优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              How to Be a Successful Person

              Success comes with hard work.To succeed you must have the desire and the determination.Not all people will be successful in life,but success can be achieved.Here are some tips to succeed. First,you must believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.Without believing in yourself,you have already lost the race.  (1)  . Work hard and be strictly disciplined(自律的).Success does not come overnight; you must work hard for it and be disciplined.  (2)  .As the famous saying goes,"Heights of great men reached and kept were never attained by sudden flight,but they,while their companions slept,kept on working through the night."  (3)  .It is important to remember that even as you work hard you should take some time to have fun.There is time for everything; set a time to have fun and never ignore your family and friends.It is also important to remember that you should get the work done first,and then have fun. Take time to educate yourself and become qualified.  (4)  .In this global economy,for anyone to succeed they must have the necessary tools to be successful,and that includes having an education. Have good manners.  (5)  .Distinguish yourself as an elegant lady or gentleman.As a famous proverb goes,"Manners carry you through the world and back without a penny."

              (1) A. Balance your life.

              B. Make use of your time to the fullest.

              C. Never assume(认为) that you learn as much on the job.

              D. An individual should always show respect to other people.

              E. No matter what you do,have a positive attitude towards it.

              F.   Without these two,it is almost impossible for you to be successful.

              G. In everything you do you should have a high level of self-confidence.

              (2) A. Balance your life.

              B. Make use of your time to the fullest.

              C. Never assume(认为) that you learn as much on the job.

              D. An individual should always show respect to other people.

              E. No matter what you do,have a positive attitude towards it.

              F.   Without these two,it is almost impossible for you to be successful.

              G. In everything you do you should have a high level of self-confidence.

              (3) A. Balance your life.

              B. Make use of your time to the fullest.

              C. Never assume(认为) that you learn as much on the job.

              D. An individual should always show respect to other people.

              E. No matter what you do,have a positive attitude towards it.

              F.   Without these two,it is almost impossible for you to be successful.

              G. In everything you do you should have a high level of self-confidence.

              (4) A. Balance your life.

              B. Make use of your time to the fullest.

              C. Never assume(认为) that you learn as much on the job.

              D. An individual should always show respect to other people.

              E. No matter what you do,have a positive attitude towards it.

              F.   Without these two,it is almost impossible for you to be successful.

              G. In everything you do you should have a high level of self-confidence.

              (5) A. Balance your life.

              B. Make use of your time to the fullest.

              C. Never assume(认为) that you learn as much on the job.

              D. An individual should always show respect to other people.

              E. No matter what you do,have a positive attitude towards it.

              F.   Without these two,it is almost impossible for you to be successful.

              G. In everything you do you should have a high level of self-confidence.

            • 2.

              Ways to Respectfully Disagree

              It’s easier to agree than disagree.   (1)   Unfortunately, many of us either shy away completely from disagreements or lose it when things don’t go our way. These tips can help keep disagreements constructive.

              Use “I’ to communicate how you feel, what you think and what you want or need.  (2)  For example, telling your parents “You always remind me about my housework when you know I have much homework” has a very different tone from “I’m feeling pressured because I have a lot of homework tonight. Can I do those chores tomorrow?”

              Listen to the other’s opinion.  (3)   That makes it more likely that he or she will do the same for you. When the other person is talking, try to stop yourself from thinking about why you disagree or what you’ll say next.

                (4)   This is the important thing you can do to keep a conversation on track. Of course, it’s a huge challenge to stay calm when you feel angry about something, especially if their person you’re talking to gets heated.

                (5)   If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of someone’s put-downs (贬损的话), you know how valuable using respectful language and behavior can be. So instead of saying what you might be thinking (That’s a stupid idea!), try saying “I don’t agree, and here is why.”

              Respect goes beyond difficult conversations, of course. Being helpful and considerate towards family members, teachers or coaches in our everyday actions helps us establish a foundation for those times when we might disagree.

              (1) A. Stay calm.

              B. Look into the other’s eyes.

              C. Using ‘you’ statements can sound aggressive.

              D. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

              E. Then you can calmly present your case and why you disagree.

              F. Being a good listener shows that you respect the other person.

              G. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we don’t agree.

              (2) A. Stay calm.

              B. Look into the other’s eyes.

              C. Using ‘you’ statements can sound aggressive.

              D. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

              E. Then you can calmly present your case and why you disagree.

              F. Being a good listener shows that you respect the other person.

              G. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we don’t agree.

              (3) A. Stay calm.

              B. Look into the other’s eyes.

              C. Using ‘you’ statements can sound aggressive.

              D. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

              E. Then you can calmly present your case and why you disagree.

              F. Being a good listener shows that you respect the other person.

              G. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we don’t agree.

              (4) A. Stay calm.

              B. Look into the other’s eyes.

              C. Using ‘you’ statements can sound aggressive.

              D. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

              E. Then you can calmly present your case and why you disagree.

              F. Being a good listener shows that you respect the other person.

              G. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we don’t agree.

              (5) A. Stay calm.

              B. Look into the other’s eyes.

              C. Using ‘you’ statements can sound aggressive.

              D. Avoid putting down the other person’s ideas and beliefs.

              E. Then you can calmly present your case and why you disagree.

              F. Being a good listener shows that you respect the other person.

              G. But we can learn a lot from conversations where we don’t agree.

            • 3.

                                            Small talk isnˈt so small

              Small talk may not be about serious matters; however, researchers into the subject have found that it’s important. Thatˈ s because small talk keeps us connected to one another and can lead to bigger things such as a job or a new friendship.   (1)   Here is some advice on helping you start a conversation, and keeping the  conversational ball rolling:

              Start with the obvious(明显的).   (2)   For example, your job, hobbies, a person you both know, etc. If you don’ t know the person, it’s always acceptable to bring up a neutral (中性的) topic such as the weather or the recent news. It isn’t  necessary to be clever —all thatˈ s required is to show interest in the other person and to be willing to talk.

                   (3)    If the other person has done something you like or is wearing something attractive, It ’s always proper to praise. But avoid talking about a person’s physical appearance.   (4)   Besides, keep your praise short and to the point and continue with another topic.

                   (5)   itˈs perfectly OK to talk about your own interests for a while, but keep your conversation from becoming a monologue(独白). Itˈ s only polite, for example, that after talking about your own children, you turn the conversation back to your partner by asking about his or her children.

              (1) A.  Praise where proper.
              B.  You don ’t have to be wise—just be nice.
              C.  People can’t usually change how they look.
              D.  Talk about yourself and then return to your partner.
              E.  Itˈ s very important to remember other people ’s names.
              F.  If you have something in common with another person, begin with that.
              G.  Yet people who find themselves alone with another person often don ’t know what to say.

              (2) A.  Praise where proper.
              B.  You don ’t have to be wise—just be nice.
              C.  People can’t usually change how they look.
              D.  Talk about yourself and then return to your partner.
              E.  Itˈ s very important to remember other people ’s names.
              F.  If you have something in common with another person, begin with that.
              G.  Yet people who find themselves alone with another person often don ’t know what to say.

              (3) A.  Praise where proper.
              B.  You don ’t have to be wise—just be nice.
              C.  People can’t usually change how they look.
              D.  Talk about yourself and then return to your partner.
              E.  Itˈ s very important to remember other people ’s names.
              F.  If you have something in common with another person, begin with that.
              G.  Yet people who find themselves alone with another person often don ’t know what to say.

              (4) A.  Praise where proper.
              B.  You don ’t have to be wise—just be nice.
              C.  People can’t usually change how they look.
              D.  Talk about yourself and then return to your partner.
              E.  Itˈ s very important to remember other people ’s names.
              F.  If you have something in common with another person, begin with that.
              G.  Yet people who find themselves alone with another person often don ’t know what to say.

              (5) A.  Praise where proper.
              B.  You don ’t have to be wise—just be nice.
              C.  People can’t usually change how they look.
              D.  Talk about yourself and then return to your partner.
              E.  Itˈ s very important to remember other people ’s names.
              F.  If you have something in common with another person, begin with that.
              G.  Yet people who find themselves alone with another person often don ’t know what to say.

            • 4.

              Do you struggle with business writing?Are teams and individuals asking for help with their business writing skills?  ____(1)___  Since 1990, we have been helping employees and managers write better.

              Everything written in business reflects the image of the company and the writer. ____(2)___This means organizing ideas well, checking that the language is accurate and that the presentation is professional. Writing successfully is always the result of careful planning.

              Before you start writing, you need to decide why you are writing and what you hope to achieve. This will help you decide what to include in your writing and whether to write an e-mail, a letter or perhaps a report.

              Meanwhile, think about readers. ____(3)___ The structure of what you write can guide readers and help them understand the content of your writing so that they can respond.

              While you are writing, you need to think about how you organize your ideas. Writing a report may involve presenting data and linking complex ideas; writing a memo (备忘录) may involve describing a situation and dealing with ways of improving it. You need to understand how to construct paragraphs. ____(4)___

              After you have finished writing comes the very important process of revising, checking and correcting.

              ____(5)___ You will find plenty of useful information about effective business writing. In our courses, participants get tools, tips, techniques, job aids, and follow-up resources to help them write better.

              (1) A. Contact us.

              B. Assess your skills here.

              C. It will help you choose appropriate structures.

              D. A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

              E. Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

              F. So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

              G. Here comes the good news.

              (2) A. Contact us.

              B. Assess your skills here.

              C. It will help you choose appropriate structures.

              D. A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

              E. Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

              F. So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

              G. Here comes the good news.

              (3) A. Contact us.

              B. Assess your skills here.

              C. It will help you choose appropriate structures.

              D. A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

              E. Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

              F. So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

              G. Here comes the good news.

              (4) A. Contact us.

              B. Assess your skills here.

              C. It will help you choose appropriate structures.

              D. A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

              E. Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

              F. So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

              G. Here comes the good news.

              (5) A. Contact us.

              B. Assess your skills here.

              C. It will help you choose appropriate structures.

              D. A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

              E. Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

              F. So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

              G. Here comes the good news.

            • 5.

                       With the summer holiday just around the corner, it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations. Here are some tips that can help you enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket:

                    Travel off-season

                   Go to your desired destination while the demand is low and take advantage of huge discounts. During the peak season, the hotel and flight prices increase quickly, and you’ll likely spend more of your vacation time standing in line due to the rush of tourists.   (1)  


                      Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms. Look for places that do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding. Stay with the locals. If you and your family are going to stay for a longer period, renting a small apartment is a good choice.

                      Eat like a local

                     Why eat at big chain restaurants when you can experience something new?   (3)  

                    During your family trip, try new food where the locals eat. This will not just save money, but also provide you with a new and different experience. For smaller meals and snacks, avoid restaurants and try street food or other takeout.

                      Don’t hesitate to bargain

                     Tourist- heavy places are known for overcharging for just about everything. Clothes, travel goodies,souvenirs, etc. are very expensive at these places.   (4)   Bargain hard to get the best price.

                    Choose local transportation

                      (5)   Instead, take buses, railways or subways, which are always cheaper. If you are planning to stay for a while, you can consider renting a car. Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you are moving around a lot.

              (1) A. Save on hotels.
              B. Surf the Internet while traveling.
              C. Therefore, avoid buying anything there.
              D. So it’s best to find out when the off-season starts.
              E. Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
              F. For this reason, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
              G. As a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, since they are expensive.
              (2) A. Save on hotels.
              B. Surf the Internet while traveling.
              C. Therefore, avoid buying anything there.
              D. So it’s best to find out when the off-season starts.
              E. Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
              F. For this reason, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
              G. As a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, since they are expensive.
              (3) A. Save on hotels.
              B. Surf the Internet while traveling.
              C. Therefore, avoid buying anything there.
              D. So it’s best to find out when the off-season starts.
              E. Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
              F. For this reason, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
              G. As a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, since they are expensive.
              (4) A. Save on hotels.
              B. Surf the Internet while traveling.
              C. Therefore, avoid buying anything there.
              D. So it’s best to find out when the off-season starts.
              E. Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
              F. For this reason, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
              G. As a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, since they are expensive.
              (5) A. Save on hotels.
              B. Surf the Internet while traveling.
              C. Therefore, avoid buying anything there.
              D. So it’s best to find out when the off-season starts.
              E. Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
              F. For this reason, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
              G. As a tourist, avoid taking taxis whenever possible, since they are expensive.
            • 6.

              Your children are watching you. 36 According to the Health Program, developing healthy habits is an important part for your children. And when it comes to developing healthy habits, parents influence their children more than anyone else.

               37 What happens during those early years can influence children for the rest of their lives. This includes some eating and exercise habits. Children are very careful, even at a young age. Children watch what others do carefully and imitate the behaviors of those closest to them. As parents, you should do the following:  38 If you do that, your children are more likely to be enthusiastic about developing theirs.

              Let your children see you taking care of your own physical health by eating fruit and vegetables. Talk to them about healthy habits in appropriate terms and at a proper time.  39 

               40 Computers, televisions and other forms of technology are a major part of life in the 21st century. Unfortunately, as the use of technology in the home increases, so does the time spent watching TV or playing on the computer. So as parents, you should also arrange the time for your children wisely.

              (1) _____
              A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.
              B. Don’t get rid of technology, but use it wisely.
              C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.
              D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.
              E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.
              F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.
              G. It’s easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.
              (2) _____
              A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.
              B. Don’t get rid of technology, but use it wisely.
              C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.
              D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.
              E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.
              F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.
              G. It’s easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.
              (3) _____
              A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.
              B. Don’t get rid of technology, but use it wisely.
              C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.
              D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.
              E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.
              F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.
              G. It’s easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.
              (4) _____
              A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.
              B. Don’t get rid of technology, but use it wisely.
              C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.
              D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.
              E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.
              F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.
              G. It’s easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.
              (5) _____
              A. Take part in physical activities and exercise regularly.
              B. Don’t get rid of technology, but use it wisely.
              C. Be enthusiastic about developing healthy habits of your own.
              D. Your actions are speaking to them louder than your words will.
              E. Children prefer to imitate their parents rather than listen to them.
              F. This can be helpful to teach your children to form good eating habits.
              G. It’s easy for the children to form their healthy habits when they are young.
            • 7.

              Trust has been considered as the basis of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long with a lack of trust. Not many of your friends will have real faith in you as you would like to believe.   (1)   Sometimes, it takes years, even a complete lifetime, to trust someone. However, how do we know if our friends have faith in us?

                (2)   With whom will you share things that you don’t want everyone to know? It would be with a close friend, whom you trust as much as you trust yourself. While a few of your friends may be fiercely protective of their privacy and may not tell their secrets to anyone, those who do, surely find you trustworthy and reliable.

              Whom do you look up to for advice when you need it the most? It has to be either your parents or your friends.   (3)  This is a shining example of trust. You only seek advice from people you hold in high regard and find dependable. The friends who trust you will never forget to include you in the important decisions of their life.

              Arguments and heated discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship.   (4)  While some people find it difficult to forgive and forget, your friends will never have problems moving on. It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose.

              There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier.   (5)  . Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand for you when you need encouragement. You can determine that they trust you and believe in your beliefs, if they side with you when you need them the most.

              (1) A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.
              B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion.
              C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.
              D. Two people cannot have the same reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.
              E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted.
              F. If your friends share their secrets, there’s a good possibility that they have much faith in you.
              G. However, people fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.
              (2) A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.
              B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion.
              C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.
              D. Two people cannot have the same reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.
              E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted.
              F. If your friends share their secrets, there’s a good possibility that they have much faith in you.
              G. However, people fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.
              (3) A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.
              B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion.
              C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.
              D. Two people cannot have the same reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.
              E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted.
              F. If your friends share their secrets, there’s a good possibility that they have much faith in you.
              G. However, people fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.
              (4) A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.
              B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion.
              C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.
              D. Two people cannot have the same reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.
              E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted.
              F. If your friends share their secrets, there’s a good possibility that they have much faith in you.
              G. However, people fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.
              (5) A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.
              B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion.
              C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.
              D. Two people cannot have the same reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.
              E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted.
              F. If your friends share their secrets, there’s a good possibility that they have much faith in you.
              G. However, people fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.
            • 8.

              About 150 years ago, a German musician sat quietly at a concert in Vienna. They were playing for the first time a new symphony(交响乐) he had composed(创作). At the end he turned to face the people at the concert. They were applauding(鼓掌)warmly.  (1)   

              The musician was Beethoven, one of the greatest composers in the world. Deaf people have a hard time.   (2)   Even as a child Beethoven did not have a happy life. His father was a singer. But he was lazy and drank a great deal.When the boy was only four, his father decided to make a musician of him.   (3)   Whenever he did not put his heart into his practice, his father would be hard on him.

                It is a wonder that the boy did not hate music.  (4)   When he was 17, he won high praise from Mozart, a great Austrian composer. A few years later Beethoven went to Vienna to study under Haydn, another great Austrian composer. Soon he was writing a great deal of music himself. But after one illness, he suddenly found himself deaf. At that time he was only 31. What a blow it was to him!

                 But this did not stop Beethoven. He went on composing.  (5)   During his life, he composed about 300 pieces. The surprising thing is that he wrote some of his best, his most beautiful pieces after he became deaf. Many of them are known and loved all over the world.

              (1) A. But he could hear nothing for he was deaf.

              B. However, his father didn’t come to listen to him play the beautiful music.

              C. He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.

              D. Beethoven left home and went out to practice his own music.

              E. But it is even worse for a composer than for anyone else.

              F. So Beethoven had to practice hour after hour on different musical instruments.

              G. He wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and sad ones, gentle music and powerful music.

              (2) A. But he could hear nothing for he was deaf.

              B. However, his father didn’t come to listen to him play the beautiful music.

              C. He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.

              D. Beethoven left home and went out to practice his own music.

              E. But it is even worse for a composer than for anyone else.

              F. So Beethoven had to practice hour after hour on different musical instruments.

              G. He wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and sad ones, gentle music and powerful music.

              (3) A. But he could hear nothing for he was deaf.

              B. However, his father didn’t come to listen to him play the beautiful music.

              C. He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.

              D. Beethoven left home and went out to practice his own music.

              E. But it is even worse for a composer than for anyone else.

              F. So Beethoven had to practice hour after hour on different musical instruments.

              G. He wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and sad ones, gentle music and powerful music.

              (4) A. But he could hear nothing for he was deaf.

              B. However, his father didn’t come to listen to him play the beautiful music.

              C. He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.

              D. Beethoven left home and went out to practice his own music.

              E. But it is even worse for a composer than for anyone else.

              F. So Beethoven had to practice hour after hour on different musical instruments.

              G. He wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and sad ones, gentle music and powerful music.

              (5) A. But he could hear nothing for he was deaf.

              B. However, his father didn’t come to listen to him play the beautiful music.

              C. He learned so fast that he was able to go around and give concerts when he was only 11.

              D. Beethoven left home and went out to practice his own music.

              E. But it is even worse for a composer than for anyone else.

              F. So Beethoven had to practice hour after hour on different musical instruments.

              G. He wrote long pieces and short pieces, happy ones and sad ones, gentle music and powerful music

            • 9.

               Whether youˈ re a child, teenager, young adult or are middle-aged, respect for your parents is an important value. Your parents are the people who raised you, devoting time, energy and money to your development.   (1)    No matter your age, there are 5 ways to show respect.

              ●Respect their belongings.

                 One important way to show respect is to show regard for the things important to your parents. For younger children, this may mean not touching jewelry or other valuable things. For grown children, respect may mean returning a borrowed tool in good condition and on time. Lack of respect for a parentˈs belongings is a violation of personal boundaries.   (2)   And never borrow things without asking first.


                (3)  Therefore, always be on time. For teenagers, showing up on time means coming home by curfew(宵禁).Adult children should show up on time for family dinners or events, or to pick a parent up for a medical appointment. Call if youˈre going to be late because parents worry about children, no matter their age.


                 Remembering birthdays, anniversaries and other special days is a sign that you honor your parents. Make plans to take them to lunch or dinner or bake a cake or cookies. Most parents donˈt expect expensive gifts, but a handmade gift is always appreciated .A phone call from a grown child who lives too far for a visit is a welcome sign of respect.

              ●Be kind.

                 Kind words and affection are simple ways to show respect. Tell your parents you love them. Listen and allow your parents to speak without interruption. Show a sincere interest in what your parents have to say. Be patient with your parents and donˈt rush them. Never talk back or be rude or disrespectful. Acknowledge your parentsˈ achievements.   (5)  

              (1) A. Be a good listener.
              B. Celebrate with them.
              C. Lateness indicates a lack of respect.
              D. Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.
              E. And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.
              F. Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.
              G. Donˈt take advantage of your parentsˈ kindness and generosity.
              (2) A. Be a good listener.
              B. Celebrate with them.
              C. Lateness indicates a lack of respect.
              D. Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.
              E. And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.
              F. Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.
              G. Donˈt take advantage of your parentsˈ kindness and generosity.
              (3) A. Be a good listener.
              B. Celebrate with them.
              C. Lateness indicates a lack of respect.
              D. Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.
              E. And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.
              F. Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.
              G. Donˈt take advantage of your parentsˈ kindness and generosity.
              (4) A. Be a good listener.
              B. Celebrate with them.
              C. Lateness indicates a lack of respect.
              D. Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.
              E. And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.
              F. Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.
              G. Donˈt take advantage of your parentsˈ kindness and generosity.
              (5) A. Be a good listener.
              B. Celebrate with them.
              C. Lateness indicates a lack of respect.
              D. Treat your parents the way you would like to be treated.
              E. And they love you unconditionally throughout your life.
              F. Being respectful helps build positive relationships with others.
              G. Donˈt take advantage of your parentsˈ kindness and generosity.
            • 10.

              Everybody gets stressed from time to time. (1) Some ways of dealing with stress—like screaming or hitting someone—don’t solve much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better. Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:

              (1) Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or other relatives.    (1)   They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet.

              (2) Don’t take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. Oh, dear, that’s not a good idea. Remember that there are always people to help you. Don’t take it out on yourself.   (2)   

              (3) Try to solve the problem. After you’re calm and you have support from adults and friends, it’s time to get down to business.   (3)    Even if you can’t solve it all, you can solve a piece of it.

              (4) Be positive. Most stress is temporary. Remember stress does go away, especially when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it.

              These steps aren’t magic, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make your way through a tough time, you’ll help yourself feel better even faster   (4)   

              (1) A.     Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.

              B.      Notice your friends’ feelings and find a way to help them.

              C.      Different people do with stress in different ways.

              D.     Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.

              E.      You need to figure out what the problem is.

              F.       And don’t forget about your friends.

              G.     Then, find a way to calm down.

              (2) A.     Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.
              B.      Notice your friends’ feelings and find a way to help them.
              C.      Different people do with stress in different ways.
              D.     Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.
              E.      You need to figure out what the problem is.
              F.       And don’t forget about your friends.
              G.     Then, find a way to calm down.

              (3) A.     Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.
              B.      Notice your friends’ feelings and find a way to help them.
              C.      Different people do with stress in different ways.
              D.     Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.
              E.      You need to figure out what the problem is.
              F.       And don’t forget about your friends.
              G.     Then, find a way to calm down.

              (4) A.     Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.
              B.      Notice your friends’ feelings and find a way to help them.
              C.      Different people do with stress in different ways.
              D.     Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.
              E.      You need to figure out what the problem is.
              F.       And don’t forget about your friends.
              G.     Then, find a way to calm down.

              (5) A.     Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.
              B.      Notice your friends’ feelings and find a way to help them.
              C.      Different people do with stress in different ways.
              D.     Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.
              E.      You need to figure out what the problem is.
              F.       And don’t forget about your friends.
              G.     Then, find a way to calm down.

