优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The metal can _____________(反应) with ____________(普通的)water.

            • 2.

              If you _______(减少) a little sugar , it will not make you _________(不健康的).

            • 3.

              41(1).When he travels with his friends,his mother is always________(concern) about his safety.

              (2).I________(like) people who talk loudly in public places. I think itˈs very impolite.

              (3).Itˈs________(exact) the kind of work Iˈve been looking for.

              (4).At first I________(agree) with his suggestion,but later I changed my mind and agreed.

              (5).I found a(n)________(dust) bag under the bed when I was cleaning up my room last night.

              (6).I was most __________(感激的) to John for his kindness of sending me the book immediately.

              (7).He ________(无视) all the “No smoking” signs(标志) and smoked in his office.

              (8).I could hardly r________ him, as he had changed a lot.

              (9).She often speaks to foreigners, so she speaks English f________.

              (10).The panda is a n________ of China.

              (11).It was based more on German than the English we speak at p________.

              (12).Keep going s________ and turn at the first stoplight.

              (13).________ (实际上),you owe me more than this.

              (14).There has been a ________ (逐渐的) increase in the number of private cars in our city.

              (15).It is a very good composition except for a few ________(拼写) mistakes.

            • 4.

              (1)He d______ that a medical team be sent to the flooded area at once.

              (2) Keeping an o________ state of mind is good for health.

              (3)Peter has been out of work for half a year, so he wants to a_____ for a job in this company.

              (4) Scientists are developing new drugs to t________ cancer.

              (5)This machine helps you to s_______ more juice out of the orange.

              (6) He __________(结束)his speech with an interesting story.

              (7) Judging from their poorly _________(装潢)house, the couple must have a low income.

              (8)The tiger is a common __________(代表)of the cat family.

              (9) Mr. Wang did a ___________(彻底的)investigation of who broke the classroom windows.

              (10) For ________(方便),please pay by credit card.

            • 5.


              (1)I am not _________ (完全地) satisfied with the colour of the suitcase.

              (2) Jane ________ (忽视) his invitation to the party by not giving him a reply.

              (3)Nowadays, many _________ (青少年) spend their spare time helping others as volunteers.

              (4)He was very thirsty, so he made a ____________ (要求) for some water.

              (5) Growing vegetables looks easy, but __________ (事实上) there is a lot to learn.

              (6)A good decision is ______ (以……为基础) on one’s knowledge and experience.

              (7) This ________ (系列) of books is very popular with readers.

              (8) Don’t mention it again, or it will remind her of the _______(痛苦) she has gone through.

              (9)After the war they saved those who were alive and _____ (埋葬) the dead.

              (10)They were ________ (困住) in a deep hole and couldn’t get out.

              (11)The firemen _________(营救)hundreds of people shortly after the earthquake.

              (12)The film is very interesting and ______(好几百万)of children are crazy about it.

              (13) I’m ______(感激)for your help when I was in trouble.

              (14) After he failed the maths exam, Tom was very ______(沮丧)about it.

              (15)Elisa is looking forward to the day she can return to her _______(本土的)country.

              (16)Soldiers are usually expected to obey all the __________(要求)of their officers.

              (17)Though I hadn’t seen Lucy for a long time, I still ________(辨认出)her.

              (18)Jane has lived in London for ten years, so she speaks with a London ____(口音).

              (19) The rich man was __________(决定)to help the homeless till the end of his life.

              (20)He knows only a little English so he can’t ________(表达)himself fluently.

            • 6.

              He was terribly         (不安的)over her illness.         

               Of the two songs we heard, I like the        (后者) better.    

              Visitors are        (要求) not to touch the expensive exhibits.  

              It was very stupid of you to           (忽略) your mother’s advice. 

              The             (航行)from England to India used to take six months.

               He changed so much that I didn’t _____(辨认出) him at first.  

               In your composition there are a lot of      (拼写) mistakes.

              It becomes warm            (逐渐地) when spring is coming   

              John is going to play           (在户外) with his friends on Sunday.

               We drove along the             (灰尘的)road to the middle school in the countryside.

              ______ _______  _______  _______  ________   _______  _______  _______  _______  ______
            • 7. 根据上下文,在空白处填入合适的词。

              There are many k______ of languages in the world. But only a few of them are widely u______. English is one of them. Many people use it, not only in English and the USA, but _______ in other parts of the world. Many people s______ it as their own language. It is _______ to say how many people are learning English as a foreign language.

              The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We all learned our own language well when we ______ children. If we could learn English in the s______ way, it would not seem so difficult. Imagine what a small child does. He listens to what people s_____. He tries to understand ______ he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, and using it all the time, just imagine how much practice that gets.

              This way, learning English is easy. Practice ________ (make) perfect!

            • 8.

              第一节  单词填空

              (1) I didn' t r________(辨认出) my best friend at first sight when he was wearing a school uniform . (2) He is proud to have been a ________(被…录取) into Beijing University. (3) After finishing all his work,he breathed a long sigh in ________(如释重负) . (4) To be honest, a lot of people a ________ great importance to becoming rich and famous. (5) The old photo often r________ me of my childhood. (6) Everyone has his or her weakness and ________(强项). (7) The family play Good Luck Charlie is based on the life of teenagers and ________(因此) loved by many middle school students. (8) Young children are often ________(好奇) about everything around them. (9) He is ________(很可能)to win the first prize in the English competition. (10) The final exams are ________(来临) and the students are busy going over their lessons.
            • 9.



              Police officers have been closely m_______________(监控)the illegal organization’s activities


              You never get a second chance to make a good first i______________, so you should mind your behavior the first time you meet someone.


              While my grandmother z_____________ her bag open, she found her watch was gone.


              It was an actor whose name _______________(被遗忘) me for the moment. You can consult others.


              The Great Wall attracts a c____________ stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.


              Strange thought f_______________ into my mind when I was nearly asleep.


              She has __________________(掌握) English Grammar and learned a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.


              He hurriedly got his things______________(收拾) and bought a train ticket for home.


              She was filled with ______________ (恐惧)when she came back into the classroom saying that she had seen a snake.


              These shoes are so w_____________ out that they are hardly worth keeping.

            • 10.












              只要你考虑清楚了, 就不要犹豫不决。




















