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            • 1.
              One spring,when I was 10,during one of my father's layoffs (失业),I could tell my mother was unhappy.I decided to cheer her up by buying her a special Mother's Day gift.
              One day after school I rode my bike to the Agins,which,I learned years later,was known for its high-end fashions (时尚) and styles.I introduced myself to Sylvia Agins,telling her I was looking for a Mother's Day present.
              "Do you think she'd like a purse?"she asked.I told her.I thought she might.
              She took out an Italian handbag made of leather.She asked me what I thought,and I told her that my mom would like it.
              "How much money do you have?"she asked.
              "Twelve dollars,"I said.
              "You're in luck,"she told me."It's only﹩11.You have a dollar left over for the card."She gift-wrapped the purse and thanked me for my business,and I rode off home with the package under my arm.
              When my mother opened the gift the next Sunday morning,she asked in an accusing tone,"Where did you get this?"
              "I bought it at the Agins.It cost me﹩11."I said.
              My mother was shocked into silence.
              It wasn't until many years later,when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I appreciated just how wonderful Sylvia Agins had been to me.I always felt bad that I never had a chance to properly thank her.
              "You know,my son,what really amazes me to this day,"my mother said,"Letting you have the purse for just a few dollars was unbelievable enough.But the fact that she let you leave the store with a dollar for the card was a touch of kindness that I'll never forget."

              (1) The author bought his mother a purse to ______ .
              A. surprise his mother
              B. make his mother happy
              C. show his ability of making money
              D. thank his mother for buying him a bike
              (2) Why was the author's mother shocked into silence? ______
              A. She wasn't expecting a gift from her son.
              B. The purse was bought from the Agins.
              C. The author bought a card to go with the purse.
              D. The Agins charged so little money for the purse.
              (3) Sylvia Agins'behavior shows that ______ .
              A. she is good at making money
              B. she is kind and thoughtful
              C. she knows how to choose presents
              D. she is critical and mean
              (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? ______
              A. An Unforgettable Event
              B. A Considerate Mother
              C. A Priceless Mother's Day Gift
              D.Kind-hearted Shop Owner.
            • 2.
              Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of clinical(临床的)depression (沮丧).That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings.They show that individuals (个人) who live or work in low levels of light overnight (整夜) can develop clinical depression.Doctors use the word"clinical depression"to describe severe form of depression.Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities,low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.
              In the new study,American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors.The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal(夜行的),which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.
              The animals were separated into four groups.One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their night-time period.Another group was placed in front of a blue light,a third group slept in front of a white light,while a fourth was put in front of a red light.
              After four weeks,the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank.They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.
              Randy Nelson heads the Department of Neuroscience at Ohio State University.He says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed."What we saw is that these animals didn't show any sleep uneasiness (不安) at all but they did mess up biological clock genes and they did show depressive sign while if they were in the dim(微弱)red light,they did not."
              Randy Nelson notes that photosensitive(感光)cells in the eyes have little to do with eyesight.He says these cells send signals to the area of the brain that controls what has been called the natural sleep-wake cycle.
              He says there's a lot of blue in white light.This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness.

              (1) Researchers use hamsters in the experiment because ______ .
              A. they are similar to humans in dealing with colors
              B. they are easy to observe and study
              C. they are sensitive to colors like human beings
              D. they are active at night and sleep during the day
              (2) What sign shows that the hamsters are being depressed? ______
              A. They drink less sugary water.
              B. They don't sleep well.
              C. Their eyesight becomes worse.
              D. Their energy level becomes low.
              (3) What can help people who work late at night to avoid being depressed? ______
              A. Not being exposed to dim red light when using computers.
              B. Equipping their computer screens to put it more in the reddish light.
              C. Living or working in low levels of light overnight.
              D. Going to see doctors of clinical depression regularly for help.
            • 3.
              A young woman was driving through the lonely countryside.It was dark and raining.Suddenly,she saw an old woman by the side of the road,holding her hand out as if she wanted a lift.
              "I can't leave her out in this weather,"the woman said to herself.So she stopped the car and opened the door.
              "Do you want a lift?"she asked.The old woman nodded and climbed into the car.After a while,she said to the old woman,"Have you been waiting for a long time?"The old woman shook her head."Strange,"thought the young woman.She tried again."Bad weather for the time of year,"she said.The old woman nodded.No matter what she said,the hitchhiker (搭便车的人) gave no answer except for a nod of the head or a shrug.
              Then the young woman noticed the hitchhiker's hands which were large and hairy.
              Suddenly,she realized that the hitchhiker was actually a man!She stopped the car."I can't see out of the rear screen,"she said."Would you mind clearing it for me?"
              The hitchhiker nodded and opened the door.As soon as the hitchhiker was out of the car,the terrified young woman raced off.
              When she got to the next village she pulled up.She noticed that the hitchhiker had left his handbag behind.She picked it up and opened it.She gave a gasp-inside the bag was a gun.

              (1) The young woman stopped the car because ______ .
              A. "the old woman"asked her to
              B. she recognized"the old woman"
              C. she knocked"the old woman"down
              D. she wanted to help"the old woman"out in the bad weather
              (2) The young woman asked the hitchhiker to clear the rear screen because ______ .
              A. this was the way she thought of to get rid of him
              B. she couldn't see out of the rear screen
              C. the hitchhiker was very helpful
              D. the rear screen was covered with dirt
              (3) The hitchhiker left the bag with a gun in it behind because ______ .
              A. he wanted to give the young woman a warning
              B. he had not expected that the young woman would leave him behind in the rain
              C. it was his present for the young woman
              D. he wanted to kill the young woman with the gun
              (4) What might the man be? ______
              A. A policeman. B. A soldier. C. A robber. D. An actor.
            • 4.
              When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London,a poet described her paintings as"a ribbon (丝带) around a bomb".Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time.Sadly,she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.
              Born in 1907in a village near Mexico City,Kahlo suffered from polio (小儿麻痹症) at the age of seven.Her spine (脊柱) became bent as she grew older.Then,in 1925,her back was broken in several places in a schoolbus accident.Throughout the rest of her life,the artist had many operations,but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back.However,the accident had an unexpected side effect.While lying in her bed recovering,Kahlo taught herself to paint.
              In 1929,she got married to Diego Rivera,another famous Mexican artist.Rivera's strong influences on Kahlo's style can be seen in her early works,but her later works from the 1940s,known today as her best works,show less influence from her husband.
              Unfortunately,her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and 1940s,even in her home country.Her first onewoman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954,Kahlo's works remained largely unnoticed by the world,but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

              (1) What does the underlined phrase"a much bigger name"in Paragraph 1most nearly mean? ______
              A. a far better artist
              B. a far more gifted artist
              C. a much stronger person
              D. a much more famous person
              (2) The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by ______ .
              A. polio    B. her bent spine
              C. back injuries D. the operations she had
              (3) What is the author's attitude toward Kahlo? ______
              A. Devotion. B. Sympathy. C. Worry. D. Encouragement.
            • 5.
              In the fall of 1985,I was a brighteyed girl going to Howard University,aiming at a law career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere.Twentyone years later I am still a brighteyed dreamer and one with quite a different story to tell.
              My grandma,an amazing woman,graduated from college at the age of 65.She was the first in our family to reach that goal.But one year after I started college,she developed cancer.I made the choice to leave college to care for her.It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.
              Then I got married with another dream:building my family with a mix of adopted (收养) and biological children.In 1999,we adopted our first son.To put eyes on him was wonderful-and very emotional.A year later came our second adopted boy then followed son No.3in 2003,I gave birth to another boy.
              You can imagine how fully occupied I became,raising four boys under the age of 8.Our home was a complete zoo-a joyous zoo.Not surprising,I never did make it back to college fulltime.But I never gave up on the dream either.I had only one choice:to find a way.That meant taking as few as one class each term.
              The hardest part was feeling sorry about the time I spent away from the boys.They often wanted me to stay home with them.There certainly were times I wanted to give up,but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.
              In 2007,I graduated from the University of North Carolina.It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!
              I am not special,just singleminded.It always struck me that when you are looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge,but when you are in the middle of it,it just seems normal.Everything you want won't arrive in your life on one day.It's a process (过程).Remember:little steps add up to big dreams.

              (1) When the author went to Howard University,her dream was to be ______ .
              A. a judge B. a teacher C. a writer D. a doctor
              (2) Why did the author give up school in her second year of college? ______
              A. She wanted to study by herself.
              B. She fell in love and got married.
              C. She suffered from a serious illness.
              D. She decided to look after her grandma.
              (3) What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5? ______
              A. She was busy yet happy with her family life.
              B. She ignored her sorry feeling for her sons.
              C. She wanted to remain a fulltime housewife.
              D. She was too confused to make a correct choice.
              (4) What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph? ______
              A. Failure is the mother of success.
              B. Little by little,one goes far.
              C. Every coin has two sides.
              D. Well begun,half done.
            • 6.
              Daniel was born in New Orleans,LA.,in 1962,slow to walk and talk,and short.He was the tiniest in his class,but he developed a warm,outgoing nature and was popular with his peers(同龄人).And he became skillful at sports.
              Baseball gave him his earliest challenge.He was an excellent players in Little League.At graduation,the coach named Daniel the team's most valuable player.
              His finest hour,though,came at a school science meeting.He entered an exhibit explaining how the circulatory system works.It was traditional,especially compared to(与…相比)the modern,computerized,blinking-light models entered by other students.My wife,Sara,felt embarrassed for him.
              It turned out that the other kids had made their exhibits.As the judges went on their rounds,they found that these other kids couldn't answer their questions.Daniel answered every one.When the judges awarded the Albert Einstein Plague for the best exhibit,they gave it to him.
              By the time Daniel left for college he stood six feet tall and weighed 170pounds.He was in superb condition,but he quit baseball for English literature.I was sorry that he would not develop his athletic talent,but proud that he had made such a satisfactory decision.
              One day I told Daniel that the great failing in my life had been that I didn't take a year or two off to travel when I finished college.This is the best way,to my way of thinking,to broaden oneself.Once I had married and begun working,I found that the dream of living in another culture had disappeared.Daniel thought about this.After graduation,he worked as a waiter at college,a bike messenger and a house painter.With the money he earned,he had enough to go to Paris.
              The night before he was to leave,I tossed in bed.I was trying to figure out something to say.Nothing came to mind.Maybe,I thought,it wasn't necessary to say anything.

              (1) How can we describe little Daniel? ______
              A. He was thin and tall.
              B. He was slow in his study.
              C. He was good at basketball.
              D. He got on well with his classmates.
              (2) Why was Daniel's mother upset about his exhibit? ______
              A. Because it was not to the taste of the judges.
              B. Because it was computerized.
              C. Because it was designed by his father.
              D. Because it was attractive.
              (3) How did the author feel about the major(专业)Daniel chose at college? ______
              A. Angry. B. Satisfied. C. Disappointed. D. Astonished.
              (4) What can we infer according to Paragraph 6? ______
              A. Daniel will study in Paris.
              B. Daniel dropped out of college.
              C. What the author said impressed Daniel greatly.
              D. Daniel worked hard to pay off the money he borrowed.
            • 7.
              As a young man,Tom was a famous artist with a wife and two fine sons.One night,his older son was ill.Tom and his wife thought it was nothing serious.But the boy died suddenly that night.After his son died,Tom always felt very sad.To make matters worse,his wife also left him later,leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son.Emie.Sadly,he turned to alcohol for help.As time went by,Tom began to lose everything he had-his land,house,etc.A few months later,Tom passed away alone in a small bar.Hearing of Tom's death,I thought,"What a complete failure!"
              But later,I began to change my earlier opinion.I knew Tom's son,Emie,who is an adult now.He is one of the kindest,most caring men.I saw the love between Emie and his children.And I thought that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.One day,I asked him what made him become such a special person.Emie said quietly,"My father came into my room every night,gave me a kiss and said,"I love you,son."Hearing his words,I understood everything.Tom didn't leave many things behind.But he had been a kind loving father,and left behind his best love.

              (1) How many sons did Tom have? ______
              A. One.
              B. Two.
              C. Three.
              D. Four.
              (2) What did the author think of Tom when he heard of his death? ______
              A. Tom was a lazy man.
              B. Tom was a hard-working man.
              C. Tom was an unsuccessful father.
              D. Tom liked drinking too much.
              (3) What happened to Tom's wife later? ______
              A. She died.
              B. She went to work.
              C. She was mad.
              D. She was ill.
              (4) Where did Emie's kindness and caring come from? ______
              A. His father's love.
              B. His mother's love.
              C. His own hard work.
              D. His parent's hard work.
            • 8.
              Just what is a tiger mother?Amy Chua is a law professor at America's Yale University and her recent book on the subject is making waves.She's been called"dangerous","outrageous",even a"monster"for her descriptions of how she brought up her two daughters.
              Her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother describes fighting with a daughter for hours at the piano to ensure the child gets a piece of music right.She rejected birthday cards made for her by her girls because she didn't think they had made enough efforts.She compared one child negatively with the other,threatening to burn their toys.Her rules include:schoolwork always comes first; an A-minus is a bad grade; children must be two years ahead of their classmates in math,and playing the violin or the piano is a must.
              Ms.Chua considers the Chinese hard work ethic as a way of creating happy,successful children-at least in her case.Although she's had a large amount of flak for her theories,one thing can't be ignored-the success of Chinese children in the education system.
              In Britain,shocking research shows that Chinese girls,for example,are outperforming all other foreign groups at GCSE-79percent getting 5AC Grades,compared with 58 percent of white British girls.So what is it about Chinese parenting that's leading to high achievers?And how do Amy Chua's theories play into that success?
              She told me that if her daughter came back from school with 96/100 in a test,Chua would ask her what happened to the other4points.It's about always knowing"you can do better",she told me.
              Interestingly,in China,the birthplace of the tiger mother,people are moving away from traditional Chinese parenting.They are following more western parenting styles.

              (1) After reading Amy Chua's recent book,the public ______ .
              A. feel very sorry for their own children
              B. consider her a very successful mother
              C. realize their methods of bringing up children are wrong
              D. don't think highly of her methods of bringing up her children
              (2) What can we learn about Amy Chua according to Paragraph 2? ______
              A. She is very strict with her children.
              B. She doesn't think her children are clever.
              C. She is very interested in playing the piano.
              D. She knows playing is important to children.
              (3) Paragraph 4shows that ______ .
              A. Chinese parents don't think grades are very important
              B. Chinese children are cleverer than British children
              C. Chinese parents are proud of their children
              D. Chinese children do well in their study
              (4) The underlined word"flak"in the third paragraph probably means" ______ ".
              A. attention      B. criticism
              C. curiosity D. contribution.
            • 9.
              Mrs.Williams has been in a small street in London for ten years,and now she had a new neighbour from Manchester.Her name was Mrs.Briggs,and she talked a lot about her expensive Italian furniture,her beautiful Persian carpets and her new kitchen.
              "Do you know,"she aid to Mrs.Williams one day,"I've got a new dishwasher.It washes the plates and glasses and knives and forks beautifully."
              "Oh?"Mrs.Williams answered."And does it dry them and put them in the cupboard,too?"
              Mrs.Briggs was surprised."Well,"she answered,"the things in the machine are dry after an hour,but it doesn't put them away,of course."
              "I've had a dishwasher for twelve years,"Mrs.Williams said.
              "Oh?"Mrs.Briggs answered,"And does yours put the things in the cupboard when it has washed them?"
              She burst into laughter."Yes,he does,"Mrs.Williams answered."He dries the dishes and puts them away."

              (1) We can know that ______ .
              A. Mrs.Williams wants to buy something from Mrs.Briggs
              B. Mrs.Williams works together with Mrs.Briggs
              C. Mrs.Williams is the mother of Mrs.Briggs
              D. Mrs.Williams lives next to Mrs.Briggs
              (2) Why was Mrs.Briggs surprised? ______
              A. Because her dishwasher can do its work so beautifully.
              B. Because her dishwasher can't put dishes in the cupboard.
              C. Because she has never heard of such a dishwasher before.
              D. Because she has the same dishwasher as one of Mrs.Williams'.
              (3) We can infer(推断) that Mrs.Williams has been married for ______ .
              A. 10years B. 12years C. 1hour D. No mentioned
              (4) Mrs.Williams'dishwasher is ______ in fact.
              A. herself
              B. a new-designed machine
              C. Mr.Williams
              D. an old-style dishwasher.
            • 10.
              In January 2015,I left my hometown and family in Virginia and moved to Iowa so I could be coached by Jackson.I'd been dreaming of an Olympic gold medal since I was eight-but gradually,that dream seemed like a million miles away.
              On February 2,2016,while Mom was visiting me in Iowa,I told her,"I don't like swimming any more.I want to try dancing,or become a singer.I can get a job in Virginia.I just want to come home."
              Mom's eyes narrowed and her expression turned to stone."You're breaking my heart!Brie,"she said."You've been doing swimming for ten years,and now you want to quit?Have you lost your mind?"
              I hadn't lost my mind,but I had lost my fire.It's an entirely different thing to push toward that dream when you feel alone.
              "I'm not trying to break your heart,Mom,"I said."I just don't want to do it any more."
              "I know you miss home.But you've signed a contract that says you will represent your country to the best of your ability.You've got a responsibility to your teammates.And now you just want to walk away?I will not let you be dishonorable.If you don't like swimming,then at the very least,you'll finish the season."
              The next afternoon as I dragged myself into Jackson's swimming center,I thought of the efforts Mom had made in order to pay for my training.I thought of my two sisters:Arielle,who gave up ballroom dancing,and Joyelle,who stopped ice skating so that our single mom could afford to keep me in swimming.
              For now,here's what you need to know:Exactly 210 days before I ever attempted my first event(赛事)in the Rio Summer Olympics,my leap of faith came this close to ending in a crash of disaster.

              (1) How did the author's mother feel toward her intention to quit swimming? ______
              A. Heart-broken
              B. Dishonorable
              C. Helpless
              D. Calm
              (2) We can infer from the passage that the author ______ .
              A. changed her mind in the end
              B. realized her Olympic dream
              C. loved singing and dancing more
              D. was so overcome with homesickness that she gave up her dream
              (3) What would be the best title for the passage? ______
              A. My Dream B. My Mother
              C. My Leap of Faith D. Responsibility
              (4) Who will be interested in the passage? ______
              A. Those who are graduating from university.
              B. Those who want to give up dreams.
              C. Those who are looking for customers.
              D. Those who dislike swimming.
