优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                 I was a reporter of an evening paper in London. One day I was asked to write a few articles on  (  (1)  ) in London. It was then that all my   (2)  started.

                 I decided that the best way of   (3)   facts for my articles was that I would become a beggar myself for just one day. When I was an (  (4)  ), of course, I had learned all the   (5)  ) of makeup and I now made good use of them. I (  (6)  ) my face and fixed my upper lip in an ugly twist. Red hair and worn clothes were the only things (  (7)  ). Then I placed myself in one of the busiest streets,   (8)  to be a beggar.

                 At home that night I was   (9)  to find that I had received more than a pound. Well, you can imagine how  (10)   it was to settle down to work on the newspaper at two pounds a week,   (11)  ) I knew that I could earn as   (12)  as that in a single day! I stuck to my new post, though my   (13)  ). was hurt. My experience of makeup   (14)  me a great deal and my clever answers soon made me almost a (  (15)  ) character. I had unusual advantages. All day and every day, the money  (16)   into my cap. I usually received   (17)   two pounds in a day. Eventually, I was (  (18)  ) to make a large house in the country, and later to marry. Nobody had any (  (19)   where my money really came from and my wife just "knew I had business in London—that was (20).

            • 2.

              A rich man asked a wise old man how to make his son give up his bad habits. The old man took the boy  (1)  awalk through a garden. He stopped suddenly, and   (2)    the boy to pull up a small plant growing there. The boy pulled it up   (3)    . The old man then asked him to pull up a little bigger plant. The boy pulled hard, and the plant   (4)  .

                 “Now pull up that one,” said the old man,   (5)  abush. The boy did his best, and pulled it up  (6)  .

                 “Now take this one out,” said the old man, pointing to a big tree. The boy put his  (7)  around the tree and tried to pull it up. But he  (8)   . He couldn’t pull it this time.

                 “It’s impossible,” said the boy. He was tired.

                 “It’s  (9)  as your bad habits,” said the old man. “When they’re young, it’s easy to pull them up,  (10)  when they grow up you can’t uproot (根除) them so easily.”

                 These words changed the boy’s life.

            • 3.

               This morning, there was a young man from a mental illness house nearby coming to our campus. I saw him   (1)   at the soda vending machine (自动售货机), looking for   (2)   in his pockets. It appeared he didn't have enough _  (3)  _ for soda at $1.5. I asked him how much he _  (4)  and he replied, "Just 2 quarters". I reached into my pocket and __  (5)  ___, I had 2 lonely little quarters in my pocket. I gave the money to him and he was very happy and gave me the biggest __  (6)  __. I took him back to my office and gave him something to eat.

                 I've been __  (7)  _ coins for several years in a can at the office. I'm sure there was a (n) __  (8)  __ amount of change in it. I __  (9)  __ him the can and told him to change the coins into paper money, I told him to make sure he __  (10)  __ my can because it was meaningful to me. After a while, he brought the can back to me and _  (11)  _ me $30 and some change. This was the contents of the __  (12)  __. He didn't understand that the money was __  (13)  _ him and thought I just wanted him to _  (14)  _.

                 We had a nice __  (15)  __ about animals, science, food etc. Then I handed him the $30 and change. I told him that I wanted him to ____  (16)  __ the money. He asked me ___  (17)  __ I was doing this for him. I replied, "You have a need and I'm ___  (18)  _ that I can help."

                 Isn't it __  (19)  ___ what "just 2 quarters" can do? It made this young man happy, made me cry happy tears, and let him know that people ___  (20)  __ him.

            • 4.

              Being a working mom is not at all an easy job. But when I look back at my decision to be a working mom, I realize that I didn’t think I had any other choice. Hubby and I had been a two-income family  (1)  the time we were married. It didn’t occur to me that we would be anything else though it’s obvious that the choice has its  (2)  .

              Hubby traveled a lot when our kids were young, and I often was a weekday single mom. I had an understanding boss,who allowed me to work a(n)  (3)  schedule for about 12 years. My 32-hour work week provided the chance to  (4)  in my kids’ kindergarten classrooms.

              The woman who cared for the kids in our  (5)  was truly a gift from God. Nan   (6)  values and parenting styles with me.

              Never underestimate (低估) the value of  (7)  . When Dad was away, the kids knew the drill. Though sports activities and piano lessons  (8)  interrupted our schedules, generally we got up, fed and out without much commotion (混乱) and back in, fed and  (9)  with a little time left over for a game or a favorite TV show. Mom got a few minutes of  (10)  before crashing herself (睡觉).

              Looking back on the past, I realize we could have made other  (11)  . We could have been vegetable gardeners. Lots of families  (12)   on one income. But I think we would have lost something just as important as my  (13)  .

              My work at the News Sentinel has been  (14)  and exciting. I’ve worked with people I never would have met had I been at home. I’ve spent my career  (15)   sentences and stories and learning and passing along information about our community. My coworkers are my Tennessee family.

              My work has been  (16)  to me in important ways, and I think it has made me a more interesting and satisfied  (17)   and parent. And our family has learned to  (18)  the time we do have together.

                (19)  , if I had to do it over again, I wouldn’t change my decision to be a working mom. And I wouldn’t change a single thing about the kids who  (20)   it.

            • 5.

              For the last few years of college I worked as a barista (咖啡师) in a café。As my college career came to a   (1)  , there was a lot of pressure from family and friends to find a   (2)  in line with my degree。 I searched for months and   (3)   for many different positions, but I  (4)  that I was truly enthusiastic about becoming an expert barista。

                 I decided to   (5)  to applying for other barista positions with more opportunities for   (6)  。 There was a four-month period in which I was working two jobs to make ends meet。 Three months in, I was  (7)  at both jobs。One café was focused on coffee, while the other was a yogurt shop that   (8)  coffee as well。 When I got the two promotions, I had to make a choice。 I couldn't   (9)  both jobs full time with greater responsibilities。The yogurt shop offered me a salaried position,  (10)  the coffee shop offered me a lower hourly wage。 The security of a salaried position was very appealing。 However, I was not  (11)  about the yogurt and coffee wouldn't have been my main focus if I'd taken the promotion in the yogurt shop。  (12)  my resignation letter at the yogurt shop and went to work at the coffee shop full time   (13)  the assistant manager。

                 I am a firm believer in   (14)  what you love, but I wasn't very confident that I had made the right decision。 Four months later, I was promoted to a (n)  (15)  manager of the coffee shop。 Not only was I given a pay raise and a   (16)  , but I was also given many opportunities to learn and grow   (17)  。 Although I am young, the   (18)  , learning experiences and opportunities this position has given me have made me   (19)  look forward to all that I can   (20)   in the future。

            • 6.

                Many years ago,there lived a very  21   man who wanted to do something for the people of his own town.But first he wanted to find out if they deserved(值得)his help.So he put a very large stone in the  22   of the main road.Then he stood behind a tree, waiting and  23  . Soon an old man came along with his cow.

                “Who put this stone in the center of the road?” said the old man, but the did not try to   24 the stone away. Instead, with some difficulty the passed around the stone and continued on his way . Another man came along and did the  25  thing;then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road, but  26  tried to move it. Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “It will be very  27  at night.Some people will come along later in the dark and will fall  28  the stone and get hurt.”

                The young man then began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled and tired everything he could to move it out of the road. But to his  29  , under the stone he found a bag full of  30  and this message, “This money is for the person who moves this stone from the road. That person deserves help.”

            • 7.

              A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher parent meeting. To the little boy’s   (1)  , she said she would go. This   (2)  be the first time that his classmates and teacher    (3)   his mother and he felt   (4)   of her appearance(外貌). Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe(明显的)scar(疤痕) that   (5)   nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to   (6)   why or how she got the scar.

                     At the meeting, the people were   (7)   by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother   (8)    she had the scar. But the little boy was still embarrassed(尴尬的) and   (9)   himself from everyone. He did, however, get within   (10)   of a talk between his mother and his teacher.

                  The teacher asked   (11)   , “How did you get the scar on your face ? ’’

                     The mother answered, “  (12)  my son was a baby in a room that caught fire, everyone was  (13)  afraid to go in because the fire was   (14)   . But I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked   (15)   but luckily, a fireman came in and saved both of us. ’’ She   (16)   the burned side of her face. “This scar will be   (17)   , but to this day, I have never   (18)   what I did. ’’

                  At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He hung her in his arms and felt the   (19)   of the sacrifice(牺牲) that his mother had made of him. He held her hand   (20)   for the rest of the day.

            • 8.

              A few months ago, I was picking up the children at school. Emily, another mother that I knew well, rushed up to me. She was full of __  (1)  __.

              “Do you know __42__ you and I are?” she asked. __  (2)  __ I could answer, she gave out the reason for her question. She had just returned from renewing her  driver’s permit at a government office. The woman __  (3)  __ desk asked her what her “occupation” was. Emily hesitated, __  (4)  __ how to answer it. “What I mean is,” explained the woman, “do you have a job, or are you just a ...?” “Of course I have a job,” answered Emily. “I’m a (a n) __46__.” “We don’t __  (5)  __ ‘mother’ as an occupation ----‘housewife’ covers it,” she said.

              I forgot all about her story __  (6)  __ one day I found myself in the same situation. This time it was at our own Town Hall. The clerk was a woman.

              “And what is your occupation?” she asked. What __49__ me say it, I do not know. The words simply jumped out. “I’m ... a (an) ___  (7)  ___ in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”

              The clerk stopped, her ball-point pen ___  (8)  __ in mid-air. She looked up __  (9)  __ she had not heard right. I repeated the title(头衔) slowly.

              “Might I ask,” said the clerk with new interest, “just what you do in your ___  (10)  __?” Coolly, I heard myself ___  (11)  __  , “I have a continuing program of research in the laboratory and in the field I’m working for my masters (the whole family) and already have __  (12)  __  credits (令人增光的人或事物) (all daughters). I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). The job is more challenging than most jobs and the __  (13)  __ are in satisfaction rather than just money.”

              There was increasing __  (14)  __ in the clerk’s voice as she __  (15)  __ in the form. As I drove into our driveway(私家车道), I was __  (16)  __ by my lab assistants — ages 13   , 7, and 3   Inside the house I could hear our new experimental model (six months) in the child-development program.

              I felt successful. Motherhood...what a great __  (17)  __.

            • 9.

              Charlie Bucket is a kind-hearted boy from a poor family. Every night, the   41  thing Charlie sees from his window is the great factory, and he  42 asleep dreaming about what might be inside.

                 One day Willy Wonka, the factory’s host, makes a great   43  . He will open his famous factory and   44  “all of its secrets and magic” to five lucky children who find golden tickets   45  inside five Wonka chocolate bars.

                 Nothing would make Charlie’s family   46  than to see him win, but the possibility is very much   47  him as they can only afford to buy one chocolate bar a year for his birthday. But then, something   48  happens. Charlie finds some money in a snowy street and takes it to the nearest   49  . There, under the wrapper of the chocolate is a flash of gold. It’s the last   50  . Charlie is going to the factory!

                 Once inside, Charlie is   51  by everything he sees. Willy Wonka, a very nice but the most   52  host, is almost as interesting as his fanciful invention. He thinks about almost nothing but candy. It’s been said that Wonka hasn’t been outside the factory for years.

                 Meanwhile, the other children prove to be very   53  . One by one, their greedy, spoiled, mean-spirited personalities   54  them to all kinds of trouble that force them off the tour   55   it’s even finished.

                 When only little Charlie Bucket is left, Willy Wonka shows him the final   56  : the keys to the factory itself. Long isolated from his own family, Wonka   57  it is time to find an heir (继承人) to his candy factory, someone he can trust to   58   with his life’s work and so he made this contest to select that   59  child.

                 What he never expects is that his act of generosity (慷慨) might bring him an even more valuable gift   60   .

            • 10.

              We took our kids for dinner at Pizza Express. There was a veryfriendly old lady   41  alone at the next table who clearly had special   42 . When the time came for her to   43  the bill, her bank card could not be used. The   44  told her, in a very   45  way, that there was a problem and that she would call her manager for   46 . Jeremy, my husband,   47  got up and told the waiting staff that we would pay for the old lady’s meal.   48 , when the manager arrived, he explained to the old lady that she couldn’t use her bank card to pay, but that there was no need to   49 .

              Pizza Express allows the restaurant to   50  two meals per month. On this occasion, they would like to provide her with a free meal. The old lady said she was very   51  for being unable to pay. We were relieved (放心的) that she had been   52  in such a great way and that she was not placed in a   53  position.

              Then, the manager walked to our   54 . He gently said that,   55  wehad shown such generosity (慷慨), he would like to give the secondfree meal to us. We were absolutely   56 ! I’ve never heard of any   57  behaving in such a generous way. We really felt grateful to the manager. I   58  that the old lady was able to get home OK; then we   59  the staff and left ourselves. I was really   60  by how they had treated the old lady.

