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            • 1.

              My 20-year-old daughter, Allison, who has her own apartment in Philadelphia, sent me a text the other day: “I need socks and shampoo.” I laughed and texted back, “I need deodorant and coffee filters.” I had a fleeting thought that she was   (1)   asking me to pick some items for her, but I   (2)   to think she was playing a cell phone game. I   (3)   not to be a helicopter parent. My experience as a mother and professor has taught me that it won't    (4)  .

              Instead, I prefer a more hands-off   (5)  . After Allison turned 18, I no longer had any    (6)   to know her work and life schedule.

              But that’s not what I   (7)   at Drexel University where I teach. Most of my students talk to their   (8)   three times a day or more. One students’ mother called when she didn’t   (9)   from him for a few days. He was in the library so he   (10)  , “Hello.” She accused him of being drunk,   (11)   it was about10 a.m. on Tuesday, and   (12)   that he take a picture of himself holding a newspaper with that day’s   (13)   on it and send it to her.

              I’ve always treated my students as independent beings, telling them on the first day of the new term that I will not   (14)   up on their missed classes or assignments. I am getting them to become independent thinkers and take responsibility for their   (15)  .

              But their parents don’t   (16)   them like me. I know a mother who watches the surveillance cams (监控摄像) at her child's school for hours, hoping he will walk   (17)   the camera. However, my daughters only come to me with stuff that’s more   (18)   than a late-night pizza purchase, and I think that’s because I give them space.

              Many parents try to find if their kids are   (19)   from them. But we have to learn to respect others’ privacy and independence,   (20)   when technology is so powerful. So I am going to do my best not to be a helicopter parent.

            • 2.

              Boys’ schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music.

              Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity(男子气概),the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to be consistent to a stereotype(传统观念),a US study says.

              Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their abilities to express their emotions,rather than feeling they had to obey the“boy code”of hiding their emotions to be a “real man”.

              The findings of the study are against the received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.

              Tony Little,headmaster of Eton,warned that boys were being ignored by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls.He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.

              The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.

              But in single-sex schools teachers can adjust lessons to boys’ learning style,letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom,wrote the study’s author, Abigail James of the University of Virginia.

              Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with “boy-focused” approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them.Because boys generally have sharper vision,learn best through touch, and are physically more active,they need to be given “hands-on”lessons where they are allowed to walk around.“ Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine(女性的)and prefer the modern type in which violence and sexism are major themes.” James wrote.

              Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to give in to a stereotype that men should be “masterful and in charge” in relationships.“ In mixed schools boys feel pressed to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means.” the study reported.

            • 3.

              The newspaper must provide for the reader the facts, pure, unprejudiced, objectively selected facts. But in these days of complex news it must provide more; it must supply interpretation, the meaning of the facts. This is the most important assignment facing American journalists—to make clear to the reader the problems of the day, to make international news understandable as community news, to recognize that there is no longer any such thing as“local”news, because any event in the international area has a local reaction in the financial market, political circles, in terms, indeed, of our very way of life.

              There is in journalism a widespread view that when you start an interpretation, you are entering dangerous waters, the rushing tides of opinion. This is nonsense.

              The opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor shall limit himself to the “facts”. This insistence raises two questions. What are the facts? And: Are the bare facts enough?

              As for the first question, consider how a so­called“factual”story comes about. The reporter collects, say, fifty facts; out of these fifty, his space being necessarily restricted, he selects the ten which he considers most important. This is Judgment Number One. Then he or his editor decides which of these ten facts shall hold the lead of the piece. This is Judgment Number Two. Then the night editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one, where it has a large influence, or on page twenty­four, where it has little. Judgment Number Three.

              Thus in the presentation of a so­called“factual”or“objective” story, at least three judgments are involved. And they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation, in which reporter and editor, calling upon their research resources, their general background, and their“news neutralism(中立)”,arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news.

              The two areas of judgment, presentation of the news and its interpretation, are both objective rather than subjective processes—as objective, that is, as any human being can be. If an editor is determined to give a prejudiced view of the news, he can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation. He can do it by the selection of those facts that support his particular viewpoint. Or he can do it by the place he gives a story—promoting it to page one or dragging it to page thirty.

            • 4. If you are in a crowd,the first and most important thing is to make yourself familiar with your surroundings and mentally notice alternate exits.(16) ______
              Make yourself aware of the type of ground you are standing on,and know that in a crowd of moving people wet or uneven ground can be slippery or hazardous,causing you to fall.
              (17) ______ When in danger,a few seconds can make all the difference,giving you the possibility of taking advantage of escaping route.Always stay closer to the escape route.
              If you find yourself in the middle of a moving crowd,do not fight against the pressure,do not stand still or sit down,because you could easily get trampled.(18) ______
              Take advantage of any space that may open up to move sideways to the crowd movement where the flow is weaker.
              Keep your hands up by your chest,like a boxer-it gives you movement and protects your chest.(19) ______ If you cannot get up because you are injured,get someone to pull you back up.If you have kids,lift them up.
              If you fall and cannot get up,keep moving by crawling in the same direction of the crowd,or if that is not possible,then cover your head with your arms and curl up into fetal position.(20) ______
              A.Be aware of the general atmosphere of the event,as panic situations can often be expected.
              B.There is always space between people.
              C.Do not lie on your stomach or back,as this dangerously exposes your lungs.
              D.The worst is to be pushed by the crowd against an immovable object
              E.If you fall,get up quickly.
              F.No matter where you are,make sure you always know how to get out.
              G.Instead,move in the same direction of the crowd.
            • 5. Part of the challenge in becoming better at a teaching job is getting to know the range of tools available.The following information focuses on what materials and equipment are available to make language teaching more effective.
              The dictionary
              The dictionary is a very handy tool.(36) ______ But sometimes,it can be in a large enough size to sit down for dinner at!They can be in hard or soft covers,corpus or non-corpus based,in book,pocket computer or CD-ROM form.
              The board
              The board is another standard piece of equipment that we may use often.There are all sort s of boards,such as flannel boards and black and green boards.(37) ______ Whiteboards of all sizes,from no bigger than a poster to those covering an entire wall,can be available in the market.
              The box of rods
              Apart from the above two common tools,the rods are slightly more unusual in the tool box.Manufactured by the Cuisenaire Company and originally used for teaching maths,rods are little sticks in ten different colors.(38) ______
              The picture pack
              (39) ______ You can select them for their beauty,strangeness,humor or other reasons.A picture pack can be used to review vocabulary,play guessing game,create stories and so on.(40) ______
              The music tape
              Music is universal.Ask students to listen with their eyes closed and see what mental pictures they get.Not only can it create a good learning environment,but also it makes students more imaginative.

              A.Collect about 50pictures cut from magazines.
              B.Whiteboards are particularly used most.
              C.Dictionary is very important in learning language.
              D.Usually,dictionaries can be in a small pocket size.
              E.In this way,students can study more effectively.
              F.A picture pack is lightweight and portable.
              G.Later,they became popular in language teaching.
            • 6. Creating a good study environment takes a little planning.It is well worth the time as the end result will be much productive study time.Many people fail to do this and wonder why they cannot concentrate.After a couple of times of studying the right way,most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying.(16) ______
              Know that concentration is the key.Reduce every possible distraction.Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people.(17) ______ If you are studying on your computer,don't get distracted by emails and social networking sites.
              (18) ______ If it is too dim(暗),your eyes will be strained and leave you tired and wanting to close your eyes.Sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think.
              Choose a comfortable seat.(19) ______ Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don't find yourself laying flat after a few minutes.The whole point of studying is to be able to concentrate on the study matter and not on a sore back.
              (20) ______ Now this is for the person who needs the background noise to tone out all the little noises of life going on.If you find yourself thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you.
              Keep something to drink and snack on close by to keep your blood sugar stable.Obviously sugary foods will give you a quick rush but you will also have a quick low afterward.
              A.Learn more to make study environment different.
              B.Turn on some music.
              C.If you can,turn off your cell phone.
              D.Find a place that is proper to read.
              E.It should have a good back support and a good feeling.
              F.Some people can study with lots of activities going on.
              G.Read on to learn how to create a good study environment.
            • 7. Whether or not to go university will probably be the biggest educational decision you ever make.After battling with student finance,deciding whether or not to take a year out can be as terrifying as deciding where to move to for the three years.
              Some students will have planned their year out for months,but,for others,slipped grades may force a gap year (间隔年),either to retake exams or to apply to different universities.Others might just need time to think.Thankfully,for U.K.Students,taking a gap year remains a good option and it can be one of the most productive and fulfilling years of their life.
              Whether you've planned and budgeted for a year abroad,or have made a last-minute decision to delay your first year,the options are endless.Traveling,volunteering and so on are all there for the talking,With so many things on offer,it's important to remember that 12months won't be enough time to do all of them,so decide early and work towards making whatever you want to do a reality.
              Researching a gap year is exciting,and often the place to start is at home.Family and fiends can be a great source of inspiration.Your school or college might fully equipped to advise you on what to do when further education is on hold.Don't understimate(低估)the power of the Internet,either.Typing a"gap year"into a search engine might seem too obvious,but planning to travel around the world for months on your own is not appropriate.
              To stay at home or go abroad is likely to be the first question you consider,but in this era of budget flights,doing both is practicable.A European inter-rail ticket(火车票)can be as little as£159.For those loving traveling,they must be on the special watchfulness for tricks in the process.Agencies can organize your year abroad for you,and often,it is more effective to make the bookings through the agencies.But flights and other forms of transport within Asia and America are much cheaper when bought in the countries rather than bought in advance.

            • 8.

              Scientists have exactly discovered the set of brain cells involved in making risky decisions, and have been able to control them in rats using targeted light. By changing the activity of the cells they were able to change the behaviour of risk-taking rats to avoid risk, hinting the approach could in future be used to treat people with impulse (冲动) control problems.

              Risk-taking is a key part of survival, knowing when to take a chance could pay off—such as moving to a new area to look for food when pickings are slim.

              While all animals need an element of risk, the preference towards it varies between individuals. Researchers found this variation, which determines how risk-averse an individual is, is regulated by brain cells in a region of the brain called the nucleus accumbens. This cluster of neurons releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which regulates the brain’s reward and pleasure centres.

              Previous studies have shown that in patients with Parkinson’s disease, taking medication which blocks specific dopamine receptors (DR2) (受体) leads to increased gambling (赌博) behaviour and risk taking behaviour. In studies with rats, researchers were able to use a technique called optogenetics (光遗传学)—which uses light sensitive proteins to change the activity of cells—to modify cells with DR 2 in the nucleus accumbens.

              Rats were trained to choose one of two levers, offering them a choice between a “safe” or “risky” choice. The safe option resulted in a small, but consistent amount of a sugar water treat. But the risky choice consistently delivered smaller amounts of sugar water, with the occasional large pay off—essentially encouraging the animals to gamble for a bigger prize. Around two-thirds of the animals weren’t keen on risk, opting for the safe option, but the remaining third were risk-seekers. Brain scans of the animals showed that those with low levels of DR2 consistently went for the gamble.

              But using pulses of light to stimulate (刺激) the DR2 cells and improve their activity could cause the risk-takers to play it safe and opt for the guaranteed but less rewarding option. Once the light-pulses stopped, the risk-takers returned to their gambling strategy.

              In the risk-averse animals, stimulating the same cells had little to no effect.

              Professor Karl Deisseroth, of Stanford University in California, said: “Humans and rats have similar brain structures involved.”And we found a drug known to increase risk preference in people had the same effect on the rats. So every indication is that these findings are relevant to humans. “Risky behavior has its moments where it’s valuable. As a species, we wouldn’t have come as far as we have without it.”

            • 9. The Bystander Effect
              The term bystander effect refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present,the less likely people are to help a person in distress.When an emergency situation occurs,observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses.Being part of a large crowd makes it so no single person has to take responsibility for an action (or inaction).
              The most frequently cited example of the bystander effect in introductory psychology textbooks is the brutal murder of a young woman named Catherine"Kitty"Genovese.On Friday,March 13,1964,28-year-old Genovese was returning home from work.As she approached her apartment entrance,she was attacked and stabbed by a man later identified as Winston Moseley.
              Despite Genovese's repeated calls for help,none of the dozen or so people in the nearby apartment building who heard her cries called police to report the incident.The attack first began at 3:20AM,but it was not until 3:50AM that someone first contacted police.
              While Genovese's case has been subject to numerous misrepresentations and inaccuracies,there have been numerous other cases reported in recent years.The bystander effect can clearly have a powerful impact on the general conduct of people in a society,but why exactly does it happen?Why don't we help when we are part of a crowd?
              There are several factors that contribute to the bystander effect.First,the presence of other people creates a diffusion of responsibility.Because there are other observers,individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action,since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present.
              The second reason is the need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways.When other observers fail to react,individuals often take this as a signal that a response is not needed or not appropriate.Other researchers have found that onlookers are less likely to intervene if the situation is ambiguous.In the case of Kitty Genovese,many of the 38witnesses reported that they believed that they were witnessing a"lover's quarrel,"and did not realize that the young woman was actually being murdered.
              Characteristics of the situation can play a role.During a crisis,things are often chaotic and the situation is not always crystal clear.Onlookers might wonder exactly what is happening.During such chaotic moments,people often look to others in the group to determine what is appropriate.When people look at the crowd and see that no one else is reacting,it sends a signal that perhaps no action is needed.
              So what can you do to avoid falling into this trap of inaction?Some psychologists suggest that simply being aware of this tendency is perhaps the greatest way to break the cycle.When faced with a situation that requires action,understanding how the bystander effect might be holding you back and consciously taking steps to overcome it can help.However,this does not mean you should place yourself in danger.
              But what if you are the person in need of assistance?How can you inspire people to lend a hand?One often-recommended tactic is to single out one person from the crowd.Make eye contact and ask that individual specifically for help.By personalizing and individualizing your request,it becomes much harder for people to turn you down.
              The Bystander Effect
              Passage outline Supporting details
              Concept of the
              bystander effect

              The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others keeps an individual
              from becoming (71) ______ in an emergency situation.

              It is obvious that the bystander effect can greatly influence(72) ______ behavior.
              Typical example In 1964,a young woman named Genovese met with violence and her life was
              (73) ______ outside her apartment,while bystanders who observed the
              crime did not step in to assist or call the police.
              (74) ______
              for the bystander

              Individuals are less likely to take action or feel a sense of (75) ______ in
              front of a large group of people.

              Before deciding to offer help,observers may want to make(76) ______ that
              it is appropriate to react.Besides,there is a natural (77) ______ for people
              to follow the crowd before the situation is clear.
              (78) ______ of
              the bystander

              You should realize or know the (79) ______ of the bystander effect and take
              measures to get rid of it.

              When in need of help,you should (80) ______ one from the crowd,which
              Will increase your chance of getting your request across and being helped.
            • 10. Are you new to experiencing relationships?Well,let me give you advice on how to have a healthy relationship with your partner.
              (1)Be an honest person with them.Do not hide things from them,do not lie.Don't be afraid to say things that isn't very flattering about yourself.Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship.If there's no trust,there's nothing there.(36) ______
              (2)Make sure you give them respect.Now respect isn't just simply treating her or him nicely.(37) ______ You have to learn to adjust to their liking.Basically,learn to study your partners moods,wants,and needs.
              Don't just think about yourself,think about what your partner needs out of it as well.
              (3)Make sure you are encouraging to your partner.Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positivity at the same time.Make them feel you are someone they can really count on and build a future with.(38) ______
              Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them.Laughter is the key to happiness.Laugh a lot with them,joke with them.Laughter may seem silly,but it's the secret to a lot in life.It will keep the sparks alive.(39) ______
              Make sure the communication is good.This usually goes along with trust,but always communicate how you feel,even if it's something that upsets you.(40) ______ If they did something that made you unhappy,tell them about it in a respectful manner.It's important to communicate this to them,not keep it bottled up.

              A.There's a lot more to it.
              Show them your personality.
              C.Instead of screaming,talk to them.
              D.Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.
              E.So please be honest and they'll learn to open up to you.
              F.Don't start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.
              G.Your partner has to be able to count on you when needed.
