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            • 1.
              When was the last time you read a.book,or a magazine article?Do your everyday reading habits centre around updates on the Internet?In case you are one of innumerable individuals who don't make a habit of reading consistently you may be passing up a great opportunity:Reading has a noteworthy number of advantages.and only a couple of advantages of reading are recorded below.
              Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information and you never know when it might be useful to you.The more knowledge you have,the better-equipped you are to overcome any challenge you'll ever face.Additionally,here's a bit of food for thought:Should you ever find yourself in terrible circuit stances,remember that although you might lose everything else-your job,your possessions,your money,even your health-knowledge can never be taken from you.
              At the same time,the more you read,the more words you gain exposure to,and they'll surely make (heir my into your everyday vocabulary.Being able to express your ideas clearly in words is of great help in any profession?and knowing that you can speak to higher-ran king people with self-confidence can he a great encouragement to your selt-esteem(自尊).It could even aid in your career.as those who are well-read,well-spoken,and knowledgeable on a variety of topics tend to get promotions more quickly (and more often) than those with smaller vocabularies and lack of awareness of literature,scientific breakthroughs,and global events.Reading books is also vital for learning new languages,as non-native speakers gain exposure to words used in context,which will improve their own speaking and writing fluency.
              When you read a book,you have to remember a lot of characters,their backgrounds,ambitions,history,arid nuances,as well as the various plots that weave their way through every story.That's a fair bit to remember,but brains are wonderful things and can remember these things with relative ease.Amazingly enough,whenever you remember something new,new synapses[(神经元的)突触]are formed and existing ones me strengthened.I low cool that is!
              No matter how much stress you have at work,in your personal relationships,or countless other issues faced in daily life-it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story.A well-written novel can transport you to other realms (领域)while an interesting article will distract you and keep you in the present moment T letting tensions drain away and allowing you to relax.
              Title:Some of Benefits of Reading:You ShouldReadd Every Day,Why?
              The more you read,the more adequately it (71) ______ you for various troubles in life,
              Knowledge is what will stay with you (72) ______ .
              You can ( 73 ) ______ your vocabulary by reading,which may favour you in your job and make you proud when you talk with your leaders.
              Your rich vocabulary means you are a great reader with rich knowledge,which offers you a big (74) ______ over others in promotions.
              Wards in context will help a foreigti language learner use the laneuaec (75) ______ .
              (76) ______ improvement You will try to keep in mind the (77) ______ of a book while reading and (hut h somewhat (78) ______ for your brain.
              The more you try to remember,the (79) ______ you will be at remembering.
              Stress reduction An interesting riding will transfer your attention to its plob so that you feel (80) ______ and forget about your worries.
            • 2.
              Did you know that falling down is the leading cause of injury death for Americans aged 65and older?
              Each year 35to 40percent of older adult Americans fall at least once.
              Falling down is not just the result of getting older.Falling can be caused by a variety of circumstances,and many falls can be prevented.
              Here are 4simple steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk of injury from falling down.
              Improve Your Body Balance with Exercise to Prevent Falling.
              •If you don't have a regular exercise program,start one.Lack of exercise leads to weakness,and that increases your chances of falling.
              •Exercise can improve your body balance and flexibility at any age.Try exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi.
              •If you are over 50and haven't exercised regularly,check with your health care provider about the
              best type of exercise program for you.
              Increase Your Home's Accessibility and Safety to Reduce Falling Risks
              About half of all falls happen at home.To increase accessibility and make your home safer:
              •Remove items you might trip over from stairs and places where you walk.
              •Remove small throw rugs(易滑地垫)or use double-sided tape to keep the rugs from slipping.
              •Have grab bars installed next to your toilet,and install grab bars in your tub or shower.
              •Improve the lighting in your home.
              •Make sure all stairways have handrails and sufficient lighting.
              •Wear shoes that give good support and have thin non-slip soles.
              You might also consider avoiding lightweight slippers(especially backless styles),which can reduce your feeling of control.
              Prevent Falling:Watch Out for Medication Side Effects
              Age can affect the way some medications work in your body,so if you have been taking any over-the-counter medications for a while,it's important to tell your health care provider.He or she will be able to tell you if they are still safe for you to take.
              •Look out for drugs that have side effects including drowsiness(困倦).These side effects can increase your risk of falling.This is especially important with over-the-counter cold and flu medications,which can often increase drowsiness.
              •And don't forget herbal remedies(草药).Some remedies increase sleepiness and many react with other types of medication,which could increase your risk of falling down.Be sure to check with your health care provider before trying new medication.
              Want to Prevent Falling?Have Your Vision Checked Regularly
              Vision problems can increase your chances of falling.
              •You may be wearing the wrong glasses that cause vision problems or limit your vision.
              •To reduce your risk of falling,have your vision checked by an eye doctor every year for early detection and correction of vision problems.If you can't see something,it's harder to avoid it,and this increases your risk of falling.
              How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury from Falling
              (76) ______ Detailed suggestions
              Make your body (77) ______ better with exercise •Try exercises (78) ______ like Yoga and Tai Chi
              •Make clear which is the best type of exercise program for you in advance
              Increase your home's accessibility and safety •Remove items that might cause you to (79) ______
              •(80) ______ items that will support you when needed
              •Improve the lighting in and out of your room
              •Wear non-slip shoes
              Be(81) ______ of medication side effects •Do check with your health care provider to ensure your (82) ______ of taking any over-the-counter medications,(83) ______ you have taken them or not
              Protect your vision carefully •Don't(84) ______ the wrong glasses that damage your vision
              •Have your vision checked regularly to detect and correct your (85) ______ vision problems
            • 3.

              A. blow      B. quarrel      C. However     D. anything     E. After  F.  replied    G. saved       H. kept         I. last          J. stone

               A man and his friend were walking through the desert(沙漠). During the trip they had a  (1)  and the man hit his friend in the face. His friend was hurt, but without saying __  (2)  , he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

                 They  (3)   on walking until they found a lake, where they decided to take a bath. The man’s friend fell into the lake and was in danger, but the man saved him. After he came back to life, he wrote on a  (4)  _ : “Today my best friend saved my life.”

                  The man who had hit and   (5)  his best friend asked, “  (6)   I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now , you wrote on a stone. Why?” His friend   (7)  , “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where wind can   (8)  it away.   (9)  , when someone does something good for us, we must write it down in stone where it can   (10)   for ever.”    

