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            • 1.


              请以My Favorite English Study Method 为题写一篇120词左右的短文。



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              1. The Jungle Book of 2016 tells the story of the orphan boy Mowgli, who is brought up by mother ___________ (填写一种动物) Raksha. Mowgli is liked by most of the animals, apart from one─the _____________ (填写一种动物) Khan. 2’

              2. 从以下单词或词组中选择两个翻译为中文,超过的取前两个为有效答案。 1’

              diplomat __________________                             the Security Council _____________________

              civil servant _______________                             the General Assembly ____________________

              nominate _________________

              3. The Bronte sisters’ father, a priest, is __________ and __________ (填写两个形容词) when he is at home. 1’

              4. In Wuthering Heights, Catherine marries ____________ (填写人名) instead of Heathcliff. 1’

            • 3. 遣词造句:根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。
              57.strong, than                            58. turn, when, leave                 59. make, yesterday         60. shower, now                  61. want, future
              (1) _________________________________________________________________
              (2) __________________________________________________________________
              (3) _________________________________________________________________
              (4) _________________________________________________________________
            • 4.

              People and Money

              A Jim Gareth

              Money, or shall we say the constant absence of it, drives us crazy. I suppose it all started when I was at university, and I’d borrowed quite a large sum by the time I graduated. When you are a fresh graduate, it’s difficult to find a good job and I got into debt quite rapidly. I haven’t been able to repay what I borrowed for some years now. My wife was in exactly the same situation when she graduated and she came into our relationship with her own debts. Then there were the expenses with the wedding, of course, and now we’re totally broke!

              B Karen Jones

              Our situation became critical last year, as we were in danger of getting evicted from our house because we weren’t able to pay the mortgage. In the end we had to borrow a lot of money from my husband’s family. It has taught us a valuable lesson though: don’t get a larger house than you can afford, especially for a rip-off price, and certainly don’t recklessly overspend on a costly wedding if you’re already in debt!

              C Henry Pollack

              My wife says that I am really stingy with money, but I would call myself sensible. I don’t think spending wisely is mean at all. You see, I have always been in charge of our family finances and I think my wife is grateful to me for taking that responsibility solely on myself. All my married life, I have been sitting down with a glass of sherry on a Sunday evening to work out a weekly budget fromour total income, planning carefully what we could afford to buy and how much we would have to save up for the more costly items, such as a new TV or washing machine. Unlike our friends, we go on holiday every year, and I can assure you that our earnings are quite modest.

              D Evelyn Simmons

              Our pensions are not much to boast about, but we are doing fine. We manage to pay our bills, we’ve paid off our mortgage and we still have some money left over for life’s little luxuries. And if times got really hard, we have a few valuable items in our loft that could fetch quite a large sum at auction(拍卖). We’ll be fine, as long as we have each other.

            • 5.

              We usually work from 9: 00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, for some people, it’s bedtime. These people are night workers. Working at night brings particular problems: Family life is difficult, social life is limited and it’s bad for people’s health. With all these problems, who choose to work at night, and are they planning to stay in their jobs?

              “I work at night because I like stars very much. I’m the happiest when I’m looking down my telescope. The stars are amazing, and it’s great taking pictures of them. Honestly, I’m never going to change my job. Of course, my social life is poor, but I’m going to make friends with people abroad online. They are awake when I’m working.”

              --Robert Moore

              “My work involves repairing railway tracks, so I have to work at night. It’s not so bad, our team spirit is great and we get paid extra. However, I’m going to leave this job. It’s tiring and I have to find a normal job because I will become a father next month. I hope to be a builder in the future. It’s hard work, but no more nights!”

              --Tony Baggio

              “When I came to this country, the only work I could find was as a night doorman. This job is boring because it’s so quiet, but I’ve decided to turn this problem into an advantage. I’m going to start a degree in literature by distance learning. I’m going to read my course books during the long quiet nights! I want to be a teacher in the future.”

              --John Millar

              “I work in a call center in India, but I answer calls from people in the UK. So I have to work at night. It’s a good job with a good salary. It’s also interesting because I use my English and talk with different people every day.”

              --Peter Patel

            • 6.


              The Most Scenic Drives in America


              Description:This book includes 120 easy-to-follow maps,400 breathtaking photos, fascinating facts,tips,suggested side trips and much more.

              What Works What Doesn’t


              Description:Now with What Works What Doesn’t,you can stop wasting time and money on products,treatments and approaches that doesn’t work,and start getting real results from strategies that do.

              Strange Stories,Amazing Facts of America’s Past


              Description:If you ever thought history was dull and our forefathers were stodgy(平凡的),here is a book to change your mind.This is America at its most fascinating-more than 600 true stories as gripping as a whodunit,as fast paced as a spy chase,as atmospheric as a historical novel-guaranteed to give many hours of reading pleasure.

              How To Write Your Life Story


              Description:Discovery how easy it is to write your own life story!This fascinating and practical guide leads you through the process of creating your own personal memoir.Plus,find out how to use photos and other mementos to add even more meaning to your story.

              Disease Free


              Description:Stop Disease Before it Starts.Doctors estimate that at least 60% of chronic disease cases could be avoided entirely, and Disease Free show you how.Detailed prevention plans for more than 90 conditions help you sidestep evertning from heartburn to high blood pressure,colds to cancer.

              Complete Guitar Course


              Description:Learn to play in 20 easy-to-follow lessons!This de luxe handbook is packed with everything you need to learn from choosing the right guitar for you,to basic fingering,cords,and techniques.Handsomely designed in full color and jammed with practical tips,this comprehensive course will have you making beautiful music in no time at all!

              Care Free Plants


              Description:His book reveals the secret to great gardening:working smarter,not harder,Discover how you can spend less effort,save money,and still end up with more time to enjoy your beautiful garden.With this book in hand,the dream is within easy reach.

            • 7.


              1.  对不能前往迎接表示歉意;

              2.  在飞机场坐出租车到济南商务酒店,出租车司机一般都懂简单的英语;

              3.  已经在宾馆定好房间;

              4.  到达之后打电话联系,好好休息;然后前往讨论旅游计划。



            • 8. 假设你在一位名叫AngryBird的学生家长的微博上看到以下内容,请根据该微博回复家长。

              I’m a father who has a 15- year-old daughter. I’m very strict with her If she is not among the top 5 students in her class, she will be punished in one way or another. She has been doing well in school, but one of my friends keeps telling me that I put too much pressure (压力) on her.


              1) 表明自己的看法及理由(可举例说明);

              2) 提出至少两条建议;

              3) 词数100左右(开头已经写好,不计入总词数)。

              Hi, AngryBird,

                 As a matter of fact, what troubles you is also a problem many parents face in China._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            • 9. keep one’s word
            • 10.

