knowledge, so they ask questions every day.

              Most adults don’t ask questions even if they feel  (6)  about something.

              Actually, our  (7)   depends on our curiosity and desire for knowledge.

              Live in the present.

              Kids live in the present happily, while adults have  (8)   in enjoying life with many things to consider.

              Change yourself, or enjoy your present without worrying about the future that can’t be  (9)  .

              Play more.

              Children  (10)   and learn a lot through playing.

              Adults should also play outdoors for fun just like kids.

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