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            • 1.
              [1]One out of many important things for the whole family to do is to have dinner together. Researchers began reporting the benefits of family dinner about a decade ago, focusing mainly on how it affects children. Studies show that those families who eat dinner at least 3 or 4 times a week together, benefit in many ways.
              [2]Eating together helps families achieve open communication and build stronger and healthier relationships. Children have better grades at school and are better adjusted as teens and adults, and the entire family enjoys healthier nutrition. For many families, eating dinner together proves to be good and effective way to reduce the risk of youth rates of addiction, and helps to raise healthier children. It is also a great time to share the events of the day, discuss news and ideas and just be together and enjoy each other's company.
              [3]During dinner time parents have better opportunity to show that the prior to their children. Sitting at the same table and sharing meals is where and when parents can find out more about their children's school performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life. When parents have all this information they can better direct their kids toward positive things in life. They also have better chance to reduce the possibility that children will get involved with alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.
              [4]However, family researchers say that the benefits of family dinner by no means can be considered as automatic. Parents can sit down to dinner with their kids every day and achieve nothing. _________ if there is too much arguing going on, if there is no meaningful conversation or, what is even worse, if there is just plain silence during gathering.
              小题1:What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)
              小题2:What is the author’s attitude to family dinner?(no more than 2 words)
              小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 8 words)
              小题4:What information can parents probably get about their children at family dinner? (no more than 12 words)
              小题5:What does the word underlined in Para. 3 refer to.(No more than 2 words)?
            • 2.
              Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
              In a society such as the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious and cultural differences, people highly value individualism—the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work on their own and find answers themselves. There is often a discussion in the classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.
              In most Asian societies, by contrast, people have the same language, history and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in these Asian countries reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments.
              There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of education. For example, one advantage of the system in Japan is that students there learn much more maths and science than American students learn by the end of high school. They also study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The system is difficult, but it prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, but many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information they have memorized.
              The advantage of educational system in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values creative ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven’t memorized as much basic rules as students in other countries have.
              Title: A comparison of two different educational systems
              Features of education
              72 __________
              The United States
              and Canada
              ● 73__________
              ●emphasizing qualit-
              -ies making each student special
              ●learning to 74 ________
              ●preparing them for a society valuing creative ideas
              75 ________
              Asian countries
              such as China, 76__________
              ● 77__________
              in group goals and purposes
              ●learning much more 78______ than American  students do
              ●studying more hours each day and more days each year
              ●preparing students for a society valuing 79________
              forgetting much of
            • 3.
              The fourth of July marks the anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence from Britain. During the summer of 1776, American colonists were deeply divided. Almost one in three was loyal to Britain. Yet most were increasingly angry about what they considered unfair treatment by the British government. By June, fighting had already taken place between colonial forces and Britain. The idea of independence was spreading.
              Delegates (代表) from the thirteen colonies gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress decided that a document declaring separation from Britain should be declared. Thomas Jefferson led a committee chosen to write it.
              On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence. It says that people have the right to change their government if it denies them their rights. It states that everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit (追求) of happiness.
              Today, the Fourth of July holiday is a time for friends and families to gather. They might play sports and eat hot dogs, hamburgers and other foods cooked outdoors. They might watch a parade in their community. At night, many people gather to watch fireworks bursting in the dark sky.
              In Washington, D. C. this year (2011), thousands of people attended a concert with performances by musicians. There was also a huge fireworks show with more than two thousand five hundred shells exploding over the National Mall.
              Another event that traditionally took place on the National Mall was the Smithsonian Folk life Festival. This year’s event celebrated the cultures of Mexico and Asian Pacific Americans. Visitors heard the music, eat the food and learn about the many traditions of these cultures.
              The third subject of the festival was called “Smithsonian Inside Out”. Smithsonian experts had a chance to present their research and knowledge to the public.
              小题1:Why was the idea of independence spreading before July 4, 1776? (No more than 10 words)
              小题2:What right does everyone have according to the Declaration of Independence? (No more than 13 rds)
              小题3:What does the Fourth of July holiday mean to Americans today? (No more than 10 words)
              小题4:What happened at “Smithsonian Inside Out” this year (in 2011)? (No more than 12 words)
