优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Meaning of Happiness

                  “Are you happy?” I asked my brother, Lan, one day.

                  “Yes. No. It depends what you mean,” he said.

                  “Then tell me,” I said, “when was the last time you think you were happy?”

                  “April 1967,” he said.

                  It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life. But Lan’s answer reminded me that when we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle(顶点)of sheer(纯粹的)delight.   (1)  

                    (2)   I remember playing police and robbers in the woods, getting a speaking part in the school play. Of course, kids also experience lows, but their delight at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved.

                  In the teenage years, the concept of happiness changes.   (3)   I can still feel the pain of not being invited to a party that almost everyone else was going to. I also remember the great happiness of being invited at another event to dance with a very handsome young man.

                  In adulthood the things that bring great joy—birth, love, marriage—also bring responsibility and the risk of loss. Love may not last; loved ones die. For adults, happiness is complex.

                  My dictionary defines “happy” as “lucky” or “fortunate”. But I think a better definition of happiness is “the ability to enjoy something”.   (4)   It’s easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please, even good health.

                  While happiness may be more complex for us, the solution is the same as ever. Happiness isn’t about what happens to us; it’s the ability to find a positive for every negative, and view a difficulty as a challenge.   (5)  

              (1) A. For a child, happiness has a magic quality.

              B. You never know where happiness will turn up next.

              C. So we chase it and make it equal to wealth and success.

              D. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer, the older we get.

              E. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.

              F. It’s not wishing for what we don’t have, but enjoying what we do possess.

              G. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.

              (2) A. For a child, happiness has a magic quality.

              B. You never know where happiness will turn up next.

              C. So we chase it and make it equal to wealth and success.

              D. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer, the older we get.

              E. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.

              F. It’s not wishing for what we don’t have, but enjoying what we do possess.

              G. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.

              (3) A. For a child, happiness has a magic quality.

              B. You never know where happiness will turn up next.

              C. So we chase it and make it equal to wealth and success.

              D. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer, the older we get.

              E. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.

              F. It’s not wishing for what we don’t have, but enjoying what we do possess.

              G. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.

              (4) A. For a child, happiness has a magic quality.

              B. You never know where happiness will turn up next.

              C. So we chase it and make it equal to wealth and success.

              D. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer, the older we get.

              E. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.

              F. It’s not wishing for what we don’t have, but enjoying what we do possess.

              G. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.

              (5) A. For a child, happiness has a magic quality.

              B. You never know where happiness will turn up next.

              C. So we chase it and make it equal to wealth and success.

              D. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer, the older we get.

              E. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.

              F. It’s not wishing for what we don’t have, but enjoying what we do possess.

              G. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.

            • 2.

              Steps to break your Bad Habits

              You have to want them to go.

                (1)   So the first thing is to go deep into the depth into the depth of your heart and ask, “Do I really want to give this up?” You do? Good. Then go on to the next step…

              Make up a list of all of the reasons you want to quit your bad habits.

              Make them positive. Make the list long.   (2)   Put them in your mind. You are making connections between stopping the bad behaviour and what good things you will get from doing so. If you want to lose weight, then picture yourself slim and looking good in those skinny jeans.

              Take action.

              There are two theories about it. One is that you must take action—you must go all or nothing. Using the weight loss example, people would spend $ 500 to join a gym, and exercise every day for a year. They will get rid of all fat in the house.  (3)   And that works for some. Others would burn out on that, feel like failures and be worse off than before. They should start out slow, taking baby steps but working hard toward a planned goal.   (4)   Either way is OK as long as you get to the goal eventually.


              Some people may want to lose 30 pounds after losing 15 pounds. They eat a gallon of ice cream. Then they feel bad and give up. Don’t! Set your goal again for another two weeks and get going again. Set it down! Say to yourself, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.

              (1) ______

              A.      They go all out.

              B.      Reward yourself.

              C.      Recover from failures.

              D.      Now memorize them.

              E.       Start small with small victories and plan a big one.

              F.       In truth, some people actually want their bad habits to stick around.

              G.      They would decide to limit dessert to two nights a week, down from seven.

              (2) ______

              A.      They go all out.

              B.      Reward yourself.

              C.      Recover from failures.

              D.      Now memorize them.

              E.       Start small with small victories and plan a big one.

              F.       In truth, some people actually want their bad habits to stick around.

              G.      They would decide to limit dessert to two nights a week, down from seven.

              (3) ______

              A.      They go all out.

              B.      Reward yourself.

              C.      Recover from failures.

              D.      Now memorize them.

              E.       Start small with small victories and plan a big one.

              F.       In truth, some people actually want their bad habits to stick around.

              G.      They would decide to limit dessert to two nights a week, down from seven.

              (4) ______

              A.      They go all out.

              B.      Reward yourself.

              C.      Recover from failures.

              D.      Now memorize them.

              E.       Start small with small victories and plan a big one.

              F.       In truth, some people actually want their bad habits to stick around.

              G.      They would decide to limit dessert to two nights a week, down from seven.

              (5) ______

              A.      They go all out.

              B.      Reward yourself.

              C.      Recover from failures.

              D.      Now memorize them.

              E.       Start small with small victories and plan a big one.

              F.       In truth, some people actually want their bad habits to stick around.

              G.      They would decide to limit dessert to two nights a week, down from seven.

            • 3.

              We seem to be losing the fight against landmines. While, every year, about 100.000 landmines are removed, 20,000,000 more are buried in the ground.   (1)   . Someone has to use a metal detector to find the mines. This is very inaccurate as the metal detector finds all metal objects, not just the mines, and it does not find new types of mines which are covered in plastic. Then he or she has to dig the mine out without setting it off.   (2)   .

                 (3)   . Several countries are working on technological solutions to the landmines problem. As part of Japan’s support for finding and removing landmines in Afghanistan, Japanese scientists and engineers have been researching into robotics(机器人学). One of the most exciting projects is at Chiba University, where a robot that looks something like an insect is being developed. It is 4 meters long, 1.8 meters wide, 1 meter high, and weighs 900 kilograms, about the size of a small car. It walks on 6 legs and when it finds a mine, it marks the spot with paint and sends data to a computer which can then map the mines. As well as being much safer than finding mines by hand, the insect robot is also much faster.

                (4)   . The goal is for the computer to use the data it receives to determine not only whether an object is just a piece of metal or a mine, but also what type of mine it is. The researchers hope that mass production of robots will start in the next year or so and they will be used in such countries as Afghanistan and Cambodia.

              In the 1990s world opinion built up against the use of landmines and, in 1997, 122 countries signed an agreement in Ottawa, Canada, to stop the manufacture and the use of landmines.   (5)  . Perhaps robotics will provide a solution, but as every 20 minutes goes by, one more person is killed or badly injured.

              (1) A. This is where robotics comes in

              B. Removing them is very slow and dangerous work that must be done by hand

              C. Robotics is very useful

              D. However, the task of clearing mines is still a very difficult one

              E. Using this method it could take centuries to rid the world of landmines

              F. So it is still impossible to remove all the landmines

              G. The university is also experimenting with the robot so that it can use radar to search for plastic mines

              (2) A. This is where robotics comes in

              B. Removing them is very slow and dangerous work that must be done by hand

              C. Robotics is very useful

              D. However, the task of clearing mines is still a very difficult one

              E. Using this method it could take centuries to rid the world of landmines

              F. So it is still impossible to remove all the landmines

              G. The university is also experimenting with the robot so that it can use radar to search for plastic mines

              (3) A. This is where robotics comes in

              B. Removing them is very slow and dangerous work that must be done by hand

              C. Robotics is very useful

              D. However, the task of clearing mines is still a very difficult one

              E. Using this method it could take centuries to rid the world of landmines

              F. So it is still impossible to remove all the landmines

              G. The university is also experimenting with the robot so that it can use radar to search for plastic mines

              (4) A. This is where robotics comes in

              B. Removing them is very slow and dangerous work that must be done by hand

              C. Robotics is very useful

              D. However, the task of clearing mines is still a very difficult one

              E. Using this method it could take centuries to rid the world of landmines

              F. So it is still impossible to remove all the landmines

              G. The university is also experimenting with the robot so that it can use radar to search for plastic mines

              (5) A. This is where robotics comes in

              B. Removing them is very slow and dangerous work that must be done by hand

              C. Robotics is very useful

              D. However, the task of clearing mines is still a very difficult one

              E. Using this method it could take centuries to rid the world of landmines

              F. So it is still impossible to remove all the landmines

              G. The university is also experimenting with the robot so that it can use radar to search for plastic mines

            • 4.

              Secret codes (密码)keep messages private.Banks,companies,and government agencies use secret codes in doing business,especially when information is sent by computer.

                 People have used secret codes for thousands of years. (1) Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making.The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.

                 There are three main types of cryptography. (2) For example,the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” Spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”

               (3) You might represent each letter with a number,for example,Let’s number the letters of the alphabet,in order,from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter,the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 20 13 5.”

                 A code uses symbols to replace words,phrases,or sentences.To read the message of a real code,you must have a code book. (4) For example,”bridge“ might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me.” The message “bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.”  (5) However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long.So codes must be changed frequently.

              (1) A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
              B. In any language,some letters are used more than others.
              C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
              D. As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.
              E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
              F. With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.
              G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
              (2) A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
              B. In any language,some letters are used more than others.
              C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
              D. As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.
              E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
              F. With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.
              G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
              (3) A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
              B. In any language,some letters are used more than others.
              C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
              D. As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.
              E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
              F. With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.
              G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
              (4) A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
              B. In any language,some letters are used more than others.
              C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
              D. As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.
              E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
              F. With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.
              G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
              (5) A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.
              B. In any language,some letters are used more than others.
              C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
              D. As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them.
              E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
              F. With a code book,you might write down words that would stand for other words.
              G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
            • 5.
              Four Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain
              When we think of summer,most of us think of outdoor fun.So it seems like we should naturally lose weight over the summer.In reality,summer isnˈt all beach volleyball and water sports.Therefore,we can gain weight easily in the summer. __ (1)____ Here are four ways to beat summer weight gain.
               1__ (2)___ .When we donˈt have a plan,itˈs easy to spend summer moving from the couch to the computer,with regular stops at the fridge.Avoid this by aiming for a specific goal,like volunteering or mastering a new skill.Just be sure to plan for some downtime (停工期) so you can relax a little!
               2Stay busy.When weˈre bored,itˈs easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and then feeling low on energy.In addition to helping you avoid the cookie jar,getting loads of stuff(事情) to do can give you a sense of accomplishment.__ (3)______
               3Beat the heat.Donˈt let summer heat put your exercise plans on hold.__ (4)____ if a gym isnˈt your scene,try howling or an indoor climbing wall.If you love being outdoors,try swimming or a regular run in the early morning or evening.
               4__ (5)____ with school out,we lose our daily routines(日常工作).If you donˈt have a specific job or an activity to get up for,itˈs easy to sleep late,watch too much TV,and snack more than usual.Make sure your summer days have some structure-like getting up at the same time each day.Plan activities for specific times,like exercising before breakfast.
              (1) A. Get going with goals
              B. Relax by walking outside
              C. Stick to a schedule
              D. Thatˈs especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
              E. We usually stay at home in summer
              F. Move your workout indoors
              G. However,itˈs easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.

              (2) A. Get going with goals
              B. Relax by walking outside
              C. Stick to a schedule
              D. Thatˈs especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
              E. We usually stay at home in summer
              F. Move your workout indoors
              G. However,itˈs easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.

              (3) A. Get going with goals
              B. Relax by walking outside
              C. Stick to a schedule
              D. Thatˈs especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
              E. We usually stay at home in summer
              F. Move your workout indoors
              G. However,itˈs easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.

              (4) A. Get going with goals
              B. Relax by walking outside
              C. Stick to a schedule
              D. Thatˈs especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
              E. We usually stay at home in summer
              F. Move your workout indoors
              G. However,itˈs easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.

              (5) A. Get going with goals
              B. Relax by walking outside
              C. Stick to a schedule
              D. Thatˈs especially true if a dream summer job falls through(落空)
              E. We usually stay at home in summer
              F. Move your workout indoors
              G. However,itˈs easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.
            • 6.

                Courage is a personality quality that everyone possesses, but it sometimes fades because of bad experiences or memories. _  (1)  _. By identifying the source of any lack of courage and actively changing your behavior, you can build courage.

                 Determine your specific fears. People are often reluctant to admit that they are afraid of something and this may be weakening theft confidence and courage. In order to begin building courage, you need to determine your specific fear. _  (2)  _, This may help you to develop a plan to overcome them and build your courage.

                 Recognize your courage. Just as it's important to identify your fears, you should also recognize that you also possess courage in many situations. _  (3)  _. It can help you to figure out how to apply this quality to situations in your life that cause timidity (胆怯). It can also help you to develop your behavior and begin building courage in every aspect of your life.

                 Develop a concrete plan to build your courage. Once you've identified your specific fears and recognized situations where you exhibit courage, write out your plan to build your courage and update it when necessary. _  (4)  _, for it helps you stay on track if you have setbacks and see your progress over time.

                 Avoid comparing yourself to others, livery person is different and comparing yourself to other people can minimize your self-confidence. Focusing on yourself and not comparing yourself to others is essential to building your confidence and courage.

                 _  (5)  _. Two characteristics of a courageous person are that they not only have confidence, but also they believe in their ability to succeed and overcome fears. By cultivating and projecting confidence in yourself, you set yourself on the path to build and maintain courage.

              (1) A. Part of building your courage is taking risks
              B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative
              C. Write a list of your fears as you figure them out
              D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important
              E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous
              F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous
              G. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life
              (2) A. Part of building your courage is taking risks
              B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative
              C. Write a list of your fears as you figure them out
              D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important
              E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous
              F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous
              G. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life
              (3) A. Part of building your courage is taking risks
              B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative
              C. Write a list of your fears as you figure them out
              D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important
              E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous
              F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous
              G. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life
              (4) A. Part of building your courage is taking risks
              B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative
              C. Write a list of your fears as you figure them out
              D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important
              E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous
              F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous
              G. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life
              (5) A. Part of building your courage is taking risks
              B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative
              C. Write a list of your fears as you figure them out
              D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important
              E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous
              F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous
              G. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life
            • 7.
              Parents Model Healthy Eating
              It should come as no surprise that the more stressed parents are at work,the greater the burden on their family is. ____(1)____  After all,the more time parents spend working,the less time and energy they have to plan and prepare healthful meals.
              For years,most studies have focused on the role of working mothers while fathers were ignored.They didnˈt look at the family as a whole. ____(2)____ It adds a new wrinkle to the relationship between work stress and family nutrition.
              Momsˈ work related stress is still a central factor in how well families eat because they typically do most of the food shopping and cooking. ____(3)____ The study found that when mom or dad experience high levels of work related stress,their families are eating one-and-a-half fewer family meals per week,and the parents themselves report eating fewer fruits and vegetables,more fast food,and are less likely to eat breakfast regularly.
              Itˈs worth noting that the study looked mainly at low income families who belonged to ethnic or minority groups. ____(4)____ But the implications are wide ranging.
                ____(5)____ Teaching kids,especially teenagers,to help with grocery shopping and to cook actual meals,instead of just putting a frozen pizza in the microwave,could be an important piece of the puzzle in helping families improves their eating habits.

              (1) A. But dadˈs work related stress has a large impact,too.
              B. As to family nutrition,the entire family plays a role even kids.
              C. Yet,the kidsˈ stress may affect the familiesˈ nutrition,too.
              D. So the findings donˈt necessarily apply directly to other types of families.
              E. Itˈs also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a familyˈs nutrition.
              F. However,a recent study does and look at the role of fathers in particular.
              G. It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.

              (2) A. But dadˈs work related stress has a large impact,too.
              B. As to family nutrition,the entire family plays a role even kids.
              C. Yet,the kidsˈ stress may affect the familiesˈ nutrition,too.
              D. So the findings donˈt necessarily apply directly to other types of families.
              E. Itˈs also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a familyˈs nutrition.
              F. However,a recent study does and look at the role of fathers in particular.
              G. It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.

              (3) A. But dadˈs work related stress has a large impact,too.
              B. As to family nutrition,the entire family plays a role even kids.
              C. Yet,the kidsˈ stress may affect the familiesˈ nutrition,too.
              D. So the findings donˈt necessarily apply directly to other types of families.
              E. Itˈs also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a familyˈs nutrition.
              F. However,a recent study does and look at the role of fathers in particular.
              G. It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.

              (4) A. But dadˈs work related stress has a large impact,too.
              B. As to family nutrition,the entire family plays a role even kids.
              C. Yet,the kidsˈ stress may affect the familiesˈ nutrition,too.
              D. So the findings donˈt necessarily apply directly to other types of families.
              E. Itˈs also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a familyˈs nutrition.
              F. However,a recent study does and look at the role of fathers in particular.
              G. It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.

              (5) A. But dadˈs work related stress has a large impact,too.
              B. As to family nutrition,the entire family plays a role even kids.
              C. Yet,the kidsˈ stress may affect the familiesˈ nutrition,too.
              D. So the findings donˈt necessarily apply directly to other types of families.
              E. Itˈs also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a familyˈs nutrition.
              F. However,a recent study does and look at the role of fathers in particular.
              G. It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.
            • 8.

              What color do you like best ? Do you like yellow, orange, and red?   (1)  Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist .At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings.   (2)  If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

                   (3)  A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.  (4)  A black bridge over the Thames River , near London, used to be the scene of more suicides (自杀) than any other bridge in the area until it was repainted green .The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

                  (5)  It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or gray.

              (1) __________

              A. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up.

              B. On the other hand, black is depressing.

              C. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, and active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

              D. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.

              E. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.

              F. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.

              G. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it.

              (2) __________

              A. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up.

              B. On the other hand, black is depressing.

              C. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, and active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

              D. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.

              E. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.

              F. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.

              G. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it.

              (3) __________

              A. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up.

              B. On the other hand, black is depressing.

              C. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, and active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

              D. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.

              E. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.

              F. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.

              G. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it.

              (4) __________

              A. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up.

              B. On the other hand, black is depressing.

              C. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, and active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

              D. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.

              E. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.

              F. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.

              G. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it.

              (5) __________

              A. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up.

              B. On the other hand, black is depressing.

              C. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, and active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

              D. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.

              E. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.

              F. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.

              G. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it.

            • 9.

              Does this situation seem familiar to you? Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar, the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently. __(1)____

              First of all, remember that you are not alone.Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language.The most important thing is to listen as often as possible.

               __(2)____ The Internet is really a useful tool for English students.You can download The RealPlayer from RealMedia.com.The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.

              Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated(受阻)by limited understanding. __(3)____

              Here is some of the advice I give my students:
              ●Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.
              ●Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times.
               __(4)____ Don't concentrate on details before you have understood the main ideas.
               __(5)____ This method usually results in confusion. Translating leads to a kind of block in one's brain which sometimes doesn't allow us to understand anything at all!

              By remaining calm, allowing yourself not to understand, and not to translate while listening, your brain is free to concentrate on the most important thing: understanding English in English.

              (1) A. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly.
              B. What should you do? 
              C. Do not translate everything into your native language.
              D. This situation leads to less---not more---understanding.

              E. The next step is to find listening resources.

              F. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.

              G. But listening is still a problem.

              (2) A. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly.
              B. What should you do? 
              C. Do not translate everything into your native language.
              D. This situation leads to less---not more---understanding.
              E. The next step is to find listening resources.
              F. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
              G. But listening is still a problem.
              (3) A. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly.
              B. What should you do? 
              C. Do not translate everything into your native language.
              D. This situation leads to less---not more---understanding.
              E. The next step is to find listening resources.
              F. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
              G. But listening is still a problem.
              (4) A. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly.
              B. What should you do? 
              C. Do not translate everything into your native language.
              D. This situation leads to less---not more---understanding.
              E. The next step is to find listening resources.
              F. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
              G. But listening is still a problem.
              (5) A. Secondly, most people repeat themselves constantly.
              B. What should you do? 
              C. Do not translate everything into your native language.
              D. This situation leads to less---not more---understanding.
              E. The next step is to find listening resources.
              F. Listen for the general idea of the conversation.
              G. But listening is still a problem.
            • 10.

              It may help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech. At some point in every speech, every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned. ___  (1)  ___ Why? Because the listeners do not know what the speaker plans to say. ___  (2)  ___ If you lose your place for a moment, wrongly change the order of a couple of sentences, or forget to pause at a certain point, no one will be any the wiser. When such moments occur, donˈt worry about them. Just continue as if nothing happened.

              Even if you do make an obvious mistake during a speech, that donˈt really matter. If you have ever listened to Martin Luther Kingˈs famous speech-“I have a dream”, you may notice that he stumble(结巴) his words twice during the speech. ___  (3)  ___ Why? Because you were fixing your attention on its message rather than on his way of speech­making.

              People care a lot about making mistakes in a speech because they regard speech­making as a kind of performance rather than as an act of communication. They feel the listeners are like judges in an ice­skating competition. But, in fact, the listeners are not looking for a perfect performer. They are looking for a well­thought­out speech that expresses the speakerˈs ideas clearly and directly. ___  (4)  __

              As you work on your speech, donˈt worry about being imperfect. ___  (5)  ___

              (1) ______
              A. Everyone can give an excellent speech.
              B. They hear only what the speaker does say.
              C. Most likely, however, you donˈt remember.
              D. People will ignore your mistakes in your speech.
              E. Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.
              F. Once you free your mind, you will find you give your speech more freely.
              G. Sometimes one or two mistakes can increase a speakerˈs attractiveness by making him more human.
              (2) ______
              A. Everyone can give an excellent speech.
              B. They hear only what the speaker does say.
              C. Most likely, however, you donˈt remember.
              D. People will ignore your mistakes in your speech.
              E. Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.
              F. Once you free your mind, you will find you give your speech more freely.
              G. Sometimes one or two mistakes can increase a speakerˈs attractiveness by making him more human.
              (3) ______
              A. Everyone can give an excellent speech.
              B. They hear only what the speaker does say.
              C. Most likely, however, you donˈt remember.
              D. People will ignore your mistakes in your speech.
              E. Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.
              F. Once you free your mind, you will find you give your speech more freely.
              G. Sometimes one or two mistakes can increase a speakerˈs attractiveness by making him more human.
              (4) ______
              A. Everyone can give an excellent speech.
              B. They hear only what the speaker does say.
              C. Most likely, however, you donˈt remember.
              D. People will ignore your mistakes in your speech.
              E. Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.
              F. Once you free your mind, you will find you give your speech more freely.
              G. Sometimes one or two mistakes can increase a speakerˈs attractiveness by making him more human.
              (5) ______

              A. Everyone can give an excellent speech.
              B. They hear only what the speaker does say.
              C. Most likely, however, you donˈt remember.
              D. People will ignore your mistakes in your speech.
              E. Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.
              F. Once you free your mind, you will find you give your speech more freely.
              G. Sometimes one or two mistakes can increase a speakerˈs attractiveness by making him more human.
