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            • 1. The Science of Risk-Seeking
              Sometimes We decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward,the risk seems worth tasking.(71)     Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us.Why?Experts say it may have to do with how our brains work.
              The reason why any of us take any risks at all might have to do with early humans.Risk-takers were better at hunting,fighting,or exploring.(72)    As the quality of Risk-taking was passed from on ration to the next,humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.
              So why aren’t we all jumping out of airplanes then?Well,even 200,000years ago,too much risk-taking could get one Killed.A few daring survived,though,along with a few stay-in-the-cave types.As a result,humans developed a range of character types that still exists today.So maybe you love car racing,or maybe you hate it. (73)    
              No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range,scientists say that your Willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years.(74)    To help you do that,your brain increases your hunger for new experiences.New experiences often mean taking some risks,so your brain raises your tolerance for risk as well.
              Mean taking some risks,so your brain raisers your tolerance for risk as well.
              (75)     For the risk-seekers a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active,while for the rest of us,a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.
              As experts continue to study the science of risk-seeking,we’ll continue to hit the mountains,the waves or the shallow end of the pool.

              A.It all depends on your character.
              B.Those are the risks you should jump to take.
              C.Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.
              D.Thus,these well-equipped people survived because they were the fittest.
              E.This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world.
              F.However,we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards.
              G.New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation.
            • 2. Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries.(36)     In general,they can expect to live six or seven years more than men.One reason for this is biological.
              One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women.(37)     Between the ages of about 12and 50,women produce hormones that are involved in fertility(生育能力).These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and blood flow.In fact,women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.
              (38)    They help the body defend itself against some kinds of infections.This means that women generally ger sick less often and less seriously than men.The common cold is a good example:women,on average,get fewer colds than men.(39)    Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging,but they believe that they do.Some think that a woman’s body cells have a tendency(向) to age more slowly than a man’s.Others think that a man’s body cells have a tendency to age more quickly.(40)    

              A.However,women,on average,live longer.
              B.The biological factor plays an important part.
              C.Women are also helped by their female genes.
              D.The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
              E.Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
              F.Therefore,women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
              G.Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body functions.
            • 3. The average computer user has between 5 and 15 username/password combinations to log in different kinds of accounts.Some demand you use a specific number of symbols and digits,while others require you to change your password every 60 days.The feeling of confusion resulting from memorizing these login information has grown so common that it actually has a name:password fatigue(疲劳).
              Having to remember so many different passwords is annoying,but it can also be dangerous.Because it is virtually impossible to remember a unique password for each of these accounts,many people leave handwritten lists of usernames and passwords on or next to their computers.
              (71)    While these practices make it easier to remember login information,they also make it easier for thieves to hack into accounts.
              Single Sign-On (SSO) confirmation and password management software can help solve this problem.With SSO,users only need to remember one password to log in to the main system.
              (72)    SSO software is typically used by large companies,schools,or libraries.
              (73)    If a user loses or forgets the password required to log in to SSO software,the user will then lose access to all of the applications linked to the SSO account.Users who rely on password management software face the same problems.
              Although most websites or network systems allow users to recover or change lost passwords by providing email addresses or answering a prompt(提示),this process can waste time and cause further frustration.What is more,recovering a forgotten password is only a temporary solution.
              Some computer scientists have suggested computers rely on biometrics(生物测定学).(75)     The use of biometrics raises questions concerning privacy and can also be expensive to practice.
               Software engineers and computer security experts are still searching for the cure to password fatigue.Until they find the perfect solution,however,everyone will simply have to rely on the password system currently in place.

              A.It does not address the larger problem of password fatigue.
              B.These software programs have been built into many major web browsers
              C.The problem with password management software makes users feel powerless.
              D.The SSO software then automatically logs the user in to other accounts within the system.
              E.However,SSO confirmation and password management software also have drawbacks.
              F.This is a method of recognizing human users based on unique traits,such as fingerprints,voice,or DNA.
              G.Others solve this problem by using the same password for every account or using extremely simple passwords.
            • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
              Personal Shoppers
                I was shopping with Thomas,who has been working as a personal shopper for the past five years.“Personal shoppers are in great demand these days,”he told me as we were walking past designer clothes shops.(51)    He said that there were many people who wanted to be fashionable,but they didn’t know where to start.They needed a professional to advise them.
                But why?I always call my best friend to help me find the perfect dress,not a stranger!
              “(52)     The first thing I do is help my customer improve their image.I teach them to choose colours and clothes that suit them,and how to use make-up,”Thomas told me.“Then I organize the customer’s wardrobe.(53)    The third service has to do with actual shopping:the personal shopper and the customer visit shops and buy clothes according to the customer’s personality,lifestyle and needs.”
                Of course,each of the above services costs between 150 and 225 euros!(54)    “Most of my customers are rich business people who call me for important meetings or business parties,”explained Thomas.“However,I also work for people in all kinds of jobs and for retired men and women who want a change of look.”
                We spent the rest of the day shopping.Every time we came out of a shop,we had one more bag.In the end,I went home with a beautiful dress,two pairs of trousers,some lovely tops and a couple of coats.I’d never had a shopping day like this before!I admit that I’d spent more than I usually do,but I wouldn’t have found such beautiful clothes without Thomas.(55)    

              A.I can help in three different ways.
              B.I asked him why this had happened.
              C.It depends on the customer's preferences.
              D.I might even throw away some old clothes.
              E.I just wish personal shoppers were a bit cheaper!
              F.People need help with choosing the right clothes.
              G.I just wonder how many people have this kind of money to spend.
            • 5. Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.
              Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
              Many of us invest valuable time,energy and money planning our vacations.We do this because we know for sure that going on vacations must be good for us.Research proves this feeling without a doubt.Vacations help us perform better at work,improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression.
              Yet,despite these benefits,many of us return home with a feeling that our last vacation was OK-but not great.In order to change this,some mistakes should be avoided.A classic one for vacation planners is attempting to maximize value for money by planning trips that have too many components (组成部分)•Perhaps you’re planning a trip to Europe,seven cities in 10days,and you realize it will cost only a little more to add two more destinations to the list Sounds fine in theory,but hopping from one place to the next hardly gives an opportunity to experience what psychologists call mindfulness-time to take in our new surroundings,time to be present and absorb our travel experiences.Another mistake is that we worry too much about strategic issues such as how to find a good flight deal,how to get from A to B,or which destinations to add or subtract from our journey.These issues may seem important,but our psychological state of mind is far more important.
              Actually,vacation happiness is based on the following top rules.First,choose your travel companions wisely,because nothing contributes more significantly to a trip than the right companions.Second,don’t spend your vacation time in a place where everything is too expensive so as to maintain a positive mood.Third,shop wisely,for meaningful experiences provide more long-term happiness than physical possessions.

            • 6. People in the United States honor their parents with two special days:Mother's Day,on the second Sunday in May,and Father's Day,on the third Sunday in June.These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents.They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens.They give love and care.These two days offer a chance to think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers.More mothers now work outside the home.More fathers must help with child-care.
              These two special days are celebrated in many different ways.On Mother's Day people wear carnations.A.red one stands for a living mother.A.white one shows that the mother is dead.Many people attend religious services(宗教仪式)to honor parents.It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit their graves(坟).On these days,families get together at home and in restaurants.They often have outdoor BBQs for Father's Day.These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.
              Another tradition is to give cards and gifts.Children make them in school.Many people make their own presents.These are valued more than the ones bought in stores.It is not the value of the gift that is important,but it is"the thought that counts".Greeting card stores,florists,candy makers,bakeries,telephones companies and other stores do a lot of business during these holidays.
              Types●Mother's Day
              (73)    to show love and respect for parents.
              Common pointsoffer a chance to think about (74)    

              of celebrating
              ●wearing carnations on Mother's Day.
              ●(76)attending     to honor parents.
              ●(78)    at home and in restaurant.
              (80)    Giving cards and gifts to parents.
            • 7. (2014秋•怀化期末)Why would you want to become your own best friend?There are a number of benefits to creating your own internal(内部的) support system rather than relying on your partner,friends or family to be there for you when you're suffering.We all have it in us to give ourselves what we need,without seeking it externally(外部的).Isn't it far better to know how to support yourself in times of need?Here's how to become your own best friend.
              1.Be nice to yourself.
              The first step to become a friend to yourself is to treat yourself the way you treat a friend.This means that you need to stop being self-critical(自我批评的).Start by knowing your good qualities,talents and abilities and begin to appreciate your own unique self.
              2.Imagine how you would support a friend in the same situation.
              Think about a loved one,a friend,a family member,someone dear to you and imagine that they are in the same situation you are now facing.Think about how they're struggling,suffering with this problem,then consider how to best offer help and advice to them.Think about the words that you would say to your greatest friend and then say them gently to yourself.Allow yourself to feel supported,and give yourself what you need.
              3.Honor your needs.
              Having considered how you would help a dear friend,you need to start taking your own advice and putting your own needs first.Do you need a day off from work?A long hot bath?Whatever it is that you need,allow yourself to put it at the top of the list rather than the bottom.
              Use these skills,you will become your own best friend and start being there for yourself.
              (71)        your own best friend?
                 (72)    ☆Creating your own internal support system
              ☆(73)    ourselves what we need
              ☆Knowing how to(74)     in times of need
              Skills☆Be nice to yourself.
              Treat yourself the way you treat a friend.
              Appreciate your good qualities,(75)    
              ☆Imagine how you would support a friend in the same situation.
              Consider how to best help and(76)     them.
              Allow yourself to (77)    ,and give yourself what you need.
              Taking your own advice and putting your own needs (79)     of the list rather than the bottom
                 (80)    Become your own best friend and start being there for yourself!
            • 8. How to be a good listener
              Everyone loves a good listener.But there are more reasons to develop the skill of listening than to win hearts or popularity contests.
              Listening heals hurts and builds bridges.It gives us the ability to understand and empathize,to view the world from our own point.It can bring us wisdom over and above mere intelligence.But most importantly,it allows us to give the people around us the gifts they crave (渴望) most-a sense of worth.
              As it turns out,there's more to good listening than just keeping quiet and allowing someone to speak.Effective listening is actually a combination of two key communication skills:listening and verifying (确认).
              Even when we've managed to hear a person's entire message,we often interpret it wrong-according to our own understanding,experience,or prejudice.
              As an effective listener,your goal is to hear and absorb what another has to say…in exactly the way they mean it to be understood.Only then can you respond properly.
              This is much easier read than done,so here are a few helpful tips:
              1.Give the speaker your full attention.
              Stop talking and remove all distractions.Turn off the TV,your phone,or computer.Watch your body language.The way you look at the speaker,or the way you stand or sit,makes a huge difference.The right listening body language communicates that we are listening openly and attentively,and puts the other person at ease.
              2.Be patient.
              Not everyone is a gifted speaker.Some people take longer to find the right word to make a point.Others are too worried to get their message across properly.If necessary,ask the speaker to explain further.It will help him/her speak more exactly and it will help you hear and understand better.
              3.Keep your emotions in check.
              If what someone is saying creates an emotional response in you,make an extra effort to listen carefully.When we're angry,frightened or upset,we often miss key parts of what is being said.
              4.Hold your fire.
              Don't jump to conclusions immediately.A good listener doesn't react until comprehension is complete.If you respond in a way that makes the other person defensive,even if you"win"the argument,you may lose something far more valuable.
              5.Even if you think you understand,verify.
              Never assume you got the message right.Pause,think about what was said,and then ask"Is this what you meant?"or"Am I understanding this right?"
              Take a moment to stand in the other person's shoes,to look at the situation from his/her point of view…especially when you're being told something personal or painful,or something you strongly disagree with.The more shoes you are able to successfully stand in within your life time,the less puzzled you'll find your life and relationships to be.

               of good listening
              Building (68)    
              Allowing us to (69)    
              and empathize,and viewing the world in an all-round way.
              Bringing us wisdom over and above mere intelligence.
              the people around us feel worthy.
                 Components of effective
              ●Good listening consists of two key communication skills:(71)    
               and verifying.
               to be a 
              good listener
              Listening to the speaker openly and (73)    
              Trying to be a (74)    listener.
              Avoiding being affected by your emotions.
              Waiting before you take actions.
            • 9. Since the earliest civilizations,people have controlled rivers to meet society's demands.Today,rivers are controlled for many reasons,primarily to maintain reliable water supplies for daily,agricultural and industrial needs,for power generation,for navigation (航行),and to prevent flooding.
              River control is achieved by channelization,a term that covers a range of river engineering works,including widening,deepening,straightening and stabilization of banks,and by the construction of dams.
              An important period of channelization took place in Europe during the l9'th century,when many large rivers were straightened and their beds deepened.One of the most dramatically changed was the Tisza River,a branch of the Danube that flows through Hungary.The controlling of the Tisza,designed to reduce flooding and make land for agriculture,included cutting off more than 100 meanders (河曲),shortening the river's length by nearly 400kilometers.
              One of the most common ways in which people control rivers is by damming them.The past 50years or so has seen an increase in dam construction worldwide,and at the beginning of the 21st century,there were about 800,000dams globally,some towering more than 200meters in height.
              Despite their successes,many dams also cause significant environmental changes that prove harmful.Some particularly deep reservoirs (水库) can bring about earthquakes due to the stress on their bottom rocks caused by huge volumes of water.Downstream of a reservoir,the river is certainly influenced in many ways:water volume,speed and quality are all affected,leading to changes in the landscape and among plants and animals.

              71.    72.    73.    74.    75.    76.    77.    78.    79.    80.    
            • 10. When Carla Fisher and her husband announced plans to travel the globe with their young daughters for a year,some friends called them crazy.
              Seven years later,with wonderful memories and a book documenting their world travel,the Fishers now seem like global trailblazers (先驱者).
              "It's really encouraging to hear that many other people want to educate their kids in that manner,"said Fisher.
              Some parents are trying to raise knowledgeable and open-minded"world citizens".Others want to give their children the skills they'll need to compete globally.
              "There is a huge amount of interest in spending time abroad at all stages of life and increasingly,as a family with children,"said Maya Frost,author of"The New Global Student…".She knows American families in every corner of the globe who have made that choice.
              "There's so much more to education than school,"said Tessa Hill,who recently returned to her Houston-area home,after driving her family across North and Central America and Europe in a motor home for 13months."World travel is an education in people,cultures,language,travel skills,street smarts and in how lucky we are to live in the United States."
              When Hill and her husband began considering extended global travel,their middle child,Charles,13,was surprised."My first reaction was‘well,are we really going to do this?'"Charles said."But it did sound like great fun."
              Charles said missing his friends was the hardest part.He stayed in touch via e-mail and made some new friends along the way,playing soccer with kids in France and learning about rugby from youths in Ireland.
              "I'd definitely recommend this to other kids,"Charles said."It was such a great opportunity to see different countries and learn geography a different way."
              To make re-entry smoother,most school officials prefer that families work out an educational plan before they leave town.
              "It sounds out-of-date,but it really opens up your mind and your eyes to the world,"said Robbin Goodman,17,a senior student who spent his junior year skateboarding across Beijing,China,when he wasn't studying Chinese history and other core subjects.
              Had he not already taken a school-sponsored spring break trip with his mom to China in 2007,Robbin said he probably would not have been able to convince his parents to let him go alone for a year."I knew I would learn Chinese and all that,but my goal was to have a great time,"Robbin said.
              "The biggest problem for those seriously considering going abroad is dealing with those who are against the idea,"said Frost.
              "They gain the ability to take risks and to have confidence in themselves,"said Liz Pearlstein,founder of a global education consulting firm."When we came home from London,my daughter,who had been painfully shy before we left,said‘Mom,now I know there's nothing I can't do.'"
              No one knows exactly how many American families are choosing the global education path,
              but global education consultants say a growing number of parents are traveling for a year or more with their children.

              Title:A real global(71)    :traveling abroad with kids for a year
              Travelers'experiences and feelings
              Carla Fisher●Courage is needed to take the(72)     travel for there are different voices.
              ●It is encouraging to hear more parents make such a similar
              Tessa Hill and Charles●World travel can help people learn more about cultures,languages and travel skills,etc.
              ●Charles made new friends along his way and (74)     his friends back home.
              Robbin Goodman●One-year (75)     in China alone can serve the purpose of having a good time.
              Liz Pearlstein●World travel (76)     kids to take risks and builds up confidence in themselves.
              Opinions and suggestions
              Maya Frost●There is an (77)     number of family traveling abroad with kids.Parents should take it into consideration how to deal with the opposite idea.
              School officials●Parents had better help kids work out educational plans to make it (78)     for them to return to school.
              Generally,more families in the USA(80)    to travel abroad with kids for a year or more.
