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            • 1.
              Thanks to the development of the Internet, you can now work from home, and make more money. If you are trying to find out how you can make money using social media(社会媒体),hopefully this article will help you, get a clear idea of how you can manage your business more successfully. Sell your products on Instagram Instagram is an online social platform where people share their pictures and post words about them. 1 You could actually use Instagram to create your online store. Take photos of the products that you are selling and post them on Instagram. 2 Use social media to communicate 3 Face-to-face communication is probably the best. However, when you are trying to keep in touch with someone on the other side of the world, it can be very difficult. You could use LinkedIn to communicate through social media, as this site is probably the best place to find business opportunities online, and know of people who may be interested in working with you. Sponsor(发起) products and services This may be the most common way to make money using social media. 4 Now, if the post on your website is popular, companies could be interested in buying the rights to make their products be known through your website. Manage social media Many companies recently have opened their own accounts (账号)on social media. 5 If you see yourself doing that for a living, you won?t have a problem finding a social media manager job. A. Connections mean opportunities. B. But it can be made much more useful. C. And they often need someone who would manage them. D. Skype or other media offers face-to-face communication. E. However, you need to make sure that your products are popular. F. You may get bored of it after a while, but it will bring some extra money to you. G. Basically, all you need is a website or a blog and a good number of followers.
              (1) 1. 
              A. Connections mean opportunities. 
              B. But it can be made much more useful. 
              C. And they often need someone who would manage them. 
              D. Skype or other media offers face-to-face communication. 
              E. However, you need to make sure that your products are popular. 
              F. You may get bored of it after a while, but it will bring some extra money to you. 
              G. Basically, all you need is a website or a blog and a good number of followers. 
              (2) 2. 
              A. Connections mean opportunities. 
              B. But it can be made much more useful. 
              C. And they often need someone who would manage them. 
              D. Skype or other media offers face-to-face communication. 
              E. However, you need to make sure that your products are popular. 
              F. You may get bored of it after a while, but it will bring some extra money to you. 
              G. Basically, all you need is a website or a blog and a good number of followers. 
              (3) 3. 
              A. Connections mean opportunities. 
              B. But it can be made much more useful. 
              C. And they often need someone who would manage them. 
              D. Skype or other media offers face-to-face communication. 
              E. However, you need to make sure that your products are popular. 
              F. You may get bored of it after a while, but it will bring some extra money to you. 
              G. Basically, all you need is a website or a blog and a good number of followers. 
              (4) 4. 
              A. Connections mean opportunities. 
              B. But it can be made much more useful. 
              C. And they often need someone who would manage them. 
              D. Skype or other media offers face-to-face communication. 
              E. However, you need to make sure that your products are popular. 
              F. You may get bored of it after a while, but it will bring some extra money to you. 
              G. Basically, all you need is a website or a blog and a good number of followers. 
              (5) 5. 
              A. Connections mean opportunities. 
              B. But it can be made much more useful. 
              C. And they often need someone who would manage them. 
              D. Skype or other media offers face-to-face communication. 
              E. However, you need to make sure that your products are popular. 
              F. You may get bored of it after a while, but it will bring some extra money to you. 
              G. Basically, all you need is a website or a blog and a good number of followers. 
            • 2.

              — Who does the cooking in your home?

                —    ___of us gets home first starts the cooking.

            • 3.

              ——Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 

                —— Yes. I have never been to __________ one before.

              A.a more excited
              B.a more exciting
              C.the most excited
              D.the most exciting
            • 4.

               It even leaves the scientists in wonder _____ they should call the newly-born

              creature, which looks half-human and half-animal.

              A. that            B. why                C. what            D. how


            • 5.

              ---How much water is left in the bottle? ---_________.

              B.Only little
              C.No one
            • 6.

              — Jack, take more clothes when going camping. It ______ be very cold on the top of the mountains in the early spring. — Thank you, Mum. I will.

            • 7.


                 Sleep position is often a matter of comfort, but in some cases your sleeping position may be important to your health.

                 When Side-Sleeping (Right or Left) Is Helpful

                 ___(1)___ Back sleeping is associated with snoring because while you arc on your back. your tongue moves back into your throat. For this reason, sleeping on your side(either right or left)or on

              your stomach is recommended to prevent snoring.

                 Neck and back pain are very common problems that could be affected by sleep position. ____(2)____ Pillows or other sleep aids might be used to keep the back in a more natural position while sleeping.

                 When Sleeping On the Left Is Not Recommended

                 You may have chronic heart failure or have had a heart attack. ____(3)____ Sleeping on your right side may lower your heart rate and your blood pressure. Sleeping on your left side may have a negative effect on sympathetic nervous activity. ____(4)____

                 Important Points to Remember About Left-Sided Sleeping

                 Sleep position is often a matter of comfort, and most people change positions while sleeping and find themselves waking in a different position than the one in which they fell asleep. ____(5)____ Then you can try sleeping with a pillow behind your back to prevent you from rolling over.

              (1) ( )
              A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.
              B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.
              C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.
              D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.
              E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.
              F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.
              G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.
              (2) ( )
              A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.
              B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.
              C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.
              D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.
              E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.
              F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.
              G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.
              (3) ( )
              A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.
              B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.
              C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.
              D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.
              E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.
              F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.
              G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.
              (4) ( )
              A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.
              B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.
              C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.
              D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.
              E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.
              F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.
              G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.
              (5) ( )
              A. It includes heart rate and blood pressure.
              B. The heart is slightly to the left in your chest.
              C. Choose the sleep position that is most comfortable for you.
              D. Snoring is a common problem that can occur for many reasons.
              E. Sleeping on your right side may be recommended by your physician.
              F. You may be recommended to sleep on your left side for medical reasons.
              G. Sleeping on the side or on the back may help reduce back and neck pain.
            • 8.

               In 2014, the Nobel peace prize made news for a different reason.   (1)   But that was not all. One of the two was Malala Yousafzai. Malala was only 17 years old when she won the award. She became the youngest winner ever of a Nobel Prize in any field. What she had achieved at such a young age?

                 Malala was born in 1997, in the small Pakistani town of Mingora. Mingora is located in the scenic Swat Valley. The region was once famous among visitors. Malala's father was a school teacher by profession.   (2)   Malala attended one of the girls' schools owned by her father. It was her father who taught her the importance of schooling.

                 When the Taliban (塔利班) of Afghanistan took control of the area by force, a lot began to change. They did not approve of girls attending school. But the eleven-year-old Malala could not accept this order.   (3)   She made a speech in Peshawar to protest the order. She then began writing a blog for BBC under the name Gul Makai.

                 Her posts described their life in the valley under Taliban rule.   (4)   It was dangerous work, yet she continued to fight for her rights.

                 Soon, her real name was brought to light as the BBC blogger. She began receiving death threats for her writings.   (5)   Instead, she began to raise her voice further. For her activism, Malala was nominated(提名) for the International Children's Peace Prize in 2011.

              (1) A. She did not just give in.
              B. He ran a few schools in the area.
              C. Two persons had won the award.
              D. Her father stood firmly behind her.
              E. Yet, she refused to bow down in fear.
              F. She left school to find a job to support herself.
              G. She wrote about her strong belief in education of girls.
              (2) A. She did not just give in.
              B. He ran a few schools in the area.
              C. Two persons had won the award.
              D. Her father stood firmly behind her.
              E. Yet, she refused to bow down in fear.
              F. She left school to find a job to support herself.
              G. She wrote about her strong belief in education of girls.
              (3) A. She did not just give in.
              B. He ran a few schools in the area.
              C. Two persons had won the award.
              D. Her father stood firmly behind her.
              E. Yet, she refused to bow down in fear.
              F. She left school to find a job to support herself.
              G. She wrote about her strong belief in education of girls.
              (4) A. She did not just give in.
              B. He ran a few schools in the area.
              C. Two persons had won the award.
              D. Her father stood firmly behind her.
              E. Yet, she refused to bow down in fear.
              F. She left school to find a job to support herself.
              G. She wrote about her strong belief in education of girls.
              (5) A. She did not just give in.
              B. He ran a few schools in the area.
              C. Two persons had won the award.
              D. Her father stood firmly behind her.
              E. Yet, she refused to bow down in fear.
              F. She left school to find a job to support herself.
              G. She wrote about her strong belief in education of girls.
            • 9.

              Have you considered how good of a friend you are? Here are several simple but effective things you can do to be a better friend.

                 Identify who your real friends are

                 It sounds simple enough, but now it's a good time to reflect on who your real friends are. If you want to maintain your friendship with the guy who likes all of your status updates, go for it. ____  (1)  _ That's life. You have to identify the people you want to invest in, and those are the people who will benefit from your dedication to becoming a better friend.

                 ____  (2)  ___

                 Remember the last time a long-distance friend called to hear how you and your family was doing, but you forgot to call them back? __(3) Being responsive(回应) ,even if it's to refuse an invitation, shows your friends that they're important to you.

                 However, if being unresponsive is the kind of thing that happens regularly, your friends will start to think you're strange. __(4)___

                 Stay in touch

                 Speaking of long-distance friends, how easy is it to fall out of touch? For a lot of us, out of sight means out of mind, which sets the friendship up for failure. ___(5)___ And not staying in touch with friends who live in the same city, well, that's especially troubling.

                 You may think you're connected because you're regularly liking each other's shared pictures, but never think passive forms of communication are acceptable substitutes for face-to-face time.

              (1) A. Voice your limits
              B. Do respond to them
              C. Remember: actions-and inaction-speak louder than words.
              D. If you want to express your opinions, you need to do it bravely.
              E. If you haven't called your real friends in months, it's time to pick up the phone.
              F. If you come to the conclusion that you need to give up some friends, that's fine.
              G. Remember the last time one of your friends invited you out, but you didn't respond?
              (2) A. Voice your limits
              B. Do respond to them
              C. Remember: actions-and inaction-speak louder than words.
              D. If you want to express your opinions, you need to do it bravely.
              E. If you haven't called your real friends in months, it's time to pick up the phone.
              F. If you come to the conclusion that you need to give up some friends, that's fine.
              G. Remember the last time one of your friends invited you out, but you didn't respond?
              (3) A. Voice your limits
              B. Do respond to them
              C. Remember: actions-and inaction-speak louder than words.
              D. If you want to express your opinions, you need to do it bravely.
              E. If you haven't called your real friends in months, it's time to pick up the phone.
              F. If you come to the conclusion that you need to give up some friends, that's fine.
              G. Remember the last time one of your friends invited you out, but you didn't respond?
              (4) A. Voice your limits
              B. Do respond to them
              C. Remember: actions-and inaction-speak louder than words.
              D. If you want to express your opinions, you need to do it bravely.
              E. If you haven't called your real friends in months, it's time to pick up the phone.
              F. If you come to the conclusion that you need to give up some friends, that's fine.
              G. Remember the last time one of your friends invited you out, but you didn't respond?
              (5) A. Voice your limits
              B. Do respond to them
              C. Remember: actions-and inaction-speak louder than words.
              D. If you want to express your opinions, you need to do it bravely.
              E. If you haven't called your real friends in months, it's time to pick up the phone.
              F. If you come to the conclusion that you need to give up some friends, that's fine.
              G. Remember the last time one of your friends invited you out, but you didn't respond?
            • 10.

                Understanding the psychology of ourselves and others around us can play a huge part in our happiness. Whether it is believing we aren’t good enough because we’re told we should be at a certain point in our lives by a certain time, or it is simply misunderstanding others’ intentions or reactions to us, we need to get into a better mindset that will limit the amount of the negative things in our lives.

                 So we need to make a habit of learning some psychological lessons that are important to living an easier life. One of such lessons is realizing that people don’t care as much as you think. Being so caught up in what others think of us or acting in a way that will meet other people’s expectations is harmful to us because everyone is occupied with their own problems and insecurities. Actually, most of what we believe people are thinking is only assumptions our own minds create based on past experiences or incorrect thoughts. Be yourself without worrying what others think will go a long way towards achieving personal happiness.

                 It’s easy to think that we are the same person we were ten years ago and will be thinking and feeling the same in another ten years, but we are not. Our former, present and future selves are all independent because our mindsets change with our lives’ situations and experiences. Because of this, we should always be true to our present selves when making decisions. We can never predict what our future self will think and feel and everything that happened in the past was for our former selves.

                 Have you ever seen a friend’s problem and known what they need to do to sort it out? You give advice but it just seems to fall on deaf ears. You feel frustrated because, after all, you just want to help them. The thing is, no one ever really listens to advice unless they happen to be in the right mindset at the right time. At the end of the day, people will only change their mindsets or outlooks through their own realization and experiences. Sometimes the change may come in the form of your advice but most of the time it needs to happen for them at their own paces. Don’t feel ignored or disheartened--- you did your bit, now let them work it out.

              Application of psychological rules




                 Knowing our own and others’ psychology can make us live happily as it can prevent us  (1)   each other.

                Our past experiences and interactions with others may

                (2)   in some wrong beliefs.

                We need a better mindset to think   (3)  .







                Realize that everyone is actually so   (4)   that they don’t care about you.

                Don’t care too much about others’  (5)   about you.

                 Don’t act just to   (6)   others.


                Know that you are always  (7)  .

                  (8)   all your decisions on your present selves and make no predictions about your future.


                 Don’t expect your   (9)   to always be followed.

                Your advice is often refused unless it accidentally   (10)   the person’s present mindset.

