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              China has allowed all couples to have two children, abandoning its decades­long one­child policy. The change of policy is intended to balance population development and address the challenge of an aging population.

              With reference to the new policy, some single­child parents can't wait to welcome new babies. However, many factors considered, some feel a dilemma associated with their decision to have one more child. For one thing, it seems beneficial as there are no other children in the family for the only child to associate with, and this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times, especially during vacations.

              For another, a common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than one with brothers or sisters. Many people believe that a single child won't have to learn to negotiate with others, and respect the give­and­take involved in many relationships. Some think this may leave the child less able to interact well with people his or her own age than one who has been raised with brothers or sisters.

              However, the pressure of giving time and energy to a second child can seem too great, particularly for those with busy careers, resulting in them selecting to have no more children. For some other parents, the financial burden of having a second child may be the prime consideration.












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              Hello, everyone! Today, I would like to make a speech on perseverance. ______________________________________________________

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              The panda is the most widely recognized symbol among foreigners to represent Chinese culture, followed by green tea and yin/yang, according to a survey conducted by the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication. Researchers selected 18 symbols of Chinese culture, including Confucius(孔子), Beijing opera and Kung Fu.

              “It is interesting to find that foreigners have a very different understanding of Chinese culture from us,”said Yu Dan, a professor of Chinese culture at Beijing Normal University.

              The survey collected 2,407 questionnaires from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Japan and South Korea. Respondents were asked to rate their understanding of Chinese culture on a five­point scale from excellent to poor. The results were indicated in the following chart:

              Understanding of Chinese culture












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              Jackie is perhaps the most easily annoyed koala(考拉)at the Feather dale Wildlife Park in southern Australia. All the koalas there are unhappy and complaining. You would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off. That’s right—sleep it off. The average koala is always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy.

                 The reason Jackie and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is so they can be hugged and photographed by tourists,who make the trips to Feather dale and an increasing number of other national parks for just that special experience. Whatever department in the Aussie government in charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal, which is understandable. How would you react, my friend, if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some roundfurry creature smelling of grass kept waking you?











              概括准确 语言规范  内容合适  篇章连贯。

            • 5.


               The crowd at the airport moved forward like waves. The passengers had been waiting for a couple of hours for an airline employee to open the door leading to the plane outside. No one was in a good mood. An old man got trapped in the middle of the rush. Suddenly, he fell down, his head hitting the concrete floor, with blood gushing from his forehead. He appeared to be unconscious. Everyone rushed past him, except for Dana. She called for help.

              A minute later, a young airline employee showed up. Hardly looking at the old man, she told Dana to get aboard her plane. She said the old man would be okay, and walked away.

              Dana screamed for help. An airport supervisor appeared. He told Dana to get on the plane. Dana said that she was not moving until an ambulance arrived. The supervisor said her plane would leave without her. Dana said that she didn’t care.

              An ambulance and two doctors finally arrived. The paramedics said that the man would be okay, but he would need stitches(缝线). They put him into the ambulance and drove off.

              On her way out to the plane, which was still refueling, Dana saw the employee who had ignored the old man. The employee said, “You’re lucky the plane didn’t leave without you.”

              “The plane?” Dana asked. “Who cares about the plane? How could you be so cold? That was an old man; he could have been your grandfather! How would you like it if everyone just stepped over your grandfather and went on their way?”










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              Sarah Hughes won the gold medal in women’s figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics. A graduate of Yale University, she is writing her first book. She owes her success to her parents' support.

              “I started skating when I was 3 years old. Competing in the Olympic Games had been my dream from the beginning. When I was 12 years old, my mother was hospitalized with breast cancer. I was on the way to making my first national team. Seeing my excitement at each stage gave her strength through her illness. On days when she was too weak to walk, she would think, ‘I have to make it through. I have to be there for my kids.’ My mom was able to leave the hospital to come to Philadelphia from New York to watch me win the Junior Ladies title. That day I was skating for more than just the judges. My parents' support made all the difference when I performed on the skating stage. When I won the Olympic medal, I was able to share more than just my skating experience with the people who were with me all along. I was raised in a stable, supportive environment."









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              Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, three brothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay. But three years later, they received different wages. So their father was confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told him that he would let his sons explain for themselves.

                The three brothers were asked by the boss to go to the airport to get a cargo inventory (飞机载物统计) at different times. Jim, who received 500 dollars a months, got the information on the phone instead of going to the airport himself. Frank, who got 1000 dollars a month, came back with a list of some cargoes. George, the brother, 1500 dollars a month, not only got detailed information but also did something extra without being told.










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              参考词汇 田径track and field

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              美国耶鲁大学法学院华裔教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的新书《虎妈战歌》(The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother)记录了她用严格的中式教育方法培养孩子的经历,引起了美国《时代》周刊等全球媒体关于东西方教育观念的讨论,其中的焦点之一是:“教育是否应该是快乐的?”

              Chinese-American Amy Chua, professor at School of Law University of Yale, published her new book, The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother, recording her experience of raising her kids strictly in a traditional Chinese way. It has caused debates on educational ideas among such media as Times. One of the focuses is Should educating be enjoyable or not.












              A debate heated up recently, due to Amy Chua’s book about a Chinese “tiger mother”._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            • 10. 如今,我们身边不乏"低头族".他们在与朋友聚会、家人团聚或乘坐交通工具时,常常低头忙于浏览手机.请简要描述此现象,并发表你的看法.
              The phenomenon that people are always phubbing is becoming more and more popular.
