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            • 1.

              The origin of yoga are covered in the mists of time. Yoga, known as “ the supreme science of life”, is an ancient system of physical and mental practices that originated during the Indus Valley Civilization in South Asia. The basic purpose of yoga is to build harmony in the body, mind, and environment .

                Yoga is a complete system of physical , mental, social, and spiritual development. For generation, this philosophy was passed on from the master teacher to the student. The first _____________  of the practice of yoga appeared around 200 BC in Yogasutra.

                There are many benefits that individuals can gain from the practice of yoga. At the physical level, yoga can clean the body and has proven to be extremely effective for various disorders. Here are some of the benefits of yoga practice.

                Increasing flexibility(柔韧性) ----- There are positions in yoga that act upon the various joint5s in the body including those joints that we never really use.

                Massaging(按摩) all the organs of the body----- Research has shown that the yoga exercise is probably the only form of activity that messages all of the glands and organs of the body to promote good health and well-being. 

                Balance the nervous system------ Yoga is a great form of mediation that can balance the nervous system.

                Reduction of stress----- Because yoga is a slow and gentle form of exercise combined with breathing exercises, it can relax the body.

              (1) What’s the best title of the passage? (please answer within 10 seconds. )


              (2) Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

              If you want to make your body, mind and environment balanced, you can begin yoga.


              (3) Please fill in the blanks in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words. )


              (4) Which of the benefits do you think is the best for you?( Please answer within 30 words. )


              (5) Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.


            • 2.


              It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.

                  We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternoon. Uncle Paul, my dad's friend, picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.

                  His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. "The day starts at dawn on my farm," he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens,while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze(吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.

                  In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn't going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains."Don't be late for supper," Uncle Paul cried, "and keep to the track so that you don't get lost!" "Ok!"my dad cried back. After a while Unele Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet anl the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven(编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.






                     Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse._____

                      We had no idea where we were and it got dark._____

            • 3.

              请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

              Recently, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) issued a guidance to open cultural heritage buildings to the public, encouraging local governments, cultural heritage departments and organizations using or managing such buildings to better bring these buildingsˈ cultural and social value into play, on the precondition of full protection. The SACH is clear that, no matter what their current conditions are, heritage buildings should be opened as much as possible.

              In the past, due to insufficient preserving technologies and lack of funds, repairing work was seen as a major hassle, and thus opening the buildings to the public was difficult. Even famous heritage places like the Palace Museum in Beijing were plagued by such difficulties.

              Today, China has dramatically increased its input into cultural heritage protection, and archaeological protection technologies are improving. The time is ripe for heritage buildings to be opened up.


              1.  用约 30 个单词写出上文概要;

              2.  用约120个单词就“对公众开放文物建筑”这一话题,阐述你的看法,并用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。





            • 4.


              The Ministry of Education recently released a statement encouraging middle schools to provide Wi-Fi coverage for their students. Do you think middle school campuses should be covered with Wi-Fi?

              Sheng Junjie,17:

              In my opinion, Wi-Fi should cover campuses. The Internet contains an enormous amount of information. If Wi-Fi could be used on campus, it would be more convenient for students to surf the Internet connection had a positive influence on students’ studying, the school could work out technical tools to guide them.

              Han Xu,17:

              Personally, I think that Wi-Fi coverage is not a good thing. Everyone would agree that not all information on the Internet is reliable. Students would be likely to come across awful things like false information, even violence and fraud, on the school Wi-Fi network. It would have a bad influence on the growth of students, and may even lead to more serious problems.


              1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

              2. 结合上述信息,就“中学校园是否要覆盖无线网络”这个话题发表你的看法,并说明理由。


              1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

              2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

              3. 不必写标题。











            • 5.

              I remember my first home was a small apartment on the second floor with a lovely and spacious balcony(阳台). When my mom was busy in the kitchen she let me stay on the balcony watching the kids playing in the street. On that balcony I played sometimes with my elder sister, Maria. She was seven years old and when my mom was absent she was like a mother to me. The balcony was a great hobby place for my father. After his work he used to grow carnations (康乃馨) in flower boxes. His carnations were red, pink and white, and everyone appreciated them for their beauty.

              He took care of them with so much love and devotion. He dealt carefully with his flowers like a mother taking care of her baby. Many times I sat on the floor of the balcony for hours observing him and his lovely flowers with patience. He was always doing something on that balcony. He was watering them every day, cleaning the balcony floor, changing the potting soil and when the stems (茎) were thick, strong and high enough, he started his improvement operation like a doctor.

              My dad took a tiny knife and with his left hand he held the stem of the carnation and measured the height. Then he made a small mark on the stem with his finger. Afterwards he made a sharp cut with the knife, just enough to fit in a grain of barley (插穗的芽). Then he bandaged the stem with a small bandage. His job was then to water the plants and to take care of them. “No one should touch them”, he said to mom. Every day, when he came home from work he went straight to the balcony.

              Mom used to tell us: “Do not touch daddy’s flowers.” For us it was a fascinating experience to watch how the small stems were growing and making flowers. When the carnations had grown big enough, my dad enjoyed watching them every day. We the kids did too.






              (1) Paragraph 1:

              One day, my elder sister, who loved dad very much, had a great idea.________________







              (2) Paragraph 2:

              When my dad arrived, he went as usual, straight to the balcony and saw his flowers lying on the floor like dead animals.








            • 6.

              请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150 词左右的文章。


              1. 用约30个词概括上述利用排名(ratings)进行消费的现象;

              2. 谈谈你如何看待消费排名,然后用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。


              1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

              2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

              3. 不必写标题。



            • 7.

              It was a hot summer day and I ran down the street hurriedly with a dollar in my sweaty hand. The closer I got to Sam & Joe’s, the more excited I was. After all, a dollar was a tidy sum for an 11-year-old boy in 1961. 

              Out of breath, I pushed the door open and got a blast of cold air that instantly cooled me off. I was in a place of pure happiness. Sam & Joe’s had it all - books, candy, toys, baseball cards,puzzles and games. I went directly to the bar(水吧) and ordered a bottle of soda. There I sat, considering my next move. 

              Books always came first. I picked out five copies. Next came the candy, rows and rows of it. I chose five candy bars, which brought my total to 25 cents. Then a bottle of cold orange juice, a bag of chips and a pack of Ted Williams baseball cards. After paying the clerk, I still had 5 cents.

              I hurried directly to my backyard, where an apple tree patiently waited for me. There, sitting under the tree, I read my books, ate my candy and drank my orange juice.

              As I sat in my own personal heaven(天堂), I started thinking about having more. That’s when a fantastic life-changing idea jumped into head: If I could get more money, I could buy more books I liked, buy anything I wanted. That’s how it all started.

              (1). How did the boy feel on his way to Sam & Joe’s?  (no more than 5 words)

              (2). What does “a tidy sum” mean in Paragraph 1? (no more than 5 words) 

              (3). What did the boy consider doing first after he ordered soda?(no more than 5 words) 

              (4). What did the boy do while reading? (no more than 5 words) 

              (5). Where was the boy’s “personal heaven” ? (no more than 5 words)

            • 8.

              请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150 词左右的文章.

              Li Jiang 6 July, Sunny    Our family will go on a trip next month and need a suitcase. Two days ago, Mom asked me to find relevant information on the internet. But the information I got was rich and varied, or even contradictory. Confused, I simply based my decision on the ratings. Within five minutes, we ordered the one we were satisfied with. This afternoon, Mom received the case and told me she liked it very much.

              Su Hua 6 July, Sunny

                  This morning, our family went out, hanging round in the downtown area. We found a rating of the Top Ten Restaurants, and went into one of them. We spent quite a lot of money, but were not happy. Mom complained a lot, and said that despite its high ratings, the food was not to our taste. I was puzzled. Should I believe in these ratings, or should I not?


              1. 用约30个词概括上述利用排名(ratings)进行消费的现象;

              2. 谈谈你如何看待消费排名,然后用2﹣3个理由或论据支撑你的看法.


              1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

              2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

              3. 不必写标题.



            • 9.

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              (1) What's the author's purpose of writing this passage?(No more than 20words)
              (2) How can you rearrange the articles in your book according to the passage?(No morethan 10words)
              (3) What's the function of Suggest pages?(No more than 15words)
              (4) What does the underlined phrase"pop up"mean in this passage?(No more than 2words)
              (5) What do you think of the Book Creator?Please give your reasons.(No more than 25words)
            • 10.


              Peter was so excited when his dad first took him to skate when he was a boy of ten.

              When they got to the skating room and put on their skating shoes, peter tried moving his legs. But he lost his balance and fell on the ground. After he failed several times, he wanted to give up. His father skated over to him and stopped. “You need to learn to fall,” said Dad. Peter was surprised because he always thought the key to learning skating was not to fall down. “When you start to fall, relax and keep on practicing. If you are afraid of falling down, you’ll never become successful,” Dad said.

              Peter decided to do what Dad told him. When he began to lose his balance, he learnt to relax and moved his body to the ground at once. Dad was right! He learnt fast. He was able to get up faster and try again. By the time they had to go home, Peter was able to skate well around the room.

              Later Peter began to see how Dad’s words worked for both skating and everything in life. As long as we keep trying to do our best, we could learn. When we fail, we could rise and try again.


              1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;

              2. 用约120个单词谈谈如何看待失败,内容包括:














