优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One day each week, farmers used to   31   their fruit and vegetables into the city. They   32   one street to all cars, and the farmers set up tables for their   33  . This outdoor market was a great place to   34.   Everything was fresher than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in   35   after the harvest. My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the   36   produce.

              The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child,   37   was like a festival – full of colors and   38  . There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, and onions. The farmers did their own   39  . They all shouted loudly for   40   to buy their produce. “Come and buy my beautiful oranges! They’re juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to   41   your children healthy and strong!”

              Everyone used to   42   with the farmers over the   43   of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the “  44  ” in this drama. My mother was an   45   at this. First, she picked the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.

              “What?” she said. She looked very surprised. “So   46  ?

              The seller looked terribly   47  . “My dear lady!” he replied. “I’m a poor,   48   farmer. These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”

              They always argued for several minutes before agreeing   49   a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left. Both buyer and seller were   50  . The drama was over.

              1.A. carry                   B. take                  C. bring                    D. fetch

              2.A. opened                B. closed               C. started                  D. stopped

              3.A. produce               B. goods                C. food                     D. product

              4.A. buy                     B. sell                   C. bargain                 D. shop

              5.A. hurriedlyB. immediately    C. hardly                               D. straightly

              6.A. best                     B. finest                C. freshest                 D. cheapest

              7.A. who                    B. that                   C. which                   D. what

              8.A. voices                 B. noises               C. sounds                  D. accent

              9.A. shoppingB. business                          C. shouting               D. advertising

              10.A. customersB. producers    C. themselves                     D. sellers

              11.A. leave                 B. let                    C. except                  D. make

              12.A. argue                 B. talk                   C. discuss                  D. speak

              13.A. order                 B. price                 C. quality                  D. form

              14.A. viewersB. listeners                          C. actors                   D. directors

              15.A. actress               B. inventor            C. advancer               D. expert

              16.A. wonderfulB. exciting                      C. cheap                   D. expensive

              17.A. injured              B. hurt                  C. damaged               D. wounded

              18.A. excellentB. fair   C. honest               D. easy

              19.A. with                  B. to                     C. in                         D. on

              20.A.disappointed B. encouraged C. satisfied         D. tired


            • 2.

              It was an afternoon in the winter, some friends and I were talking at a restaurant. We talked and talked and soon swimming became the __26___. Suddenly I hit upon an idea. “ Wouldn’t it be ___27_ if we went swimming? Others went swimming in winter, and __28__ couldn’t we? Besides, we could be ___29__ if we did. ” I told them about this and they all said it was a good idea indeed.

              Early in the morning, three days _30____, we four were standing at the bus stop, with bags in our hands, ___31__ for a bus to take us to the __32__. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, but all the same, it was very cold, __33__ our heavy overcoats were not enough to keep us ___34__. We all felt that we should go back, but no one wanted to __35__.

               We soon reached the sands. There was nobody there, but we were not to be discouraged. _36__ we were proud that we were the __37___ ones that dared to challenge the weather. Besides, the sun could keep us warm. So we __38__ ourselves quickly.

              But things were not going to be so nice as we thought. The sea wind was blowing, we felt _39___ cold and we shook from head to feet. At last we decided to ___40__ the sea water. We put our feet in first, only to take them back___41___. The water was unbelievably cold. __42___ I suggested that we should all jump in at the same time. We all went back ten steps. I gave the order and we all rushed forward. We jumped. That feeling I had when I was in the water I shall never __43  . I was up and rushed again to the seaside. So _44___ my friends. We put on our clothes as quickly as possible and went home.

              We four did not go to school the next three days, for we all _45_ a bad cold. We missed the lessons, but we had this unforgettable experience.

              1.A. topic           B. object           C. center          D. opinion

              2.A. lucky           B. interesting       C. surprising       D. happy

              3.A. how            B. what            C. why           D. that

              4.A. ill              B. worse           C. better          D. stronger

              5.A. past             B. later            C. before        D. since

              6.A. meeting          B. asking          C. looking       D. waiting

              7.A. sands            B. swimming pool   C. river         D. lake

              8.A. though           B. only            C. since         D. even

              9.A. warm            B. cold            C. cool          D. hot

              10.A. talk about        B. speak out       C. think over      D. shout at

              11.A. Instead          B. For            C. Unless         D. Sometimes

              12.A. lucky           B. only            C. happy         D. younger

              13.A. enjoyed         B. helped          C. changed        D. dressed

              14.A. a little          B. such            C. a bit           D. very

              15.A. go into         B. go down         C. take off         D. jump into

              16.A. quickly         B. carefully        C. finally          D. bravely

              17.A. Next           B. Last            C. Then           D. When

              18.A. forget          B. remember       C. tell             D. believe

              19.A. do             B. did            C. had             D. were

              20.A. felt            B. became         C. caught          D. turned


            • 3.


              One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was expecting a quiet   36   of the splendid artwork.

                       A young   37   viewing the paintings ahead of me   38   nonstop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the man’s   39   for putting up with her   40   stream of words.   41   by their noise, I moved on.

                       I met them several times as I moved   42   the various rooms of art. Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away   43  .

                       I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a   44   when the couple approached the   45  . Before they left, the man   46   into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He   47   it into a long stick and then   48   his way into the coatroom to get his wife’s jacket.

                       “He’s a   49   man,” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldn’t change. So, as before, he and his wife come in   50   there is a new art show.”

                       “But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He can’t see.”

                       “Can’t see! You’re   51  . He sees a lot. More than you and I do,” the clerk said. “His wife   52   each painting so he can see it in his head.”

                       I learned something about patience,   53   and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without   54   and the courage of a husband who would not   55   blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, their arms intertwined.

              1.A. touch                                  B. view                           C. wander                         D. stare

              2.A. lady                                     B. man                            C. couple                           D. clerk

              3.A. chatted                              B. argued                       C. screamed                    D. yelled

              4.A. attempt                             B. independence          C. wisdom                        D. patience

              5.A. vivid                                     B. constant                   C. casual                           D. vague

              6.A. Adopted                             B. Adapted                   C. Conducted                   D. Disturbed

              7.A. through                              B. to                                C. towards                       D. from     

              8.A. anxiously                            B. urgently                    C. quickly                          D. sensibly

              9.A. comment                           B. decision                     C. purchase                      D. profit

              10.A. entrance                          B. exit                             C. front                              D. queue

              11.A. plugged                            B. held                            C. reached                        D. bent

              12.A. made                                B. lengthened               C. brought                        D. broadened

              13.A. led                                     B. found                         C. forced                           D. tapped

              14.A. brave                                B. rough                         C. smart                            D. generous

              15.A. wherever                         B. whatever                  C. whichever                    D. whenever

              16.A. wrong                               B. silly                             C. equal                             D. unique

              17.A. describes                         B. draws                        C. shows                           D. decorates

              18.A. kindness                          B. pride                          C. enthusiasm                 D. courage

              19.A. support                            B. sight                           C. expectation                 D. confidence

              20.A. get                                    B. hope                           C. allow                             D. cause


            • 4.

              The story I’m going to tell truly happened in my life.

              The other day, I met a man outside the gym who_16___a movie star. He was handsome and smiling. His upper body was muscular and he __17_to be on top of the world.

              “How are you?” I _18___with a smile. “I’m doing really well,” he replied in a cheerful voice. His enthusiasm and big smile _19___the parking garage . _20___as he walked up, I _21___his long legs were thin and I saw he had a silver cane(手杖).“Why do you need that cane?” I couldn’t _22___thinking he had a minor injury. “I have MS,” he answered in a _23___ voice too, as his broad smile __24__left his face. Multiple Sclerosis is a very serious disease and often painful. I looked at him from my little red sports car and said, “You _25___it very well. You seem like a happy man _26___ the MS.” Without losing a bit of his smile he replied, “ I am a happy man,” and then added, “I’d be even happier if I had that sports _27___.”

               It was ironic(讽刺的). Just _28___we spoke, I’d been sitting in that little sports car, feeling sad about my painful shoulder over the last 11 months although I was _29___ after an operation. Here’s a man with a __30__far tougher than mine, but his positive attitude made him feel no _31___happiness. He went on with his enjoyment of life as usual, which moved me deeply.

                   It was also a wonderful reminder of that old _32___, “I cried because I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet.” _33___ your problems, just keep in__34__that none of us goes through life __35__and like the man with MS, make the most of what you have. Count your blessings.

              1.A. stared at

              B. talked about

              C. agreed with

              D. looked like

              2.A. conducted

              B. appeared

              C. performed

              D. pretended

              3.A. questioned

              B. advised

              C. complained

              D. greeted

              4.A. lit up

              B. put up

              C. held up

              D. kept up

              5.A. o

              B. And

              C. But

              D. Though

              6.A. diagnosed

              B. noticed

              C. examined

              D. checked

              7.A. want

              B. set

              C. wait

              D. help

              8.A. cheerful

              B. sad

              C. low

              D. painful

              9.A. sometimes

              B. regularly

              C. never

              D. always

              10.A. need

              B. handle

              C. demand

              D. deal

              11.A. in spite of

              B. in return for

              C. thanks to

              D. but for

              12.A. training

              B. coach

              C. coat

              D. car

              13.A. when

              B. until

              C. before

              D. since

              14.A. recovering

              B. suffering

              C. repairing

              D. benefiting



              C. situation

              D. position

              16.A. fewer

              B. less

              C. further

              D. more

              17.A. story

              B. news

              C. saying

              D. lesson

              18.A. Whatever

              B. However

              C. Whichever

              D. Whenever

              19.A. head

              B. brain

              C. heart

              D. mind

              20.A. completely

              B. easily

              C. hardly

              D. lightly


            • 5.

              I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.

              I was on my lunch break and had    44___the office to get something to eat .

              On the way, I ___45__a busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some ____46___ in my pocket, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would ___47___ use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He___48__like that type-young and ragged. ____49__what was I going to spend the money on? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then ____50__I had no right to place myself above ____51__just because he was busking.

              I ____52__ and dropped all the coins into his  ___53___and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. As ____54__as it sounds, I expected something more to come from that moment—a feeling of ___55___or satisfaction, for example. But nothing happened ___56____, I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of ____57____,”I thought.

              On my way home at the end of the___58__, I saw the busker again and he was  __59___ . I watched him pick up the hat and walk___60__ a cafe counter. There he poured the _61____contents into a tin collecting __62____ an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event. He was busking for charity(慈善)!

              Now I donate any ____63__ I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.


              1.A. left         B . cleaned      C . prepared          D . searched  

              2.A. led         B . chose        C . saw              D . fooled    

              3.A. chocolates        B . coins        C . tins              D . drugs    

              4.A. almost            B . only         C . rather            D . still    

              5.A. acted             B . looked        C . sounded         D . smelt    

              6.A. Though           B . For            C . Therefor         D . But      

              7.A. declared          B . realized       C . expected         D . guessed   

              8.A. it                 B . all           C . him             D . them     

              9.A. waited            B . followed      C . stopped          D . arrived     

              10.A. rag            B . hat           C . pocket          D . counter     

              11.A. selfish          B . awkward      C . innocent         D . special       

              12.A. happiness       B . sadness       C . love             D . hate           

              13.A. DisappointedlyB.Unfortunately  C.Coincidentally      D. Comfortably        

              14.A. words      B . effort         C . space                         D . money              

              15.A. moment        B . day          C . break                      D . event              

              16.A. walking around B. passing by   C . packing up         D. running off         

              17.A. around         B . in           C . behind                 D . to                

              18.A. chief       B . basic            C . actual                D . total            

              19.A.by         B . for               C . on                   D . with              

              20.A.work       B . time            C . energy            D .change           


            • 6.

              The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.She __36__ the driver and,using her hands to feel the __37__ of the seats,walked down and found the __38__ which the driver had told her was empty.Then she settled in.

              It had been a year since Susan,34,__39__ a medical misdiagnosis (误诊),was suddenly thrown into a world of __40__.Mark,her husband,was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart.He __41__ her how to rely on her other __42__,specifically her hearing,to determine where she was and __43__ to adapt herself to the new environment.He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could __44__ for her,and save her a seat.

              __45__,Susan decided that she was ready to try the __46__ on her own.Monday morning,she said good-bye and for the first time,they went their __47__ ways.

              On Friday morning,Susan took the bus to work as usual.As she was __48__ the bus,the driver said,“Boy,I __49__ envy you.” Susan had no __50__ what the driver was talking about,and asked,“What do you __51__?”

              The driver answered,“You know,every morning for the __52__ week,a fine-looking gentleman __53__ a military uniform has been standing across the corner __54__ you as you get off the bus.He __55__ you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building.You are one lucky lady.”

              Tears of gratitude poured down Susan’s cheeks.

              1.A.thanked          B.asked           C.discovered       D.paid

              2.A.location           B.shape           C.size               D.cost

              3.A.ticket           B.bus               C.seat              D.bag

              4.A.according to    B.instead of         C.thanks to          D.due to

              5.A.anger           B.darkness          C.happiness        D.light

              6.A.asked           B.encouraged      C.  taught        D.praised

              7.A.feelings          B.sights           C.senses         D.abilities

              8.A.how              B.when            C.where          D.who

              9.A.make out         B.watch out        C.find out          D.work out

              10.A.Finally    B.Luckily    C.However          D.Besides

              11.A.visit            B.trip               C.bus               D.work

              12.A.opposite        B.separate        C.difficult           D.usual

              13.A.getting on     B.getting in         C.getting off        D.getting up

              14.A.must            B.may              C.will                D.do

              15.A.idea             B.opinion        C.way         D.thought

              16.A.want            B.mean           C.say                D.suggest

              17.A.next           B.old          C.past              D.following

              18.A.by               B.on                C.with              D.in

              19.A.searching      B.watching          C.calling             D.noticing

              20.A.looks out        B.takes up          C.believes in        D.makes sure


            • 7.



              I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “I’m so sorry!” was my reply. Then he said. “Excuse me too——I wasn’t    36  watching  for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went   37 our way after saying goodbye.

              But at   38   , a different story is told. How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later in the kitchen, as I   39   our meal, my daughter walked up to me, very still. When I turned, I   40   knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted with a frown(皱眉头). She stepped away silently, with her little heart   41   . I didn’t realize how harshly I had spoken.

              That night, when I lay   42   in bed, God’s quiet voice spoke to me, “While   43   with a stranger, you are calm and polite, but with those you love, you are QUICK to excite—Go look around on the kitchen floor, you will find some flowers there by the   44  . Those are the flowers she brought for you. She   45   them herself—pink, yellow, and your favorite blue. She stood there quietly, and you never saw the   46   in her eyes.”

              By this time, I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her   47   , “Wake up, my dear,” I said. “Are these the flowers you picked up for me?” She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I   48   them in a napkin, just for you. I knew you’d like them, especially the   49   .” I said, “I am so sorry that I missed them today—and I   50   have fussed(发牢骚)at you that way.”

              And she whispered, “Mommy, that’s Ok—I still love you   51   .”I hugged her and said, “I love you too, and I love the flowers.”

              Do you know that: if you die tomorrow, the   52   you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family you leave   53   will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into our   54   than into our families—an unwise investment indeed.

              Remember that   55   =(F)ATHER—(A)ND—(M)OTHER—(I)—(L)OVE—Y(OU).

              1.A.ever             B.even             C.just        D.right

              2.A.to            B.in                C.on           D.for

              3.A.school            B.work             C.home     D.office

              4.A.cooked          B.had            C.ate         D.took

              5.A.already        B.hardly             C.rudely         D.nearly

              6.A.lost             B.missed           C.beaten       D.broken

              7.A.asleep         B.awake            C.afraid              D.alive

              8.A.standing       B.meeting          C.going     D.talking

              9.A.floor            B.kitchen            C.window      D.door

              10.A.grew         B.gave              C.picked         D.dropped

              11.A.tears         B.expressions        C.smiles         D.joy

              12.A.desk          B.bed            C.body      D.knees

              13.A.wrapped           B.covered          C.put         D.help

              14.A.pink           B.yellow             C.blue       D.black

              15.A.needn’t     B.shouldn’t        C.mustn’t      D.can’t

              16.A.however      B.besides            C.anything    D.anyway

              17.A.company       B.country            C.place     D.state

              18.A.for                 B.with           C.behind        D.to

              19.A.stranger            B.loss             C.meal      D.work

              20.A.RESPECT       B.WARMTH  C.FAMILY       D.FRIEND


            • 8. 完形填空。
                     Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work   1   his spare time and during his
              holidays to   2   his education.   3   this, he   4   get to the university, but it was   5   expensive to study there
              that during the holiday he found   6   necessary to get two jobs   7   the same time   8   make enough
              money   9   his studies.
                     One summer he managed to  10  a job in a butcher's shop (肉店) during  11 , and another in a hospital 
               12 . In the shop, he learnt to cut meat quite nicely, so the butcher often  13  him doing all the serving  14  
              he went to the back room to do the accounts (账目). In the hospital,  15 , he was, of course, allowed to do
              the simplest jobs,  16  helping to lift people and to  17  them from one part of the hospital to another. Both at
              the butcher's shop and at the hospital, Dick had to  18  white clothes.
                     One evening at the hospital, Dick had to help a woman from her bed to the place  19  she was to have
              an operation. The woman was already feeling frightened at the  20  of the operation before he came to get her,
              but when she saw Dick, she fainted away (晕过去).
              (     )1. A. on             
              (     )2. A. pay for        
              (     )3. A. Instead        
              (     )4. A. tried to       
              (     )5. A. too            
              (     )6. A. it's          
              (     )7. A. at             
              (     )8. A. in order that  
              (     )9. A. with           
              (     )10. A. look for       
              (     )11. A. day time       
              (     )12. A. at night      
              (     )13. A. let            
              (     )14. A. while          
              (     )15. A. on other hand  
              (     )16. A. like           
              (     )17. A. want           
              (     )18. A. on             
              (     )19. A. that           
              (     )20. A. thought        B. in             
              B. pay off        
              B. Instead of     
              B. hope to        
              B. very           
              B. this          
              B. on             
              B. as to          
              B. for            
              B. find           
              B. the night     
              B. at noon       
              B. left          
              B. as soon as    
              B. on another hand  
              B. for           
              B. fetch          
              B. wear           
              B. which          
              B. time           C. at                  
              C. pay to              
              C. In spite of         
              C. wanted to           
              C. so                  
              C. that               
              C. by                 
              C. as so to           
              C. to                 
              C. reach              
              C. the night time      
              C. in the morning     
              C. made                
              C. after               
              C. on the second hand  
              C. as                  
              C. carry              
              C. be on               
              C. where               
              C. end                  D. with              
              D. pay back          
              D. In need of        
              D. was anxious to    
              D. much              
              D. it                
              D. for               
              D. so as to          
              D. because of        
              D. take              
              D. the daytime       
              D. in the daytime    
              D. had               
              D. until             
              D. on the other hand       
              D. from              
              D. raise             
              D. dress on          
              D. there             
              D. beginning         
            • 9. 完形填空。
                  We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and
              lions live in big forest and they are called   1   animals. Some others like sheep and
              dogs are   2   by men and they are called domestic (驯养) animals. These animals are very
              different from one another, but we can   3   them into big groups: those that eat other
              animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the   4   belong to the first
              group. Animals like cows, elephants and horses belong to the second group.
                  Animals are   5   great use to human beings. Men   6   wild animals for their fur and
              meat. Domestic animals are   7   more important to men. Without them, life will be   8  .
              People make use of animals in many   9  .
                  Cows and pigs are useful to men's  10 . They give 80% of the  11  men eat every year.
              Skin of some animals can be  12  into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and
              comfortable and  13  a long time. They are very welcome in  14  countries. Wool, which is
              now one of the most important material for textile (纺织)  15 , comes from a special kind
              of  16 . From cows, we get milk. And we shouldn't  17  that some domestic animals are kept
              for transport. Many people  18  ride horses. Arabs ride on camels which travel in deserts
              for days without  19 . In some places animals are still used to plough field.  20  is clear
              that men just can't live without these animals.
              (     )1. A. wild      
              (     )2. A. trapped   
              (     )3. A. separate   
              (     )4. A. chicken   
              (     )5. A. with      
              (     )6. A. hunt      
              (     )7. A. quite    
              (     )8. A. smooth    
              (     )9. A. ways    
              (     )10. A. life      
              (     )11. A. meal      
              (     )12. A. put      
              (     )13. A. last       
              (     )14. A. cool      
              (     )15. A. business    
              (     )16. A. sheep    
              (     )17. A. forget    
              (     )18. A. always    
              (     )19. A. resting   
              (     )20. A. That       B. serious   
              B. treated    
              B. divide    
              B. tiger      
              B. to        
              B. discover   
              B. every     
              B. difficult    
              B. groups    
              B. work      
              B. meat       
              B. turned    
              B. cost      
              B. cold      
              B. workers   
              B. dogs      
              B. remember   
              B. hardly    
              B. drinking   
              B. This      C. terrible   
              C. sold      
              C. sell      
              C. fish     
              C. for      
              C. raise     
              C. even      
              C. easy      
              C. places    
              C. family    
              C. dinner    
              C. made      
              C. take      
              C. warm      
              C. industry   
              C. cows      
              C. realize   
              C. still      
              C. sleeping    
              C. It        D. fighting     
              D. kept         
              D. keep         
              D. goat         
              D. of           
              D. care for     
              D. some         
              D. perfect      
              D. kinds        
              D. food         
              D. animals                   
              D. changed      
              D. dress        
              D. foreign      
              D. factory      
              D. pigs         
              D. notice       
              D. just         
              D. stopping     
              D. So           
            • 10.

              Once upon a time, there were two men. One was hard-working and had a lot of  36  and perseverance (毅力), while the other was  37_ and never did any work. One night, they decided to have a competition between them. The contest was simple: the   38 _person to see daylight would be the winner, and the winner would__ 39_a prize. Both men agree to do it, and the competition started.

              The hard-working man immediately_ 40   and ran towards the west after the sun, while the lazy man just sat there and_ 41__ . The hard-working man, looking at the competitor, _42__ at his foolishness and kept going at his quick pace. Running through the jungles, swimming   43 _the rivers and seas, and he kept running and running,  __44__ that he would reach his goal sooner or later. Meanwhile, the lazy man was still sleeping.

              The hard-working man had been   45_ for 6 hours already, and he was surprised that he still had not   46__  daylight. Thinking it would be just around the corner, he  47_ on running until he finally came back to where he started, 24 hours  48 _. Upon arriving, he saw the lazy man seated there, smiling and waiting for him, holding the  49  he earned.

              The hard-working man was   50  how this lazy man could earn it—he hadn't done anything at all! Then the lazy man said," You are  51  a persevering and patient man, but you were running towards the  52  , running after the sun that kept moving away from your_ 53__ whereas I just waited for the sun to come to me. You were lucky. If I had decided to  54  you and not to tell you, you would be continuing this pursuit (追赶) till your death." The hard-working man knew in his heart that the lazy man was right.

              Sometimes, perseverance can__ 55_ you from the truth that what you are doing is wrong.

              1.A. hobbies              B. ideas                C. patience                D. money

              2.A. lazy                  B. patient              C. kind-hearted             D. hard-working

              3.A. last                   B. first                  C. second                D. only

              4.A. accept                  B. keep                 C. win                  D. defeat

              5.A. set in                  B. set aside            C. set up                  D. set out

              6.A. worked                B. drank                C. slept                   D. played

              7.A. laughed                B. glared               C. stared                  D. looked

              8.A. across                 B. through             C. over                   D. past

              9.A. representing            B. believing           C. emphasizing           D. complaining

              10.A. swimming            B. jumping            C. resting                 D. running

              11.A. admired              B. invented            C. found                  D. realized

              12.A. commented           B. carried                     C. figured               D. depended

              13. A. before              B. later                  C. next                  D. further

              14.A. money             B. medal               C. prize                 D. gold

              15.A. believing             B. recognizing              C. discussing               D. wondering

              16.A. true                 B. indeed               C. certain                 D. hardly

              17.A. west                  B. east                   C. north                 D. south

              18.A. ears                   B. hands          C. sight                        D. mind     

              19.A. hide from            B. learn from      C. keep from             D. come from   

              20.A. make                 B. let             C. blind                      D. protect  


