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            • 1.


                  …For example, one evening    1    it was so warm, I  2   awake on purpose    3    half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.


                   4    in the next century, people from England made  5   to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countrie

            • 2.

               Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they're always getting criticism. Their critics seem to get angry with them because they have a gift for self-promotion and because they have so much money to throw around. "It's absolutely unfair," they say, 'that this entirely unproductive industry (if we can call it that) should absorb millions of pounds each year. It only goes to show how much profit the big companies are making. Why don't they stop advertising and reduce the price of their goods? After all, it's the consumer who pays…"

                 The poor old consumer! He'd have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn't create mass markets for products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that the goods are so cheap. We must not forget, either, that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets in some other way. Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not survive without this source of income. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers. Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price.

                 And we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods should be largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about. Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, ect., from an advertisement.

                 Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted. It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days. And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements. Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway regulations while waiting for a train? Would you like to read only closely printed columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a dull wall or a newspaper full of the daily events of disasters.

                 Another thing we mustn't forget is the "small ads." which are in actually every newspaper and magazine. What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community! Just anything can be accomplished through these columns. For instance, you can find a job, buy or sell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in what used to be called the 'hatch, match and dispatch' column but by far the most fascinating section is the personal or agony column, in which people can present their various puzzling personal problems and seek others' help. No other item in a newspaper provides such entertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature. It's the best advertisement for advertising there is!

              |Paragraph outline

              Supporting details

              Advertisements are (1) ________ by many people.

              ◇Advertisers think big,(2)________ themselves and waste much money

              ◇Advertisers make great profits without any production.

              ◇The big companies are advertising,(3)________the price of their goods.

              Advertisements(4)________ our money.

              ◇The heavy advertisements makes goods cheap.

              ◇The heavy advertisements makes goods cheap.

              ◇Income that the media get from advertisers(5)________ consumers to spend less on goods.

              Advertisements help obtain information.

              ◇We get a large amount of the(6)________about household goods from the advertisements.

              ◇Advertisements introduce us to new products.

              Advertisements guarantee us a colorful (7)________.

              ◇A blank wall without advertisements would be very (8)________.

              ◇A newspaper without advertisements would not be so appealing.

              Advertisements help(9)________ the community.

              ◇Daily affairs can be dealt with through these "small ads".

              ◇Personal problems can be(10)________ to the persons concerned to seek others' help.

              (1) ______ 
              (2) ______ 
              (3) ______ 
              (4) ______ 
              (5) ______ 
              (6) ______ 
              (7) ______ 
              (8) ______ 
              (9) ______ 
              (10) ______
            • 3.

              (1)the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English. Nearly all of them lived in England. Later in the next century, people from England (2)

              conquer other parts of the world and(3), English begin to be spoken in many other countries. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language (4).

              So why has English (5)? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and (6). At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 (7)the English spoken today.(8)German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because those (9) spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers (10)and especially its vocabulary.

            • 4.

              With an obese or overweight population of 66% of adults hi the US, 60% in the UK and 59% in Canada, healthy eating is becoming more important than ever. There are some things you con do to inspire healthier habits in your kids.

                 Most parents and children claim that breakfast is part of their everyday routines (惯例). Children who eat breakfast have higher math grades, have improved reading scores and basically perform better in school. They also tend to have healthier bodies in general with bettor-controlled weight levels.

                 What you have in your home is what your children will eat. When you take them to the grocery store with you, it's doubtless that your children will request the most sugar-filled, fat-injected products on the shelf. But these are not the ones to have in your home, and if possible, you should avoid buying them at all. Be sure you kids have healthy snacks.

                 Yes, kids like white bread. But any kid can get used to the taste and texture of whole grains. It just takes a little patience. Look for white bread, and other whole grains into their diet. Start toasting their sandwiches. When it's toasted, it will be much harder for them to tell the difference in taste and texture.

                 It's simple, it's true, and it's something you already know: kids who get plenty of exercise are healthier kids. Set limits on the amount of time your child many spend in front of the television or computer screen. Sign them up for plenty of sports and outdoor activities. And best of all, get involved in sports and exercise with them.

                 One of the best things you can do to establish healthy eating habits in your kids is to have them yourself. "When your children see you reaching for an apple instead of a bag of chips, their tendency will be to do the same. Involve your kids in shopping for and cooking food. This will give you the chance to teach your kids about healthy choices and why they should make them. In short, you can tell your kids every day to eat healthy foods, but if you don't do the same thing yourself, the lesson will never stick.

              Title:  ____(1)____ to Establish Healthy Eating Habits in Your Kids

              Breakfast is ___(2)_____

              It helps children get higher math grades, ___(3)_____ reading scores and perform better in school.

              Regular breakfast also  ____(4)____, weight levels, making the body healthier.

               ____(5)____ snack are welcome.

              Kids prefer sugar-filled, fat-injected snacks, but parents are ____(6)____ to avoid buying the them at all.

              Whole grains

              are better.

              Be ____(7)____ when you want your children to be used to whole grains.

              Add other whole grains to kids' diet and toast their sandwiches.

              Exercise helps

              keep fit.

              ___(8)_____ their time in front of the television or computer screen.

              Sign them up for enough sports and outdoor activities.

              Take  ___(9)_____ in sports and exercise with them.

              Parents should

              act first themselves.

              Your children will look up to you an (a) ___(10)_____ of people, who try to establish healthy eating habits.

            • 5.

              Complete the text with the words in the box.   doesn’t   hates   likes   mind   really


              Bill loves sport, and he     (1)   loves football. He likes being outside. He hates cities and he   (2)   shops. He     (3)   like shopping. His girlfriend, Julia, hates cooking. But she likes food, and she   (4)        eating in expensive restaurants. She doesn’t     (5)   football.

            • 6.


              Susan was a woman who hated animals. She never wanted to  (1)  any pets at home. To her, all animals were (2)  and boring. Susan could never understand  (3)people would like to have cats or dogs in the house. It was so stupid!
                 Last month Susanˈs daughter, Penny, came home from school with a mouse in a box. Susan was very  (4) . But Penny said that it was her "homework": her teacher asked each student to take care of an animal and  (5)  to get along with it. Susan had to say yes.
              It was fun for penny at the (6)6 but when she got lazy or (7)to feed the mouse, it
              became Susanˈs "homework". She gave it food and water every day and   (8) that the mouse was in fact not dirty. She even talked to it! She became so (9) in the job! Now Susan is having a good time with the mouse. And she is going to buy  (10)  mouse to make a pair.
            • 7.

              (一) Charlie Chaplin wrote, ­­  1 and produced the films he   2  . In 1972 he was given a special Oscar for his   3   work in films. He lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in 4 , where he was buried in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could  5people with great confidence.

              (二)Which theme park would you like to visit? There are  6  kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science,  7 , movies or history. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest 8, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a 9 ,  10and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!

            • 8. 课文背诵,用所背段落的单词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)

              California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It also has the (1)________ of being the most multicultural state in the USA, (2) ________ people from all over the world.

              Although at present human egg cells and embryos needed for cloning research are difficult (3)________, newspapers wrote of evil leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions. Religious leaders also (4)________. Governments became nervous and more conservative. Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning, but other countries like China and the UK, continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. However, scientists still wonder (5) ________ cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.

                (6)________by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office. Only after you have had that recognition (7)________you say that you are (8)________an inventor.

                Welcome to the Zhoukoudian caves here in China. It is (9)_________ to meet you students from England, who are interested in archeology. You must be aware that it’s here (10) ________ we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.

            • 9.

              Will 61._________ matter if you don’t take your breakfast? Some time ago tests 62.__________(give) in the United Sates. Those tests included people of different 63.__________ from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got 64.___________ breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see 65.___________ well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that 66.___________ a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect 67.___________ if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be 68.___________ (especial) true if a person works with his brains. For example, if a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before 69.__________(go) to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with 70.__________ (much)  attention in class.

            • 10. First aid is of ____ (1) ____ (important) in our life. There is no doubt ____ (2) ___ it is necessary to know some knowledge of first aid as dangers lie everywhere and accidents happen from time to time.If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can____ (3) ___(find) . But in the process of first aid,     (4)    the injured will be properly treated ___ (5) ____(depend) on your knowledge of first aid . As _______ (6) __ famous journalist, Yansong leads a very simple life. But he not only has a good nose ___ (7) ____ news, but also has ____ (8) ____(admire) professional first aid skills, because he thinks if we know _____ (9) ____about first aid, perhaps a life can be saved.
              Everybody should know some first aid in order to save other people's lives. Let’s take delight in _______ (10) ___(acquire) skills of first aid.
