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            • 1.
              Accordingto a study at the University of Marland Medical Center in Baltimore,researchers found that people who had a good sense of humor and laughed a lot,not only at home but also at work,had fewer heart problems than people who laughed less,and laughing people tend to live a longer life than the ones who are not.
              After reading plenty of information about the benefits of laughing and a careful study of previous papers in this area,a doctor in India started a laughter club.Dr.Mandan Damaris's laughter club quickly grew into 1,800groups throughout India and over 6,000around the world.The laughter club had even inspired World Laughter Day,which people celebrate on the first Sunday of May every year.Instructors at the clubs get people laughing not only through jokes but through simple laughing exercises,For example,instructors and participants repeat the chant"ho-ho-ho"and"ha-ha-ha"together.What's more,participants also do the"Lion laugh"by sticking out their tongues and waving their hands around their ears.Other exercises focus on breathing and simple yoga exercises.In a word,all the activities that can cause laugh are included in the clubs.
              These laughter clubs are very popular in hospitals and nursing homes nowadays in India,where participants can forget about their aches and pains while laughing.It seems that laughing may be just as important as eating right and exercising.
              Not everyone can join a laughter club,but we all can take part in the same practice.According to the doctor,besides taking part in the clubs,everyone can do something to make themselves laugh.How can you make laughing a part of your daily routine?If you feel funny about joining a laughter club,you can rent a funny movie,remember a funny experience,do some sports,go to the zoo,watch the monkeys or even,just make yourself laugh.You will not be able to keep a straight face all the time.
              So,don't worry;be happy.Laugh a little and live longer.
            • 2.
              When was the last time you had fun with your parents?Your parents are all busy during working days; during the weekends,you may want to hang out with them but they may have to work extra hours.
              This is not uncommon.In China,both of the parents have their jobs.Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances,but they seldom have time to stay with their children.A recent survey done in the US found that more than half of American parents spend less than three hours having fun with their children each week.
              As the Daily Mail noted:Families are spending little quality time creating bonds and precious memories together during the week because of the demands of modern life.

              ______ .
            • 3.
              请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150 词左右的文章.
              Every one of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.My friends will listen to me when I want to speak,will wipe my eyes when I cry,will take care of me when I am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.
              A true friendship carries a long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected.It is a treasure we should protect.Just hanging out together from time to time is not friendship.Friendship means lifelong friends who feel it's very necessary to give each other whatever help that might be required.Unfortunately,the better friends you are,the more probably you'll have disagreements.And the result can be what you don't want-an end to the relationship.The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended.
              ______ .
            • 4.


                 "Got your cellphone? Glasses? Wallet? ID?" I asked.

                 "Yes," my husband Avraham smiled. "Can we go now? You've got to meet your interview before I go to see my patient at one o'clock."

                 "Right. Got your medical bag?"


                 Even years after moving from North America, we still loved the half-hour drive to Jerusalem (耶路撒冷). The blue sky above the mountains, the trees, and the journey up to the Holy City always filled us with gratitude for living in Israel.

                 As we sped along, we came to our favorite part of the journey, where a wonderful view of Jerusalem suddenly appeared above the roadway. We had had a good time and arrived at my meeting with time to spare.

                 After my interview, I met Avraham at our favorite cafe. Avraham ordered his daily iced coffee and a bag of fresh bread. Glancing at the clock, I suggested we go to see his patient.

                 Avraham had to visit an elderly woman in Jerusalem because her daughter had called the day before to arrange the appointment. As there are very few foot specialists in Israel, Avraham would travel all over the country to see patients requiring specialized foot care. He searched his pockets for a note on which he had written the address.

                 But the note was nowhere to be found.

                 "I don't believe it! I must have left the address at home."

                 "Do you remember any part of the address?" I asked.

                 "I remember that there was a number 17 in it, because it was part of my birth date."

                 "Do you know the street name?"

                 "No. Just that it's in this neighborhood."

                 I had heard the family name mentioned the day before and remembered it sounded like a European name. "Let's try looking at buildings and see if the mailboxes can give us some help," I offered.






              Paragraph 1:

                 We scanned the mailboxes at number 17 and nearby buildings.



              Paragraph 2:

                 We quickly went upstairs and knocked on a door.



            • 5.

              "Got your cellphone? Glasses? Wallet? ID?" I asked.

                 "Yes," my husband Avraham smiled. "Can we go now? You've got to meet your interview before I go to see my patient at one o'clock."

                 "Right. Got your medical bag?"


                 Even years after moving from North America, we still loved the half-hour drive to Jerusalem (耶路撒冷). The blue sky above the mountains, the trees, and the journey up to the Holy City always filled us with gratitude for living in Israel.

                 As we sped along, we came to our favorite part of the journey, where a wonderful view of Jerusalem suddenly appeared above the roadway. We had had a good time and arrived at my meeting with time to spare.

                 After my interview, I met Avraham at our favorite cafe. Avraham ordered his daily iced coffee and a bag of fresh bread. Glancing at the clock, I suggested we go to see his patient.

                 Avraham had to visit an elderly woman in Jerusalem because her daughter had called the day before to arrange the appointment. As there are very few foot specialists in Israel, Avraham would travel all over the country to see patients requiring specialized foot care. He searched his pockets for a note on which he had written the address.

                 But the note was nowhere to be found.

                 "I don't believe it! I must have left the address at home."

                 "Do you remember any part of the address?" I asked.

                 "I remember that there was a number 17 in it, because it was part of my birth date."

                 "Do you know the street name?"

                 "No. Just that it's in this neighborhood."

                 I had heard the family name mentioned the day before and remembered it sounded like a European name. "Let's try looking at buildings and see if the mailboxes can give us some help," I offered.






              Paragraph 1:

                 We scanned the mailboxes at number 17 and nearby buildings. _______________________________________________________


              Paragraph 2:

                 We quickly went upstairs and knocked on a door. _______________________________________________________


            • 6.

              South Africa’s Street Store doesn’t just help to clothe the homeless, but also gives them the shopping experience of choosing what they want. With the idea to give the homeless the same dignity as customers who can pay, the Street Store sets up their pop-up cardboard shop in Cape Town, inviting customers in need to browse through the offerings and choose an outfit for themselves from the hundreds of donated items at their will.

              The Street Store works closely with local council to get permission to pop-up their sidewalk shops in poor areas around Cape Town. Because of the social conditions in South Africa, over half of the children live in poverty, making the Street Store even more popular.

              The Street Store displays a row of cardboard “hangers” (衣架), with boxes neatly arranged below each one. On the hangers hang shirts, T-shirts, trousers and dresses donated by the Cape Town public. In the boxes below, multiple pairs of shoes await a new owner. Street Store volunteers also act as store consultants, offering fashion advice to their customers as they try on chosen donated items.

              The Street Store has already reached thousands in the Cape Town area, with over 1,000 satisfied homeless customers visiting on their first day in operation. The program gives the homeless not only a change to pick up some needed clothing, but also restores confidence by giving them a retail experience—even when pocket money doesn’t allow it.



              2结合上述信息,谈谈你对the Street Store的看法;

              3假设你是the Street Store活动的参与者,你会怎么做?(不少于两点)







            • 7.

              When I was a kid, there was only one way my parents would let me stay home from school and that was if I had a high fever. Most of my friends could stay home due to a stomachache or a mild fever——but not me... I had to be dying in order to stay home. By the way, my parents are both doctors. My parents used to say that they were teaching me how to have a good work ethic(职业道德). I didn't understand the connection until last week.

                 The other day I was on the train and sat behind a young man who was complaining to his friend about his life. He went on for twenty minutes about how his passion in life was to make movies, but he wouldn't pursue it because he had no clue if he could make enough money and he didn't want to waste time because it would take years to make it big. He then admitted to thinking about buying stocks(股票)by borrowing money because he thought he could easily make six figures within one year. His friend agreed with hin and said, "The stock is good because you can make tons of money and only work for a short time. "

                 I think they were indulging(沉溺)in the wildest fantasy. Many people these days don't realize that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of effort, determination and time have gone into them and it isn't due to some miraculous(不可思议的) event. The easier it looks, the more hours go into it. There is no excuse for laziness.

                 Looking at the two young men, all of a sudden I was having a flashback of being ten years old and watching the television show Fame.

                 In the show the dance teacher told her students, "If you want fame, fame costs and here's how you start paying for it ... in sweat." Every time we watched that show, my dad would proudly say how right the teacher was because in order to succeed you have to work hard.

              (1) When did the author's parents allow her to stay home from school? (No more than 10 words)


              (2) Why did the young man on the train give up his dream of making movies? (No more than 15 words)


              (3) What will it take to make lots of money in a short time in author's opinion? (No more than 15 words)


              (4) How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? (No more than 15 words)


              (5) Do you agree with the author's opinion? Give your reasons. (No more than 25 words)


            • 8.

               She had to pack up her bedroom in Virgina Beach, where she lived with her mother, two sisters and brother. She had to say goodbye to her two dogs, who used to sleep in her bed, and to the beach, where she loved to ride waves on her boogie board.

                 But it was time to take the leap, however, heartbreaking and awkward it would be. Even at 14, Douglas knew that.

                 So off she went about 1,200 miles to West Des Moines, Lowa, to train with a coach from China and live with a white family she had never been met. When she arrived, Douglas thought that she must be the only black person in the state. When she woke up she always said, "This isn't my bed set. Where am I?"

                 Liang Chow, who had coached the Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson, transformed Douglas into one of the best gymnasts in the world, helping her skyrocket from an average member of the national team to the top of the sport. And a couple with four daughters became her second family, nurturing her Iown while her real family supported her from afar.

                 That move also was important in Douglas's making history. By winning the Olympic all-round title, she became the first black woman to do so. She also became the fourth American woman to win the all-round, following Mary Lou Retton in 1984, Carly Pattemson in 2004 and Nastia Liukin in 2008.

                 Douglas won, scoring 62.232 points, and led the competition from beginning to end. Viktoria Komova, who sobbed into her coach's chest when she learned she had lost, won the silver, with 61.973 points. Aliya Mustafina, the 2010 world all-round champion, won the bronze, with 59.566 points. The other American in the competition, Aly Raisman finished fourth after losing a tiebreaker(决胜局) to Mustafina.

                 Douglas said she had felt confidence all along that she would win. "It was just an amazing feeling," she said, giggling(咯咯笑): "I was just like, believe, don't fear, believe." After sacrificing(牺牲)so much, she had no other choice but to push forward, she said.

              (1) Why did Douglas leave her home at 14? (no more than 10 words)


              (2) How did she feel when Douglas first arrived at the new home? (no more than 5 words)


              (3) What does the underlined word "skyrocket" in Paragraph 4 most probably mean? (no more than 3 words)


              (4) Is Douglas the first American woman who won all-round? Why do you think so? (no morethan 15 words)


              (5) What do you think of Douglas from the story? Give your reasons. (no more than 20 words)


            • 9. 阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文.
              During an official visit to the Maldives on September 15th,President Xi Jinping stated that Chinese tourists should be better behaved when travelling abroad.
              "Our citizens should be educated to behave in a civilized way when travelling abroad.Do not throw water bottles everywhere.Do not damage coral reefs.Eat more sea food and less instant noodles.Spend more to help local economies grow,"Xi said to great laughter and applause from the audience.
              Chinese tourism abroad has grown rapidly.It is reported that 100million citizens travelled abroad last year,and that number is expected to double by 2020as individual wealth grows along with the economy.
              Yet the awareness of proper manners has not grown as fast as the number of tourists.Some Chinese tourists have been heavily criticized in recent years for misbehaving while travelling abroad,for reasons such as being noisy,jumping queues and damaging cultural relics.Recently,incidents like Chinese tourists drawing graffiti (涂鸦) in an ancient Egyptian temple have severely damaged the image of Chinese holidaymakers.
              In response,the Chinese government has made great efforts to educate Chinese tourists on appropriate behavior when travelling both abroad and within China.

            • 10.

              This is a picture of a ballet dancer whose left foot looks shockingly different from the right one. Someone even jokes that the left foot represents how elegant ballet dancers look. On the contrary, the right one reveals the nature of those dancers' life. One can hardly imagine how much time and effort have been devoted to endless practice.



              1. 用约30个词简要描述图片内容;

              2. 用约120个词谈谈你的看法,内容包括:

              (1) 图片给你的启示,并举例说明;

              (2) 你最想对图中的芭蕾舞者说什么?为什么?


              1. 可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

              2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

              3. 不必写标题。



