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            • 1.

              Computer games are popular all around the world. Many people   (1)   these games on the Internet. Games look more and more   (2)   as computer technology improves. Many people describe playing computer games as   (3)  anew world. Some games let people   (4)   their own cities. Some games take people on journeys. Other games allow people to talk over the Internet.

              Gaming can   (5)   many positive effects. It can help people make friends, learn to solve problems and make decisions. It can   (6)   help improve eye and hand movement. However, gaming can become a   (7)  .

              People addicted (沉溺) to computer games will find themselves   (8)   playing all the time. And this can   (9)   neglect (忽视). People with a gaming addiction often   (10)   their studies, work, sleep, relationships, food, and family. They are often unable to   (11)   the amount of time they play. And uncontrolled playing can lead to other problems like debt. Many gaming addicts spend all their   (12)   on gaming.

                (13)  , there have been far worse cases of gaming addiction. It was reported that a man died while playing an Internet computer game   (14)   he had been playing the same game for 50 hours with few   (15)  .

              Today, many more governments and doctors are trying to solve the problem of gaming addiction. More people are learning about the problem. More people are getting   (16)  . And more people are changing their lives. Some people might blame the game   (17)   for creating the problem of gaming addiction. However, some people think   (18)  .

              “It would be easy for me to blame the game,   (19)   I know that was not the problem. I ran away from my problems. I   (20)  inan Internet world instead of directly working to solve my problems,” a game addict said.

            • 2.

              Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are   (1)   than housewives. Evidence shows that the   (2)   are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows that   (3)   the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. All this comes down to one point: Work is helpful to health.

                  Why is work good for health? It is because work   (4)   people busy,   (5)    loneliness and solitude(独居). Researches show that people feel unhappy,   (6)   and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are   (7)  . Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as a   (8)   between man and reality. By work, people   (9)   with each other. By collective activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work   (10)   the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and   (11)   him liable(likely to be affected by)to disease.

                    (12)   , work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of   (13)  . Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a   (14)   finishes his writing or a doctor successfully __55__ on a patient or a teacher sees his students   (15)  , they are happy   (16)   words.

                  From the above we can   (17)   to the conclusion that the more you work, the   (18)   and healthier you will be. Let us work hard, study well and   (19)   a happy and healthy life.

            • 3.

              A prank is naughty behavior that is at most scolded if it gets too much. This is   (1)  three Chinese students studying in California in the US described what they had done.
              Zhai Yunyao, Yang Yuhan and Zhang Xinlei, all 19, called it a “prank” when they took their classmate Liu Yiran to a park where “Liu was … beaten, spat on,   (2)  with cigarettes and forced to eat her own hair during a five-hour attack”,   (3)  the Associated Press.

              However, their “prank” in March 2015 was   (4)  a crime in the US. The punishment was years in prison for kidnapping and assault. Zhai was  (5)   to 13 years in prison, Yang to 10 years and Zhang to six years on Feb 17. They will be sent back to China   (6)   serving their sentences, reported The Los Angeles Times.

              The bullying case has caused quite a discussion in China where school bullying is not   (7)  but is seldom considered a crime. According to a survey done by China Youth Daily in July last year, 73.3 percent of the 1,002   (8)   said they had experienced or seen bullying cases at school.
              However,   (9)   offenders receive proper punishment. In most of the cases, offenders only get criticism from schools. Offenders under 14 have no criminal   (10)  . Those aged between 14 and 16 usually get a light punishment only when they  (11)  serious crimes like murder and rape, according to China’s laws.

              “The articles about protecting minors have started to get  (12)  punishing school bullies,” commented an article in Bandao Metropolis Daily. “Some bullies even use the laws as a shield for their violent   (13)   .”

              In   (14)   , the US is quite tough on bullying.
              A(n)   (15)  of 46 of the 50 US states now have their own anti-bullying laws, according to the US Department of Education. Bullying, according to those anti-bullying laws,  (16)   not only direct physical contact like hitting, but also verbal assaults like name-calling.
              Also, judges in the US have the right to   (17)   minor offenders as adults if the cases are serious or if they have criminal records.

              China could learn from the US,   (18)   its legal system to stop bullying, some people have suggested. Huang Zhiyuan, a procurator at the Henan People’s Procuratorate, advocated lowering the criminal age in Procuratorate Daily. Li Fangchao of China Daily advised China to make a   (19)   anti-bullying law.

              A more profound message the case showed to us is that “the common tolerant  (20)   toward bullying should be changed”, commented Jiaxing Daily. “When teenagers do something wrong, we should tolerate and help them when necessary. But all of these have a limit.”

            • 4.

                     People give gifts in almost all societies. Gifts  41  festivals and other important events . Some gifts are expensive, or they may take months to create. Others are of less  42 , such as birthday cards.

                     Gift giving is often a process of exchange (交换过程).  43  you receive a birthday gift from someone, that person usually  44  a birthday gift from you  45 . In some cultures, there are some rules about gift exchange. In Pakistan, for example, there is a tradition called “taking giving.” It  46  this way: You give the newly-married couple a gift, and they “repay” you with a gift of higher value. Then you give the couple  47  gift. This one should be worth the difference between the first two gifts. The gift exchange continues,  48  the same way.

                     In many ancient cultures, people made  49  to their leaders to show their loyalty (忠诚). The Nubians in ancient Egypt are a good  50 . They brought gold to the Egyptian kings. Traditions like these  51  today in some parts of the world. In parts of Africa, for example, farmers may give gifts to the local leaders to  52  them for protection.

                     Today presidents  53  bring gifts when they  54  a foreign leader. Leaders bring gifts to strengthen relationships between  55 , not to stress (强调) the power of the gift receiver.

                     Gifts can  56  send special messages. For example, gifts can tell people that we are thinking of them and that we want them to feel  57 . Sometimes a gift makes us remember the giver. The gift keeps the  58  of a special person and a special relationship alive.

                     ​There is no doubt about the good side of gift giving. That is why some people don’t  59  the idea that modern gift giving is very wasteful. It is  60  that there is an emotional benefit (情感好处) for people who exchange gifts. That is surely enough of a reason for the tradition to continue.

            • 5.

              These days everyone wants to “get rich” overnight. We all   (1)   marrying someone from a wealthy family, making a lot of   (2)  ,or winning the lottery (彩票). But do these things really make us happy? Many of the richest celebrities (名人) happen to be some of the most   (3)   people. They buy expensive houses and clothes that they   (4)   use. They may become   (5)   and even become addicted to   (6)  . They have become so focused on money and material things that they forget about the people and activities they   (7)  .

                 Now, more young people have the opportunity for a better education, and better chances of making a high   (8)  . These are great achievements,  (9)   will they make you happy? In the US many young people believe that being rich and being happy are two  (10)   things. When attending university, they often choose to study subjects that they are   (11)   rather than subjects that will get them   (12)   jobs. Instead of majoring in “business” or “management”,many American students today have majors like “theater” or “modern dance”. The   (13)   is that making a lot of money doesnˈt mean that you will be satisfied with your   (14)  . Nowadays, young people are   (15)  careers that they love doing rather than careers that pay well.

                I think thatas being   (16)   becomes more possible, we need to   (17)   what the term “fortune” really means. Do we need to have money and material things to be fortunate? Or does   (18)   just mean having what we need to be happy?   (19)  ,what things make you happy? Be honest with yourself. It may take   (20)   arich spouse(配偶)or much money to make you happy!

            • 6.

              Should students wear school uniforms(校服) or not?

              People might think that I am old fashioned   I think    school uniforms at school is a good idea. A school uniform helps us feel part of a group. For example, when our school football team plays with school team, the players will feel    to see all their school friends wearing the school colors.

              Nowadays, when a school does not have its    uniform, many students wear very fashionable clothes to school. Some are    trying to show others that they have the coolest clothes in the school. I think this is wrong!    we look is not as important as   we learn at school. Why should we need to wear these kinds of clothes to school when the aim of going to school is to learn? If we want to look fashionable all the time, we will have to change our clothes every day. We come to school five times a week. This means new clothes all the . Won’t it be expensive to be fashionable?

              students, we exercise and do sport all the time. We need clothes that are comfortable and do not need    care, but fashionable clothes are usually difficult to . I always play football with my friends after school. I would prefer a cotton shirt and cotton shorts   some fashionable clothes. I guess my mother be happy if I played football   an expensive shirt.

              It is true that some school uniforms look very  . Many of them are made up of a shirt and trousers for boys, and a blouse and a shirt or a dress for girls. They are usually in boring colors like grey, black, white and brown as   . I am also a teenager like you who like bright colors and fashionable clothes. However, we should    on our studies during this important time of our lives.

            • 7.

              The British are the most voracious (求知欲强烈的) newspaper readers in the world. They read newspapers at   (1)  ; they walk to the bus reading a newspaper; they read a newspaper on the   (2)   as they go to work; and on the way back home, after work, they read an evening   (3)  .

                  There are many daily newspapers in   (4)  . All the nine national daily newspapers are   (5)  in London, and all appear every   (6)   except on Sundays. Most sell more than a million   (7)   a day and cost about three pence each.   (8)  the daily newspapers, there are a number of Sunday newspapers, many of which are   (9)  with the “dailies”. The Sunday papers are larger than the daily papers and are usually read for their   (10)  and other special long articles rather than their news reports.

                  Of all the “morning papers”, the most   (11)  is The Times, which is not a government newspaper. The various newspapers usually have their own views on politics,   (12)   they are not organs (机构) of the political parties,   (13)  the Communist Morning Star. It is free for a newspaper to say exactly what it   (14)  about anybody or anything, though, of course,   (15)  newspapers are responsible for what they publish.

                   However, it is true of some British papers, especially the Sunday papers, that in order to   (16)  more readers they have become vulgar (庸俗的). The main headlines have nothing to do with   (17)  news at all. And there are a few, especially The Times, the Guardian and the Observer, which are of the greatest importance in both guiding and expressing the free   (18)  of very important people.

                  Nearly all papers pay special attention to the   (19)  of sports and games. The evening newspapers are often bought because the reader wants to know the winner of a race, or to get a good trip for a   (20)  that is still to be run.

            • 8.

               Giving Back

                  The sad thing is that in today’s society people don’t perform these acts of kindness anymore, because they’re not receiving anything in return. With the holidays  (1)   the thought of some people being   (2)  in the streets with nothing to eat or no shelter really makes me  (3)  , so I decided to take action and make some people’s life a little  (4)  . The weekend right after Thanksgiving I decided to go out to the store and make about 10 packages that would help the less   (5)  . I drove myself to Walmart and bought something to eat or use and made them into little care   (6)  . I then drove to downtown in search of people who donˈt have a roof over their heads and have to   (7)   in the streets as the   (8)  weather approaches. Seeing the   (9)  on their faces as I approached them with the care package was probably one of the most   (10)  feelings ever, it feels great to be able to put a  (11)  on someone’s face without expecting anything   (12)  from them. As they ask for help in the streets and most people just   (13)  them and never do anything to help them. It’s not good to judge someone’s situation if you don’t know  (14)  they have been through in their past. In my opinion, everyone should try to think that those people are   (15)  too. Giving back is my way of   (16)  how lucky I am to have the life that I do. Most of the time we don’t know what brings people to the “   (17)   life” but   (18)   it is, it’s none of our business and if someone is trying to become a better person or just trying to survive, I say we lend a    (19)  to those in need. Go out there and give back, appreciate everything you have and never take anything for granted because there’s people out there who have practically   (20)  

            • 9.

              Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently surprised Chinese students when he spoke to them in Chinese. In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes. Although his Mandarin was far from perfect, students and faculty cheered his   (1)  .Zuckerberg’s talk raises a large question: is Chinese the language of the future? Could it   (2)  English as the world’s international language? Mandarin Chinese already has the   (3)   native speakers of any language. And, China may soon   (4)   the United States as the world’s largest economy.

              The   (5)   of the Chinese language is increasing in the United States and around the world. A small but growing number of American parents are even   (6)   their children to bilingual Chinese immersion schools. Leianne Clements has no cultural connection to China,   (7)   her children are learning Chinese at the Yu Ying Public Charter School in Washington D.C. Ms. Clements thinks knowing Chinese could give her children a competitive   (8)  .

              Clayton Dube, head of the U.S.-China Institute at the University of Southern California, thinks Chinese will grow in   (9)  , especially for people who want to work and do business in China. “As China rises you can expect that more people will   (10)   the language. But is China going to replace English? I don’t think so—certainly not in my   (11)  , probably not in the next two, three, four generations.”

              Dube says American pop culture is one reason for English’s   (12)   as a foreign language. “American movies, music, television, video games have   (13)   audiences ... So far China’s success in this field has been very   (14)  . Chinese films, Chinese television shows, Chinese music doesn’t have a huge following outside of China.”

              Andres Martinez, a professor at Arizona State University, says that he   (15)   Chinese culture and expects the language to grow. But he says English, unlike Chinese, is not just   (16)   with one country, and will remain the global language.

              Chinese is also a more difficult language to learn. The U.S. Foreign Service Institute estimates it would take a   (17)   English speaker 2,200 hours to reach professional fluency in Chinese. That is four times   (18)   than it would take to reach the same level in Dutch, French, or Spanish.   (19)  Chinese grammar is much simpler, Chinese has a tone and writing system that is more difficult for adult learners to master.

              A recent survey by Gallup showed that only one in four Americans is able to speak more than one language. For most Americans, Brits, and Australians, learning a foreign language is a(n)   (20)  , not a necessary thing.

            • 10.
