优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. The little fishing village is perhaps one of the most remote ______ (settle) of the country.
            • 2. To be honest,your garden is the most ______ (delight) one I have ever seen.
            • 3. ______ (expose) to the sunlight for too long,her skin got sunburnt.
            • 4. 短语应用根据下面句子的意思,从方框中的选出适合的短语、句型并用其正确形式填空,使句子的意思完整。(其中有一个多余的)
              Be impressed with   belong to  care about  be related to  split up    play an important part in
              (1) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon _______a type of Chinese story called wuxia.
              (2) The group_______ shortly afterwards ,saying they could not carry on without support of their families.
              (3) Childhood experiences often___________ in shaping one's character.
              (4) Haydon met Mozart in 1781 and __________him.
              (5) Thirteen people died from illnesses _________smoking tobacco, such as cancer and heart disease.
            • 5. 完成句子(满分5分,每小题0.5分)
              (1) Liz agreed to look after the baby ____ ________ ______ a free room.(作为回报)
              (2) The sofa had to _______ _______ a bed.(充当)
              (3) There must have been an angel who ______ ______ me that day.(看守/守护)
              (4) Stern put Travis ____ ______ _____ the research team.(负责)
              (5) When he was in France, he _________ _______ some French.(学会)
              (6) People ______ too much __________ _______ economic forecasts.(认为……重要)
              (7) I am sure that he will ______ __________ ______Beijing University.(录取)
              (8) The company holds ________ meetings with employees.(定期的)
              (9) They own a house in France ______ ______ ______ an apartment in Spain.(除……还有)
              (10) Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life ____ ________ ___________. (高质量的)
            • 6. 根据汉语意思完成下列各句  (7%)
              (1) 中国虽属于发展中国家,却为世界和平做出了重大贡献。
              Though _______________ ________________ the developing countries, China is making great contributions to world peace.
              (2) 我们公司和其它一些大公司将以新的生产线替换旧的。
              Our company as well as some other big ones ___________ to ____________ the present production lines __________ new ones.
              (3) 你知道宇宙是如何形成的吗?
              Do you know how the universe ________________  ________________  _________?
              (4) 他如此粗心,结果又考不及格了。
              He was so careless. ____________  __________  _____________, he failed the test again.
              (5) 听到这个可笑的玩笑,大家都大声笑了出来。
              Hearing the funny joke, everyone _______________  ___________  _______________.
            • 7. 完成下列句子。(共10题,每空0.5分,满分10分)
              (1) Can you telephone me __________ _________ __________(在你方便时)?
              (2) 新疆切糕受到很多人的欢迎,但是大家却不敢去买。
              Xinjiang nuts cakes ______ _______ many people, but they dare not buy them.
              (3) ________ _________ _________(令我们高兴的是), he passed the entrance examination.
              (4) 在离开办公室之前,应把所有物品摆放好。
              Before you leave the office, everything should be put _______ _________.
              (5) 他沉浸在这本小说中,忘记了周围的一切。
              He was so                 the novel that he forgot everything around him.
              (6) 外国人喜欢中国的诗歌,尤其是唐诗。
              Foreigners like Chinese poems, Tang poems ________ ________.
              (7) 拥有如此财富的人应该想着如何为穷人做得更多。
              A person _________ ________ ________ so much money should think about how to do more for the poor.
              (8) 我们已经忍受这个不可理喻的邻居够久的了。
              We have _______ _________ ________ the unbearable neighbor for such a long time.
            • 8. 我把冰糖砸碎,给了每个孩子一小块。

              I _____    ______  the candy and gave each child a samll piece.

            • 9. The palace was ________(装饰)with the gold and jewels.
            • 10. Scientists ______(探索)the Arctic regionslast year.
