优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              times make if where houses but good hit  ones better

                 We can't stop an earthquake,  (1)   we can do things to make sure they don't destroy whole cities. First,it is not a   (2)   idea to build houses along lines   (3)   two of the earth's plates(板块)join together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake,it is 

                (4)   to build houses on rocks,not on sand.Third, you must   (5)   the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake,but strong   (6)   may stay up.

              Scientists are afraid that one day an even bigger earthquake will   (7)   the part around San Francisco(旧金山).They call it "The Big One". However, people today are still building more   (8)  .The population in and around San Francisco is now ten   (9)   more than it was in 1906. This means that   (10)   there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.

              (1) ___________  (2) ___________  (3) ___________  (4) ___________  (5) ___________ (6) ___________  (7) ___________  (8) ___________  (9) ___________  (10) ___________
            • 2.

               Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of   (1)  , deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance, modern states “invest” in   (2)  to get back “interest” in the form of a large group of  (3)  young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks---those   (4)  of wisdom----what would civilization be like without its benefits?

              (1) _________ (2) _________ (3) _________ (4) _________
            • 3.

              However, I do agree that we should produce more things from     (1)  materials, and less from raw materials, the supply of which is growing smaller and smaller. What we need are better laws   (2)  the environment and still allow our country to grow.

              2 Finally, those factories which pollute the environment should pay higher taxes. If you harm the environment, you should have to pay for it   (3)   .

              3 As the third longest river in the world, the health of theYangtze Riverhas raised concern both in china and    (4)   . …This is not god news for the people   (5)   on theYangtze Riverfor water. Nor it is good news for the wide     (6)  of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river.

              4Cloning is producing an    (7)  copy of a plant or an animal using its cell. The first mammal     (8)   successfully from an adult cell was dolly the sheep.

              5   There is also a question   (9)   whether GM plants are safe for the environment. Since GM crops are planted outside, they are part of the food    (10)  -insects and other animals eat them or use their products, and these insects and animal will be eaten by yet other animals.

              (1) __________ (2) __________ (3) __________ (4) __________ (5) __________ (6) __________ (7) __________ (8) __________ (9) __________ (10) __________
            • 4.


                  Questioning can lead to 1______(search) for an answer. If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to 2______ what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.

                  Two years ago, our teacher 3_____(offer) us an answer to a difficult math problem in class. Although the answer seemed a little strange, nobody4____ I doubted it. Thinking that his answer might be wrong, I 5_____(careful) analyzed the problem and tries to work 6_ out in a different way. Half an hour 7_____, I managed to find the correct answer. When I showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my 8_____(depend) thinking.

                  From this experience, I have learned that questioning can serve as 9_____ bridge that helps us to seek the 10___(true).

            • 5.

              Unit 1 School life in the UK

              You can hardly imagine what an  e   21    and exciting e   22  for a Chinese student who is to be picked to study in the UK. Wei Hua is one such lucky student. She goes through quite a different school life.

              According to Wei Hua, there are only 28 students,    23    is about the   a   24    size for British schools. Many subjects are offered to the students, and you can choose whatever subjects you are    25   of. Of course you can also    d    26   some subjects you are less interested in at all. But Wei Hua spares every effort to study as many subjects as possible , for she knows that the best way to earn   r  27  was to    d   28    time to study and achieve high grades. She finds it very interesting to do some cooking. During the lunch break, she could go to the Computer Club to send e-mails to her family and friends free of    c   29    . After lunch, she usually goes in for sports on the school field.   30   back on the school life in the UK, Wei Hua feels it lucky to go through this different way of life.

              (1) _________ (2) _________ (3) _________ (4) _________ (5) _________ (6) _________ (7) _________ (8) _________ (9) _________ (10) _________
            • 6.

              Unit 3 Dying to be thin…

                Amy,   41    is a Canadian actress, sent an e-mailed to Zhou Ling about her painful experience. After she had took    42  pills, Amy became much slimmer. The pills did    43   at first! As time went on, however, she didn’t feel so  e  44  .Finally she ended up in hospital   r  45    from liver failure. She   r   46    taking those pills, for they    c   47   a harmful chemical that caused her liver to fail. Fortunately, she was feeling better after receiving medical   t   48   . She realized that she should not be    a   49   of the way she looks. After all, nothing is more important than health.

                Zhou Ling was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hoped that she as well as the others who’d like to lose weight would  v  50   the importance of health.

              (1) _________ (2) _________ (3) _________ (4) _________ (5) _________ (6) _________ (7) _________ (8) _________ (9) _________ (10) _________
            • 7. Last Sunday,      (1)   explosion broke in the restaurant near my apartment. I was watching a TV show   (2)   I heard a loud noise. I rushed out of my room and found there were a number of people    (3)  (bleed) heavily. What’s worse, the quantity of the victims     (4)     (be) large, which made the whole street in a mess. Because I    (5)  (learn) the first aid in my school, I came up to a victim immediately. When I looked at his left arm, I found the skin was seriously    (6)   (swell) and even the tissue under it could be seen so I called the ambulance and asked a nearby person to accompany with him. But he told me his daughter was hurt by the broken glass and begged me to help her. I treated her with the cloths I put my hands     (7)       in a store. Luckily, this simple treatment helped her wounds avoid    (8)   (infect). When the ambulance came, all the    (9)   (injury) were taken to the hospital. Seeing the ambulance disappear in the distance, I thought it was the knowledge of first aid    (10)     made a real difference.
            • 8. China has ordered a ban on advertisements during television drama programs. An ad will not be allowed to run in the middle of a program running 45 minutes in length, beginning on January 1st. The authorities say ____ (1) ____ ban is important for the growth of culture. Television stations say this will cause ____ (2) ____ a loss in revenue(收入). Most audience feel glad ___ (3) _____finally such a policy has been carried out. ____ (4) ____some still doubt whether this is an effective policy or not. Simply banning TV stations from broadcasting inserted advertisements is no use. Even if SARFT completely banned domestic TV stations from broadcasting advertisements, they could still implant advertisements into TV shows. Why can China not learn some lessons from western TV channels such ____ (5) ____ NHK and BBC? They are public channels _____ (6) ___any advertisements. But they charge their viewers. In China, TV viewers only need to pay cable Television fees, ____ (7) ____ is rather low. And TV stations make profits through broadcasting advertisements. If we can learn some lesson from western countries, _____ (8) ___will be rather helpful to the final solution of the conflict between audience and TV stations.
            • 9.

              Vesalius was born in Brussels and went to Paris  (1)  (complete) his medical training. He became Professor at Padua University in Italy,   (2)  important centre for training doctors during the Renaissance(文艺复兴). Vesalius had met artists  (3)  were studying the bones of the human body and cutting up bodies to make their   (4)  (paint) more lifelike. He said it was important for doctors to examine human bodies to find out how they work. As the Catholic Church did not allow this, Vesalius had to remove  (5)  (die) bodies buried(埋) under the ground. He even  (6)  (steal) a body from a prison to study. Vesalius wrote a great book calledThe Fabric of the Human Body,   (7)   (describe) how parts of the body work. The famous artist Titian produced over 200 drawings, showing the human body in   (8)  (great) detail than ever before. Printed in 1543, the book was   (9)   (immediate) available in every medical school in Europe. His work encouraged other scientists to become more questioning. After Vesalius it became more important to study  (10)   the human body works.

            • 10.

              A fifteen­-year-­old boy named Justin Foster in Dover,New Hampshire went  81  two days ago. It was not until the lunch time the next day that he was found missing. His parents became  82  and called the police immediately. 83  said they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10:45 p.m. And 84  to Kelly,Justinˈs sister,he returned home the night before and she even heard him put on his favourite CD,and just then she happened to see a large  85  flying outside,so she thought Justin must have been taken away by  86  .Some people  87  her ideas,saying they themselves experienced this kind of  88__ things .Police were stepping up their search for the  89  such as UFOs,murder and so on,and they said they wouldnˈt give up until they find  90  evidence.

