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            • 1.

              When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say "sorry,  (1)  number!" and move on. But when Dennis Williams  (2)   a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something   (3)  .

                 On March 19, Dennis got a group text  (4)   him that a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the  (5)   of a baby.

                 "Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken," Dennis  (6)  . The baby was born and update texts were  (7)  quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her  (8)  , she didn’t seem to realize that she was  (9)   the baby’s photos with a complete stranger. "Well, I don’t   (10)   you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby," replied Dennis before asking which room the new   (11)  were in.

                 Much to the family’s surprise, Dennis stuck to his   (12)  ! He turned up at the hospital   (13)   gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey’s husband was totally   (14)   by the unexpected visit. "I don’t think we would have randomly invited him over but we  (15)   it and the gifts."

                 Teresa  (16)   a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website  (17)   by the touching words: "What a   (18)   this young man was to our family! He was so  (19)  and kind to do this." The post has since gained the  (20)  of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.

              (1) 41.
              A. unlucky              B. secret                   
              C. new                      D. wrong

              (2) 42.
              A. received               B. translated              
              C. copied                  D. printed

              (3) 43.
              A. reasonable                  B. special                 
              C. necessary               D. practical

              (4) 44.
              A. convincing          B. reminding            
              C. informing              D. warning 

              (5) 45.
              A. wake-up             B. recovery               
              C. growth                  D. arrival

              (6) 46.
              A. responded           B. interrupted           
              C. predicted               D. repeated

              (7) 47.
              A. coming in           B. setting out            
              C. passing down        D. moving around

              (8) 48.
              A. opinion               B. anxiety                 
              C. excitement            D. effort

              (9) 49.
              A. comparing                  B. exchanging           
              C. discussing             D. sharing

              (10) 50.
              A. accept                B. know                  
              C. believe                 D. bother

              (11) 51.
              A. parents                B. doctors                 
              C. patients                 D. visitors

              (12) 52.
              A. dream                 B. promise               
              C. agenda                 D. principle

              (13) 53.
              A. bearing              B. collecting             
              C. opening                 D. making

              (14) 54.
              A. discouraged        B. relaxed                
              C. astonished             D. defeated

              (15) 55.
              A. admit                 B. need                    
              C. appreciate            D. expect 

              (16) 56.
              A. found                 B. selected               
              C. developed             D. posted 

              (17) 57.
              A. confirmed                  B. simplified            
              C. clarified               D. accompanied

              (18) 58.
              A. pity                   B. blessing                
              C. relief                    D. problem

              (19) 59.
              A. smart                         B. calm                    
              C. sweet                   D. fair

              (20) 60.
              A. sympathy            B. attention               
              C. control                         D. trust

            • 2.
              Playwright Bertolt Brecht,known for The Threepenny Opera,once said,"From the start it has been the theatre's business to entertain people…it needs no other passport than fun."My mother would have (1) .She didn't know Brecht,but she always said the (2) should be to entertain people,and make them (3) hard.
              Born in 1910,my mother was the first director I ever met.Even from a young age she was an entertainer who thought performing was not just a hobby or even a profession but a way of living that was as (4) as breathing or eating.
              When I (5) and moved to Hollywood as an adult,I would later create 14primetime TV shows and (6) 17movies.During my five decades in show business,I never forgot my mother's advice to find the humor in (7) .I never wanted to (8) the world.I wanted to entertain the world and not put people to sleep.If my mom had been born at a(n) (9) time in history she might have become a stage actress or a performer herself.Instead,she groomed my two sisters,Penny Marshall and Ronny Marshall,and I to work in the (10) of entertainment.
              She (11) a kind of power and respect from her basement as a director that even Orson Welles and Martin Scorsese would find enviable.I will never stop (12) my mother's message,and I will never stop missing her. (13) ,as a present to my mother I built The Marjorie Ward Marshall Dance Center at my alma mater,Northwestern University.Whenever I visit the building it helps (14) me that to entertain people and make them laugh is what my own (15) has been all about.
              (1) A. rejected B. objected C. agreed D. laughed
              (2) A. criterion B. consequence C. doubt D. goal
              (3) A. weep B. laugh C. grow D. remain
              (4) A. private B. shabby C. essential D. supreme
              (5) A. built up B. took up C. grew up D. set up
              (6) A. bring B. direct C. watch D. like
              (7) A. one B. anything C. nothing D. thing
              (8) A. change B. create C. ruin D. forget
              (9) A. abnormal B. different C. alternative D. compulsory
              (10) A. stage B. boundary C. field D. procedure
              (11) A. commanded B. ordered C. presented D. attracted
              (12) A. coming on B. bringing on C. carrying on D. calling on
              (13) A. Generally B. Likely C. Actually D. Personally
              (14) A. ask B. tell C. remind D. inform
              (15) A. career B. hobby C. advice D. humor
            • 3.

                No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own  (1)  

              I learned this lesson from a(n)   (2)   many years ago. I took the head  (3)  job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

              It was a tradition for the schoolˈs old team to play against the  (4)   team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didnˈt even practice to   (5)  the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldnˈt   (6)  I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to  (7)  that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were  (8)  me. I had to change my  (9)  about their ability and potential.

              I started doing anything I could to help them build a little  (10)  .Most important, I began to treat them like   (11)  .That summer, When the other teams enjoyed their  (12)  ,we met every day and  (13)  passing and kicking the football.

              Six months after suffering our  (14)  on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to  (15)  .Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a  (16)  for us even if we lost the game. But that wasnˈt what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest  (17)  of my life!

              From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can  (18)  the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and  (19)  them. I helped them to see themselves  (20)  ,and they built themselves into winners.

              Winners are made, but born.

              (1) A. luck                  B. tests                 
              C. efforts                   D. nature

              (2) A. experiment       B. experience              
              C. visit                        D. show

              (3) A. operating        B. editing            
              C. consulting                D. coaching

              (4) A. successful       B. excellent          
              C. strong                            D. new

              (5) A. cheer for        B. prepare for             
              C. help with                 D. finish with

              (6) A. believe           B. agree              
              C. describe                   D. regret

              (7) A. realize            B. claim               
              C. permit                    D. demand

              (8) A. reacting to      B. looking for             
              C. depending on    D. caring about

              (9) A. decision B. attitude            
              C. conclusion               D. intention

              (10) A. pride              B. culture            
              C. fortune             D. relationship

              (11) A. leaders           B. partners            
              C. winners          D. leaners

              (12) A. rewards          B. vacations         
              C. health                      D. honor

              (13) A. risked            B. missed                    
              C. considered               D. practiced

              (14) A. defeat            B. decline            
              C. accident            D. mistake

              (15) A. relax              B. improve           
              C. expand           D. defend

              (16) A. shame            B. burden            
              C. victory                    D. favor

              (17) A.   chances    B. thrills                    
              C. concerns           D. offers

              (18) A. surprise          B. serve         
              C.   interest       D. affect

              (19) A. encouraged     B. observed          
              C. protected          D. impressed

              (20) A. honestly B. individually     
              C. calmly              D. differently

            • 4.

              The Depression was still going on, but I was in good spirits. I was going to graduate from elementary school, yet my mother   __  (1)  __   dressed me in shorts. Most of my classmates had given up   __  (2)  __   shorts. For the graduation ceremony, all the boys were   __  (3)  __   to dress the same way—white shirts and dark-blue wool pants.

              I waited a week before I told my mother. I   __  (4)  __   Iˈd better break the news to her as gently as I could.

              “Mum,” I said, “about   __  (5)  __   …”

              “Yes?” she answered.

              “Theyˈre going to give me the first-prize medal,” I said.

              She looked   __  (6)  _   her shoulder at me and smiled. “Thatˈs wonderful, babe. Dad and I will both be there, and weˈll be the __  (7)  __   parents in the place.”

              She must have seen by the look on my face that   __  (8)  __   was wrong. She turned her back and said, “So?”

              “So, I have to get   __  (9)  __   pants,” I said.

              “Babe, we donˈt have the   __  (10)  __   for new pants right now,” she said very quietly. “You know that.”

              “OK,” I burst out. “Then I wonˈt go to graduation. Plus, Iˈm   __  (11)  __   away from home!” 

              The following Saturday, when my mother said, “Letˈs go shopping,” I knew she had   __  (12)  __   the problem. We walked a short way and stopped at a place I had never   __  (13)  __   before. My mother said, “ __  (14)  __   here.” She entered a storefront that looked like a   __  (15)  __. She came out about ten minutes later, and we went to the pants store. I was holding the new pants   __  (16)  __  under my arm when my mother went to pay for them. I saw her   __  (17)  __   a tiny brown envelope from her purse. There were four   __  (18)  __   new one-dollar bills inside.

              About halfway home, I   __  (19)  __   down at my motherˈs hands. It was then that I saw the wedding ring that had always circled her ring finger was   __  (20)  __   there.

              (1) A. still  B. also  C. already  D. even

              (2) A. choosing  B. making  C. wearing  D. buying

              (3) A. persuaded  B. expected  C. encouraged  D. forced

              (4) A. guessed  B. dreamed  C. imagined  D. figured

              (5) A. classmates  B. graduation  C. school   D. depression

              (6) A. over  B. above   C. across   D. through

              (7) A. luckiest  B. poorest  C. richest  D. proudest

              (8) A. everything  B. nothing  C. something  D. anything

              (9) A. fashionable   B. expensive  C. short  D. long

              (10) A. power   B. energy  C. money  D. time

              (11) A. walking   B. running  C. moving  D. escaping

              (12) A. solved  B. discovered  C. met  D. ignored

              (13) A. passed  B. noticed  C. watched  D. stayed

              (14) A. Rest  B. Look  C. Stand  D. Wait

              (15) A. school  B. restaurant  C. bank  D. hotel

              (16) A. tightly  B. roughly  C. softly  D. nervously

              (17) A. bring  B. take  C. carry  D. pick

              (18) A. total  B. entire  C. complete  D. brand

              (19) A. glared  B. stared  C. glanced   D. put

              (20) A. no doubt  B. no longer  C. no way  D. still

            • 5.

              The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel. The bride and her father arrived in a new black American sports car. Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the cameras. The bride wore a silk wedding dress. She smiled nervously at the waiting photographers and went to a room on the first floor where she met her future husband for the first time.

                 Carla Germaine and Greg Gordell were the winners of a radio station’s competition. The aim of the competition was to find two strangers prepared to marry without having met each other. Miss Germaine, 23, is a model. Mr Cordell, 27, is a TV salesman. They were among the two hundred people who entered for a peculiar “experiment” organized by BMRB radio in Birmingham,England. Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were interviewed live on radio. They took a lie detector (测谎仪) test and the station also spoke to their friends and family about their personalities. The competition judges included an astrologer (占星家) who declared that they were suited.

                 The couple celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party for 100 guests in the evening, but not everyone shared the joy. Miss Germaine’s mother looked anxious throughout the wedding and Mr Gordell’s parents are reported to be less than delighted.

                 Organization, including the marriage guidance service Relate, have criticized the marriage. As one person put it, “We have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously without this. Marriage should always be about love.”

                 The couple are now on aCaribbeanhoneymoon followed by journalists. Their other prizes include a year’s free use of a wonderful apartment in the center of Birmingham, and a car. But will it last?

              (1) How did the couple’s parents react to the wedding?
              A. The bride’s mother shared their joy.
              B. The bride’s father felt uncomfortable about the wedding.
              C. The bridegroom’s parents were quite delighted.
              D. The bridegroom’s parents were not that joyful.
              (2) Some experts believe that _______________.
              A. marriage without the couple’s meeting each other first ends up in failure.
              B. young people nowadays are too careless about marriage.
              C. taking a lie detector test can not solve all the marriage problems.
              D. most young people take marriage seriously except this couple.
              (3) One of the prizes for the couple is __________ .
              A. to spend their honeymoon wherever they like
              B. to have a wedding dress free
              C. to use an apartment free for some time
              D. to own an American sports car
              (4) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
              A. Two Strangers and a wedding  
              B. A Wedding Based on Love
              C. A Short-Lived Marriage      
              D. A Well- Matched Couple
              (5) According to the passage, which isWRONG?
              A. Bride and bridegroom didn’t know each other before celebrating their marriage.
              B. In the sentence “As one person put it” the word put means “expressed” 
              C. Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were interviewed live on TV
              D. Two hundred people entered for a peculiar “experiment” organized by BMRB radio  in Birmingham, England.
            • 6.

              I remember the first day when I saw Sally playing basketball. I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. She seemed so  (1)  , but she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her     (2)  nobody could.

              I began to notice Sally at other times, basketball in hand, playing  (3)  . She practiced dribbling (运球)and  (4)  over and over.

                     One day I asked Sally why she  (5)  so much. Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is to get a  (6)  . I’m going to play college basketball and I want to be the best one. I believe that if I am  (7)  enough,I will get one. My father has told me that if the dream is big enough,the facts don’t  (8)  . ”

                     I  (9)  her through those junior high years and into high school. Every week, she led her team to  (10)   . One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting on the grass, her head  (11)  her arms. Slowly and quietly, I  (12)  and sat down beside her. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Oh,nothing,” came a soft reply, “I am just too short. ” The  (13)  told her that at 165 cm she would probably never play for a top team一still less she would be  (14)  a scholarship--so she should stop dreaming about college.

                     I felt she was extremely  (15)  . I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were  (16)  . They didn’t understand the _    (17)  of a dream.

                     The next year, Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game. She was  (18)  offered a scholarship and  (19)  to the college team. She was going to get the college education that she had  (20)  and worked toward for all those years. 

                     It’s true: if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count. 

              (1) A. silent B. small C. strong D. huge

              (2) A. but B. and C. so D. for

              (3) A. still B. again C. well D. alone

              (4) A. passing B. running C. shooting D. struggling

              (5) A. studied B. practiced C. expected D. improved

              (6) A. title B. prize C. scholarship D. reward

              (7) A. good B. brave C. careful D. active

              (8) A. lack B. talk C. appear D. count

              (9) A. encouraged B. respected C. watched D. helped

              (10) A. victory B. confidence C. responsibility D. profession

              (11) A. dropped B. buried C. covered D. sunk

              (12) A. walked off B. walked out C. walked around D. walked up

              (13) A. coach B. teacher C. captain D. leader

              (14) A. suggested B. sent C. promised D. offered

              (15) A. worried B. excited C. disappointed D. surprised

              (16) A. great B. wrong C. strict D. cruel

              (17) A. pressure B. value C. cause D. power

              (18) A. exactly B. naturally C. really D. normally

              (19) A. taken B. admitted C. introduced D. appointed

              (20) A. dreamed of B. picked up
              C. benefited from D. carried out

            • 7.
              In 1991,Jane Goodall began Roots and Shoots,a program that encourages young people to work to protect the Earth.TFK Kid Reporter Chandler Schaak caught up with Goodall at a Roots and Shoots (1) at Zoo Boise,in Idaho.
              Kai Neander,15,digs saving the Earth. (2) president of the Sequoia Park Zoo Roots and Shoots program,in California,he helped plant 564trees.His group's (3) is to plant 1,000 trees by the end of the year." (4) little thing you do makes a difference,"he says.
              Roots and Shoots (5) young people to volunteer in their communities to help (6) animals and their habitats.Jane Goodall started the (7) in 1991.She is (8) for her study of chimpanzees at Gombe National Park,in Tanzania,East Africa.Today,there are more than 8,000 Roots and Shoots groups in nearly 100 countries.
              "I (9) the idea for Roots and Shoots because I met so many young people who had (10) hope,"Goodall told TFK."This program teaches youth that (11) they all get together,they can make a difference."
              Tara Adiseshan,a high school senior,hopes to (12) her mark on the natural world.She and other members of the Charlottesville Roots and Shoots Club,in Virginia,began a (13) to save frogs.Tara worked with (14) at James Madison University,also in Virginia,to test a (15) for a deadly fungus that (16) frogs.A cure is now being tested in the (17)
              Tara plans to give talks in local schools to raise (18) about the threat to frogs.She also invited a frog expert to (19) at a nature park in her community.
              "No matter how many problems we face,"Tara says,"there is still (20) as long as kids like us continue to care."

              (1) A. organization B. group C. event D. place
              (2) A. As B. Like C. With D. After
              (3) A. duty B. assignment C. goal D. attempt
              (4) A. No B. Many a C. Every D. One
              (5) A. pay B. encourages C. ask D. call
              (6) A. feed B. help C. have D. save
              (7) A. program B. plan C. preserve D. community
              (8) A. bestknown B. eager C. anxious D. careful
              (9) A. put forward B. came up with C. met with D. came across
              (10) A. gained B. lost C. seen D. tried
              (11) A. unless B. until C. if D. though
              (12) A. make B. get C. see D. leave
              (13) A. plan B. desire C. course D. campaign
              (14) A. volunteers B. boys C. members D. scientists
              (15) A. cure B. way C. medicine D. plant
              (16) A. attracts B. meets C. threatens D. frightens
              (17) A. field B. lab C. body D. disease
              (18) A. money B. awareness C. medicine D. food
              (19) A. speak B. act C. operate D. show
              (20) A. chance B. hope C. problem D. way
            • 8.

              Yesterday I was walking along a busy road when I noticed a young man standing near the pedestrian crossing, selling toys.

              Usually I would   (1)   and hurry past such sellers before being approached to buy something. But I found this young man was  (2)  , so I stood for some time without crossing the street. I wanted to see   (3)  he sold his toys.

                 (4)  , a young mother with a small child came by and the child was   (5)  by one of the toys in a large box that made a noise. The young mother asked for the  (6)  and it was charged only one dollar. She   (7)  a 10-dollar note from her purse and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the   (8)  back. I was wondering how he was going to give it back. He told the young mother to put the money in the bag  (9)  his neck and take out   (10)   change he owed her. She then out her hand into the bag and took out the balance while I was  (11)   her like a hawk(鹰).

              I realized that this young man depended on   (12)  people not to cheat him. There was no   (13)  of him knowing if someone took out more than they should have done. I was so   (14)   by how this disabled man believed in people that I bought a toy from him I didn’t  (15)  at all.

              He said it cost one dollar and I, too. told him that I had only a 10-dollar note. He told me to do the   (16)   thing. So I put my 10 dollars in his   (17)  . I put my hand in, but didn’t take any change. I hope he will find that he has more   (18)   than he should when he gets home. As I walked down the street, I saw another kid walking with his father,  (19)   I gave him the little toy. Then, I walked on, hoping that two people would have a   (20)  smile on their faces that day.

              (1) A. ignore                B. look                        
              C. pause                D. help
              (2) A. patient                B. honest                     
              C. blind                 D. strange
              (3) A. why                   B. whether                   
              C. when                D. how
              (4) A. Quickly                     B. Shortly                   
              C. Finally              D. Quietly
              (5) A. attracted             B. annoyed                  
              C. caught               D. driven
              (6) A. bargain               B. reason                     
              C. discount            D. price
              (7) A. searched for        B. pulled out                
              C. picked up          D. emptied out
              (8) A. note                   B. toy                         
              C. change                     D. deal
              (9) A. tied to                B. dropping from         
              C. carried on          D. hanging around
              (10) A. whichever           B. whatever                 
              C. however            D. whoever
              (11) A. watching             B. suspecting               
              C. checking           D. following
              (12) A. begging                     B. convincing              
              C. trusting             D. encouraging
              (13) A. point                  B. way                        
              C. chance              D. doubt
              (14) A. demanded           B. surprised                 
              C. touched             D. influenced
              (15) A. need                   B. know                      
              C. value                D. store
              (16) A. opposite              B. good                       
              C. equal                D. same
              (17) A. hand                   B. bag                         
              C. box                   D. pocket
              (18) A. money                B. forgiveness              
              C. confidence         D. appreciation
              (19) A. but                            B. or                           
              C. so                     D. for
              (20) A. ready                  B. polite                      
              C. gentle               D. broad
            • 9.
              Sir Alexander Fleming,the discoverer of penicillin,was on his way to Belfast.The Noble Prize winner was going to (1) an important lecture (2)
              When he (3) at Heathrow Airport,he was (4) and annoyed(烦恼) to find his flight overbooked,and that he and (5) passengers had no seats.The clerk was very apologetic,but (6) that the government booked fifty (7) at the last moment.That meant that"ordinary" (8) were bumped-simply thrown (9) the flight.
              "But I've had this ticket (10) over a month,"Fleming insisted."It's not (11) and I must get Belfast (12) ."
              "I'm terribly sorry,sir.But the government passengers are (13) priority(优先) passengers traveling on important business.It's (14) for them to take a later flight."
              Just (15) Fleming was going to (16) what the important business was,a group of government passengers arrived to check in.Fleming turned to the leader of the group.
              "I'd like to know what is so urgent(紧急) about your business (17) we ordinary passengers (18) wait for another flight."
              The man replied,"Oh,it's a matter of (19) urgency.Sir Alexander Fleming is giving a lecture in Belfast tonight,and we can't (20) it!"
              (1) 1、
              A. have    B. attend C. give D. hear
              (2) 2、
              A. here B. there C. abroad D. everywhere
              (3) 3、
              A. stopped B. arrived C. stayed D. visited
              (4) 4、
              A. surprised B. excited C. frightened D. disappointed
              (5) 5、
              A. some B. several C. others D. other
              (6) 6、
              A. insisted B. proved C. explained D. declared
              (7) 7、
              A. books B. seats C. rooms D. stamps
              (8) 8、
              A. people B. officers C. officials D. passengers
              (9) A. to B. onto C. off D. for
              (10) 10、
              A. in B. for C. after D. during
              (11) 11、
              A. fair B. right C. true D. satisfactory
              (12) 12、
              A. now B. then C. today D. tomorrow
              (13) 13、
              A. all B. both C. really D. almost
              (14) 14、
              A. reasonable B. funny C. impossible D. unnecessary
              (15) 15、
              A. after B. as C. because D. then
              (16) 16、
              A. consider B. discuss C. describe D. demand
              (17) 17、
              A. as B. when C. that D. now that
              (18) 18、
              A. must B. should C. ought to D. have to
              (19) 19、
              A. little B. great C. some D. no
              (20) 20、
              A. catch B. get C. miss D. lose
            • 10.
              The Great Wall of ChinaDo you have a dream?Have you ever given up your dream just because someone (1) it?If so,you may learn something (2) this story.
              There was once an elephant who (3) to be a photographer.All his friends laughed when they heard him talk about it.
              "How (4) !There aren't any cameras for elephants!"said some."What a waste of time!There's (5) to photograph here anyway…"others said.
              But the elephant kept (6) his dream,and,piece by piece,he managed to put together some old bits of junk and some spare parts,and ended up with a (7) of sorts.During the course,the elephant had to (8) everything himself,from a button he would press with the end of his trunk to a lens (镜头) made to fit an elephant's (9)
              When they were all (10) ,he could finally take his first photos. (11) ,the camera was so big and strangelooking that it seemed like a huge funny mask.So many animals laughed as he (12) .The elephant began to think of (13) his dream.Even worse,it was beginning to look as if those who had said there was nothing to photograph here were (14)
              But things worked out (15) .The sight of the elephant walking with the camera on his head was so (16) that no one could help but laugh when they saw him.And,using a great deal of good humor,the elephant managed to take some really funny, (17) pictures of all the animals.In his photos they (18) looked joyful.So the elephant managed to (19) the official photographer of the state in which he lived,and animals came from every (20) to have some nice photos taken.

              (1) A. laughed at B. referred to C. talked about D. looked at
              (2) A. for B. about C. with D. from
              (3) A. asked B. continued C. wanted D. pretended
              (4) A. exciting B. silly C. simple D. boring
              (5) A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
              (6) A. showing B. checking C. following D. making
              (7) A. camera B. tool C. box D. machine
              (8) A. compare B. design C. steal D. buy
              (9) A. leg B. body C. eye D. head
              (10) A. replaced B. borrowed C. passed D. finished
              (11) A. However B. Therefore C. Still D. Also
              (12) A. came in B. looked up C. went by D. turned around
              (13) A. making up B. giving up C. looking for D. showing off
              (14) A. right B. hateful C. helpful D. interesting
              (15) A. worriedly B. sadly C. differently D. strangely
              (16) A. big B. frequent C. new D. funny
              (17) A. wonderful B. normal C. large D. expensive
              (18) A. never B. sometimes C. hardly D. always
              (19) A. become B. respect C. meet D. advise
              (20) A. roof B. direction C. space D. time
