优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1)I am just ________(好奇)about what would be the end of the story.

              (2)We don't know why he ________(行为举止)like that at the party.

              (3)As a famous saying goes,a friend in ________(需要)is a friend indeed.

              (4)In our school there are ninety foreigners,________(其中包括)fifteen Americans.

              (5)________(担心)about the time available,he has made a list of the sites he will visit.

            • 2.


            • 3. Because he studied hard, gradually he can speak English f________.
            • 4.


              I can well remember that there was a time _________ a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

            • 5.

              (1)With the price _____________ (go) up so fast, we can’t afford the luxury furniture.

              (2)Tom, Chairman of the Students’ Union, _____________ (consider) one of the most helpful students in our school.

              (3)I’m sorry, Sir. I was lost in the _____________ (extreme) exciting story by Mark Twain so that I missed your question.

              (4)I’d appreciate _____________ if you could give me a chance to work with you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

              (5) I together with my parents and neighbors, _____________ (walk) the dogs when the lorry crashed into the tree, taking the traffic light for granted.

              (6) It doesn’t make much of a difference _____________ it rains or shines. We are going to have an evening party as planned.

              (7)Although it was pouring down cats and dogs, I hurried to the bus station out of breath, only to be told that he _____________ (leave).

              (8) _____________ (thank) to your help in time, my grandpa is feeling better now. Otherwise, I dare say, he would have had a close encounter with death.

              (9)I will never forget the years _____________ I worked with the farmers in the countryside, which has a profound effect on my career as a writer now.

              (10)Every one of us should do whatever we can to stop our environment going from bad to _____________ (bad). Only in this way can we have a better life in the future.

            • 6.

              get away with,  according to,  set off,  in debt, account for,  to be honest,  bring up

              (1) After a heated discussion, we decided to go out for a travel. We ______________ early the next morning. (2) His business failed, and he is heavily_______________ now. (3) If I cheat in the examination, do you think I might_______________ it? (4) His grandmother _____________him __________in the countryside last year. (5) Unhealthy diet _________________ your weakness. Instead of meat and fat, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. (6) _____________ a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in

                the last 500 years.

              (7) ______________, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.
            • 7.

              (1).For the past three years, he ______________ (雇佣) as a firefighter.

              (2).An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and ___________ (惊慌)       among the population.

              (3).There was only a ____________ (狭窄的) gap between the bed and the wall.

              (4). _________ (不像) his little brother, he was brave when in danger.

              (5).The number of the students in the area has been__________ (减少).

              (6).There was a nice little present for everyone, with a suitable poem a___________ to it.

              (7). The jacket was too big for him so he r_________ up the sleeves.

              (8).Soon a team of 200 v____________ arrived in the area to help the wounded, homeless in the earthquake without any pay.

              (9).The school is within walking d___________ of my house.

              (10). Youˈre quite free now, I think. On the c_____________, I have tons of things to do!

            • 8.


              He was o          ___________ the project and had no time for exercise.


              __________ __________ ___________ I went to see the movie Beauty and the Beast.


              He was __________ ___________ the danger of the task, but he still obeyed the order.


              Nobody likes to be ___________ ____________ ___________.


              The people on the island __________ __________ many old customs and traditions.


              As far as ___________ __________ ____________, voluntary work is very beneficial.


              She recognized the young man, __________ was ___________ __________ the position as a manager.


              __________ suddenly ___________ to me that she was lying.

            • 9.


              This lecture ______ ___________ _______our English learning.

            • 10.

              (1)利夫依照比阿尼指点的方向航行, 到了据认为是现在的加拿大海岸。

              Leif followed Biarni's directions and sailed to _______ _______  _______ _____ the coast of present -day Canada .


              they are animals ________ ________ __________and they can communicate .


              He's not good at _______ his ideas ___________


              _____  ________ _______ the group guide , all teams have cooks and porters .


              we don’t have to careful not to make ____  _____ noise and worried about the landlord ____ angry.


              I _____that the ______ objects went down more quickly than the smaller, light _____


              But he was blown off the course and found himself in an unknown land , ______ _______he eventually reached Greenland

