优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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              There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. On the most part, students working to earn money for their own use. Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything as if they please. They would not have ask their parents for money or for permission to do things by the money. Some students may also to save up for our college or future use.

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              In the morning of November 18th 1755, an earthquake shook Boston. John, a professor at Harvard College, felt a quake and woke up. “I rose and found to be fifteen minutes past four.” He hurried to downstairs to the clock. It had stopped three minutes ago. Besides stop the clock, the quake had thrown a key from the mantel (壁炉架) to the floor. The clock had stopped because John put some long glass tube he was using for an experiment into the case for safekeeping. The quake had been knocked the tubes over and blocked the pendulum (钟摆) . So John had the exactly time of the earthquake.

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              I'm a huge book lover but like sharing my love for books! So I've been bought books constantly. Finishing reading one book, I placed it in or around my school so that some of my schoolmate can treat themselves to the book. I especial like placing it on a stone table in the little garden in that students might have time to take a rest. I was delighted an other day when I saw a card left on the table to say thanks. And from the card, I knew my book turned out of to be a birthday gift for a strange girl. It was so lovely find out that my book could bring anyone pleasure!

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              Last month the Students' Union of our school organize an English Speech Competition. At first I didn't show some interest and wasn't very much confident. Then my English teacher Mr Smith encouraged me. Inspiring by my teacher, I signed up for the competition and made fully preparations for it. Two weeks later the time I had been looking forward to coming and it was his turn. Glancing at my teacher's smiling face, I built up my confidence. Much to my delight, the result was announced and I was one of the winner.

              But my teacher's encouragement, I couldn't have won the first prize. I’m proud of Mr Smith or the wonderful experience.

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                  It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begin. Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his and her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity; others were nervous and anxious. I had done myself homework, but I was shy. I was afraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, " The classroom is a place for learning and that include learning from textbooks, and mistake as well." Immediate, I raised my hand.

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              Dear Diana,

              Yesterday my friend David came round with a new game and asked to play it by my dad's computer. I was a little worried, because my dad used it mainly for his work, and I'm only allowed to use it for my homework. It happened when my dad was out, so we tried out the game. After playing, I took it off the computer. However, when I restarted computer, I found some of my dad's documents miss. Later in the afternoon, my dad used the computer, but couldn't find the document in it. He became very angry, but I dared not to tell him about the game. Now I'm feeling regretful and disturbing. I'm not sure whether a computer's repair shop can get the documents back. Should I tell him the truth, and should I pay to repair it? I wish for your advice.

              Yours sincerely,


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              At first I was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90-minute football match. Usually I just checked the results because I thought that was dull to watch a game in that players kicked a ball to each other. Therefore, my father loves football. During the World Cup in 2006, my dad stays up late just to watch his favourite sport. Seeing him strong interest in this game of 22 men run after a ball, I decided to sit down to watch the game. I found game exciting, and my dad explained for the rules. We shared our joy. Football is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!

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              Chinese students celebrates their birthdays in different ways, and the most common way was to hold a birthday party, on which friends get together to have a fun drinking, singing,and dancing. On the birthday, one usually accepts nice gifts and good wishes from friends and parents. Sometimes parents will prepare for a special dinner or a cake to show their love for their children. Therefore, most children are looking forward to spending their own birthdays and enjoy themselves. Though birthday celebration is one of the important activity in oneˈ s life, it can be done in some more meaningful way. For example, we can buy some flowers or cook a delicious meal for our mothers. Only in this way we express thanks to our parents in return for their love and care.

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              Nowadays, there is a increasing number of people joining in the activities of volunteering. It's well-known that volunteering jobs are making contributions to society with something in return. It's as the Spirit of Lei Feng. However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themselves to this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games had such many volunteers. They make lots of contributions to the success of the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see many students go to visit the old to take warm to them. Even though some people's career is a volunteer. They are ready to helping others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thank they for devoting themselves to the society.

            • 10.


              This afternoon, I saw an interesting thing while I was walking home to school.

              I noticed a schoolboy walking in the front of me.When he passed by a white wall, he left his two footprints on the wall.See this, an old man shouted at the boy angry.The boy felt afraid and ran out quickly.

              A few minutes later, other boy passed by the wall and saw the footprints on the wall.He thought a moment and took out a pencil from his schoolbag.After I was wondering, I saw the boy painting a panda on the wall.And the footprints become the panda’s black eyes.What smart the boy was!

