优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. According to the passage, what is probably the author's attitude towards time travel? ______
              A. Skeptical.
              B. Unclear.
              C. Supportive.
              D. Unconcerned.
            • 2. As I sat motionless on the steps of the pool, watching everyone else swim back and forth, I realized that I had spent most of my life watching others enjoy themselves. It was then that I (1) a little girl staring at me with a look of confusion. I smiled at her, hoping to (2) the ice by talking to her. Unfortunately, my (3) failed and she just kept on staring. My (4) increased as a little boy swam up to me and said, "I feel sorry for you."
              After the (5) , a though struck me, I had to change (6) the world viewed me. Because it was children who stared at me the most, I decided to write a children"s book that taught them about (7) in a fun way. This is when KatGirl, a super hero in a (8) who helps children that are being bullied, came into my mind.
              I quickly (9) inside my apartment and began creating the story. As I wrote each word, I could (10) my future as a world-renowned author and public speaker. My excitement (11) like wildfire. Over the next two years, the story (12) many changes before it saw the world in the spring of 2011. My perseverance (13) paid off.
              One day I was invited to speak to the students at a neighboring school. I confidently wheeled into a classroom filled with students who (14) at me just like the little girl in the pool." How do you feel when you see me?" I asked them. The kids bravely (15) , " I feel sorry for you."
              I opened my book and started reading. Immediately I noticed the children"s stares turned to (16) . " How do you feel when you see me?" I asked again. Without (17) they replied, " You are so cool! Does your (18) fly too?" I just smiled, "No, not yet, but maybe some day." I knew in my heart that this was (19) . The past two years had proven to me that with (20) anything is possible.
            • 3. One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work. (1) , I looked outside the car window, there was a small park (2) I saw a little boy running freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance. The boy would then fall to the grass, (3) , and without hesitation or without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a smile on his face, (4) nothing happened.
              When they fall down, kids don"t (5) their falling down as a failure, but (6) , they treat it as a learning experience, (7) just another result of outcome. They try and try again (8) they succeed. They haven"t associated "falling down" with the word " (9) " yet, thus they don"t know how to feel the state which accompanies failure. So they don"t (10) . Plus, they probably think to themselves that it"s perfectly okay to fall down, and that it"s not (11) to do so. In other words, they give themselves (12) to make mistakes, subconsciously.
              While I was (13) by the boy"s persistence, I was equally touched by the (14) in which he ran. With each attempt, he looked so confident…so natural. His only aim was to run freely and to do it as effectively as he could. He was just being a child - just being himself - being completely in the moment. He was not looking for approval or was not worrying about (15) someone was watching. He wasn"t (16) about being judged. He didn"t seem to be bothered by (17) that maybe someone would see him fall. No, what (18) to him was to accomplish the task or activity (19) to the best of his ability.
              I learned a lot from that (20) and experience, and have successfully brought that lesson with me in my life.
            • 4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? ______
              A. From India to Australia
              B. Living in a New Country.
              C. Turning Trash to Treasure
              D. In Search of New Friends.
              A.From India to Australia
              B.Living in a New Country.
              C.Turning Trash to Treasure
              D.In Search of New Friends.
            • 5. How is the text mainly developed? ______
              A. By providing explanations.
              B. By following time order.
              C. By making comparisons.
              D. By giving examples.
              A.By providing explanations.
              B.By following time order.
              C.By making comparisons.
              D.By giving examples.
            • 6. As I entered the emergency room, she lay there still under a white sheet. The doctor turned around and said, "we (1) your mother had a stroke(中风) affecting her entire right side." My biggest (2) was that she would have brain (3) and not know who I was. I said, "It"s Lisa" and held her left hand. That night, feeling scared and (4) , I cried for hours until I (5) fell asleep.
              The next day my mother (6) exercising her left hand, arm and leg in the bed. (7) her stroke, she had taken an exercise class; so she knew that it was important to keep (8) . Later on, with rehabilitation(康复治疗), she learned how to feed herself and talk (9) . She regained a lot of her (10) with only slight difficulty with finding the correct word or pronunciation.
              My mother didn"t allow the physical (11) to stop her. (12) her body was disabled, her will was not. One day, before I was about to (13) the nursing home, she wanted to (14) me how she could get to the dining hall. I said, "I"ll get you someone." She said (15) , "I"ll do it myself." I stepped back and gave her some (16) . She used her left arm and hand to move the wheel of her chair and her left foot to push herself forward. And I (17) proudly as she reached her intended destination. More fortunately, four months later, her right thumb could move.
              With her positive thinking, my mother (18) me to live in the moment. Her positive (19) helped me keep going and have faith. (20) loved my mother. Who wouldn"t? she was the one sitting in the wheelchair at the nursing home with a big smile on her face.

            • 7.

              Every once in a while, it is necessary to take a step back in order to take a long, hard look at where we are in our lives. At this point, it is good to ask yourself some key questions. Are you at the point in your career where you want to be? Have you so far achieved all of your goals in life? If so, then maybe it is time to make goals that improve yourself a bit more. If you have not achieved your goals in life, then perhaps you have made the mistake of setting too many goals or trying to achieve them at a fast pace.

                     It is necessary to set reasonable, intelligent goals in order to succeed in life. Do not be unrealistic because life is not a fairy tale. But you should try to recognize what you want, and to be as specific (特定的,确切的) as possible.

                     In order to sufficiently motivate(激励) you, the goal needs to be a major one. The bigger your goals are, then the more motivated you will need to be to work towards achieving them. If you want, for example, to be the greatest concert pianist in the world, then you are going to find yourself a lot more motivated than you would be if your goal were merely to play a couple of Beethoven pieces extremely well. If you are a beginner, then no doubt mastering those tough songs is a very intelligent and realistic goal. But if that is your only goal as a pianist, then you will stop growing as a pianist once that goal has been achieved. This is why it is necessary to constantly stop and renew our goals so that we are aware of what they are, and thus stay motivated.

            • 8.
              Every Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city of Orlando.There are hundreds of people across the city without any (1) or shelter.We have been doing this for several months.We wanted to see what it was like in the (2) of a homeless person.
              One special thing I like to (3) is,my family and I do not eat before we begin our (4) so we know how it feels to be (5) .All of the areas we go to are very (6) ,such as Parramore,Gore Street and downtown Orlando.We all get together in the (7) and prepare the food.Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water.Sometimes my mom (8) a steaming hot delicious meal.We then (9) them all up to feed 30or more people.I like to write special (10) on the bag like,"God loves you".
              Before my family and I get into the car,we ask God for protection in a family prayer.A lot of people (11) homeless people.Not all homeless people are drug addicts or (12) people.Some are (13) nice.Some of them just had bad things that (14) to them.
              At first,we had to earn their trust,because a lot of people are (15) to them for no good reason.But now that they see us every week they (16) us.We even know some of their names.We all have to remember that these are people that have (17)
              Some of them shake our hands for giving them food.Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy.
              After we finished feeding the homeless,it makes me (18) what I have at home.Sometimes it makes me sad,and makes my mom (19) .I love feeding the homeless,and making a(n) (20) in someone's life.

              (1) A. power B. strength C. experience D. food
              (2) A. belief B. plan C. life D. dream
              (3) A. mention B. charge C. expect D. gain
              (4) A. collection B. journey C. holiday D. investigation
              (5) A. curious B. separate C. tense D. hungry
              (6) A. dangerous B. tidy C. busy D. peaceful
              (7) A. birthday B. kitchen C. field D. restaurant
              (8) A. eats B. buys C. prepares D. serves
              (9) A. break B. give C. use D. bag
              (10) A. notes B. poems C. novels D. articles
              (11) A. arrest B. misunderstand C. save D. adopt
              (12) A. patient B. active C. bad D. careless
              (13) A. finally B. luckily C. barely D. really
              (14) A. happened B. owed C. led D. added
              (15) A. interesting B. mean C. familiar D. unusual
              (16) A. trust B. respect C. forgive D. relax
              (17) A. tasks B. goals C. feelings D. methods
              (18) A. accept B. require C. spend D. appreciate
              (19) A. fight B. cry C. complain D. argue
              (20) A. experiment B. fortunate C. difference D. report.
            • 9.
              One day a man found a cocoon(茧) of a butterfly in the forest.He sat there for several hours and watched the butterfly.Suddenly a small opening appeared,and the butterfly struggled to force its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly.
              He took a pair of scisssors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come out easily.Much to his surprise,the butterfly got a swollen body but very small,weak wings when it came out of the cocoon.
              The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would enlarge and be able to support the body.But neither happened!In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body nd small wings.It was never able to fly.
              The man was in his kindness,but he did not understand the nature rules.The struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening was God's way of forcing fluid(流体)from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
              Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life.If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties,it would make us fail.We would not be as strong as we could have been.And we could never fly.

              (1) In the first paragraph the butterfly was ______ .
              A. flying in the forest
              B. playing with the man
              C. busy making a cocoon for itself
              D. trying to get out of the cocoon
              (2) What would have happend the butterfly without the man's help? ______
              A. The butterfly would come out easily
              B. The butterfly could crawl on its wings
              C. The bitterfly would have got to prepared to fly
              D. The butterfly would never gain its freedom
              (3) What can we learn from the story? ______
              A. Warm-hearted people are always around us
              B. Struggles are necessary in our life sometimes
              C. Helping others could make oneself happy
              D. Where there is a will,there is a way
              (4) What is the best title for the story? ______
              A. The struggle for freedom B. A kind man
              C. The joy of helping a butterfly D. A lucky butterfly.
            • 10.
              When Jack was a small boy,he was once asked to give a speech about"A Big Challenge in My Life".To talk before the whole class,he was (61) ______ (terrible) shy.However,he had no other (62) ______ (choose),though.First Jack was to draft the speech,(63) ______ was a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer.But the hard part (64) ______ (lie) in his oral presentation,for it was not allowed to read the paper.
              A real trial began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs (65) ______ (tremble) and his mind blank.He took a deep breath and tried his best (66) ______ (calm) down.Surprisingly,it did work on him.(67) ______ a few seconds,he was no more nervous and finished his speech.To his surprise,he made(68) ______ !
              From then on,his fear of talking before a big audience disappeared.Actually Jack had his confidence (69) ______ (build) up.Now he turns out to be a good speaker.
              As we know,the greater difficulty we meet on our way to success,the (70) ______ likely we will be able to achieve our goals.
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (6) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (7) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (8) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (9) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
              (10) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G H. H I. I J. J
