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            • 1.


                 Kids perform differently in school. Their performances vary, even if they have  _(1)___ personalities or come from the same background. _(2)___, this kind of phenomenon is caused by many factors. Recently, a new study of Nova Scotia fifth-graders _(3)___that kids who eat better perform _(4)___in school. Students who ate an adequate amount of fruit, vegetables, protein, fiber and other components of a  _(5)___ diet were significantly less likely to  _(6)___ a literacy test, Dr. Paul found.

                 While a healthy diet is _(7)thought to be important for good school  _(8), there has actually been little study on this _(9), Paul and his colleagues noted. To investigate, they looked at 4,589 fifth-graders _(10)_ in the Children's Lifestyle and School Performance Study, 875 (19.1 percent) of whom had failed an elementary literacy assessment  (11)_the majority had passed it.

                 The researchers found, students' good eating habits are based on their diet   (1)  , including adequacy and variety. If the kid   (2)  enough and abundant nutrients in the daily life, he or she will be more likely to do well in the test,  _(14)after the researchers adjusted the data for the effects of  _(15)__income and education, school, and sex. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and getting fewer calories from fat, was also  _(16)_with a lower risk of failing the test.

                 Till now, Paul and his _(17)_ say, most researches on diet and school performance have only  _(18)___on the importance of eating breakfast, as well as the bad  _(19)___ of hunger and malnutrition(营养不良). "This study extends current knowledge in this area. It shows us the importance of overall diet quality to academic results," the researchers  _(20)___.

            • 2.

              In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the Earth, and__  (1)  __resources seemed to be__  (2)  _.

              Things are now__  (3)  __. The world has become too__  (4)  __. We are_  (5)  _up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are__  (6)  __our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on the Earth__  (7)  _not survive.

              Everyone__  (8)  __today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none__  (9)  __. Yet, with modern fishing__  (10)  __, more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut__  (11)  __,__  (12)  __will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we___  (13)  _to use bigger and more__  (14)  _machines to get more and more trees.

              We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. __  (15)  __, in most countries wastes are__  (16)  __put into rivers or into the sea, and there are__  (17)  __laws to stop this.

              We know,__  (18)  _, that if the__  (19)  _of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years there will not be enough__  (20)  _.

              What can we do to solve these problems?

            • 3.

              In the United States today , a large group of people want a college education .   (1)   , everyone is not able to   (2)   a four-year college . Many four-year colleges are already too   (3)  . To give more people a chance   (4)  a college education , some   (5)  and towns have built junior colleges .         

              The junior colleges   (6)  a two-year course of study in a wide range of subjects . It prepares some   (7)   people to go on a four-year college . It   (8)   others for jobs in business , government , or industry .

                  (9)  junior colleges are built in cities , they can  (10)   the many people who live in a large community . Many students  (11)   not afford to go to a four-year college . But they can save   (12)   to go to junior college . The entrance fee at a junior college is   (13)   . Students can also save money by living at   (14)   .       

              A junior college   (15)   some high school graduates  (16)   would not be accepted at other schools . The four-year college  (17)  students whose high school   (18)   are low . The junior college is a school   (19)   to serve many people . It puts a college education within the reach of a number of people .   (20)   these schools , many people would not be able to continue their education past high school .

            • 4.

              More and more people in the United States are becoming couch potatoes. This doesn’t  (1)   they can be cooked and eaten. The

                (2)    potato is a lot more useful than a lazy person that just sits on his sofa  (3)   TV programmes. One of the reasons why obesity rates(肥胖率) are  (4)   is that more and more fun is available on television is not just for watching shows. People can watch movies, play video games, and  (5)   surf the Internet through the TV as well. When most people are on their couches with the remote control in hand, they are also often   (6)   different foods. Being a couch potato can have other problems besides  (7)    gain. Because more and more people are sitting in front of television screen or even a computer screen, they don’t   (8)   sporting activities. This is one reason why heart disease is a main  (9)   of death in the country. Being   (10)    of exercise and increased screen time also result in

                (11)   bodies. Sitting inside in front of a screen usually means a person  (12)   time communicating with friends and loved ones. This can  (13)    loneliness, stress, and anxiety.

               Being a couch potato is not just for adults. More and more kids are interested in television and the Internet. This is why more and more children have different  (14)   problems. This is why the White House has programs like Let’s move  (15)    kids to take part in sporting activities.

            • 5.

              As late as 1800, women’s only place was in the home. The idea of women in the   (1)   world was unthinkable.     (2)  “nice” women would dream of    (3)  what was strictly a “man’s world”. Even if she could, what would she do?

                 (4)   was the first professing   (5)   to women soon after 1800. But even that was not an    (6)  profession for women to enter   (7)   most high schools and colleges were open only to    (8)  .Oberlin CollegeinOhiowas the first college in America to   (9)  women.

              Hospital nursing became   (10)  work for women only after Florence Nightingale became   (11)   . Because she was a wealthy and educated woman, as well as a    (12)   , people began to believe it was    (13)   for women to care for the    (14)   and still be “ladies”. Miss Nightingale opened England’s first training school    (15)   nurses in 1860.

              The invention of the typewriter in 1867    (16)   to ring women out of the   (17)    and into the business world. Because women had quick   (18)   , they learned to operate typewriters quickly and   (19)  ,. Businessmen found that they had to    (20)  women for this new kind of work. The idea that “nice” women could work in the business world had been accepted.

            • 6.

              Violence and wars have been part of our lives since the beginning of the human race.So achieving world peace is what many people are pursuing ,but how can we make it? I think the first thing we can do is to  (1)  the enemy of indifference.

              When I was growing up, I enjoyed watching Superman. The superman would win a victory over the villain(坏人) and save the girl in danger!   (2)  , as I grew older, I recognized superheroes are not always men that possess superpowers, but are  (3)  people like you and me who decide to  (4)  something. Girls in danger are often pitiful children begging for food, or a poor woman  (5)  to get an education. But most of all, the villain   (6)   seeks to take over the world in reality, but rather, our  (7)   . This villain is called indifference, which will give you every  (8)    to turn your back on others’ pain.

              “It’s not your fault .You’re just a kid. This task is too big for you to   (9)   . Why should you care about the  (10)   of people thousands of miles away from you?” the villain will say to you.

                 (11)   the enemy of indifference slides into the hearts of many people, standing up   (12)  him is the first step towards world peace. We can’t fight for a cause we don’t   (13)   . We must have all read statistics about AIDs or poverty,    (14)   how many times do we look at the statistics and  (15)  the face of a friend, a lover, a parent, or a sibling? Visualize the   (16)  on the street begging as your future son or daughter. Learn to care and give  (17)  .

              I believe that we all can make a difference. But to accomplish this, we must  (18)   our way of current thinking, and  (19)   ourselves of the thought that I cannot make a difference. What we do really   (20)  . It all starts by making a choice to care about the people suffering across the street, and across the world.

            • 7.

              It’s believed that intelligent people are better at learning languages. Most language learning skills, __  (1)  __, are habits, which can be formed through a bit of discipline and self-awareness. But, some of them are not good enough. Here are the three most common __  (2)  _ language learners make and how to correct them.

              Not listening enough

              There’s a school of language-teaching experts that believe language learning __  (3)  _ a “silent period”. Just as babies learn to produce language by hearing and parroting sounds, language learners need to practise listening in order to learn. This can develop learned vocabulary and structures, and help learners see patterns in language.

              Listening is the communicative skill we use most in daily life, but it can be __  (4)  __ to practise unless you live in a foreign country or attend language classes. The solution? Find music, podcasts, TV shows and movies in the __  (5)  __ language, and listen, listen, listen, as often as possible.

              A single method

              Some learners are most comfortable with the listen-and-repeat drills of a language lab. Some need a grammar textbook to __  (6)  __ a foreign tongue. Each of these approaches is fine, but it’s a mistake to rely on only one. Language learners who use __  (7)  _ methods get to practise different skills and see concepts explained in different ways. What’s more, the __  (8)  __ can keep them from working in a situation that never changes. When choosing a class, learners should seek a course that __  (9)  __ the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). For self-study, try a __  (10)  _ of textbooks, audio lessons, and language learning apps.

              __  (11)  __

              It doesn’t matter how well a person can write in foreign script, or finish a vocabulary test. To learn, improve, and truly use our language, we need to speak. This is the stage when language students should calm down, and feelings of __  (12)  __ or insecurity hinder (阻碍) all their hard work. In Eastern cultures where saving face is a strong social value, EFL teachers often complain that students, despite years of studying English, simply will not speak it. They’re too __  (13)  __ making mistakes of the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would _  (14)  __ them.

              The key is that those mistakes help language learners by showing them the limits of language, and correcting errors __  (15)  __ they become deep-rooted. The more learners speak and practise, the more quickly they improve.

            • 8. Making friends is a skill.Like most skills, it    (1)  patience(耐心).If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to    (2)   some action.You must first go where there are people.You won’t make friends staying home    (3)  
                  Joining a club or group, talking to those who like the same things    (4)   you do is much easier.Or join someone    (5)   some activity.
                  Many people are   (6)    when talking to new people.     (7)  meeting strangers means seeing the unknown.And it’s human nature to feel a bit    (8)   about the unknown.Most of fears about     (9)   new people come from doubts (怀疑) about    (10)   .We imagine other people are    (11)    us——finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that.But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way.Try to accept yourself    (12)   you are, and try to put the other at ease.You’ll both feel more comfortable.
                 Try to act self-confident(自信)    (13)   you don’t feel that way when you    (14)   a room full of strangers.Walk tall and straight, look at other people directly and   (15)  
                 If you see someone you’d like to    (16)  , say something.Don’t wait for    (17)   person to start a talk.
                 Just meeting someone    (18)  does not mean that you’ll make friends with that person.   (19)  is based on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”.It takes time to   (20)   friendship.
            • 9.

              One of the most beautiful qualities of a close relationship is the give and take of energy that occurs between two people. In the best cases, both people share the talking and listening, and the giving and receiving of   (1)  , equally. Sometimes, within any relationship, the   (2)   changes and one person needs to listen more or give more.   (3)  , over a long period of time, even this exception will take on a balanced   (4)  ; we all go through times when we take more and times when we   (5)   more. 

              However, there are also relationships in which the balance has always felt one-sided. You may have a friend whom you like, but you have begun to notice that the   (6)   is always about his life and his problems and   (7)   about yours. You may also have a friend who seems to   (8)   alarge amount of support from you but who is unable or unwilling to give much  (9)  . Over time, these relationships can be tiring and   (10)  . One choice is simply to end the relationship, or let it   (11)   naturally. Another choice is to communicate with your friend that you would like to create a more equal balance in which your   (12)   also get some attention. He may feel surprised at first, but   (13)   he is able to hear you, your friendship will become much more   (14)  . He may even thank you for showing him a pattern that is probably   (15)   more than one relationship in his life. 

              A third choice is to simply   (16)   the relationship as it is. There are many one-sided relationships that actually work. One example of this is a teacher-student relationship in which you are   (17)   from someone. Another example is a relationship in which you are   (18)   someone who is sick, disabled, or otherwise needy. In these cases, you can simply be   (19)   that you are able to help or be helped, believing that the balance of give and take will be   (20)  inthe big picture of your life. 

            • 10.

              Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all !It speaks   (1)  than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more  (2)  than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really  (3)  , And body language is particularly  (4)  when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化). what is called body language is so  (5)  ,a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed。And misunderstandings occur as a result of it   (6)  , different societies treat the  (7)  , between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having  (8)  , contact(接触)

                even with friends, certainly not with  (9)  . People from Latin American countries  (10)  , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in  (11)  . it may look like a Latino is  (12)  a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving  (13)  . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep  (14)  which the Latino will in return regard as  (15)  .

                Clearly, a great deal is going on when people  (16)  And only a part of it is in the wards themselves. And when parties are from   (17)  cultures, there's a strong possibility of   (18)  . But whatever the situation, the best  (19)  is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be  (20)  .

