优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. I used to love to swim as a boy.My (1) was just a short walk away from the local pool and I used to (2) most of my summer days there.I would head out (3) with just my trunks and a towel.I always got there before it opened and then stayed until (4) time.It was four hours of (5) joy.I loved to dive in that cool,clean water.I would swim,splash,play games with my friends,talk,laugh,and only dry off during the (6) .I always (7) home in the evenings with a smile on my face too.
              There were some people who came to the (8) that I never could understand, (9) .They would (10) every day carrying around and (11) their huge,heavy bags full of stuff.They would be all (12) in fancy swimsuits.They would cover themselves in lotion(乳液), (13) then sit in the shade of umbrellas.They spent most of their time near their (14) ,sitting in chairs,and watching other people swim. (15) they did dive in the pool,it was only for a few (16) before retreating back to their stuff.I often (17) why they came to the pool at all.
              Sometimes I think that life at the pool is a lot like life (18) .Some people spend so much time carrying around and worrying about their stuff that they (19) get to swim at all.Don't (20) one of them.Life is for living not for sitting with your stuff.
            • 2. 完形填空
              "Shabby"is the very word that comes,also describes my state of mind when I think back to that time and place.
              I was a new mother then,having given birth to my first (1) child.The birth was difficult,including forty hours of (2)
              On this (3) day,with my husband's absence,I had no family and no friends in this new area.Sitting there (4) my baby,I felt hopelessly sad and tired.Looking around,then at my beautiful little daughter,I (5) how I could care for her,or even cook dinner later.
              When a(n) (6) sounded at my door next moment,I just wanted to cry,but managed to (7) the tears to (8) the door.There stood a smiling young woman (9) to my own age,carrying a big pot.She stepped (10) ,placed it on my kitchen table(51) ______ herself.She lived in (11) shabby house nearby,and (12) had learned that a new mum lived here.She,too,had a new baby,and knew that I would (13) be too tired to cook.So,she brought me a big pot of homemade soup.
              Her kindness (14) me up and the soup (15) for many days.So it was with our friendship for years, (16) we both moved away,sadly losing touch of each other.
              I haven't forgotten the wonderful (17) of her heart given to me at my lowest time,by my caring (18) .And I have continued the (19) and have given a pot of soup to many new mothers along the way.
            • 3. My heart beat with that feeling,pumping it like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys.As the piece neared the end,I (1) up to take my final bow.For a second,the room was (2) .Yet,even in that one second,I had enough time to (3) whether I had done perfectly.Then, (4) ,the applause came.
              "Thank you…so much."I said, (5) to the person standing on my other side.Olga,my piano teacher for six years,smiled back at me."You've been an (6) student all these years."She said,"I hope that whatever you do,you never stop (7) ."
              I leaned forward, (8) I would keep playing because I loved piano,and hugged her.
              It (9) to be that the promises weren't as meaningful as I'd hoped.
              Right after the (10) ,I kept up my strict practicing schedule every day. (11) ,it began slipping away from me.The reason I had stopped taking (12) was because of my busy schedule with homework.Not long after,I stopped practicing altogether.It was (13) not to have to stress about piano anymore.
              But something was (14) inside of me.I was empty inside.
              One day I met Michelle,who had also taken piano lessons from Olga.
              "Are you (15) taking lessons from Olga?"she asked.
              "Um,no!Actually I just quit a while ago,"I replied.
              "That's a (16) ,"she responded,"You used to be so (17) .I remember your performance a year ago; it was breathtaking."
              Two days (18) talking to Michelle,I subconsciously sat down on the bench and started playing.I wasn't even trying to make the notes sound musically correct…I was simply doing what I should have been this entire time:playing, (19) to be playing.
              As the music spread,a(n) (20) feeling rose inside me.
            • 4.

              Forgiving someone who has hurt you or let you down is never an easy thing. Several new studies, ____  (1)  ____, say that it could have a lot of health benefits. When you think of ____  (2)  ___, you probably don't think of it as being a ____  (3)  ____ or medical problem. ____  (4)  ____ from Stanford University, on the other hand, show that something like anger can ____  (5)  ____ the quality of life. There are a lot of ____  (6)  ____ in our daily life.

                 In cartoon films, when characters like the Incredible Hulk get ____  (7)  ____, they change colors and often gain special power. In the real world, anger is less obvious and may be more ____  (8)  ____. That's ____  (9)  ____ Professor Fred Luskin, the author of Forgive for Good, says ____  (10)  ____ to anger and hatred (憎恨) can harm your ____  (11)  ____ and mental health. Two new studies seem to show the same ____  (12)  ____. The studies find that people who are able to forgive feel less stress, less back pain, and less depression. They also have fewer headaches, lower blood pressure, and ____  (13)  ____ trouble in sleeping,

                 So it doesn't matter if your anger is ____  (14)  ____ by the traffic or other things. ____  (15)  ____ to let it go is important. Techniques such as deep breath or thought can ____  (16)  ____. Or just ask yourself if it's worth ____  (17)  ____ yourself by staying angry with someone else. Forgiveness does not mean that you simply ____  (18)  ____ what happened and say it's OK. Instead, it's a way ____  (19)  ____ making peace with yourself about what happened in the past. I think the best way to live ____  (20)  ____ is to learn to forgive.

            • 5.

              A little girl was shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old,this beautiful red-haired image of  (1)  .It was    (2)   Outside. We waited, somepatiently, others annoyed because  (3)   messed up their hurried day. The little voicewas so sweet that it   (4)  the hypnotic trance(催眠性迷睡)we were caught in. "Mom,let's run through the rain," she said.

                (5)  ?”Mom asked.

              “Let's run through the rain!" She repeated.

                  “No,honey. We'll wait  (6)  it slows down a bit,”Mom replied.

                  This young child waited about another minute and repeated:“Mom, let's run throughthe rain,”

                  “We'll get wet through if we  (7)  ,”Mom said.

                  “No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl saidas she pulled at her Mom's arm.

                  “This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get   (8)   ?”

                  “Don't you   (9)  ? When you were talking to Dad about his cancer, you said, ‘Wecan   (10)   anything!’”

              The entire crowd fell into dead  (11)  . I dare say you couldn't hear anything but therain.   (12)  came or left in the next few minutes.

                  Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some would  (13)  it off and say she was silly. Some might even   (14)  what was said, But this wasa moment of affirmation(肯定)in a young child's life, a time when innocent trust can be  (15)   so that it will develop into faith.

                  “Honey, you are  (16)  right. Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe wejust need washing.”Mom said.

                  Then   (17)  they ran. We all stood inside, watching, smiling and laughing as they  (18)  past the cars and yes, across the puddles(水坑).They held their shopping bagsover their heads just   (19)  .They did get wet.

                  And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed  (20)   .


            • 6.

              Sometimes, we want to know what our lives are going to look like. We may want to know what gifts and   (1)   are going to be presented to us in the coming years    (2)    if our goals will be realized. Perhaps we feel like we need help to make a   (3)    and we want to know which choice will work out best. We may    (4)   fortune-tellers, our dreams, and many other sources in the hopes of   (5)    out what the future holds.    (6)   , we would probably be overwhelmed(感到不知所措) if we knew everything to happen to us.

                 Just think of your life    (7)    you've lived it up to this point. You have probably done more and faced more than you could have ever     (8)   . If someone had told you all the jobs and relationships you would

                 (9)   when you were a child, you would have become overwhelmed. With your head full of information about the    (10)   , you would have had a very   (11)   time experiencing your life in the present moment, which is where everything   (12)   happens.

                 In many ways, not knowing what the future has   (13)   brings out in us the qualities we need to grow. It would have been difficult to     (14)    yourself to certain people or projects if you knew they wouldn't eventually    (15)   . Yet, it was through your commitment to see them that you experienced the    (16)   

              you needed to grow.    (17)    your life, it would likely be hard to say that    (18)    in your past should not have happened. In fact, your most challenging experiences with their expected lessons may have eventually    (19)    you the greatest rewards.

                 Not knowing the future   (20)   us just where we need to be ---- fully committed and in the present moment.


            • 7.

              There was a handful of common clay in the river bank. But it had    (1)    thoughts of its own value, and wonderful dreams of the great place it was to    (2)    in the world when the time came for its virtues to be   (3 )       One day the clay was carried far away in a cart     (4)    a stony road.  But it was not    (5)   , for it said to itself: “This is necessary.  The path to glory is always   ( 6 )   Now I am on my way to play a great part in the world.”
                    But the hard journey was     (7)   , compared with the suffering after it.  The clay was putinto a container and mixed and beaten.  It seemed almost    8  .  But there was   ( 9)     in the thought that something very noble was   (10)   coming out of all this trouble.  The clay felt sure that, if it could only wait long enough, a wonderful reward was    (11)    for it. 
                    Then it was put upon a   (12)   turning wheel, and turned around until it seemed as if it must fly into a thousand pieces.  A strange power pressed and molded it, and through all the dizziness and pain it felt that it was taking a new    (13 )  .
                    Then an unknown hand put it into an oven, and     (14)    fires were burning about it.  But the clay held itself together, in the confidence of a great future. 
                    At last the baking was finished.  The clay was    (15)    upon a board, in the cool air.  The suffering was passed.  The reward was at hand. 
                    Then the clay saw the reward of all its     (16)    and pain,—a common flower­pot, straight and ugly.  It felt that it was not    (17)    for a king's house, nor for a palace of art.  Many days it passed in     (18)    .
                    But presently it was set in a greenhouse, where the sunlight fell warm upon it, and day by day as it waited, something was changing within it—a new hope.  Still it was     (19)   , not knowing what the new hope meant. 
                    But one day the clay was carried into a great church.  All the people looked towards it because it carried a royal lily as white as snow, which was   (20)     in its heart.  Now it knew what the hope is!
                    Then the clay was content, because, though an earthen pot, it held so great a treasure. 

            • 8.


              My father died   (1)   I was nine months old, making my mom a single mother at the age of eighteen. While I was growing up, we  (2)   a very hard life. We had  (3)   money, but my mom gave me a lot of love. Each night, she sat me   (4)   her legs and spoke the words that would change my life, “Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough.”

              At fourteen, I was  (5)   by a car and the doctors said I would never walk again. Every day, my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving  (6)  telling me that no matter   (7)   those doctors said, I could walk again   (8)   I had faith in myself. She drove that message so deep into my heart that I believed her. A year later I returned to school----walking on my own!

              When the Great Depression (大萧条) hit, my mom lost her job. Then I left school to  (9)   our family. At that moment, I was   (10)   never to be poor again.

              Over the years, I experienced various levels of business success. But the real turning point occurred on a vacation I took with my wife and five kids in 1951. I was  (11)  with the second-class hotels and was angry that they asked for   (12)   $2 for each child, which was too   (13)   for the average (普通的)American family. I told my wife that I was going to open a motel (汽车旅馆) for families that would  (14)  ask for extra for children. However, a lot of people doubted my decision.

                (15)  , mom was one of my strongest supporters. She worked behind the desk and even designed the room style. We tried our best and I never   (16)  we would succeed. Fifteen years later, we had the largest hotel system in the world---Holiday Inn.

              You  (17)   not have started out life in the best situations. But if you can find a task in life worth working for and believe in yourself,  (18)  can stop you. Some people will always make you feel 39 in a way you might never have   (19)  on your own.

            • 9.

              My children and I were finishing the last minute preparations for Kathy`s birthday celebration. At one store we had bought a   (1)   balloon with Kathy`s favorite character design on it. We had to make one more stop at another store to complete our   (2)  . I sent my older daughter and her little brother out to our   (3)   while my other daughter and I were   (4)   at the cashier line.

              A very short time later, my older daughter with little brother came running back into the store; upset that Kathy`s birthday balloon had   (5)   while they trying to get into the car. I was tired from   (6)  , but I sent them back to the vehicle   (7)   them not to worry because we would get Kathy another   (8)  . I paid for our purchases all the while trying to think of the most expedient place to   (9)   another balloon.

              As Kathy and I   (10)   our car a lady with   (11)   face came up to us. She   (12)   some folded bills in my hand. She   (13)   to me that she had seen what had happened and did not   (14)   my older daughter or my younger daughter to be   (15)   at the loss of the balloon.

              I thanked her for kindness and   (16)   to give her the money back; as it was not a   (17)   to get another balloon. But she said, “I   (18)   children and I like to see them be happy.” I was overwhelmed (使不知所措) by the   (19)   of a total stranger that my daughters and I hugged the lady   (20)   her for kindness. She left so quickly that I was unable to even ask her name. Finally, I looked in my hand and what I found was not just a single one dollar bill but four one dollar bills.

            • 10.

              In the morning, Slim got up and prepared breakfast for his wife as usual. Nicole, his wife was listening to music in the bedroom. 21 , he felt that his body was shaking. Slim had the 22 response that there was an earthquake! He 23 quickly, “Dear, earthquake! Go to the toilet! ” Nicole heard the shouting, 24 the first aid box quickly and ran into the toilet. The house was 25 even more dramatically.

              Bathroom was the next door to the kitchen. Slim picked up a kitchen 26 and two pieces of bread outside the kitchen. Slim tried to run along the wall to help Nicole. 27 , it got 28 suddenly with an explosion. The house 29 down and many things fell from above. Nicole was quickly buried in 30 . She felt breathing very difficult. She tried to stand up, but 31 .

              A few minutes later, the land was   32  . Nicole heard the sound of short   33  and thought it was Slim! She shouted to him but no  

              34 ! He probably fainted. Nicole kept saying his name and she finally heard a response. Two people encouraged and 35 each other. They knew that there must be a way to 36 .

                Slim found that they were close and were 37 by the fallen stones and some powder. He started to dig with the kitchen knife. He felt  38 from his fingers. Finally, he removed the last piece of larger stones. Slim touched Nicole’s one hand, then dug the 39 stones of her body. Finally, Nicole had a 40 breathing slowly. Two people sat on the ground and hugged together.

