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            • 1.
              About 30years ago,I left Cuba for the United States with my son.After getting settled finally in Brunswick,New Jersey,I enrolled (注册) my son in kindergarten.Several weeks later,my son's teacher asked me to meet him at his office.
              In the teacher's office,an exchange of greetings was followed by his questions:"Is your son mentally retarded (弱智的)?Does he suffer from any kind of mental disability?"
              Was he talking about my wonderful Scola?No,no,it can't be.What a helpless,lonely moment!I told him that Scola was a quiet,sweet little boy,instead.I asked him why he was asking me all these questions.
              My son could not follow the teacher's directions,he told me,and thus,Scola was disrupting the class.Didn't he know my son did not speak English yet?
              He was angry:"Why hasn't your son been taught to speak English?Don't you speak English at home?"
              "No,I didn't speak English at home,"I replied.I was sure my son would learn English in a couple of months,and I didn't want him to forget his native language.Well,wrong answer!What kind of person would not speak in English to her son at home and at all times?"Are you one of those people who come to this country to save dollars and send them back to their country,never wanting to be a part of this society?"
              Needless to say,I tried to tell him I was not one of"those people".Then he told me the meeting was over,and I left.
              As I had expected,my son learned to speak English fluently before the school year was over.He went on to graduate from college and got a job,earning close to six figures.He travels widely and leads a welladjusted,contented life.And he has benefited from being bilingual (双语的).
              Speaking more than one language allows people to communicate with others; it teaches people about other cultures and other places-something very basic and obviously lacking in the"educator"I met in New Jersey.

              (1) The teacher asked the author to his office to ______ .
              A. discuss Scola's inclass performance
              B. get Scola enrolled in kindergarten
              C. find a language partner for Scola
              D. work out a study plan for Scola
              (2) What does the underlined word"disrupting"in Paragraph 4probably mean? ______
              A. Breaking.
              B. Following.
              C. Attending.
              D. Disturbing.
              (3) The author's attitude towards being bilingual may best be described as ______ .
              A. critical
              B. casual
              C. positive
              D. passive
              (4) This text is likely to be selected from a book of ______ .
              A. medicine
              B. education
              C. geography
              D. history.
            • 2.
              My color television has given me nothing but a headache.I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn't fit.I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model.I realized this a day later,when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid.The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed_ off for the night.Fortunately,I didn't get any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.
              Then I started developinga problem with the set that involved static(静电)noise.For some reason,when certain shows switched into a commercial,a loud noise would sound for a few seconds.Gradually,this noise began to appear during a show,and to get rid of it,I had to change to another channel and then change it back.Sometimes this technique would not work,and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound.I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉)shaking my set.
              When neither of these methods removed the static noise,I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away.At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist,and it stopped working altogether.My trip to the repair shop cost me 62,andthesetisworkingwellnow,butIkeepexpectingmoretrouble.

              (1) Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set? ______
              A. He got an older model than he had expected.
              B. He couldn't return it when it was broken.
              C. He could have bought it at a lower price.
              D. He failed to find any movie shows on it.
              (2) Which of the following can best replace the phrase"signed off"in Paragraph 1? ______
              A. ended all their programs
              B. provided fewer channels
              C. changed to commercials
              D. showed all-night movies
              (3) How did the author finally get his TV set working again? ______
              A. By shaking and hitting it.
              B. By turning it on and off.
              C. By switching channels.
              D. By having it repaired.
              (4) How does the author sound when telling the story? ______
              A. Curious.
              B. Anxious.
              C. Cautious.
              D. Humorous.
            • 3.
              The Rich FamilyI'll never forget Easter 1946.I was fourteen,my (1) sister,Ocy,was twelve and my elder sister,Darlene,was sixteen.We lived at home with our mother,and the four of us knew what it was to do without.My dad had died five years (2) ,leaving Mom with no money and seven schoolaged kids to (3)
              (4) 1946,my brothers had left home and my elder sisters were married.A month before the minister(牧师) of our church (5) that a special holiday offering would be taken to help a poor family.He asked (6) to save and give sacrificially(牺牲地).
              When we got home,we talked about (7) we could do.We decided to buy fifty pounds of potatoes and live (8) them for a month.This would allow us to (9) twenty dollars of our grocery money for the offering.Then we thought that if we kept our electric lights (10) as much as possible and didn't listen to the radio,we'd save money on that month's (11) bill.
              The night before Easter,we were so (12) that we could hardly sleep.We didn't (13) that we wouldn't have new clothes for Easter;we had (14) dollars for the sacrificial offering.We could hardly wait to get to the (15)
              Then we sat in the church (16) .When the sacrificial offering was taken,we were sitting in the second row from the front.Mom put in the tendollar bill,and (17) of us kids put in a twentydollar bill.
              We sang all the way home from the church.Later that afternoon,the minister drove up in his car.Mom went to the door,talked with him for a(n) (18) ,and then came back with an envelope in her hand.We asked what it was, (19) she didn't say a word.She opened the envelope and out (20) a bunch of money.There were three crisp twentydollar bills,one tendollar bill and seventeen onedollar bills.

              (1) A. big   B. little     C. old D. adolescent
              (2) A. ago    B. then    C. before D. late
              (3) A. educate   B. help    C. feed    D. raise
              (4) A. In      B. Until      C. By     D. After
              (5) A. said    B. announced    C. told   D. remarked
              (6) A. somebody   B. anybody    C. nobody    D. everybody
              (7) A. which    B. what    C. how    D. when
              (8) A. on    B. in    C. at    D. by
              (9) A. spend    B. waste   C. save    D. use
              (10) A. turned in   B. turned out 
              C. turned down    D. turned up
              (11) A. water     B. gas      C. electric      D. meal
              (12) A. frightend   B. excited    C. worried   D. nervous
              (13) A. like    B. hope    C. care D. desire
              (14) A. forty    B. fifty   C. seventy   D. eighty
              (15) A. church   B. hospital C. orphanage(孤儿院) D. school
              (16) A. nervously   B. proudly    C. surprised    D. shyly
              (17) A. every     B. all      C. none      D. each
              (18) A. hour    B. moment    C. second    D. day
              (19) A. and      B. so      C. but      D. unless
              (20) A. carried     B. fell      C. walked D. flew
            • 4.
              Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollar at a time.Call it the piggy bank strategy(策略).There are lessons in that time-honored coin-saving container.
              Any huge task seems easier when reduced to baby steps.If you wish to climb a 12,000-foot mountain,and could do it a day at a time,you would only have to climb 33 feet daily to reach the top in a year.If you want to take a really nice trip in 10 years for a special occasion,to collect the 15,000cost,youhavetosave3.93 a day.If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax,you will have your trip money.
              When I was a child,my parents gave me a piggy bank to teach me that,if I wanted something,I should save money to buy it.We associate piggy banks with children,but in many countries,the little containers are also popular with adults.Europeans see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and wealth.Around the world,many believe a gift of a piggy bank on New Year's Day brings good luck and financial success.Ah,but you have to put something in it.
              Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving?Why not an elephant bank,which is bigger and holds more coins?In the Middle Ages,before modern banking and credit instruments,people saved money at home,a few coins at a time dropped into a jar or dish.Potters(制陶工) made these inexpensive containers from an orange-colored clay(黏土) called"pygg",and folks saved coins in pygg jars.The Middle English word for pig was"pigge".While the Saxons pronounced pygg,referring to the clay,as"pug",eventually the two words changed into the same pronunciation,sounding the"i"as in pig or piggy.As the word became less associated with the orange clay and more with the animal,a clever potter fashioned a pygg jar in the shape of a pig,delighting children and adults.The piggy bank was born.
              Originally you had to break the bank to get to the money,bringing in a sense of seriousness into savings.While piggy banks teach children the wisdom of saving,adults often need to relearn childhood lessons.Think about the things in life that require large amounts of money-college education,weddings,cars,medical care,starting a business,buying a home,and fun stuff like great trips.So when you have money,take off the top 10%,put it aside,save and invest wisely.

              (1) What is the piggy bank strategy? ______
              A. Paying 1% income tax at a time.
              B. Setting a goal before making a travel plan.
              C. Putting aside a little money regularly for future use.
              D. Aiming high even when doing small things.
              (2) Why did the writer's parents give him a piggy bank as a gift? ______
              A. To delight him with the latest fashion.
              B. To encourage him to climb mountains.
              C. To teach him English pronunciation.
              D. To help him form the habit of saving.
              (3) The piggy bank originally was ______ .
              A. a cheap clay container
              B. a potter's instrument
              C. an animal-shaped dish
              D. a pig-like toy for children
              (4) The last paragraph talks about ______ .
              A. the seriousness of educating children
              B. the enjoyment of taking a great trip
              C. the difficulty of starting a business
              D. the importance of managing money.
            • 5.
              Determined to keep my private life private from the census taker (户口调查员),I locked the front door.After several more days of (1) to answer the door,one afternoon I walked (2) to my car.The census taker,who had been (3) all week to catch me,spotted me and ran up to (4) .I told the man firmly I would not answer his questions.He glared at me and (5) walked away.
              A week went by,all my neighbors had (6) their census questions,and the census taker (7) .Then one afternoon there came a knock at the door.I answered to find a middleaged lady.Suddenly,I realized my (8) ,"I'm Carla with the US Census Bureau,"she said, (9) herself the way the former one had.Only there was something different:she was (10)
              So I let her in,offered her a bottle of water,and waited for the (11) .But first,she asked about my family. (12) she told me about her own family and something else.I (13) a lot about Carla,as she was in no hurry to get to the (14) .She was pleasant and relaxed.And so was I.After about an hour,she put away her (15) and thanked me for the water, (16) as she climbed into her car.I didn't (17) her visit at all,I realized.
              Carla would call every few months,asking if our (18) had changed.We always talked about our families and lives (19) we were friends.
              I was (20) to have met Carla.She taught me that a smile can unlock any door.
              (1) A. refusing B. planning C. happening D. hesitating
              (2) A. forward B. out C. away D. on
              (3) A. standing B. thinking C. trying D. repeating
              (4) A. drive away B. shout out C. help out D. catch up
              (5) A. possibly B. naturally C. politely D. eventually
              (6) A. made B. answered C. collected D. forgot
              (7) A. surrendered B. stayed C. disappeared D. continued
              (8) A. mistake B. feeling C. behavior D. responsibility
              (9) A. showing B. proving C. directing D. introducing
              (10) A. talking B. moving C. smiling D. worrying
              (11) A. instructions B. greetings C. questions D. results
              (12) A. Then B. So C. Only D. Even
              (13) A. missed B. learnt C. understood D. remembered
              (14) A. agreement B. meeting C. discussion D. interview
              (15) A. clothes B. papers C. bottles D. bags
              (16) A. crying B. whispering C. shaking D. waving
              (17) A. regret B. remember C. mind D. appreciate
              (18) A. information B. address C. arrangement D. phone
              (19) A. when B. until C. as if D. now that
              (20) A. eager B. fortunate C. modest D. willing
            • 6.
              Recently my husband had his Achilles tendon(跟腱) cut when feeding a chicken.When sitting in the doctor's office waiting for surgery stressfully,I decided to treat myself for a minute and start to read about"The Little House on the Prairie".Suddenly I felt my life seemed like a slack(懈怠) compared to the Ingalls who do all their washing and cooking but they feel so happy.Their every happiness is created from the work with their own hands.Yet I'm walking around feeling sorry for myself because I'm picking up the slack!So I'm thinking"Work it out!Get up and get busy."
              It really is true.I realize that I'm happiest when accomplishing tangible(有形的) productive work-working in the yard and washing my dishes-brings me happiness.This does not surprise Kelly Lambert Ph.D.She has been researching the phenomenon she calls"effort-rewards".When you do meaningful work with your hands,a kind of neurochemical feedback floods your brain with dopamine and serotonin.These happy brain chemicals are natural antidepressants,and we've evolved to release them both to reward ourselves for working with our hands and to motivate ourselves to do it some more.Dr.Lambert says Americans have become more depressed in recent years and at the same time we've experienced a decrease in purposeful physical activity.Did we lose something vital to our mental health when we started pushing buttons instead of ploughing the fields?
              Dr.Pansinski says she gets that happy look when she prepares a meal at the end of a day."We are programmed to reward ourselves when we accomplish things with our hands.For so many people,it just feels as though everything's going so fast-life,kids,hundreds of e-mails a day.There is so little you can really see and hold on to.Working with one's hands is a way to slow down,to take pleasure in life again."

              (1) Before reading"The Little House On the Prairie",the writer might think the Ingalls were ______ .
              A. unknown
              B. hardworking
              C. foolish
              D. unhappy
              (2) The writer develops the first paragraph in a way of ______ .
              A. giving an example
              B. making a comparison
              C. analyzing a cause
              D. asking a question
              (3) From Kelly Lambert Ph.D,we know that ______ .
              A. her"effort-rewards"is popular among American people
              B. working with our hands makes our brain tired easily
              C. a decrease in physical work causes people in low mood.
              D. we should work with our hands instead of using machine
              (4) From what Dr.Pansinski says,we can conclude that ______ .
              A. time and tide wait for no man
              B. we should lower our expectation for life
              C. it's better to leave today's work to tomorrow
              D. we should never hurry our life too much.
            • 7.
              I'm a travel addict(旅游迷).I think it is very exciting to go to new places,experience different situations and see unfamiliar things.Here's what I have come up with about why travel is so fascinating.
              To start with,whether we know it or not,every day is filled with anxiety about things that we don't need to worry about in the first place.Going to new places is an opportunity to escape from our everyday worries.For example,after a whole day at work,I am often physically and mentally exhausted and start to worry about things.However,the moment I get on the train or bus to my next destination (目的地) I forget all my tiredness and worries.
              Next is one of the most basic concepts in travel:movement.I always take along books to read on my train trips,but in the end,only about five pages or so ever get read,because I just stare out of the window at the things whooshing by.Just the ability to move is exhilarating(令人高兴的).Movement also means that we are going to new places and seeing new things.But why is that important?Because experiencing new situations,people and ideas could help us to learn about new things and grow,especially when we don't have the burden of everyday worries.I have never gone on a trip and come back as the same person; I have always changed and grown through travel.
              So take every type of trip you can,at every chance you get,and you will not only experience more of the world,but will become a happier person with a richer set of experiences.

              (1) The text is mainly about ______ .
              A. how to have a comfortable life
              B. how to become a travel addict
              C. why travel is so attractive
              D. how to get rich experiences
              (2) What does the underlined word"exhausted"mean in the second paragraph? ______
              A. Angry. B. Excited. C. Tired. D. Weak.
              (3) Why doesn't the author read much on train trips? ______
              A. Because he doesn't like reading on the train.
              B. Because he is distracted by the scenery.
              C. Because he is too busy working to read.
              D. Because he is too tired to read.
              (4) Traveling to new places offers all of the following benefits EXCEPT that ______ .
              A. it helps us to learn new things
              B. it makes us happier people
              C. it helps us to get more experiences
              D. it gives us more chanc.es to read
              (5) The author develops the text mainly by ______ .
              A. cause and effect
              B. order in time
              C. order in space
              D. examples.
            • 8.
              "I didn't hear them call my name,"explained Shelley Henning to Active Teens (AT) as she talked about that exciting moment on national television when she won the honor of Miss Teen USA 2004."Are you ready?"is what she heard.Then she said,"I shook my head no,and then they said‘yes'and it was announced again."
              It was four days after that life changing moment for the seventeenyearold high school student from Destrehan,Louisiana-she was still on cloud nine
              "I was so shocked!I never believed that it could actually really happen."Present in the audience(观众) that day were:her mother and father,older brother,her friends,and her dance teacher.
              Understanding why members of her family and her friends would be there,AT asked why her dance teacher had traveled so far to see her compete(比赛)."She's always been my role model.I've danced with her since I was six.She's been through so many difficulties and came through them all.I've learned to get over bad life's experiences and learned how to move on because of her."
              One of those bad life's experiences for Shelley happened three years ago when her brother Brad was killed in a drunk driving accident.He was 18.She found writing helped her get through the rough days.She said,"I write a lot about my brother.I writer a lot,a lot,a lot…"
              As Miss Louisiana Teen,she traveled around the state speaking to teens(青少年) about the dangers of drinking and driving.In her role as Miss Teen USA,Shelley will continue to speak to youth about safe driving,in addition to many other things to help the youth.
              When AT asked Miss Teen USA if she had any advice for our readers,she said,"Don't let anyone change you.Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself.That way,it is easy to be yourself."

              (1) What do the words"on cloud nine"in Paragraph 2probably mean? ______
              A. frightened
              B. troubled
              C. very happy
              D. very angry
              (2) Shelley takes her dance teacher as a role model mainly because she is ______ .
              A. determined
              B. friendly
              C. strict
              D. experienced
              (3) How many children did the Hennings have according to the text? ______
              A. 1.
              B. 2.
              C. 3.
              D. 4.
              (4) What did Shelley often do after she became Miss Louisiana Teen? ______
              A. She visited drunken drivers.
              B. She gave dance performances.
              C. She made speeches on safe driving.
              D. She helped other teens with their studies.
              (5) What suggestion does Shelley give to the teens? ______
              A. Be yourself with the support of friends.
              B. Meet friends whenever possible.
              C. Go easy on yourself and others.
              D. Have a good role model.
            • 9.
              One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault-finder.However,life can be (1) when you are not busy finding fault with it.
              Several years ago I (2) a letter from seventeen-year-old Kerry,who described herself as a world-class fault-finder,almost always (3) by things.People were always doing things that annoyed her,and (4) was ever good enough.She was highly self-critical and also found fault with her friends.She became a really (5) person.
              Unfortunately,it took a horrible accident to change her (6) .Her best friend was seriously hurt in a car crash.What made it almost (7) to deal with was that the day before the (8) ,Kerry had visited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her (9) of boyfriends,the way she was living,the way she related to her mother,and various other things she felt she needed to (10) .It wasn't until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became (11) her habit of finding fault.Very quickly,she learned to appreciate life rather than to (12) everything so harshly(刻薄).She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her (13) as well.
              Perhaps most of us aren't as extreme at fault-finding, (14) when we're honest,we can be sharply (15) of the world.I'm not suggesting you (16) problems,or that you pretend things are (17) than they are,but simply that you learn to allow things to be as they are- (18) most of the time,and especially when it's not a really big (19)
              Train yourself to"bite your tongue",and with a little (20) ,you'll get really good at letting things go.And when you do,you'll get back your enthusiasm and love for life.

              (1) A. lonely B. great C. quiet D. uneasy
              (2) A. received B. answered C. expected D. rejected
              (3) A. threatened B. interrupted C. bothered D. spoiled
              (4) A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
              (5) A. caring B. boring C. interesting D. surprising
              (6) A. attitude B. plan C. measure D. explanation
              (7) A. urgent B. unnecessary C. certain D. impossible
              (8) A. occasion B. event C. accident D. adventure
              (9) A. memory B. notice C. evidence D. choice
              (10) A. hear B. contribute C. express D. admit
              (11) A. aware of B. afraid of
              C. curious about D. confused about
              (12) A. discuss B. realize C. judge D. settle
              (13) A. family B. life C. career D. education
              (14) A. so B. or C. but D. for
              (15) A. proud B. sure C. hopeful D. critical
              (16) A. face B. create C. solve D. ignore
              (17) A. rarer B. better C. stranger D. worse
              (18) A. at least B. at last C. by far D. so far
              (19) A. task B. deal C. result D. duty
              (20) A. practice B. speech C. rest D. pity
            • 10.
              Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world.In September,1923,Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it.They had to be completely rebuilt.One of the most serious earthquakes was in China's Shanxi province in 1556.It killed almost one million people.
              We measure an earthquake's strength on the Richter Scale.The Richter Scale was introduced in 1935in Southern California in the USA.It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten.Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious.
              The Earth's crust(地壳) is made up of rock called plates.As these plates move,they sometimes crash against each other,causing the crust to quake.In cities such as Tokyo,where small quakes happen quite often,many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the Earth moves,they move with it.
              Earthquakes can also break up gas and oil pipes.This can cause fires to break out,which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.
              Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis.These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea.They can be many meters high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities,China,Japan,Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence(发生) of earthquakes in the world.

              (1) The passage is mainly about ______ .
              A. scientists who study earthquakes
              B. the way of measuring earthquakes
              C. a usual natural disaster
              D. what people should do in the earthquake
              (2) The earthquake in Shanxi Province ______ ,which in NOT true?
              A. happened in 1556
              B. killed one million people
              C. was the only earthquake in China
              D. caused a lot of damage
              (3) Earthquakes ______ .
              A. don't cause much damage
              B. are not serious
              C. most possibly happen in Japan
              D. happen all over the world
              (4) According to the passage we know that tsunamis ______ .
              A. can cause earthquakes
              B. are caused by earthquakes
              C. only happen on land
              D. are a way of measuring earthquakes.
