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            • 1.
              How to take food pictures?
              When mouth-watering food on a white plate______ (serve) to you,do you eat it right away?Chances are that you ______ (actual) take a photo first,then post______ on your favorite social networking sites and apps.
              Shooting food has become a popular practice for people all over the world.Last month,The Telegraph newspaper published an article from a British food______ (photograph),Hugh Johnson,in which he shared tips.Read on to find out how to get ______ (good) at taking food pictures.
              Don't overcrowd (把…塞满) the shot.
              Don't try and put too much in a single picture.Zoom in(放大镜头) on its front edge or focus ______ a key area,such as an egg yolk or a steak's pink center,but not so close ______ a viewer won't be able to tell what it is.
              Consider the lighting.
              Natural light can always make your food photos look great.______(use) a flash in a darker restaurant will get rid of a lot of your food's features and colors.  ______ plate will always look better in natural light,  ______ when sunshine is impossible,make sure you use as much of the available light as possible,or try and use the shadow(阴影) to your advantage.
