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            • 1.
              A.estimate B.recognition C.tricked D.accurate E.volume F.engaged
              G.separate H.stimulating I.function J.measuring

              Time seems to pass faster or slower depending on the language you speak,new research has revealed,because of the way your native tongue speaks about time.A team from the University of Lancaster say their work also shows how bilingualism(双语) may affect pur perceptions of time,(35) ______ the brain to think in new ways.
              In one experiment,40 Spanish speakers and 40 Swedish speakers were (36) ______ in seeing a computer animation(动画) of a slowly line.All the animations lasted 3 seconds,but the line didn't always grow to the same length.The researchers expected that because Swedes talk about time in terms of distance,they would find it harder to (37) ______ how much time had passed,and they were right.Meanwhile the Spanish speakers,who refer to time in terms of (38) ______ (as in a"small"break rather than a"short"break),were much better at realizing that the same 3 seconds had fled,no matter how far the line grew."The Swedish speakers tend to think that the line that grows longer takes longer,"one of the researchers explained."Spanish speakers aren't (39) ______ by that.They seem to think that it doesn't matter how much the line grows in distance,it still takes the same time for it to grow."
              In another experiment,participants were shown animations of a jug(水壶) slowly being filled up:the length of the animation was fixed,but the jug filled up by (40) ______ amounts.Sure enough,this time it was the Spanish speakers who had more trouble(41) ______ the passage of time.
              Interestingly,when the spoken instructions in a particular language were taken away,the volunteers were much better at judging time,as if being asked out loud how much time had passed triggered something in the brain.To gain (42) ______ insight into what was happening,74 bilingual speakers of both Spanish and Swedish were also recruited,and shown similar animations.The end results were the same:when instructed in Swedish,the volunteers were more easily fooled by the line animations,and when instructed in Spanish,it was the jug animations that interfered with their(43) ______ of time.
            • 2.
              skill wave invite celebrate obvious volunteer optimistic
              (1) On Christmas Eve,every family gathers to ______ the festival.
              (2) If you have a(n) ______ attitude,you will always feel happy!
              (3) As a ______ carpenter,he made all the furniture himself.
              (4) Her eyes were red. ______ ,she was sad and had been crying for a while.
              (5) Thank you for the ______ to the party and I will attend it.
              (6) When the president went out of the plane,he smiled and ______ to the crowds waiting for
              (7) In the city marathon, ______ work in the stations along the way,serving the runners.
            • 3.
              A selfie stick is a monopod(单脚架)used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm.The metal sticks are typically extendable,with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp(夹子)on the other end to hold a phone in place.Some have remote or Bluetooth controls,letting the user decide when to take the picture,and models designed for cameras have a mirror behind the viewscreen so that the shot can be lined up.In contrast to a monopod for stabilizing a camera on the ground,a selfie stick's arm is thickest and strongest at the opposite end from the camera in order to provide better grip(控制)and balance when held high up in the air.
              Homemade selfie sticks could date back as early as 1925.A photo from that year shows a man taking a photograph of himself and his wife,with the aid of a long pole which is pointed towards the camera and out of frame.Amateur box cameras of the period would not have been able to capture a self-portrait in focus when held at arm's length,requiring photographers to use remote shutter (快门) devices such as cables or sticks.
              The 1983 Minolta Disc film"Disc-7"camera had a convex mirror on its front to allow the composition of self-portraits,and its packaging showed the camera mounted on a stick while used for such a purpose.A"telescopic extender"for compact handheld cameras was patented in U.S.in 1983.Canadian inventor Wayne Fromm patented his Quik Pod in 2005,and it became commercially available in the United States the following year.Despite positive reviews for the Quik Pod over the next few years in mainstream press,the term"selfie stick"itself did not become widely used until 2014.
              People attach their cell phone or camera to the end of the selfie stick,raise it in front of themselves and then make a sound or press a Shutter button"shutter button on the stick handle which is connected to the camera (usually using a port such as a Phone connector (audio)"headphone jack),or press a button on a wireless remote (often via Bluetooth"Bluetooth),or use the camera's built-in timer to take a photo after a number of seconds have passed.The first two methods usually adapt the device's physical means of pressing the camera shutter such as the volume controls or the dedicated camera button of the device,which are replicated(复制)on Headphones"headphones with on-cord controls,and are seen by the device as headphone devices.
              The device gives more practical use in situations that require assistance for difficult photographs.It allows the user to take photographs in otherwise dangerous situations such as taking a photo over a cliff or from the door of an airplane.The device is sometimes used to take selfies that involve the photographer inside a moving vehicle.
              Enlarge"Bans and restrictions on the use of selfie sticks have been imposed across a range of public venues(场所)generally on the grounds of safety and inconvenience to others.
              Several concert venues in Australia and the United Kingdom have banned the use of selfie sticks,along with some music festivals in the United States.Organisers have cited their role in the"illegal recording"of bands'sets,and the inconvenience and safety issues to fellow audience members.The sticks have been banned in some museums,galleries and historical sites because of concerns about possible damage to artworks and other objects.
              Theme parks including Walt Disney World Resort"Walt Disney World Resortand Six Flags"Six Flags have banned selfie sticks.The sticks have always been banned on rides at Disney World for safety reasons,but after a number of instances where rides had to be stopped because of a guest pulling out a selfie stick in mid-ride,such as incidents on California Screamin'"California Screamin'and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad"Big Thunder Mountain Railroad,Disney issued a park-wide ban on the accessorie(配件).
              Some Aspects of a Selfie Stick
              Definition ●A selfie stick is a one-legged support for a smartphone or camera.It is made of metal and can be made (71) ______ .
              ●A selfie stick's arm is thickest and strongest at the opposite end when compared to a monopod for keeping a camera (72) ______ on the ground
              History ●Homemade selfie sticks could date from 1925 when amateur box cameras required photographers (73) ______ use of remote shutter devices.
              ●A"telescopic extender"for compact handheld cameras was granted a
              (74) ______ in 1983.
              ●Although Quik Pod got excellent reviews,the term"selfie stick"was not in (75) ______ until 2014.
              ●When taking photos,people can press a shutter button on the stick handle or press a button on a wireless (76) ______ control,or use the camera's built-in timer.
              ●When taking difficult photos,people can use selfie sticks to (77) ______ themselves away from dangerous situations.
              Bans and restrictions
              ●(78) ______ safety issues and inconvenience,lots of public places restrict the use of selfie sticks.
              ●The sticks have been prohibited in a wide (79) ______ of sites in case they cause possible damage to other objects.
              ●After a number of (80) ______ where rides had to be stopped,Disney issued a park-wide ban on the sticks.
            • 4.
              I remember when someone would mention the words"extraordinary life",the entire thought seemed only for the rich and famous.The idea seemed unreachable and only came to the lucky few.I finally woke up to the truth that living an extraordinary life could truly be achieved if you focused on the small things.
              Here are five simple steps:
              Make a list of 100things to do:Take out a piece of paper and write down anything and everything that comes to mind.From the littlest things to the most extreme,it all goes on your list.This simple act of writing this list stretches your imagination and opens up the possibilities to see your life.
              Change up your routine:We are creatures of habit and this can lead to staying comfortable.Our life can tend to run on auto-pilot and we spend a large amount of time completely numb to what is happening around us.Therefore,by changing up our typical routine,we begin to have a better understanding of the experiences of our own life.
              Learn something new every month or two:Remember when you were a kid and you had to learn something new all the time?You were nervous,excited,and a little scared when you first tried to ride a bike.But once you did it a few times,you began to get the hang of it and suddenly had an increase in your confidence with a feeling like you could fly.Once you begin to push yourself just that little bit extra,you quickly grow your comfort zone and feel braver to do even more.
              Hang around with others:There are always those people whose lives are extraordinary.The best way to find out what they do different is to spend a little time with them.See how they think,speak,and act differently.You will be surprised at how quickly you begin to try some new things and feel more confident.This is a great way to follow some outstanding people and begin opening your mind to new ways of thinking.
              Seize the day:There are opportunities that happen around us daily.Take notes on how many times you would really love to do something,but for some reason you find yourself saying no.Many times we say no because we feel we don't have time or money.Start saying YES to just one or two things you might have originally said no to.
              The next time you find yourself feeling stuck in an ordinary life,try out at least one of these simple steps.Just that tiny bit of"extra"goes a long way and before you know it,you'll be expanding your world.
              Passage outlineSupporting details
              Passage outline Supporting details
              Theme Extraordinary life doesn't(71) ______ belong to the rich and famous and with attention (72) ______ on small things,it applies to everyone.
              (73) ______ to living an extraordinary life ●List whatever (74) ______ your mind,which makes it(75) ______ to see your life.
              ●Make a change to daily routine instead of living out of (76) ______ to understand life experience better.
              ●Have a strong desire to learn new things regularly and gain (77) ______ in pushing yourself more.
              ●Devote time to (78) ______ people with extraordinary life to get inspiration to change your ways of thinking.
              ●Get down to doing something that you(79) ______ to do previously for reason of time or money.
              Conclusion Your world will be(80) ______ as long as you take some simple measures.
            • 5.
              The public were shocked in March when the news that improperly stored vaccines (疫苗) worth millions of dollars were sold to patients all over the country.
              China is trying to rebuild public confidence in vaccines after the news struck fear into the hearts of parents.
              Chief government officials should be dismissed if serious vaccine violations (违规) took place in their jurisdictions (管辖区),according to a revised regulation (规定) approved by the State Council.The regulation was passed on Saturday and took effect immediately,the report said.It strengthens management rules for vaccines,including their transportation and storage,and increases punishments for violators.
              The regulation requires B-class (non-compulsory) vaccines to be given out like A-class.It also requires disease control departments,hospitals and clinics to keep records of purchases and received inventory (存货清单).China will establish a system to track vaccines,according to the regulation.Companies and user agencies must record use,so all vaccines can be tracked across their life cycle.
              China will also raise the amount of compensation paid to those suffering abnormalities (反常) after receiving vaccines.Measures under consideration include the introduction of commercial insurance to improve fairness and efficiency in compensation.Commercial insurance is expected to play an important role in compensating people for any health problems connected with vaccines.In the past,responsibility for compensation belonged to vaccine producers or to the government.
              Meanwhile,local authorities are trying to reduce public worries.At Zhcheng hospital,health workers were spreading vaccine information to parents on Monday.In Northeast China's Jilin province,authorities are pioneering a digital system that makes vaccines storage transparent to the public.In Hefei,capital of Eastern Anhui province,authorities have developed a smart phone application that shares vaccine information.
              Immunization (免疫) is the most economic,effective and safest way of preventing,controlling and getting rid of communicable diseases,said Mao Qun'an,spokesperson for the National Health and Family Planning Commission.Although vaccines can provide immunization against certain diseases,they can also cause side effects and result in serious physical harm in some individuals because of a person's health condition,although the chances of developing problems are extremely low,according to experts.
              Vaccines stand for the primary means in most countries to prevent and control infectious diseases,and parents should get their children vaccinated as required by the government,said Yu Wenzhou,an expert at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
              China is trying to restore public confidence in vaccines
              The (71) ______ news The improperly stored vaccines were sold to patients (72) ______ .

              Th e (73) ______ of the revised regulation
              ●Chief government officials will take responsibility if serious
              vaccine violations (74) ______ in their jurisdictions.
              ●B-class vaccines are required to be distributed in the (75) ______ way as A-class.
              ●Purchases of vaccines and received inventory should be (76) ______ .
              ●A tracking system will be established.
              Other measures taken by the government ●(77) ______ commercial insurance to compensate people for any
              health problems connected with vaccines.
              ●Make the vaccine information (78) ______ to the public.
              The truth
              about vaccines
              ●Vaccines cause physical (79) ______ to some people because of a person's health condition.
              ●Vaccines (80) ______ the primary means in most countries to
              prevent and control infectious diseases.
            • 6.
              suffer graduate bored fortunate confident include serve
              (1) I'm applying for the volunteer guide in order to build my ______ in speaking in public.
              (2) It's not easy for many students to find a job after ______ from college at the moment.
              (3) Some people are wasting food while others are ______ from hunger.
              (4) He is so ______ with the TV series that he doesn't watch it at all.
              61You have some duties, ______ typing letters and answering phone calls.
              62In some parts of the world,tea is ______ with milk and sugar.
              63 ______ ,the fire was discovered soon after it started and put out immediately.
