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            • 1.

              What is waste and why does it matter?

              Waste or rubbish is something that people throw away because they no longer need it or want it. Almost everything we do creates waste and as a society we are currently producing more waste than ever before. We do this at home and at work. The fact that we produce waste, and get rid of it, matters for the following reasons.

              When something is thrown away, we lose the natural resources, the energy and the time which have been used to make the product. The vast majority of resources that we use in manufacturing products and providing services cannot be replaced. The use of these resources cannot go on indefinitely—we would run out.

              When something is thrown away, we are putting pressure on the environmentˈs ability to cope —in terms of the additional environmental impacts associated with extracting the new resources, manufacturing and distributing the goods, and in terms of the environmental impacts associated with getting rid of our rubbish.

              When something is thrown away, we are not able to see it as a resource. It is well understood that what is waste to one person may not be viewed as waste by another. A good example of this is scrap metal which has been recycled for many years. Increasingly people are realizing that it makes economic sense as well as environmental sense to use "waste" rather than just throw it away.

              The process of using up the earthˈs natural resources to make products which we then throw away, sometimes a very short time later, is not “sustainable”—in other words, it cannot continue indefinitely.

              The way we consume materials will affect whether we have a sustainable society that leaves resources available for future generations to use. As consumers and producers, we are central to the concept of sustainability. We need to think about how we can get more out of less, how we can use less and throw away less and how we can do better things with our so-called "waste" than throw it away. We need to see “waste” as a “resource”.


              The problem with waste


              Waste or rubbish is (1) _________ people throw away when they do not need it or want it any longer.

              Important (2) ________on society

              The natural resources, the energy and the time used to make the product become (3) ________when something is thrown away. The vast majority of resources can’t be replaced and they would be (4) ________ up.

              The environmentˈs ability to extract the new resources, manufacture and distribute the goods and get rid of rubbish is (5) ________ pressure.

              People (6) __________ to see it as a resource. Increasingly, people are realizing that it makes both economic sense and environmental sense to use “waste” (7) __________of just throwing it away.


              We’ll leave less resources (8) __________ for future generations to use.


              People should have the (10)           of sustainability, thinking about getting more out of less, using less, throwing less and doing better things with it.

              People should see “waste” as a “resource”.

            • 2.


            • 3.

              Computer addiction can be described as the overuse of the computer which continues despite serious negative consequences for personal, social or occupational functions. However, not all people who spend hours each day on the computer are considered addicted. There are many uses for computers and the Internet and in many cases, an individual may spend 6 or more hours in a day on the computer but still not be considered an addict. Therefore, there is no set number of hours that is considered a potential for computer addiction.

              But those who are suffering from anxiety and depression caused by stress at work, relationships or financial problems tend to become computer addicts. Some people become addicted mainly because they feel bored with everything and feel like there is nothing else to do.

              If one feels an intense desire to go online, play a computer game, or socialize as soon as he wakes up and before he goes to bed, he may have become an addict. Other symptoms include using the computer as the only source of entertainment, lying to his family and friends about the activities that he performs while on the computer. Some addicts possess anxious feelings when wanting to use the computer or knowing that time on the computer is limited. Others may lose track of time while on the computer and spend more time on it than intended. The computer can also be used as a form of escapism from reality.

              Excessive computer use may result in the lack of face-to-face social interaction and an increasing amount of time and money on hardware, software and computer-related activities. Computer addiction makes one neglect his work, school, or family obligations. He often fails at repeated efforts to control computer use. So it’s time to seek help for the sake of health.

              Counseling (心理辅导) or therapy can focus on treating underlying mental health conditions that caused the addiction such as anxiety, depression, social trauma or other conditions. Many different options for group or community support are available to assist those addicts. Just getting out and interacting with others can be very rewarding to the computer addict. Another method is to focus on new interests. For instance, a computer user might take part in a new gym membership, spend time at the movies with friends or go out for a walk. If a computer user does feel that he must go onto the computer, consider talking himself out of the computer use unless it is absolutely necessary. If he does go on the computer, he must make a plan for what he will do when on the computer, how long it will take and what time you will be off of the computer.

              Computer Addiction


              ●Computer addiction refers to the overuse of the computer(71)      of  serious negative consequences.

              ●There is no strict(72)      to the time spent on the computer as to computer addiction.

              (73)   ▲ 

              ●Being anxious and depressed because of the stress at work, relationships or financial problems.

              ●Showing no(74)      in anything except the computer.


              ●Having a strong desire to go online whether before going to bed or after waking u p.

              ●Having no sources of entertainment (75 )      than the computer.

              ●Feeling anxious when knowing that time on the computer is limited.

              ●Failing to manage their time on computer once they are (76)      to it.


              ●Spending less time on face-to-face interaction than that on the computer.

              ●Paying little (77)      to his work, school, or family responsibilities.

              ●Being unable to control computer use in (78)      of repeated efforts.


              ●Seeking counseling, therapy or support of a group or a community.

              ●Interacting with others face-to-face and having attention (79)      on new interests.

              ●Minimizing the amount of time spent on computer and making a specific plan if going on the computer is a (80)     .

            • 4.

              Once I was sent to attend a seminar(研讨会). It was pouring outside.   (1)   I was holding an umbrella, my trouser legs as well as my shoes and socks, still got wet. When I entered the hall, suddenly I   (2)   (catch) sight of my chief boss coming in.

              At that time, I just got the job. Therefore, I hurriedly went   (3)   (meet) this boss and introduced myself to him as I was   (4)   newcomer, named so-and-so. He said: “Yes, I recognize you. Got your feet wet?” I lowered my head to look at my trouser legs and with a

                (5)   (help) tone, I said, “Yeah. It’s raining cats and dogs, isn’t it?”  (6)   (stare) at me for a moment, the chief boss said nothing with a smile.

              Later on, I mentioned the incident to my colleague. And I learnt that I   (7)   (make) a big fool of myself. It turns out that “Get one’s feet wet” is an American slang, with the meaning of “reaching the state of affairs.” But I regarded   (8)   ( I ) as humorous and replied with a slang sentence, which is seldom used now to describe the rain falling   (9)   

               (heavy). This was completely off the point. I am lucky that the chief boss did not point it out   (10)   the spot.

            • 5. M:You are a stamp-collector,aren't you?
              W:I particularly like this(176)h    .I have collected stamps for more than nine years.
              M:Nine years?That's(177)a    !How did you keep this hobby for such a long time?I(178)u     to collect stamps when I was in high school.But soon I felt (179)b     and then stop the hobby.
              W:How did you collect stamps (180)t    
              M:Well,I (181)b    new issues at the post office and put them into my stamp Album about you
              W:I narrow down my collection to one (182)t    ,that is,ancient coins.
              I collect Chinese and (183)f     stamps.
              W:That sounds (184)e    
              M:Yes,(185)b    ,I also take part in stamp exhibitions.
            • 6. Arthur Conan Doyle once opened a clinic in London.He wanted to be a successful (254)d     but for some (255)r    he never found enough patients.To kill the time,he began to write stories and send them to the newspaper.
              Conan Doyle's stories were about a clever (256)d    ,Sherlock Holmes.Conan Doyle wrote that Sherlock Holmes lived at 22lB Baker Street in London,and people with (257)p     came to him for help.Often the police came to Sherlock Holmes with their problems,too.He was able to solve mysteries that the smartest policemen in England were unable to (258)f     out.
              Sometimes Sherlock Holmes could solve a mystery without leaving his chair.He listened carefully to the (259)i     his clients gave and then figured out the answer.At other times he spent days or weeks looking for (260)c    .Sherlock Holmes traveled to different cities and countries to solve the mysteries.Sometimes he (261)p     to be an old man,or a sailor.Holmes did anything to find the answer to the mysteries he was working on.
              Sherlock Holmes is the most famous detective in English literature,but many people don't understand that he is a fictional (262)c    ,not a real person.The English post offices report that people send mails to Sherlock Holmes at 22lB Baker Street.They get more than 2,000 (263)l     every year.
            • 7.
              Lin Hai:I can't wait to get my driving licence!Then I can buy my own car.There are so many cars available now that prices have really (224)f    .It's great!
              Wang Jun:Are you serious?The increase in new cars has (225)b     our roads and has made pollution even (226)w     here.
              Lin Hai:More cars mean lower prices.I like that!
              Wang Jun:What about the (227)e    ?With more cars on the road,traffic problems,accidents and pollution will get much worse.
              Lin Hai:Hmmm,you either don't like cars or you don't know much about them.
              Wang Jun:Yes,I do.I know cars can be useful,but they can (228)c     a lot of damage.
              Lin Hai:People need cars,and if cars do so much damage,they wouldn't be (229)a     on the roads.
              Wang Jun:Hmmm,I don't think you have read much about this problem.
              Lin Hai:No,and I don't need to,because I don't think there is a problem.
              Wang Jun:Yes,there is.It's (230)r     in the newspaper that there are more cars on our roads now than at any time in history.There are millions of possible car buyers,and car makers are busy making cars for them.
              Lin Hai:So what?
              Wang Jun:By 2020,there will be seven times the (231)n     of cars on our roads,and the (232)e     of these cars will be pollution,(233)e     in big cities.
            • 8. Peter:Oh,you were so wonderful.That was such a great play.
              Jane:You (244)c     have told me you were coming.
              Peter:I was (245)a     that you'd say,"don't come."
              Jane:You look different.
              Peter:I shined my shoes,pressed my pants,and did my homework.I do homework now.
              Jane:Peter,I'm getting married.
              Peter:I always (246)i     you getting married on a hilltop.
              Jane:And who's the groom?
              Peter:You hadn't decided yet.
              Jane:You think just (247)b     you saw my play you can talk me out of getting married.
              Peter:You (248)o     told me you loved me.I let things get in the way before.There was something I (249)t     I had to do.I don't have to now.
              Jane:You're too late.
              Peter:Will you think about (250)p     up where we left off?
              Jane:Where was that?We never got on.You can't get off if you don't get on,Peter.
              Peter:I don't think it's (251)t     simple.
              Jane:Of course you don't,because you complicate things.
              Peter:You don't understand.I'm not an empty seat anymore.I'm (252)d    .Punch me,I bleed.
              Jane:I have to go.I'm getting married in a (253)c    .You're different.
            • 9. A:Where do people (206)t     first for the latest news nowadays?
              B:Of course the Internet.It always (207)p     us with a (208)v     of information.
              A:Do you (209)t     all the information you get from the Internet?
              B:No.(210)A     we all know,not all the information on the Internet is reliable.And some of the information we find online may be even (211)f    
              A:How can we know whether the information we find on a (212)w     is true?
              B:Well,we can check it on other sites,especially those (213)r     by organizations.
              A:Which news (214)s     do you trust the most,newspaper,radio,TV or the Internet?
              B:Newspaper.Though it's not (215)u     each hour,I think it is more reliable.
            • 10. What color do you like best?Do you like yellow,orange and red?If you do,you must be an optimist,a leader or an (196)a     person who enjoys life,people and excitement.If you have a (197)p     for grey and blue,then you are probably quiet,shy and you would rather (198)f     than lead.If you love green,you are (199)l     to be strong-minded and (200)d    .You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are successful.This is what psychologists tell us.They have been seriously studying the relationship between colors and characters,and the (201)e     that colors have on human beings.
              Black is (202)d     while light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more (203)c     than a dark green one does,and a red dress adds warmth and cheer to sad winter days.It is a fact that factory workers work better,harder and have fewer (204)a     when their machines are painted orange (205)r     than black or dark grey.
