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            • 1.

              Heroin addiction today is found chiefly among young people in ghetto(贫民窟) areas. Of the more than 60,000 known addicts, more than half live in New York State. Most of these live in New York City. Recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are less than 30 years of age.

              Narcotic(麻醉剂) addiction in the United States is not limited to heroin users. Some middle-aged and older persons who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted. So do some people who can get drugs easily, such as doctors, nurses and druggists. Studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users.

              Many addicts admit that getting a continued supply is the main objective of their lives. His concentration on getting drugs often prevents the addict from continuing his education or his job. His health is often poor. He may be sick one day from effects of withdrawal and next day from an overdose. Statistics show that his life span may be shortened by 15 to 20 years. He is usually in trouble with his family and almost always in trouble with the law.

              Some studies suggest that many of the known narcotic addicts had some trouble with the law before they became addicted. Once addicted, they may even become more involved with crime because it costs so much to support the heroin habit.

               Most authorities agree that the addict’s involvement with crime is not a direct effect of the drug itself. Turning to crime is usually the only way he has of getting that much money. His crimes are always thefts or other crimes against property.

              Federal penalties for illegal usage were established under the Harrison Act of 1914. The Act provides that illegal possession of narcotics is punished by fines and/or imprisonment. Sentences can range from 2 to 10 years for further offences.

              Illegal sale of narcotics can mean a fine of $20,000 and a sentence from 20 to 40 years for later offences. A person who sells narcotics to someone under 18 is refused parole(假释) and probation(缓刑), even for the first offence. If the drug is heroin, he can be sentenced to life imprisonment or to death.

            • 2. No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.
              In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people:as we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have falling eyesight.
              Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents.Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people’s attitude towards them.
              Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or to visit friends,imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or onto buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.
            • 3.

              Tea and coffee are two of the most widely consumed drinks in the United States. With popularity and interest in tea continuing to grow in recent years, many consumers have recently considered making the switch from coffee to tea, if they have not done so already. All the buzz surrounding tea and coffee may have you wondering, what are the differences? As it turns out, the differences are many and varied.

              In the US, interest in tea ranges from coast to coast with the highest in Hawaii and California but stretching to the eastern states of Vermont and New York. On the other hand, the highest interest in coffee tends to be concentrated more in the north and western regions(地区), with the highest search volumes appearing in the states of Hawaii, Washington and Minnesota.

              Differences between tea and coffee also vary in origin and production. All tea comes from the harvested leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, while there are about 60 different species of coffee

              plants. Production of tea is quicker and more efficient: Camellia sinensis plants only need to grow for three years before they are ready to process; coffee plants take up to five years.

              Perhaps the most concerning issue consumers have when considering making the switch to tea is the question of caffeine. The good news is, when it comes to tea and caffeine, there is something for everyone. Unlike coffee, which typically only comes in decaffeinated and regular, there are several varieties of tea available, based on caffeine preference.

              From herbal teas that are naturally free of caffeine, to high quality green and black teas that offer less than half the caffeine of coffee, to high caffeine teas such as our specially formulated HiCAF® blends that contain slightly more caffeine than a cup of coffee, there is a variety sure to suit your needs. As an added bonus, the lower acidity levels in tea tend to be gentler on the stomach for a more comforting pick-me-up.

              So what is the answer, coffee or tea? If you are looking for the most healthful benefit possible, tea is probably the winner. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If, like many Americans, the rising popularity in tea has your interest piqued, the images below will help to clearly spell out the differences between tea and coffee.

            • 4. You may never think a documentary film could have aroused so much public enthusiasm in Chinese history. Nowadays everybody is talking about a new 7-part documentary called A Bite of China which was recently broadcast late at night on CCTV I. The documentary describes various gourmet items across the vast Chinese culinary landscape.
              According to Taobao, China’s biggest online retail website, just five days after the series began to air, nearly 6 million people went to the site in search of various local specialties, particularly those mentioned in the documentary. More than 7.2 million deals were concluded. A ham producer from Yunnan Province saw his sales grow 17-fold in five days.
              However, one can’t help but believe that the documentary’s popularity is probably linked to the endless stream of terrible food security issues that have emerged in recent years. In one well-received article, a netizen wrote, “I wonder how many felt so empty-hearted and sighed after watching the film. Blue-vitriol watered chive, formaldehyde sprayed cabbage, Sudan Red colored salty eggs, restaurants using gutter oil. The list is long…”
              How will a varied and ancient food culture that is famous worldwide and which should have made the Chinese proud end? Food is the most vital thing in people’s lives. Yet China’s food industry has made people a little worried due to some severe food safety crisis. The market is huge while the cost of faking and cheating is so low for immoral businessmen; and the punishment is too light. Take the milk industry as an example. Although Sanlu, the company that sold the melamine-adulterated milk powder, was punished, thousands of other dairies didn’t work hard to improve the quality. Therefore, food safety problems should be an important concern of Chinese government so that our ancient food culture can be preserved.
              As the documentary shows, people are attracted not to gourmet items like matsutake, a species of rare mushroom grown naturally in remote forests, but to common Chinese dishes like barley, lotus root or tofu. They are what meet our basic needs. This explains why people are so excited about A Bite of China---it is a reminder that there is still a world out there where food is excellent and safe.
            • 5.

              To have a second child or not, this is a question.

              A concern about only one child is whether one child necessarily means a lonely child. Many parents of only child feel guilty of their decision to have only one child. There are no other children in the family for the child to associate with, which may lead to the child feeling lonely at times.

              Another common argument against having just one child may be more spoiled than one with siblings. Many people believe that a single child will not have learned to negotiate with others, and respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships. Some think this may leave the child less capable of interacting well with people his or her own age.

              Despite these arguments, the number of parents choosing to have only one child is increasing in the world. For some single-child parents, the pressures of devoting time and energy to a second child can result in them selecting to have no more children. For other parents, the financial burden of having a second child may be the major consideration. Another important consideration is the increasing age at which women give birth to children.

              Advocates of single-child families argue that there are advantages for the child as well as the parents. With just one child, the parents can give, and the child can receive, more quality time and attention.

              However, there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not to have a second child. The circumstances affecting each set of parents are unique. The important thing, in the end, is to make a decision that both the wife and the husband feel confident.

            • 6.

              If asked if space exploration should continue, most Americans would give an immediate response either in favor of continuing or in favor of ending space exploration. A common response would be that space exploration is a waste of money. An average American, uneducated on the subject, might believe that the government is wasting billions of dollars on the research that has no value. Someone strange to the subject might say that a space shuttle goes up once in a while and that is about all that happens. Research is ongoing and continues when there are no shuttles being launched. This also costs the government money. Does the extreme cost of space exploration make sense?

                One argument is that the government is wasting money on the research not being used on Earth. Actually, the money goes to workers and scientists that support National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASN) missions, and goes to major companies that play important roles in major sectors of the US economy. Boeing is a partner of NASA for aircraft, the same company that makes commercial aircraft for the airline industry.

              Another benefit to continuing space exploration is the many technologies it provides. The artificial (人造的) heart resulted from experiments on the space shuttle. The handheld Jaws of Life used to save victims from car accidents resulted from the system used to separate the space shuttle from its booster rockets. Insulation (隔热板) in homes that keeps them warm and energy efficient is based on the technology used to insulate the space shuttle.

                There are direct benefits to the economy provided by NASA missions as well as those technologies. These advances are found in food, building materials, medical procedures and the vehicles we drive. While it can be proven that billions of dollars that could be used elsewhere is being spent on space exploration, the benefits it provides outweigh the terrible aspects. As a matter of fact, the money spent helps to improve the quality of our lives.

            • 7.


                  "Which college are you going to?"Many high school students are often asked this question.For some,the answer is Harvard,Stanford,Princeton or another famous university.For others,it might be a small liberal arts,college or even a community college.Whether high school students answer is a private top college or a large public university,it should be their best-fit option.

                  Admission rates to some of the country's top universities have been dropping for years now,with many admitting less than 10 percent of applicants.This makes these colleges all the more desirable to some applicants because they think being admitted to one of these highly selective colleges guarantees success.

                  The truth is that name brand doesn't make a college a good choice for you.Just ask one of the students who were admitted to all eight Ivy League colleges this year.He turned them all down to attend the University of Alabama,which best met his financial and academic needs.

                  Just like anything else in life,when something is a good fit,it works.Students that attend colleges that match their academic,social and financial needs,while still providing an academically challenging environment,are more likely to graduate on time.On the other hand,students who attend colleges that are not a good fit are more likely to struggle,feel anxiety and stress,and fail to get out in four years.In fact some of the colleges with the highest graduation rates aren't in the Ivy League.

                  It's good fit that leads to good outcomes—not the name of a school.Just look at some of the colleges with the highest starting salaries.Colleges like Montana Tech and Oregon Health and Science University are among the top 10 colleges with the highest early-career salaries with Stanford and the Ivy Leagues barely making the top 25.

                  No single college is going to be a great fit for every student,and this especially applies to the Ivy Leagues and other well-known colleges.That a college just has a famous name doesn't mean it's going to guarantee success in college or your career.

            • 8.

              Madrid, capital of Spain, is a city with large numbers of historic sites resting in the shadows of modern skyscrapers.

              This city of over 3, 23 million people, up from 2,88 million in 2000, is proud of Western Europe’s royal palace, considered by many to be Madrid’s most beautiful building. Inside the Royal Palace 2,800 rooms are decorated with museum-quality furniture and artwork.

              The internationally loved Prado Museum is the largest and most impressive art gallery in Spain. Opened in 1819, it is filled with works of art that include the world’s most comprehensive collection of Spanish paintings.

              Spain is famous for its delicious ham, and there’s no better place to try it than at Museo del Jamón, which has five branches around the city. Hanging from the ceiling of each branch are dozens of hams of different types and flavors. Taste them in the bar.

              Madrid had some of Europe’s best shopping. For 500 years, shoppers have gathered to a large outdoor flea market (跳蚤市场) known as the Rastro, where they find everything from antiques (古董) to CDs.

              Get a great view of the city from Teleferico de Madrid. This cable car (缆车) takes you on a 2.5kilometer trip 40 meters above the Manzanares River and Casa de Campo park. For a refreshing choice, relax beside the swimming pool on the roof of the Emperador Hotel. Enjoy delicious desserts and drinks while viewing the city, or take a dip in the cool water.

              No trip to Madrid is complete without seeing a performance of Spain’s famous art form, flamenco. Every day, flamenco performers sing, dance or play the guitar in small cafes and grand theaters alike.

            • 9.

              What do you think of British people and American people? You might think that there are no differences between the people in the two countries. After all they speak the same language, don't they? But if you ask a British or an American person, the differences are quite great.

              What do British people think Americans are like? The British think Americans are very strange. They make a lot of noise and they laugh too loudly. They are rich, and they only think about money. But the British do say that Americans are kind, friendly people. They are happy to help you if you are in trouble.

              What do Americans think of the British? Well, they think the British are cold and very unfriendly. They are not interested in success or in making lots of money. They think Britain is the best country in the world. They look down upon other countries. But Americans say that the British are quite good workers. They are brave and honest. And in time of trouble they face difficulties happily.

              You can see that these ideas can cause misunderstanding between the British and Americans. But when American and British people become friends, they usually find things are not as bad as they expected.


            • 10.

                   America continues to lead the world as a destination(目的地) for international students. Last year about 900,000 foreign students were studying in the United States, about half of them from Asia. But a growing number of Asian students are turning to an English-speaking country much closer to home—the Philippines(菲律宾).

                   The island nation of 100 million is quickly becoming the education center of Asia. The country’s low prices, open culture, and quality schools are attracting more foreign students, among which Koreans are leading the way.

                   ​“There are more and more Koreans that are studying English in the Philippines. In 2004, there were about 5,700. The following year, it tripled to about 17,000. In 2012 it was about 24,000. So we’re seeing an increasing number of Koreans.

                   The Philippines is in a unique position. Early Americans brought the English language here in the early twentieth century. Although it is not the native language of most Filipinos, English is an official language here. More than 60 years after independence, Filipinos still speak English with a strong American accent.

                   Low prices and its location in Asia help the Philippines to attract Asian students. The capital, Manila, has cheap non-stop flights to Tokyo, Seoul, and other Asian capitals. The rising U.S. dollar has made American education more expensive than ever before.

                   There are hundreds of private and public schools in the Philippines that teach English or teach in English. More advanced students can take regular university academic courses in English. Others study at beachside resorts(度假胜地), where they mix language study with vacation. Some Korean families even move to the Philippines so their children can learn English in public schools.

